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Ramos. John Carlo L.


Module 2 Lesson2 Activity 2: Rizal’s Relations with the other Filipino Patriots and Heroes

Instructions: Research on the contributions of the following propagandists or heroes.

What are the 6 aims of the Propaganda Movement?

 The equality between the Spanish and the Filipino, especially in entering
government service.

 The recognition of the Philippines as a province of Spain and its representation in

the Spanish Cortes.

 The secularization of the Philippine parishes and clergy.

 The abolition of the “polo” (forced labor) and “vandal” (forced sale of local
products to the government).

 The establishment of government-funded schools not run by the friars.

 The recognition of human rights and freedom, especially the freedoms of speech
and association.

B. Cite the contributions of the following Filipino patriots who worked with Rizal
Name of the propagandists Contributions/Works
1. Marcelo H. Del Pilar In 1882 Del Pilar established the
paper Diariong Tagalog to proliferate
majority rule liberal thoughts among the
ranchers and workers. Under Del Pilar, the
points of the paper were extended to
incorporate evacuation of the monks and the
secularization of the areas; dynamic Filipino
cooperation in the issues of the public
authority; the right to speak freely of
discourse, of the press, and of gathering;
more extensive social and political
opportunities; equity under the steady gaze
of the law; digestion; and portrayal in the
Spanish Cortes, or Parliament.
2. Graciano Lopez Jaena Graciano Lopez Jaena assisted with
prodding this insurgency with his assortment
of artistic works that assisted with making
the need and want for autonomy. His first
effort to address issues in neighborhood
society was through a story named "Conflict
Botod." Upon showing up in Spain, Jaena
would at last turn into a very notable backer
for Filipino issues. He and two different men,
Jose P. Rizal and Marcelo H. del Pilar would
turn into the principle disseminators standing
up for Filipino change.
3. Antonio Luna His name is perceived essentially as the hot-
tempered general who battled against the
United States in the Spanish-American War
and was in the end killed by his own officers,
however he was additionally broadly
perceived in established researchers for his
exploration of infectious sicknesses. His
endeavors to liberate the Philippines from
American principle and his drug and natural
science discoveries both left their blemish on
his country.
C. Relate Rizal with Andres Bonifacio
The two of them wanted independence from Spanish principle and mistreatment however
as we probably are aware, they have various methods of achieving that opportunity. Before,
Rizal was a clinical expert who spent significant time in eye infections/messes and aided a ton
of patients for nothing while ousted in Dapitan, , while Bonifacio was a rogressive , self-
trained man and a charming pioneer who arose out of the majority. Both have assisted with
liberating the country from many long periods of Spanish standard. One was executed,
marked a Filibustero (against Spanish insurrectionist) and enlivened his kinsmen accidentally.
The different was treacherously slaughtered however had driven his men to a fight that won
the conflict, even before the purported Spanish-American counterfeit conflict. It was Rizal's
works and his developing standing as a head of Filipino patriotism that drove Bonifacio in
1892 to join Rizal's La Liga Filpina, an association that was generally a shadow government for
an autonomous country. The names of Rizal and Bonifacio have driven the procession of
famous and valorous legends regarded by ages of Filipinos for their commitments to public
solidarity, opportunity and social advancement.

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