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American Journal of Primatology 71:813–816 (2009)

Hypervitaminosis A in Experimental Nonhuman Primates: Evidence, Causes,
and the Road to Recovery
Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin

One of the great underlying assumptions made by all scientists utilizing primate models for their
research is that the optimal nutritional status and health of the animals in use has been achieved. That
is, no nutrient deficiency or excess has compromised their health in any detectable way. To meet this
assumption, we rely on the National Research Council’s (NRC’s) nutritional recommendations for
nonhuman primates to provide accurate guidance for proper dietary formulations. We also rely on feed
manufacturers to follow these guidelines. With that in mind, the purpose of this commentary is to
discuss three related points that we believe have significant ramifications for the health and well being
of captive primates as well as for their effective use in biomedical research. First, our laboratory has
shown that most experimental primates are likely in a state of hypervitaminosis A. Second, it is
apparent that many primate diets are providing vitamin A at levels higher than the NRC’s
recommendation. Third, the recommendation itself is based on inadequate information about nutrient
needs and is likely too high, especially when compared with human requirements. Am. J. Primatol.
71:813–816, 2009. r 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: hypervitaminosis A; marmoset; retinol; rhesus; vervet

INTRODUCTION In light of the above findings and the fact that

VA status had never been properly measured in
Vitamin A (VA) is essential to all primates for
nonhuman primates, our laboratory undertook a
vision, growth, and immune function. It is obtained
series of studies designed to assess the VA status of
from the diet either from provitamin A carotenoids
rhesus and marmoset monkeys housed at the
found in many vegetables (e.g., b-carotene)
Wisconsin National Primate Research Center
[Tanumihardjo, 2008] or as preformed VA (retinol
(WNPRC) and vervet monkeys at the Oregon
and retinyl esters). Commercial laboratory diets for
National Primate Research Center (ONPRC). In
nonhuman primates as well as most multivitamin
our first observational study, published in 2001,
supplements for humans contain primarily preformed
captive rhesus monkeys (n 5 10) were found to have
VA sources, typically as retinyl acetate or palmitate,
17-times higher hepatic VA levels (17.076.3 mmol/g
because they are cheaper to produce, more bioavailable
liver) than previous values obtained for this
in the gut, and usually more stable than provitamin A
species (1.07 and 1.08 mmol/g liver). In our study,
carotenoids. However, the overconsumption of pre-
retinol and retinyl esters were quantified by reversed-
formed VA has recently been identified as a potential
phase HPLC [Penniston & Tanumihardjo, 2001].
public health concern [Penniston & Tanumihardjo,
2003, 2006a]. Ingestion of preformed VA at levels as low
as twice the current Dietary Reference Intake has been Contract grant sponsor: NIHNIDDK; Contract grant number:
linked to an increased incidence of hip fractures and 61973; Contract grant sponsor: NIH; Contract grant number:
bone loss [Feskanich et al., 2002; Lim et al., 2004; T32 DK007665; Contract grant sponsor: NIH National Center
for Research Resources (NCRR); Contract grant number: 5P51
Melhus et al., 1998; Michaelsson et al., 2003; Promislow RR 000167; Contract grant sponsor: Research Facilities
et al., 2002]. Excessive preformed VA may also Improvement Program; Contract grant numbers: RR15459-01;
antagonize the absorption and action of vitamin D RR020141-01.
Correspondence to: Sherry Tanumihardjo, Ph.D., Department
(cholecalciferol), a vitamin of which many people may
be deficient [Bjelakovic et al., 2008; Rohde et al., 1999; of Nutritional Sciences, 1415 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706.
Rohde & Deluca, 2005]. In 2001, the Institute of
Received 26 February 2009; revised 28 April 2009; revision
Medicine lowered the VA Dietary Reference Intakes for accepted 28 April 2009
humans; however, excessive intake of preformed VA DOI 10.1002/ajp.20714
through multivitamin use and food fortification is still a Published online 29 May 2009 in Wiley InterScience (www.
concern in the United States and Europe.

