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Rights and Freedoms
Opinion CER Paragraph
 Using what you learned about paragraph writing, write a well-organized opinion paragraph about the most
important right or freedom you used in the previous classews. Your writing should go in the open space

 When you finish, give your paragraph a fitting and clever title.

 Your paragraph should give a clear, original opinion.

 Include 2-4 pieces of evidence or specific examples in your writing.

o 3 pieces of evidence is generally a good amount to support a point, but there is some flexibility.
o If 2 pieces, they should be very good pieces of evidence in order to fully support your point
o If 4 pieces, they should ALL be very important, different from one another and relevant to your main
point as your reader does not want to waste time reading information that is not essential to proving
your claim.

 Upload your final work to the assignment on Teams

Outline your paragraph. Put your ideas for each part of the paragraph. You do NOT need to write in full sentences.
Just put the points down that you want to use for each part of the paragraph. This is optional since you revised
during our lessons.
Claim: What is the main point you will make in your paragraph?
Freedom of press is the most important freedom
First Evidence/Example (prove your claim) Reasoning (tell the reader why your evidence proves your
The country ranks 145 out of 180 on the Global Press
Freedom Index and militaries forced them to only say
good things about army also they tried to assassinate
who works for press and they are disobeying them

Second Piece of Evidence/Example (prove your claim) Reasoning (tell the reader why your evidence proves your
“If you murder critical thinking in a society, it means you
end up with a country that’s only raising soldiers, people
who only know how to follow instructions.” - reporter
Azaz Syed
Third Piece of Evidence/Example (prove your claim) – Reasoning (tell the reader why your evidence proves your
Optional, use your own judgement whether there is claim)
enough evidence.
If we look at Press Freedom Index countries that have This means that countries that has low freedom is press
dictatorship or in war has low freedom of press might be countries that also have less freedom to other
Fourth Piece of Evidence/Example (prove your claim) – Reasoning (tell the reader why your evidence proves your
Optional, use your own judgment if this would be too claim)
much evidence.
Conclusion: remind the reader that the information you provided supports your main point.
To conclude countries who has freedom of press also has other kinds of freedom which makes freedom press the
important for democracy

Use the ideas you put in your outline above to write out your paragraph in full sentences using transition words.
Consider the transitions below as you write.
Transition word Examples
Claim: Evidence/Example: Reasoning: Conclusion:

- As a result of…, what will - For example,… - This example shows - These examples show
likely happen next is… - To illustrate,… that… because… how/that…
- Because of …, the best - In addition,… - This evidence points to - Therefore, it is logical
course of action next is… - This can be seen the fact that… because… that…
- It is likely … acted this way - in/where… - Based on the evidence, it - It clear from these
as a result of …because… - The image shows that… is logical that… because… examples that…
- …. Most likely happened - According to (source),… - In conclusion, this
because… - It can be observed that… evidence suggests…

[Put your title here]

[Write your opinion text here]

- Most important right human should have freedom of press. For example, Press Freedom Index is Index that ranks 180
countries by how much freedom journalists can have and if we look at Press Freedom Index countries that have dictatorship
or in war has also has less freedom of journalists. This example shows that freedom of journalists is important because it also
relates with other types of freedom that humans are supposed to have – for example freedom of knowing what’s happening
around you -. In addition, the country that ranks 145 out of 180 on the Global Press Freedom Index doesn’t really have this
freedom for example militaries forced journalists to only say good things about army. Also, militaries also tried to assassinate
journalists who are against them. Based on the evidence, it is logical that if government forces journalists not to challenge
the government there wouldn’t be true democracy because when people doesn’t have right to learn things happening
around them and that would also break other freedom one human can have. Lastly speech by reporter Azaz Syed “If you
murder critical thinking in a society, it means you end up with a country that’s only raising soldiers, people who only know
how to follow instructions.” Really summarize my claim I think this is true because I think freedom of press is important
because it’s related with other freedoms and if we break this important freedom, I think there would be no democracy. To
conclude countries should try to keep the freedom of press and journalists should remember that there job is very important
and links to many other types of freedom.

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