Systems of Linear Equation & Matrices (Full)

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Often the variables encountered in & problem may have to fulfil more than one 2.1 INTRODUCTION condition. In a production problem, for example, the numbers of units of various products made will be restricted by conditions such as time available and materials, When each of the conditions can be expressed in the form of a linear equation, the mathematical description of the problem becomes a system of linear equations. Procedures for finding the values of the variables that of a system simultaneously are the subject of this chapter. We will first explore operations that enable us (o transform the equations in a system to an equivalent but much simpler system, and thereby find the solution values of the variables. We will then introduce the concept of a matrix and see how the use of matrices further simplifies the solution of a system of linear equations, especially when the system involves more than two variables. ‘The number of relevant variables in a system, and the number of equations representing conditions to be fulfilled, vary widely. The requirement that all con- ditions expressed by the system be satisfied sometimes cannot be met, tn these cases. the system has no solution. In other cases, one set, or many sets, of values for the variables will satisfy all conditions. In this chapter, we shall learn (1) systematic procedures for solving systems with varying numbers of equations and variables, (2) how to determine if no solution is possible, and (3) how (o express the solution if the system is satisfied by more than one set of values. We shall consider the effect of the requirement that values in the solution set not be negative {an important condition in many applied situations) and also show how the best set ‘can be chosen when the system has more than one solution set, Two of the six tions are concerned with supply and demand analysis, atisfy all equations sections on appli ‘The graphs of linear equations in the coordinate plane are straight lines. ‘The (rst three parts of Figure 2-1 show the three intersection possibilities for such lines. If a system consists of two equations in two variables, either the corresponding line: POSSI SYSTE Intersect in a single point (Figure 2-1A), ‘Are parallel and have no point of intersection (Figure 2-18), or ‘Are coincident (are the same line) and have an unlimited number of points in common (Figure 2-1C). ‘Scanned with CamScanner n PART | LINEAR RELATIONSHIPS AND CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION FIGURE 2-1 * Fo . tersecting in a single point; (Two parallel lines; (0 fines in ‘one solution) no solutions) E Roy D. Y y 4 2 9d x 7 | a carve tines have one pmtin common (Tve ines have no pit incommons parallel: tne solution) ro solutions) to solution) f + tf-a system consists of three equations in two variables, the associated graph will show three lines. These lines: b 1. Can imerseet in a single point (Figure 21D), 2. Might have no point that lies on all of them simul and 2-1F), or 3, Might have an unlimited number of points in common and therefore look exactly like Figure 2-1C since in such a case all three lines plot as precisely the same line. taneously (Figures 2-1E mB i; ‘Scanned with CamScanner CHUPTER 2 SYSTEAS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES The same three outcome Possibilities hold when more than three lines are plotted. Hence, two or more lines Bive rise to precisely three possibilities: ly one point in common, Point in common. Alll the lines are coincident. 1. All lines have exact! 2. The lines have no 3. ‘The later case occurs, of course, when the equations in the system are_constant multiples of one another. An m:by-n system of linear equations means a system of m linear equations in n variables (i.e., m is the ni that the intersections of ourcomes—the lines have either one point in common, none in common, of an unlimited number in common. Correspondingly, the number of solutions of the associated m-by-2 lingar system must be either one, zero, or unlimited, Number of Intersections of Number of Solutions to m-by-2 ‘Two or More Lines Linear System of Equations One point in common 1 No points in common oO Lines are coincident Unlimited f linear equations has a single solution, the solution is a point mie coordinates satisfy allthe equations of the system. Specifically, if we have 42-by-2 system that has a single solution, then, as illustrated in the previous section, the values of the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate must satisfy both equations. For example, consider a system of two equations, the fist of which isthe line that passes through the points (2, 5) and (8, 3). The equation of this line, determined by methods in Chapter 1, is en: x+3y=17 where ¢, denotes that this is equation 1. Now ‘suppose that the second line passes through the points (2, 5) and (4, 2) so it has the equation 3x + 2y = 16. in Figure 2-2. Notice that the point The graphs of these two equations are shown in Fig f a5 ras used in constructing both e, and ¢,. Hence x = 2 and y = 5 satisfies both equations and is a solution of the system. (In fact, from Figure 2-2, we see that