r 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

814 / Dever and Tanumihardjo

Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of liver stellate cells, (Research Diets Inc., New Brunswick, NJ), while
the major cell type responsible for VA storage, were another brand (LabDiets 5037, 5038, 5040, 5045,
also detected in the rhesus monkeys providing 5047, and 5050; St. Louis, MO) provided approxi-
additional evidence that liver VA concentrations mately four times that value in their diets
were excessively high. At the time of that study, (35,000–43,000 IU/kg feed). It is unclear why these
conversations with WNPRC pathologists revealed commercial diets are so high in VA; however,
that this kind of liver pathology had been detected in manufacturers routinely add an excess of most
previous unrelated histological evaluations of rhesus nutrients to their products to compensate for
monkey livers. In marmoset monkeys (n 5 10), potential degradation during storage and handling.
hepatic VA concentrations also appeared slightly This practice may be of little consequence for many
elevated (1.2570.58 mmol/g liver), but to a much nutrients, but in the case of VA, our data suggest
lesser degree, and no liver stellate cell hypertrophy that the consequences may be exceptionally negative.
was detected. Subsequent studies in rhesus and At the very least, manufacturers of commercial
marmoset monkeys also revealed abundant VA primate diets should lower the amount of preformed
concentrations in the liver (n 5 5/species) and kidney VA in their products to the current NRC recom-
(n 5 10/species) [Mills et al., 2005]. In fetal livers mended levels. In conversations with feed manufac-
(n 5 19) obtained from three Old World monkey turers, they are reluctant to change the formulations
species (i.e., rhesus, cynomolgus, and vervet) VA because the request needs to be researcher-driven. In
concentrations were high in the second trimester conversations with primate researchers, they are
(0.19470.065 mmol/g) compared with human second reluctant to have the feeds reformulated because
trimester reference data (mean of 4 evaluations: they have been using the diets in some cases for
0.056 mmol/g), although it was not known if these VA decades. Such a change is inconvenient in the short-
concentrations were atypical of monkeys [Mills et al., term due to reformulating and proprietary issues,
2007]. However, despite having high liver VA but manufacturing feed with less VA would be less
concentrations, serum concentrations of retinol were expensive in the long-term.
found to be within expected ranges in both rhesus Reducing preformed VA levels in primate diets
and marmoset monkeys consistent with previous would be the first step in reducing hypervitaminosis
findings that retinol concentrations in serum are A; however, this alone does not comprise the best
tightly regulated and not a good indicator of actual possible nutritional solution. In the wild, most
VA status [Penniston et al., 2003]. However, retinyl monkeys are omnivorous with a major part of their
ester concentrations were elevated, which is consis- diet consisting of fruits and other plant matter rich
tent with hypervitaminosis A. In wild-caught African in provitamin A carotenoids, yet in laboratory diets,
green vervet monkeys (n 5 13), high liver VA these sources of VA are in most cases low or missing.
concentrations (14.372.3 mmol/g liver), stellate cell This discrepancy is a major detriment toward the
hypertrophy, and hyperplasia, but normal serum goal of achieving and maintaining normal and
retinol concentrations were detected after they had optimal nutrition in experimental primates, espe-
been held in captivity for only two years at the cially if the natural diet of monkeys is to be
ONPRC [Mills & Tanumihardjo, 2006]. Collectively, considered a model for the proper formulation of
we believe that the detection of very high VA their commercialized diets. But more importantly, it
concentrations and stellate cell hypertrophy in is only the consumption of preformed VA sources
rhesus and vervet monkeys strongly suggest that that can lead to a state of VA toxicity because they
hypervitaminosis A is widespread among captive are quickly and efficiently absorbed regardless of VA
nonhuman primates and that this nutritional anom- status. VA formation from the carotenoid monoox-
aly threatens to invalidate any data obtained from ygenase 1 (CMO1)-mediated cleaving of provitamin
their experimental use. A carotenoids is regulated based on current bodily
VA demand, perhaps through downregulation of
DISCUSSION CMO1 via retinoic acid receptor signaling, and thus
produces only the amount of VA actually needed for
Toward the Use of b-Carotene as a VA Source the animal [Bachmann et al., 2002; Lemke et al.,
In determining the reason for the excessive VA 2003]. Therefore, the replacement of preformed VA
status of experimental primates, one needs to look no with b-carotene in primate diets would allow each
further than their diets. In a previous study, we animal to continually meet their own specific VA
comprehensively evaluated the added VA in seven needs while preventing any possibility of
typical primate diets used at primate centers across VA-mediated liver toxicity or bone anomalies. Ad-
the country [Penniston & Tanumihardjo, 2006b] and ditionally, b-carotene increases plasma antioxidant
found that the NRC recommendation for VA intake capacity in humans [Meydani et al., 1994] and may
(10,000 IU/kg feed) was exceeded by an average help protect against heart disease and cancer [van
of 170%. Of those seven diets, only one brand was at Poppel, 1996]. These findings further emphasize that
the VA recommendation for nonhuman primates b-carotene, besides providing VA at a physiologically

