Grade 7 B. Ex of Whole Syllabus

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When, Where and How r a EXERCISES = ae Objective Type Questions 1 A Muttiple Choice Type Questions 1, The Medieval Period in India covers the period from (@) 600 AD to 1760 aD. br 700 AD to 1750 AD (9) 800 AD to 1800 AD (d) 500 AD to 1600 AD 2. By whom were the Del Sultans overthrown? @) Tughlags (b) Cholas {Mughals 3 Name the book which gives us a detailed account of the history of Kashmir () Harshcharitam (b) Raghuvansham (<) Akbarnama (dy Rajatarangint 4. India is often referred to as Bharat in which literature? (a) Europeans (2) Tamil (0) Gujarati (©) Marathi May Sanskrit Unscramble the letters in the help box and fill in the blanks. 1. With the arrival of Muslim rulers new languages ANabic. 0 Help Box and {214 (a4 developed in India pirthvianrasoS 2. The study of coins is called WU Macbucs ‘arbic ond preg : unmismtaics 3. Chandbardai was the author of Ruuthuiins Roko efudailsm 4. The Middle Ages in Europe was marked by“ Fenitalivin State whether the following statements are True or False. 1. The bhakti movement supported the caste hierarchy. 2. The Medieval Indian history is divided into three phases. 3. India got its name ‘Hindustan’ because of the people living around the Indus River. NEE | & _ The Regional ___ Kingdoms ———_—_—__——_ EXERCISES ____W[{__ I Objective Type Questions A. Multiple Choice Type Questions 1. King Dharmapala belonged to the __ dynasty. (2) Pratihara (b) Rashtrakuta (cy Pala () Paramara 28 ce 2. The famous rock cut temple of Shiva at Ellora was built by (b) Pallavas \ lay Rashtrakutas (©) Cholas 3. ‘Prashastis' was derived from the language (@) Tamil (b) Bangla Ve Sanskrit 4. The smallest unit in Chola Empire was. (a) Nadus 407 Kurrams (©) Valanadu Unscramble the letters in the help box and fill in the blanks. 1. The struggle for Kanauj between the Indian rulers is called Att struggle. tre 2. One of the most daring attacks of Mahmud of Ghazni was against the famous Somnath lemble 3. The famous rock cut temple of Shiva at_£hoxq was built by the king belonging to Rati uF ynasty, ° 4. The Pallavas had their capital at _ [Cave 5. The two powerful Rajput dynasties were Cho Match the following: i 1. Samantas Column A 2. Maharajadhiraj 3. Prashastis (a) Praising the kings (b) Subordinates(]) (Q) Kings of King, =f (@) Chauhanas (d) Awadhi (d) Gramam Help Box Uoera ankchi arhsrattakus ‘apraamrs cahuhans partritite emtle htanmos The Delhi Sultanate ~ ee — EXERCISES I Objective Type Questions A. Multiple Choice Questions 1 2 3, The First Battle of Tarain was fought in (@) 1192 aD L167 1191 AD Qutub-ud-din Aibak was succeeded by @) Jalal-ud-din (b) Raziya Sultan The Policy of ‘Blood and Iron’ was establi (2) Qutub-ud-din Aibak (0) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq (9 1190 AD © ished by (b) Ala-ud-din Khalji Ud}-Balban 4, The last dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate was tor Lodhi (d) Slave B. Unscramble the letters in the help box and fill in the blanks. Muslim religious scholars ULeyrag. 2. Aspecial tax to be paid by the Non-muslims- JAZ1Q_ Ai 3s 4 5, 6. (@) Khalji (b) Sayyids Village headmen- 296 daw. Land owners- Uys + The head of Justice department- (Ji To, keep an eye over the malfun oh gin. Quo fioning in the trade- 7. A detailed description of each soldier was kept. Chwha_ Harsh punishments to robbers and dacoits- bls Orl and lip 8. 9. Tawarikh- Yori tad Oye 40 unt (@ 1206 AD Ala-ud-din Khalji tay Thutmish Help Box umgaddma ulemsa ajziay tax Akuts hcief quazi sahhnas ‘bolod and lorn pelioy’ cehhra hsitorical cacounts . State whether the following statements are True or False. 1 © Ores The most magnificent building was constructed by the Turks in the 13th century AD. Raziya was murdered in 1260 AD. (_!)-Yoyt>) 3 The Second Battle of Tarain was fought in 1191 AD. (.