it is the only solution.) We purposely chose (2, 5) to be a solution in order to aR —— Two or more lines have either exaaty ove point in ommos, nove in common, oF on eaimited number in —— ‘Aa my? lsear system hs either one solution, no solution, or on unlimited ‘umber of solutions. ——————— 2.3 OPERATIONS ON LINEAR SYSTEMS —— A solution to a system mast Satis all equations in the ‘Scanned with CamScanner 4 FIGURE 2-2 1 soltion of system is changed if both sides of on equation ore multiplied by const — The salotion of 0 syste i+ tnchanged il on equation is replaced by 0 linear combination of equations PART | LINEAR RELATIONSHIPS AND CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION demonstrate the operations that can be performed on the equations of a system aerpout changing the solution. We wil number these operations as we proceed. sont the solution of a system is not changed if both sides of an equation are multiplied by a constant. This is s0, of course, Deealse equals times equals are still equal, For example, multiplying both sides of e: by 3 gives den Mx + 3y = 17) or Sx + 9y = ST this equation (as well as the unchanged ¢2) because d and the solution (2, 5) satis 32) + 9(5) = 6 + 45 = SI. system is not changed if an equation is replaced by a new equation that is the result of a nonzero constant times the original equation plus a nonzero constant times another equation in the system. ‘The reason for this Fe that equals added to (or subtracted from) equals are still equal, For example, starting with the original system . j ea: xtaye7 Second, the solution of a wo ‘Scanned with CamScanner CHAPTER 2. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES Now observe that ¢, is also satisfied by the solution (2, 5) because 0 + 15) = 35, so the system en xt 3y 517 @ ex 0+ Iy = 35 the same solution as the original system, Third, the solution of a system is not changed if any pair of equations is inter- changed. For example, itis obvious that interchanging ¢, and ¢, in (2) will have no effect on the solution, Inasmuch as the equations of a system are written horizontally, of them as being rows and refer to th (More will be said on row of can be summarized as: we often think to the preceding operations as row operations. perations in Section 2.16.) These three row operations Row Operations 4 1, The solution of a gystem is not changed if both sides of one of the ‘equations are multiplied by a constant. 2. The solution of a system is not changed if one of its equations is replaced by a linear combination of this and another equation in the system, where linear combination will mean a nonzero constant times the given equation _ plus a nonzero constant times another equation in the system. 4 ‘3. The solution of a system is not changed if any pair of its equations are / interchanged. ; | ‘The manner in which row operations are used to systematically find an unknown solution is presented next. ‘The discussion in the previous section suggests a method of attack when seckin solutions of a Tinear system. Specifically, we form linear combinations of pai equations in a manner such that a variable can be eliminated. For example, the 2-by-2 system (1) of the previous section en x + 3y 517 ex 3x + 2y = 16. We saw in the previous section that multiplying the first equation by second by 1, followed by subtraction, resulted in the elimination of x. words, ‘The solution of a syst hanged i equations interchanged nary of he thre sow operations systems of equations ‘Scanned with CamScanner 16 PART | LINEAR RELATIONSHIPS AND CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION Be: 3x + Oy = SI leg: 3x + 2y = 16 @ = 3e) — les 0+ Ty = 35 so that the system eg a+ 3y eT ex O+ Ty = 35 Q has the same solution as the original system of e; and e2. Now solving es, we have Ty =35 or y= 5. Rather than forming a linear combination eliminating y to obtain the required value of x, we may substitute 5 for y in e, and find that x + 35) = 17 x= 2 is the point (2, 5), confirming what we saw in so that the solution of the system the previous section's text and in Figure 2-2. = Brorcise.. Show, thatthe s aso has the same solution set (2, 3) a8 the orginal system e, and ex. = typrciso, What finear combination would eliminate y fron: ey and ex? Answer, Bey ~ Bex. Se 7 ae Example, Solve the 2-by-2 system ey: lx + y ex Sr dy = Suppose we choose to eliminate x. We i . We would i 2, and then subtract the results to get eiareeieeisae Se: 1x + ISy = 10 10x + 8y = 24 Ty = -14 ‘Scanned with CamScanner CQUPTER 2 STSTEXS OF UNEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES so that y= -2. Substituting this value into e, of e2 yields x = 4, so the solution of the system is (4, -2). The graphs of ¢, and e; along with the point of intersection (4, —2) are shown in Figure 2-3. = Brertise. Show that the system | en Set dy = 12 also has the same solution set (4, ~2) as the original system of ¢, and Hae, aes ee > Exercise. What finear combination would eliminate y from e; and-e in the preceding example? SEN | Answer: “de, — Ser. FIGURE 2-3 ‘Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE 2-4 PART | LINEAR RELATIONSHIPS AND CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION Example. Solve the 2-by-2 system e: 3r-2y=4 ex 2x-4y= 1. Suppose here we choose to eliminate y. We would multiply e, by 2, multiply e2 by 1, and then subtract the results to get 2e: 6x - 4y =8 ley: 2x - 4y = 1 ey — lez: 4x so that of the system or e2 yields y = 5/8, so the solution ion (7/4, 5/8) Substitution of this value into ¢, .d e along with the point of intersecti is (7/4, 5/8). The graphs of e, an are shown in Figure 2-4. - —— sition Scanned with CamScanner ‘GHAPTER 2. