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Topic: Benefits of Vitamin A Rich Diet
Objectives Topic Contents Methods of Resources Evaluation
Outline Teaching

a. defines Significance I. Vitamin A is a fat- Question and Laptop, visual Recitation

vitamin A and the of Vitamin A soluble vitamin. It Answer aids, Google
benefits of it in cannot be synthesized or Technique and Classroom
our bodies made in the body and it Lecturing with and projector
should be obtained from Powerpoint (optional)
foods. Vitamin A is presentation.
important for normal
vision, the immune
system, and
reproduction. Vitamin A
also helps the heart,
lungs, kidneys, and
other organs work
II. It stored in our liver and
adipose tissues (fats)
until required by the
body and is bound to
protein being
transported to where it
is needed.
III. Function. Vitamin A
helps form and maintain
healthy teeth, skeletal
and soft tissue, mucus
membranes, and skin. It
is also known as retinol
because it produces the
pigments in the retina of
the eye. Vitamin A
promotes good eyesight,
especially in low light.
IV. Vitamin A is essential
for many physiological
processes, including
maintaining the
integrity and function of
all surface tissues

I. Vitamin A Deficiency
b. What will Vitamin A (VAD) occurs when Lecturing with Laptop, Recitation
happen to our Deficiency one’s diet has Powerpoint Visual aids,
bodies if we are (VAD) insufficient vitamin A presentation. Google
lack in vitamin a for meeting the Classroom
recommended dietary and projector
allowance for growth (optional)
and development and
physiological functions.
II. The Geneva-based
World Health
Organization estimates
between 250,000 to
500,000 children who
become blind each year
because of a lack of
vitamin A in their
diets.  Not only that,
about half of these
children die within 12
III. Causes:
 Not eating enough
foods rich in
 Lack of fat or oil in
the diet, which helps
the body to absorb
vitamin A.
 Poor absorption or
rapid utilization of
vitamin A due to
 Missing out on
breastfeeding (breast
milk is a good
source of vitamin A.
IV. Symptoms and signs
 Nyctalopia or night
blindness (has
difficulty seeing in
the dark.)
 Bitot’s spot (foamy
soap sud-like spots
on white part of the
 Xeropthalmia or dry

c. How to avoid I. Eating food that rich in

having Vitamin A Prevention Vitamin A. Lecturing with Recitation
deficiency  Orange and yellow Powerpoint Laptop,
vegetables and fruits presentation. Visual aids,
(Carrots, Papaya, Google
tomatoes, Squash, Classroom
etc.) and projector
 Other sources of (optional)
beta-carotene such
as broccoli, spinach,
and most dark green
leafy vegetables.
2. Psychomotor
Objective: I. Show them an example Lecturing with Laptop, Presentation
a. Make a dietary Dietary Plan of dietary plan and Powerpoint Visual aids,
plan explain to them how to presentation. Google
do it. Student Classroom
II. Let my students present presentation and projector
their own dietary plan (optional)
3. Psycho-
affective Appreciation I. Discussing about our Discussion Laptop, Discussion
Objective: of the topic appreciation of benefits Google
a. Making dietary of vitamin A Classroom
weekly and projector

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