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Deeland has been instructed to improve the performance of the Deeland Police (DP).

The scenario identified DP’s mission statement – ‘to protect the community and prevent
crime while providing a value for money service’ – and four critical success factors
(CSFs) which had been proposed to support this:

1. Greater protection and more support for those at risk of harm

2. Be better at catching criminals
3. Reducing the causes of crime by increased involvement with local communities
4. Create a task force to develop skills in detection and prosecution of virtual crime.

A table of data was also provided – as replicated below.

Deeland Police data for each year ending 30 June

explanation of the 3Es (economy, efficiency and effectiveness) and how this links to the work on
CSFs and KPIs. Candidates were also asked to use the data provided to evaluate whether DP
provides a value for money service.

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