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES ~ Exercise. Find the solution ofthe following 2-by.2 system. Then ‘raph the tines and label the coordinates of the point ‘of intersection, v= jy 3 wl ye i Answer: (3, 5). As another example, suppose we add a third equation ex 16x + By = 33 to the system of the previous example, resulting in the following system of three linear equations in two variables (a 3-by-2 system) ex 3e-2y= 4 ex lx-dy= 1 es: 16x + By = 33, Superimposing the graph,of ¢, om that of e, and e2 from Figure 2-4, we get the result shown in Figure 2-5. Note that the third line ey also goes through the foint (7/4, 5/8) so that the three lines intersect in a single point. ex 2a-dy= ey NOx 4 By = 30 FIGURE 2-5 ‘Scanned with CamScanner 80 PART | LINEAR RELATIONSHIPS AND CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION ‘To verify that the three equations do intersect in a single point, we can use ination method to eliminate y as before. A simple way todo this is to eimings yy from any two of the equations and then see if this plot satisfies the remaining third equation. In this example, we already have eliminated y from e, and e, i our previous example by forming —2e, + ¢3 to get Adby-2 sytem is soled efi ‘by eliminating one voriable {rom ony poir of equations and checking the result in the third equation 7 5 qgamiyae Substituting these values in es, we have T 5 16(—) + 8(=) = 33 () + «Gy 28 + 5 = 33 . 33 = 33 which checks. Thus, indeed, the point (7/4, 5/8) is the unique solution to all three equations in the system. = igaises Find the solution ofthe following 3-by-2 system. Then ‘graph the lines and Jabel the coordinates of the point of intersection. + ar 4 3y= -3 Aaswiss 3,5) Now suppose we want to solve a system of three linear equations in three Tavs agen winked unknowns (2 3-by-3 system). We first use the elimination method to reduce the cet he um io sytem (0 a 2-by-2 system, Then we solve the latter system in the usual way 10 2by2 btain values for two of the three variables. Lastly we substitute these two values ee iimto any one of the three original equations to get the value of the third variable. Exomple, Solve the 3-by-3 system eo: let yz ex xd 2 ey We yt de We reduce this 3-by-3 system to a 2-by-2 system by eliminating x from ey and to get ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘QUPTER 2. SYSTENS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES and also from ey and ey to get es = —3e2 + ex Now we proceed as usual for this 2-by-2 system es and es to eliminate, say = by te = —3es tee 18y = —18 from which clearly Substituting ) Lastly, substituting y = — 1 and = so that the solution to the system is the point (2, —1, 1). Exercise. _ Find the solution of the 3-by-3 system » ‘ xtytad be- yt ra a-Yyrhas. ica Now the graphs of the three equations ¢), ¢2, andy of the example are planes in three dimensions. Since there is a single solution to the 3-by-3 system, these three planes must intersect in exactly one point, As is the case with systems of finear equations with two variables (m-by-2 systeitis), systems with three or more variables (m-by-n systems) can only have three outcomes: exactly one solution, no Solutions, or an unlimited number of solutions. Although it becomes tedious, we an use the elimination procedure to solve any i-by-n system of linear equations regardless of the number m of equations or the number 1 of variables. We will Soon see in this chapter that there are techniques (involving matrices) that greatly simplify solving these larger systems. So far each system of equations we have considered has given rise to a ul solution, As stated in Section 2.1, it is also possible for a linear system of equa to have zero or an unlimited number of solutions. Our next example illustrates ho the climination procedure solves a system that has no solutions. ‘Scanned with CamScanner 81 ——— A Dby-2 system with no solution results in on —>>— A.sytem with no solution is inconsistent ———— ‘A-system with a solution(s) is consistent, ——— PART LINEAR RELATIONSHIPS AND CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION Example. Solve the 2-by-2 system oe: Unt ex 32x + By = 6. ‘Suppose we choose to eliminate y. Then we get Bey; W6y + 402 = 120 =16y — 402 = ~30 90. Sex: @ = Be, —Ser 0 Thus, the original system will have the same solutions as the system ey: 2x + Sy = 15 ex 0 = 90. However, equation es is an impossibility! Zero cannot equal 90. We therefore conclude that the system has no solution. ‘The reason for this is that a solution of a system must satisfy any linear combination of the original system. If a linear combination leads to a false or impossible statement, then the system must have a built-in contradiction and can have no solution. In this case, we say that the