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1. May not be abolished by statute. No Report, No Release Policy of COA
2. Expressly described as independent - May not be enforced against offices vested with
3. Powers and functions cannot be withdrawn by fiscal autonomy for whom appropriations must be
statute automatically released.
4. Chairmen and members can only be removed by
impeachment. Reappointment
5. Fairly long term of office of seven years. - Second appointment to one and same office
6. May not be reappointed or appointed in an acting - Does not prohibit promotional appointment or
capacity. upgrade from commissioner to chairman.
7. Salaries are fixed by law and may not be decreased
during continuance in office.
8. Enjoy fiscal autonomy.
9. Each commission may promulgate its own
procedural rules.
10. Chairmen and members subject to certain
disqualifications calculated to strengthen integrity
11. Commissions may appoint their own officials and
employees based on Sec. 4 of Civil Service Law.
5. No member of the ConCom can be appointed in a
temporary or acting capacity.

Rules on Appointment of Members in the Three ConCom

1. Must always be for a fixed term of seven years
2. Appointing authority cannot validly shorten the full Powers and Functions of the CSC
term of seven years. 1. Establish career service
3. Appointments to vacancies due to certain causes 2. Adopt measures to promote morale, efficiency,
such as death, resignation, disability, or integrity etc. in the civil service.
impeachment shall only be for the unexpired 3. Strengthen merit and rewards system
portion of the term. 4. Integrate all HR development programs for all levels
4. Commissioner who resigns after serving less than and ranks
seven years is eligible for appointment for the 5. Institutionalize a management climate conducive to
unexpired portion of the term of the departing public accountability.
chairman such appointment is not covered by the
ban on reappointment provided that the aggregate
period of service is not more than seven years and
the vacancy in the position of chairman is due to
death, resignation, disability, or removal by

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