\\‘\-Ad) The Turkish rule extended over Ganga-Yamuna Doab, Bihar and Bengal. K) eo Our Environment ————_______ EXERCISES I Objective Type Questions A. Multiple Choice Type Questions TH —___ erwironment: consists of plants, animals and human beings. (a) Abiotic (b) Chemical (©) Human Lar Biotic 2 Living beings exist on! lyin ‘ (@) Atmosphere (b)thosphere RE iccphers (@) Environment 3. The main factor resuting in envronmetal degradation Br Human (b) Industries (c) Ecosystem. {d) Deforestation 4 The World Water ay is elabrated on (@) June s (b) September 23 146 March 22 (@) December 10 5. The World Environment Day is celebrated on (©) Mays (©) September 23 (© October 8 ar he 5 Urgent ten inthe xa ih aks 1 is the hard layer of solid rock materials , 2 Thedlicthorplatns is an inegular sutace which extends over PBR continents and ocean beds. bg 3. The atmosphere is held around the earth by its 2 ola 4 Distinct zones which have ther own phyla envionment plat and anil ie called nan hes ne © Match the following: Physical Environment, 2. Atmosphere (PYelatonship between p.ving organi and ts suroundings Ca) "9 3. Hydrosphere eo) 4. Ecology [Sar Land, water and air =D) Environmental degradation er Layer of air cea) A rr a State whether the following statements are True or False: 1 The hard outer layer is called the mantle(Csust)“ 2. Mineral wealth is found in the crust. 3. Changes in atmosphere cause changes in temperature. a 4. Biotic organism are not interdependent. 5. Man's role is more protective than destructive, Air ——_——__—____ EXERCISES I Objective Type Questions A. Multiple Choice Type Questions 1._ The gas which is important for the growth of plants is (@) ozone (b) oxygen (©) carbon dioxide Lldynitrogen 2. The layer in which all weather related phenomenon take place is (a) ionosphere WY" troposphere (©) stratosphere (@) exosphere 3. Awind vane is used to find the \{a)ind direction (b) wind speed (©) wind pressure (d) air pollution ~~ 4, The rate at which temperature of air decreases is : WAAC per 165 m (b) 1°C per 100 m (0) 2C per 50m (@) 1°C per1m 5. The temperature at which air gets saturated is called (2) rain point (b) condensation point (9. humidity point dew point 144 eT 8. Unscramble the letters given in the help box and fil 1 2. 4. 2. in the blanks. xxtends to a height of 50 km above the troposphere. Wireless communications are possible due to the presence of in ___in the thermosphere. The percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is 2 L % while thatof nitrogen - + %. Bt The main source of heat received by the earthis iMelations State whether the following statements are True or False. po 1. _Nitrogen helps in maintaining balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide. Troposphere absorbs maximum heat helping in maintaining temperature. 3. Air pressure is measured by anemometer. (_\\v nel) 4. 5, Wind contains kinetic energy. Anti-cyclones are accompanied by heavy rainfall Help Box inos nisoaltion srtatopshere 87 2 x*hate =! EXERCISES ———_— eum I Objective Type Questions A. Multiple Choice Type Questions 1. The amount of freshwater on the earth is ——: \ yar 3% (b) 1% (0) 29% ee 2. The main cause of ocean currentsis (@ gravitation (b) winds Ue totation of earth (d) salty water 3. The main cause for the occurrence of tides is____ — (2) wave movement gravitational pull (©) planetary winds (a) temperature difference 4. Warm ocean currents originate from ; (2) tropics Ue ater () poles Oe Unscramble the letters given in the help box and a in the blanks. Help Box L_ Periodic rise and fal of water is termed as_ 1A 8 ae 2. Heat of the sun helps to change water into _V abou ic psring ae ‘ ‘awrm ge tidal waves cause TSU Aye Capes 4. High tides are also called A pay tides. 5 Wow ‘ocean currents move from higher latitudes towards the poles. State whether the following statements are True or False. 1. Tides help to generate electricity nf Warm currents are denser than cold currents. * Gravitational attraction of the moon causes currents, Seal 2 3 4, Water is a renewable yet scarce resource. 