equations Y inconsistent. On the other hand, when there exists a unique in the system are ii solution or an unlimited number of solutions, the equations in the system are called _ consistent. | The graphs of e, and ep are shown in Figure 2-6, Note that the two lines are parallel so that they will never intersect and, hence, there are no solutions common to both equations. Exercise. Prove that the following system is inconsistent. wt Bai? ¥ % + 13.Sy = 25, ‘The climination procedure will also tell us when a system of equations ha unlimited (or infinite) number of solutions. Example. Solve the 2-by-2 system en 2x + Sy = 15 es 32x + By = 24, ‘Scanned with CamScanner OMPTER 2 SISTEAS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATES eg dee Seats eg hieegyes If we eliminate y. we get ley + 402 120 The original system will then have the same solutions as the system ec 2x + Sy = 15 oe 0 = OY Now this last line is not a contradiction, since zero does indeed equal zero. In fact. since 0 = 0 is always true, the original system will have the same solutions as the equation en et Sy = 15, ‘Scanned with CamScanner 4 PART LINEAR RELATIONSHIPS AND CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION. SS The solution of a 2-by-2 system with unlimited Solutions is described with 2 ‘one variable arbitrary in ( re a ‘These solutions are precisely all the points on the line represented by e,_7, this unlimited set of points, we solve e, for y and write the solution ag tbe Pele. volue (ie, the solutions ore expressed os functions of x arbitrary. ‘one of the voriables). ‘This means that for each value of x that we arbitrarily choose, the corresponding value of y on the line ve(-f+3 gives a solution to the original 2-by-2 system e, and ¢2. r apt Spec 7 Ox + 13.3y = 76.5: As before with systems that resulted in unique solutions, we can use the elim- ination method to solve 3-by-3 systems that result in zero or an unlimited number of solutions. Gomple. Solve the 3-by-3 system ec oxtyt zs 4 ex Sx -y + Tz = 25 ex x-yt3rs 8 Eliminating y from e, and e2, and also from e, and ey leads to ese ten Ox + B= 29 eszetes Ort Na em whe —s Next eliminating x or z from e, and es leads to ‘equation that i imposible. 12, « estes OFO=S. ‘The fast line is impossible. system has no solunen tn ZT cannot equal 5. We therefore conclude the equations in the system are inconsistent ‘Scanned with CamScanner (GHAPTER 2. SYSTENS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES zeta, Prove that the following system is inconsistent: | t= yates | ttH- 126 wh yee Our next example illustrates a 3-by-3 system that has an unlimited number of | solutions. As was the case with 2-by-2 systems, we will see how to write the general solution in arbitrary-variable terminology. \\ Example. Solve the 3-by-3 system en oxty+ 25 4 eg Sk-y +22 = 20 ex 2x-y +325 8 Proceeding in the usual manner, we find Eliminating x or z from these equations yields 1 3p yen eth j vale solutions results in the equation 0 = 0. = estes 0+0 ‘The appearance of the true statement, zero equals zero, means simply, as we saw inthe 2-by-2 case, that this linear combination arose from two equivalent equations. Looking back at ee: 6x + 82 = 24 ( es: 3x + 42 = 12 we see that e, could be divided by 2 and then would be identical to és. Any number pair satisfying one of these equations will satisfy the other, Moreover, any solution of the original system must satisfy these last equations. Solving either one, say es, for z yields 12 = 3x, 4 To repeat, any solution of the original system: to the last equation. zs requires that z be related to.x according Returning to ¢,, or any of the three original equations, and replacing z by 12 — 3x 4 ‘Scanned with CamScanner ———— The solution of « 3-by.3 stem with on unlimited ‘number of solutions con be expressed os functions of cone of the variables, PART 1 UNEAR RELATIONSHIPS AND COKSTEA we obtain e state the general Both = and y have now been expressed in terms of and w¢ sand y solution of the system as follows: x arbitrary ar As withthe 2-by-2 case, the general solution just writen shows that the number of solutiogs is without limits because x may be assigned any arbitrary value what- soever. ‘The general solution can be of use in actual problems to determine what con- Gitons must be sated ifthe variables in solutions are not permitted to take oy Qeaatine values. nthe preceding general solution, for example. itis cles (oon. the expressions for y and z that if % y, and z are all to be nonnegative si not exceed 4; that is, 0< x = 4. fanaa The tactics of the previous example are worth feviewing. rs wing, i the identity, zero equals zero, directed attenty, rae. Fist. observation of Siemens ates: One ofthese eauations was solved fet ; ‘Scanned with CamScanner CHAPTER 2. