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1. Why did Egyptian build Great Pyramids?

Ancient Egyptian believed that after death they would continue to live so
they buried with things they thought they need. They also thought that when
their king died, one of the part of his soul was remained with his body so
they needed to take care of his spirit. The corpse was mummified and
everything the king wanted in afterlife was buried with him such as: gold
jewelry, furniture, food and other offering. At first, people were buried I the
dry desert sand but the graves were dug up by wild animal and their treasure
was stolen. After that they built Great Pyramid and they saw that the
pyramid was the place which help them to preserve the graves and protect
treasure well.
2. How the Pyramids were built?
The pyramids were originally encased in polished white limestone. It’s not
just a huge pile of rock neatly placed on the top of each other. The pyramids
was built before mathematic was recognized and designed with some very
simple tools such as: plunb bob a string to calculate accurately.
For example, The Great Pyramid is estimated to be made of 2.3 million
blocks of stone. The largest of these blocks weighted between 25 and 80
metrics stone and were transported from more than 500 miles or 800
kilometers away. John – Australian archeologist discovered a one to one plan
of the pyramid mapped out o the Giza Plateau right next to the Great
Pyramid. By measuring out the life-size with string the Egyptians were able
to get their ancient calculation cubits perfect.
Researchers in Egypt discovered that the pyramid builders used a steep
ramp to make moving the huge boulders back so much easier. They
discovered a 4500- year- old ramp system used to transport alabaster rocks
out of quarries and some information that this could provide clues about how
the Egyptians built the pyramid. And It was unexpected discovery that they
used a lot of water to stick stone making Pyramid easily built.

3. Why was the Great Sphinx of Giza built? 

It is believed that the Spnix was built for Egyptian Pharaoh Khafre during
his reign. Ancient Egyptians believed that the Spinx may have been intended
to associate the king with the sun god. The Spinx in Ancient Egypt language
means both creator god and setting god.

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