5, Rotation of the earth is responsible for clockwise circulation of ocean currents in the Northern Hemisphere. V6 Democracy ———_—_—_—_____ EXERCISES Objective Type Questions A. Multiple Choice Type Questions 1. In modern representative democracy, formal equality is embodied in the right to (2) elections (b) political power \_{e)” vote _ (d)_ political system 2. Modern democracy firstly emerged in (a) America _ bby Britain (c) France (d) India 210 3. The first nation whi i which adopted a written constitution is 4. Which of the folk (©) Britain (©) France (@) inal legislation? WING terms effectively grants the populace a veto on government (@) Recall iti a (©) Iniative —Lfe-“Referendum _(d)rotogation The istic characteristic feature of democracy is (a) the citizens’ rule (b) the governments’ rule \Lorthe people's rule (d) the majority rule u ' pscramble the letters given in help box and fill in the blanks. aPemi i ; S 2 political system in which all the members of the society Help Box have an equal share of formal political power. nacinet gerek z k edr 2. The term Democracy’ has been originated from Arveient Gurvee cae 3. The main decision-making bodies in India are Cx routine, lequlottinne “9sture and Jucuictnry. lensteeeel 4 “y xeceuitve Rule by an individual which has been inherited and expects to bequeath to the heir is called Monare rx State whether the following statements are True or False: 1. The belief that government is unnecessary and harmful is known as 6 LE 2. Arepublic is a country that has a monarch. (A 3. Government is a body within an organisation abide to make and enforce rules, laws and regulations. i wee 4, Legislature is a law making body, therefore leads in all decision-making policies. Equality EXERCISES I Objective Type Questions A. Multiple Choice Type Questions 1. The central feature of democracy is (@) Liberty by Equality (0) Justice (@) Fraternity 2. InIndia, a citizen of years or above age has the right to vote. (a) 16 Ley 18 (9 21 (@) 25 219 d caste in India is & 3. The policy that has contributed to the upliftment of the schedules ue (b) dalits eee (@ special privileges ner on e Constitution of India? 4.” Which one of the following has been made punishable by (@) Rule of Law (b) Rule of Dalits \ AO Practice of Untouchability (d) Apartheid Unscramble the letters given in the help box and fill in the blanks. 1 Equclify is Beaman aspect of all democracies. fa 2 Teyat on te imprisonment as he opposed Gpwct regime. ae : bility l W 3. Ih the Indian Constitution, practice of WTOC In any form is prohibited. ucliclaMhes in the smooth functioning of democrati stitutions. State whether the following statements are True or False: 1._In India, citizens above the age of 21 years have the right to vote. 2, InIndia, no person is above the law. 4 3. Civil Servants are members of the ruling party. er 4 —& South Africa became independent in 1994 eal Institutional Representation of Democracy -_— EXERCISES —————_————_ Objective Type Questions A. Multiple Choice Type Questions 1, Who among the following is the nominal head of the state? (a) Prime Minister (b) President (© Council of Ministers 46s Governor 2. The Council of Minister is headed by the, (a) Parliament \b)Prime Minister (c)_ President (d) Speaker 3. Every Indian citizen who is years or more has been given the right to vote. fas fey 18, {-) 20 (d) 25 4. The responsibility of conducting free and fair elections in India lies with the (2) Parliament \_ Le Election Commission of India 5. Which of the following party systems is followed in India? (@) no party system (©) bi-party system (b) President (d) Prime Minister of India (b) single party system \(d)-multi-party system. B. Unscramble the letters given in the help box and fill in the blanks. 1. Voting in India takes place through the process called the eLectinv Help Box Any citizen of India above the age of IG fois allowed to vote. leetcion® cocmmisison l fh Gem mUasdOn lection An election gives an opportunity to voters to choose meager ne exprseentative 2. 3, Fair and free elections are conducted by a body called thet Lecture. 4 €. Match the following: Column B (2) coalition governm (b) political parties ee) (©) choosing representative (d) right to vote —O Column A Universal Adult Franchise Combination of Parties Representative democracy Election eee

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