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES = tion into the | Beercise, ‘The general solution just obtained can be checked by substitu origina! equations. For example, substitution into e, yields Oy +3 -3tQy #D|4 Removing parenthests, We find the Statement is the identity \ } aaa ‘Show that substitution into ¢, and ¢, also leads to identities. / ; vA arbitrary variable(s) in one general solution may be changed without solving = Changing the entire system again. For example, it may be verified that the general solution Arbitrary Variables of en oxo yt 0 a ex 4 —2y $2 u fl 2 sex Bro yt 0 1 a can be written as x arbitrary yout 1 2x. If we wish to make y, rather than x, arbitrary, then solving the y-equation for x, we get ey 5 and then obtain z by substituting into the z-equation: z=b-2x s1-~Ay-5) elt lo pe rd tlh An valiited solution set Oe con be expresed 0s 0 y arbitrary function of ony one of the xey-5 voribls recy tlh ‘Scanned with CamScanner a y with © Exercise, Write the general solution ofthe preveding S¥SI57 drawer: arbitrary: x = (1 = 2.6 PROBLEM SET 2-1 Solve the following systems of equations: M s+ 3y=1s 2+ 1 = 6 Nox tay =15 ‘Scanned with CamScanner (CHAPTER 2 SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES ‘2.6 PROBLEM SET 2-1 (concluded) Bowx- yt x + dy — 3: 3a + By - 2 31. Consider the general system of two linear equations in two variables written in the form aux +b, ay + bay Show by the to this system is ination procedure that the solution %. Consider the QBa a i¢ program shown in Program 4) Describe what the program is doing line-by-line. ) Run the program for each of the systems in Prob- lems 1 through 6. Program 2-1 REM PROGRAM 2-1 REM Two Linear Equations in Two Unknowns/Unique Solution cLs INPUT "Enter the coefficients and constant of Equation 1 (al,b1,c1)"; al, bi, c1 INPUT "Enter the coefficients and constant of Equation 2 (a2,b2,c2)"; a2, b2, 2 d = b2 * a1 ~ bi * a2 PRINT "The solution is x ="; (b2 * cl — bi * c2) /d; " and y="; (al * 2 - a2 * cli d 2) Modify Program 2-1 to handle the case of a 3-by-2 system that has a unique solution, ) Run the program in (a) for Problems 7 through 10, ». x 3e-y x cae) -y fray = bas provided, of course, that ba, — bya: # 0. This technique is often called Cramer's rule. 32. Using the results of Problem 31, solve each of the 3. 3. a7. a) b) a) b) a) b) a) b) a) b) systems in Problems 1 through 6. Modify Program 2-1 to handle the case of a 3-by-3 system that has a unique solution. Run the program in (a) for Problems 11 through 4. Modify Program 2-1 to handle the case of a 2-by-2 system that has no solutions. Run the program in (a) for Problems 15 through 18. Modify Program 2-1 to handle the case of a 2-by-2 system that has an unlimited number of solutions. Run the program in (a) for Proble 2, Modify Program 2-1 to handle the case of a 3-by-3 system that has no solutions. Run the program in (a) for Problems 23 through ms 19 through Modify Program 2-1 to handle the case of a 3-by-3 system that has an n unlimited number of solutions. Bes the program in (a) for Problems 27 through Consider a buyer who wants to combine x liters of f regular unlea i ‘ Costs $0.30 per liter, with y liters of super unleaded aded gasoline, which tain 2,000 liters of mixture worth $0.33 per liter, We the total number of liters is x + y, which m ‘st equal ——— a 27 yee at $0.40 per liter, to ob- APPLICATIONS-1, equations by noting that MIXTURE PROBLE} 2,000, and by noting that the value ans ‘Scanned with CamScanner crn * PART | LINEAR RELATIONSHIPS: ‘AND (CONSTRAINED. a ich i 0.4y, must equal the total sus y ters at $0.40, whic is 0.3 + of liters at $0.30 pls y liters tS ceo, Hence, Nzbydomem cin oor aloe of 2,000 ters a $0.33, which S98" “ equation representing the totol quantity ond the other representing the tot! volve iso moter model of the reol oplication Eliminating x, we obtain so that : y = 600 liters, and from e, x = 2,000 — y = 1,400 liters. ‘The buyer should mix 1,400 liters of regular unleaded gasoline with 600 liters of super unleaded gasoline. *Brordse. We plan to invest x dollars in the bonds of Acme Company, which pay 7 percent interest, and y dollars in Star Company bonds, which pay 10 percent interest. ‘We will invest $10,000 and requie that we receive $820 interest. How much should bbe invested in each security? ‘swat: = The equations a 0.0% +. ly = 820 . eth Spot cates apcion mi fd + + y = 10,000, The solution is Now let's look at a similar but more complicated mixture problen lem. A gasoline company wants to provi ears Provid “ . mix three Kinds of gasoline to form an eee this, the supplier must Regular unleaded gasoline costs $0.30 per liter and has meat euimN Os a vapor pressure index of 30. Premium unleaded gasoline an octane rating of 90 and a vapor pressure index of 29, Se $0.33 per liter with costs $0.40 per liter and has an otane rating of 10) ey Super unleaded xasoline of 10, What amount of each gasoline should be mixegy” * “#POT Pressure index Letting «y+ and 2 represent, respective premium, and super, the cost function, c, jg? “NE MUMbEr Of i of regular, C= 0.308 + 0.33y + 0.402 a ‘Scanned with CamScanner CHAPTER 2. SYSTEMS OF UNEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES The first condition to be satisfied is that the mixture contain precisely 2,000 liters, ————————= fa A by system with one equation representing the ey x+y +2 = 2,000, Jota quantity, another it A he total ‘The second condition to be satisfied is that the octane rating be 85, so we get eat Be 80x + 90y + 1002 = (85)(2,000) : represeating the vopor index | is © mathematical model of or, dividing by 10, the real application, ex 8x + 9y + 102 = 17,000. The last condition to