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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ‫المملكـة العربيـة السعوديـة‬

Ministry of Higher Education ‫وزارة التـعــليـم الــعــالــي‬

University of Hail ‫جـامـعـة حــائـل‬

College of Medicine ‫كلية الطب‬

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Third Year Medicine

Reproductive System Module
Quiz II

Duration: 45 minutes

Student Name: ……………… ID number: …………………..

Date: ……………………………………………

In numbers:
In Letters:
Read the following instructions before answering the exam questions.

1-Write your name and ID before you start answering.

2-The quiz is composed of 20 questions.

3- Answer all questions

4-Total allocated time for the quiz is 45 minute.

5-Allocated time for each MCQ question is 1 minute.

6-Write clearly and use blue ink.

7- Go over the questions and ask about them in the first 5 minutes after
starting the exam.

8- If you have more questions you keep them to the last 5 minutes at the end of
the exam to be answered by the appropriate instructors.
1.The first prenatal visit is:

a. 2 weeks after missed menses

b. 4 weeks after missed menses
c. 6-8 weeks after missed menses
d. 3 months after missed menses
e. On the 5th month after missed menses

2. The period of Embryogenesis is the period ranging from:

a. Third to eight months of gestation

b. Third to eight week of gestation
c. Fourth to eight months of gestation
d. Third to eight days of gestation
e. Six to eight weeks of gestation.

3. The commonest cause of Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases (PID) is:

a. C. trachomatis
b. Neisseria gonorrhea
c. Endogenous aerobic genital mycoplasma spp
d. Candida albicans
e. Endogenous anaerobic genital mycoplasma spp

4. Normal vaginal pH is:

a. Acidic (0.8 to 1.2)

b. Acidic (3.8 to 4.2)
c. Neutral (7)
d. Alkaline (8.3 to 9.2)
e. Alkaline (3.8 to 4.2)

5. The placenta which has a central depression on its foetal surface is known as:

a. Membranous placenta
b. Tripartite placenta
c. Placenta succenturiata
d. Placenta fenestrata
e. Circumvallate placenta
6. On day 21 of the female reproductive cycle (28 days), how do the following hormones

Estradiol Progesterone FSH LH

A.    

B.    

C.    

D.    

E.    

7. Antenatal screening should be performed for four infections:

a. Tuberculosis, brucella, syphilis and HIV

b. Syphilis, HIV, Hepatitis B, and Bacteruria
c. Tuberculosis, HIV, Hepatitis B, and bacteruria
d. Pneumococcal infection, HIV, Hepatitis B, and bacteruria
e. Fungal infection, HIV, Hepatitis B, and bacteruria

8. In a woman having a cycle of 28 days, fertilization is expected to occur on the day


9. What is the difference between primary and secondary hypogonadism?


10. Which of the following artery supply the medial part of the breast?

a. Lateral thoracic artery

b. Internal thoracic
c. Thoracoacromial
d. High thoracic
e. posterior intercostals lateral
11. Primary testicular failure is characterized by:

a. Normal testosterone, LH and FSH

b. Increased testosterone, LH and FSH
c. Decreased testosterone, LH and FSH
d. Decreased testosterone, Increased LH and FSH
e. Increased testosterone, decreased LH and FSH

12. Which of the following part of the breast may give raise to axillary tail?

a. Superolateral
b. Inferolateral
c. Superomedial
d. Inferomedial
e. Ventrolateral

13. Causative agent of Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is:

a. Candida albicans
b. Gardnerella vaginalis
c. lactobacilli.
d. Non Candida species of yeast.
e. Trichomonas vaginalis

14. A high level of LH with normal or low levels of FSH is found in:

a. The polycystic ovarian syndrome

b. Primary ovarian failure
c. Granulosa cell tumor
d. Hilar cell tumor
e. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

15. Clinical Manifestations of Trichomoniasis include:

a. Thick, white, curdy vaginal discharge ("cottage cheese-like")

b. Reported malodorous (fishy smelling) vaginal discharge
c. Clear to white, odorless and of high viscosity
d. Frothy gray or yellow-green vaginal discharge
e. Presence of erythematous "satellite" lesion
16. The hormones that control the gonads are:

a. Testosterone and progesterone

b. Androgen and progesterone
c. Estrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone
d. Luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone
e. Luteinizing hormone and estrogen

17. Which of the following helps sperm to penetrate secondary oocyte?

a. Tail
b. Body
c. Neck
d. Acrosomal cap
e. Nucleus

18. What are the phases of menstrual cycle?




19. Screening for gestational diabetes is performed:

a. 10 weeks of gestation
b. Between 10 and 14 weeks of gestation
c. After 14 weeks of gestation
d. In the first antenatal visit
e. Between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation

20. Which of the following hormones is produced by the corpus luteum:

a. GnRH
b. FSH
c. LH
d. Oxytocin
e. Progesterone

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