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Hypervitaminosis A in Captive Monkeys / 815

controlled rate, has other benefits that are not Furthermore, these studies would simultaneously
endowed by preformed VA. For example, carrot reveal the amount of dietary b-carotene required to
powders not only met the VA needs of Mongolian completely meet the VA requirements of primates.
gerbils but also enhanced the antioxidant potential of Additional experiments could then be undertaken to
liver [Mills et al., 2008]. Therefore, to truly optimize determine the amount of dietary preformed VA
the VA status as well as the overall health condition required to attain the optimal tissue VA levels
of primates, the addition of b-carotene, perhaps as detected in the study using b-carotene. Collectively,
carrot powder, to commercialized primate diets this information would provide a much more solid
should be seriously considered. scientific basis for crafting an accurate recommended
VA intake and for manufacturing primate diets with
an optimal amount of provitamin A carotenoids.
Toward a Refined VA Recommended Intake for
Nonhuman Primates
b-Carotene may be a more effective VA source CONCLUDING REMARKS
for experimental primates; however, its addition may Using primate models to answer sophisticated
be more expensive. Therefore, a cost/benefit balance biological questions requires an equally sophisticated
must be struck when determining exactly how much understanding of their basal nutritional needs. We
b-carotene and preformed VA should be present in have identified a systemic hypervitaminosis A in at
primate diets. To find this balance, a significant least two different species of experimental primates
improvement in our current understanding of the (i.e., rhesus and vervet). This condition may be
specific VA requirements of nonhuman primate causing unknown degrees of data corruption and
species is necessary. In confirmation of this, the erroneous conclusions from any study involving their
NRC publication on VA requirements for nonhuman use, but especially studies aimed at immune function
primates admits in the opening statement, ‘‘Despite and vaccine development against infectious diseases
relatively extensive studies of the deficiency syn- where VA is a known modulator [Stephensen, 2001].
drome, minimal requirements for VA are not well- The excessive concentrations of VA found in these
established’’ [National Research Council, 2003]. Also primates are due to high levels of preformed VA in
not well-established are the ‘‘normal’’ tissue VA their diet that exceed the current NRC recommenda-
concentrations in any species of nonhuman primate tions. We have suggested a series of steps that would
except for serum, which is not a good indicator of help alleviate this problem (Table I). In the short-
total VA status. Hepatic VA concentrations are term, food manufacturers should be encouraged to
considered to be the best measure of VA status lower the levels of preformed VA in primate laboratory
because the liver is the major organ responsible for diets to the current NRC recommended levels. For a
storage of excess VA. However, a thorough review of longer-term and more robust solution, it will be
the literature revealed only one publication [O’Toole necessary to reformulate primate diets to contain a
et al., 1974] where liver VA concentrations in normal greater proportion of VA content as provitamin A
(control) rhesus monkeys were reported. The values carotenoids. The development of these diets and the
(1.08 and 1.07 mmol VA/g liver) were much lower establishment of new VA recommendations for nonhu-
than the values we detected (17.076.3 mmol VA/g man primates must be based on a modern assessment
liver) [Penniston & Tanumihardjo, 2001]. of VA requirements in each primate species.
If experimental primates are in a state of
hypervitaminosis A, how are we to determine what
their ‘‘normal’’ tissue VA values actually are? One TABLE I. A list of suggested steps designed to
obvious solution would be to measure tissue VA alleviate hypervitaminosis A in experimental
concentrations in wild primates. This would not be a
trivial undertaking and would present significant Time frame Action
ethical, legal, and logistical problems because the
tissue VA measurements would require killing many Short-term (1) Urge all commercial primate diet
wild primates. There may, however, be a much more manufacturers to reformulate their
attainable alternative solution that would avoid any products to contain preformed VA
use of animals from the wild. In this scenario, a at NRC recommended levels
(2) Urge all primate centers to use only
group of captive primates would be given a diet
commercial feeds containing preformed
containing high amounts of b-carotene as the sole VA VA at NRC recommended levels
source. Because VA formation from b-carotene is
regulated based on bodily VA demand, tissue VA Long-term (3) Reformulate commercial primate diets
values should plateau at levels that could be to include b-carotene as a VA source
interpreted as ‘‘optimal’’ and ‘‘normal.’’ Using this (4) Determine optimal basal tissue VA levels
in nonhuman primates
approach, it would also be possible to assess age- and
(5) Reassess NRC recommended intake for VA
gender-related differences in VA requirements.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mills JP, Tanumihardjo SA. 2006. Vitamin A toxicity in wild-

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the care of the animals were approved by the Animal Mills JP, Terasawa E, Tanumihardjo SA. 2007. Ingestion of
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they were undertaken and adhere to the legal of retinyl esters in early fetal livers of captive old world
requirements of the United States. This work monkeys. Comp Med 57:458–462.
was supported partly by NIHNIDDK 61973, NIH Mills JP, Simon PW, Tanumihardjo SA. 2008. Biofortified
carrot intake enhances liver antioxidant capacity and vitamin
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