be satisfied is that the vapor pressure index be 25, so we have 30x + 20y + 102 = 25(2,000) or, again dividing by 10, ex 3x + 2y +2 = 5,000. Eliminating z from e,, e2, and es, we find We,- er =e: 2x+y= 3,000 ees =e: -2x = y = 3,000, Now adding ey and es we get eates=e: 0F0=0 30 that the system has an unlimited number of solutions. Letting x be arbitrary, we have from e, 3,000 - 2x and then substituting into ¢, Now clearly we cannot permit any of our variables to have a negative value. Inspecting the solution, we see that x can take on values from a low of 1,000 to prevent z from being negative (setting z = 0 yields x = 1,000) to a high of 1,500 to prevent y from being negative (setting y = 0 yields x = 1,500). Our solution, then, becomes 1,000 = x = 1,500 ———— y = 3,000 — 2x 2) Mitel number of solutions con be expresed (3) as function of a limited rronge of one of the Now we can express the cost function in terms of the arbitrary variable x by ‘Heh ting (2) and (3) into (1). This yields =x — 1,000. ” 1a i ‘Scanned with CamScanner _ c From (4) it is clear that should use the lowest possible value to 1,500, we choose x = 1,000, an =. We have x y z Minimum cost paRT 1 UNEa® RELATIONSHIPS AND CONSTEA = 0.30x + 0. = 0.30x + 990 0.04 + 590. cost increases when x increases, $0 10 minimize coy yg NED OPTIMIZATION 33(3,000 — 2x) + 0.40(x — 1,000) — 0,66x + 0.40% — 400 (4) of x. Because x is arbitrary in the range | «d compute the corresponding values of yay = 1,000 liters of regular unleaded 1,000 liters of premium unleaded O liters of super unleaded 0.04(1,000) + 590 = $630. Exercise. a) Convert (2) and (3) of the preceding example into a solution. with : | arbitrary.) What is the permissible interval for 2? < c) Write the cost function in terms of Answer: 0.08: + 630. d)z = 0, 4) What value of z will minimize cost? ¢) What is the minimum cost? a) 2 arbiuary; x = 2 + 1,000; ©) $630, ¥ = 1,000 = 22. 'b) 6 to $00. ¢) Cost = 2.8/ PROBLEM SET 2-2 A. fx liters of regular gasoline, which costs $0.50 per liter, are to be mixed with y liters of regular unleaded gasoline, at $0.66 per liter, to obtain 1,000 liters of mixture worth $0.60 per liter, how much of each gasoline should be used? 2/. We plan to invest dollars in Acme Company bonds, which pay 6.5 percent interest, and y dollars in Star Company bonds, which pay 9 percent interest. If $550,000 is to be invested and we require that $4,000 jmerest be received, how much should be invested in cach bond? _-3/ It takes 20 minutes and costs $2 10 make one double. ‘edged razor blade, whereas it takes 30 minutes and costs $1 to make one single-édged razor blade. It 600 minutes and $40 ate available, how many of ‘each blade can be made? jinutes to make, and 20 minutes to paint, whereas it takes 5 minutes to cone regular chair, If takes 10 minutes 1¢ captain's chair. make, and 8 minutes £0 paint, 300 minutes are available for making these products and $00 minutes are avait ning, bow lable f : ofeach chr can be mage? unin How mY ‘mixture of ‘ Pellets is to be lar pete, y rite ; ‘made containing « reg- Contig a Pellets, ands exter ples are shown in ie oe data for each type of pellet 's it possible cost of &S {© make a mixture ‘cents if the mi units and 139 cit {M Mixture is to have 120 weight 10 votum 19 of per NERA? a0, ow many of eaeh im the mixture? OF 45 pellets at a Pater Cc : umbee Weight Volume Type ornare, Pellet in Cents oe Units Regular let per Pellet Large 2 Extra 3 1 4 large 2 2 1 4 3 ‘Scanned with CamScanner CHMPTER 2 SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES 8 2.8 PROBLEM SET 2-2 (concluded) 4 Replace the volume data in the table for Problem 5 Hours Required per with the numbers 1.6, 2.8, and 3.6 for regular, large, Unit of Product and extra large pellets, respectively. Leaving the other data and the conditions of the problem unchanged, Department a 7 c set up and solve the resultant system of equations. 1 1 i A 7. Computer chips F, G, and H are each made using ul 1 3 7 three different kinds of transistors: A, B, and C. The Mt 2 7 2B number of chips to be made along with their transistor requirements are shown in the table. How many of cach kind could be made using all available transis- tors? b) If profits per unit of A, B, and C are, respec- tively, $20, $30, and $40, what is the maximum profit and the composition of the maximum-profit combination of outputs? Nember of Tamir? Tl, Solve Problem 10(a) and (b) if Departments | and If on te each have 40 hours available and Department III has A 80 hours available. ‘A mixture containing x pounds of macadamia nuts, y pounds of almonds, and z pounds of pecans is to be made. The mixture is to weigh 5 pounds and contain 1,500 units of vitamin and 2,500 calories. Total transistors . ‘The vitamin and caloric contents of the three nuts available (12) G4) ay are shown in the table. 8 Solve Problem 7 if the requirement for transistor B ~ Number of Units of Vitamin Calories in chip G is reduced from 7 to 6. Nut Pounds per Pound _per Pound 9 Solve Problem 7 if the requirement for transistor C Macadamia x aaa am in chip F is increased from 2 to 3. ‘Almonds y 200 600 Je The table shows the numbers of hours required in Pecans 2 100 700 each of three departments to make a unit of various products named A. B, and C. For example, product B required 1 hour of time in Department 1, 3 hours _~ in Department I1, and 7 hours in Department II. ) Find the numbers of units of A, B, and C that could be made" if Department. has 75 hours available, Department II has 65 hours available, and Department {11 has 125 hours available. B ) Determine the number of pounds of each nut to bee used in the 5-pound mixture. b) If the costs of nuts per pound are, respectively, ‘$2, $3, and $1, what is the composition and cost Of the minimum-cost mixture? Solve Problem 12(a) and (b) if a 10-pound mixture is to be made containing 3,000 units of vitamin and 5,000 calories: In Section 1.17, we introduced demand functions that relate the quantity of product consumers are willing and able to buy to the unit price of the product. Linear demand functions have negative slopes because demand decreases when price in- creases. A supply function, on the other hand, relates the quantity producers are ———— 29 APPLICATIONS-2: SUPPLY AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Scanned with CamScanner —=—= Supply ond demond functions with price expressed os 0 fundion of (quantity represent 0 ‘mathematical model in exonomis. — rum occurs when supply equals demand. FIGURE 2-7 TON quan ‘kao CONSTRAINED rma product and linear SUPPlY | price of the produc: en the sy to the wnit selling price © increase the supply Spe aa willing and able to on slopes because PI hu ich shows supply ane as are functions have postive SPSS rgure 2 1. e ih ave. THE equation and DD. PART | LINEAR felling price increases. Considh® | ig ; straight lines 1a ' functions asthe ssiBM OT atg. + 40 (negative sloPe* demand) en DDIP =~ supply)- positive slope, 0.2q + 10( 2-7, is found by ex SSP = Point E, the intersection of DD and SS in Figure so that q = 100 units. From 1, p = —0.1(100) + 40 = $30 per unit so we have (100, 30), the equilibrium point, which indicates the market price where the quantity consumers are willing and able to buy is equal to the quantity producers are willing and able to supply. In this section, we show the effect of a change in the demand (but not the supply) function, and the effect of a change in the supply (but not the demand) function. This can be done by finding the new equilibrium point, E’, after a change has D_p=-0.08q +52 Scanned with CamScanner ‘GHAPTER 2. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES occurred. For example, suppose demand changes 10 the function D'D' shown in Figure 2-7, with supply remaining at SS. The two functions now are ey: D'D': p = — 0.08q + 52 ex SS ps 0.24 + 10. ‘We now find ep + 0.08 = 52* spa 0.24 = 10 0.284 so that q = 150 and, from e1, p = —0.08(150) + 52 = 40; the new equilibrium point is £"(150, 40), as shown in Figure 2-7. Comparing the equilibrium points whose coordinates are in the order (quantity, price), (100, 30) and £'(150, 40), we see that the change in the demand function is an increase in demand, which results in a higher quantity and higher price at the new equilibrium. In economic terminology. the demand function shifted to the right so that a larger quantity is demanded at each price level. “The preceding discussion shows that to determine the effect of a change in demand or supply function, we need only to compare the two equilibrium points and interpret the changes in q and p. This, if there is a change in a supply function, with the demand function unchanged, and the equilibrium points are E(500, 15) and £'(400, 20), the decrease in supply’ results in a lower quantity, but a higher price at equilibrium. Notice that in Figure 2-7, an inerease in demand was accompanied by an increase in both quantity and price, so a demand change in one direction is uccompanied by quantity and price changes in the same direction. The effect of a supply change, however, is inverse in the sense just illustrated. A decrease in supply lowers the quantity but inereases the price, and an increase in supply will increase quantity but lower price. = Exercise. Interpret the results of the change in a supply function if the equilibrium points are E(400, 50), £’(500, 15). ‘Answer: Supply has increased, and atthe new exiilibeium point, quantity hus increased and price has decreased. | It demand changes carton recon, both quontity ond pice chonge it the same drei. If spt honges, quantity changes in the some direction, but price hangs in the oposite deo Scanned with CamScanner 210 ‘APPLICATIONS-3: ‘TWO-PRODUCT SUPPLY AND DEMAND ANALYSIS ——— Two products with iereloed supply ond demand functions give rise {0 bea systems representing ‘a mathematical model in ono ‘OPTIMIZATION PART UNEAR RELATIONSHIPS AND CONSTRAINED view the one-product se supply f two products whose supp! i example psider the following ity demanded duct 1 and the quantity a are, the price and quantity to re" ork through this section may W h 2.9, Here we consi jons are interrelated. As and qq are the price © ly, and similarly p2 and: d2 Those planning to W discussion of Section and demand expressi expressions in which p of product 1, respectivel demanded for product 2._ Product ply Product Demand 100 + 2g, + 42 1 1 = 2,000 = 3yr— 242 Pt 2 m = 2800 - qr — 4g2 Pz = 200 + 3s + 2a To achieve equilibrium, the two price expressions for each product must be equal. Hence, for product 1: 2,000 ~ 3g) ~ 2g: = 100 + 2g + 2 for product 2: 2,800 — q — 4qs = 200 + 3g, + 2g Rearranging the last two expressions, we have ex: Sq + 3q2 = 1,900 ex 4g + 692 = 2,600. We obtain the equilibrium quantities supplied and demani i pair of equations in the usual manner: 8 SI ENE De lat Sez — 4e, = es: 1892 = 5,400. Hence, q2 = 5,400/18 = 300. Then from e. quantities in the original supply (oF demand) e: Pz = $1,400. The equilibrium prices and qua Pi = $800 1 = 200 units 2 we find q, = 200. Using these pressions, we find p; = $800 and intities are Now suppose the supply functions remai A demand for product 1 and, since the wwe teeta as corresponding change in the demand for 2. Then uptse the Suppose the o wange occurs in the related, there is a _ utcomes are the new Sa + 342 = 2,170 4a + 69. = 2,690, ‘Scanned with CamScanner CHAPTER 2 SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES Solving the last pair, we find g, = 275 and q. = 265. Using these values in the new demand or the old supply expressions yields p, = $915, p = $1,555. The new equilibrium is pi = $915 D2 = $1,555 BY 9, = 275 units q; = 265 units, demand for product | increased (from 200 to 275) and its price rose (from $800 | Comparing £’ and E, we describe what occurred in the following manner. The to $915). At the same time, there.was a decrease in demand for product 2 (from 300 to 265) but an increase in its price (from $1,400 to $1,555). To better understand, these changes, let us think of product 1 as the standard model of an appliance and product’2 as the deluxe model. Then we can see that consumer response to rising prices of both appliances might well be to increase their demand for the standard model and decrease dentand for the deluxe model, as.was the outcome in this example. The outcome of supply and demand shifts depends on the nature of the products involved and relates directly to the constants in the mathematical expres- sions for supply and demand. Readers interested in pursuing this matter should refer to discussions of complementary, competing (or substitute), and indepen- dent products in economics textbooks. 2.11 PROBLEM SET 2-3 The effet of supply and demand shits depends on the model reg the economic si 1. a) Graph the supply and demand functions 2. a) Graph the supply and demand functions SS: p= 01g + 8 58: p= 0.204 + 10 DD: p = ~0.5q + 50. pb: p = ~0.40g + 70. d ) Find the equilibrium point, E, for (a). b) Find the equilibrium point, E, for (2). ¢) Plot the new demand function ©) Plot the new supply functions DID: p= -0.6q + 36 S'S p = 0.25q + 18 on the graph for (a 4) Find the new equilibrium point, E', its coordinates on the graph. ‘e) Describe the change in the equilibrium points. and place fon the graph For (a) 4) Find the new equilibrium point, £', and place its coordinates on the graph. ©) Describe the change in equilibrium points. ee ‘Scanned with CamScanner wo cl * a UMEAR RELATIONSHIPS 2.11 PROBLEM SET 2-3 (concluded) int for the func 3. (See Problem 2.) The equilibrium Pon um tions in (a) is £(100, 30). Find the new point if the demand function changes (0 Dib': p= ~0.s4q + 0 and describe the change in the equilibrium points. cass orton equilibrium point for the func. 4, (See Problem aie 15), Find the new equilibrium tions in (a) is E ly function changes to int if the suppl : sist: p = 0.064 + 5.2 4 deseribe the change in the equilibrium poins, an Interpret the following supply and demand changes: 5. (100, 10) to £°(125, 14) after a change in demand. E(200, 20) to £°(150, 25) after a change in supply. E(1S0, 25) to £"(200, 21) after a change in supply. E(200, 40) to E"(180, 35) after a change in demand. Ifeither the supply or demand function (but not both) changed and the result was a shift £(500, 15) to E"(600. 10). which function changed? Explain why. TO. [either the supply or demand function (but not both) changed and the result was a shift from £(500, 15) to £400, 10), which functiom changed? Explain why. TL The demand and supply expressions for products 1 “4 and? are: ome Supply r= +29, + 3g Pr = 120+ gy + 4qy 4) Find the prices and quantities at equilibrium, ) If demunds change to the following, with the same supply functions, find the new equilibrium point. Product eee Product ema’ — i py = 1,210 ~ Sq - 492 2 pr = 984 - 2g — Sqr 1. ‘The demand and supply expressions for products | and 2 are: Demand Supply 1500 = 4qn — 3q2 py = 400 + Bq +g 700 - qi — 2g: pr = 200+ tar 2) Find the prices and quantitics at equilibrium. >) If demands change 0 the following, with the same supply functions, find the new equilibrium point, Product Product Demand : Pi = 1400 = gy - Jy P= OW - ma Table 2-1. We note that sales of station 1 position of the entry (also called 4 form that we common in everyday life, For example, ne stations of thre different types one January sales volume, in thousands of all come to cull a matrix are very that a company has six gasoline h ‘ype in-tegion 1 and in region 2 Ballons, is shown for each station in Pe | in region 2 Nt) 13 is at ners 1 thousund gallons. The the intersection of the first row Scanned with CamScanner

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