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Pressure Changers

In this section, we cover two model libraries: the pressure changers. The modules in
this library deal with parts of the process that has an effect on changing the pressure
either directly, such as pumps or compressors, or through its operation, such as pipes
and pipelines.

It is usually required when handling fluid streams to change its pressure for different
reasons. For example, in the gas sweetening plants, an absorption column might be
needed to operate at high pressures to improve the absorption and a pump might be
used to compress the inlet fluids to the desired value. On the other hand, the
regeneration column must be operated at near atmospheric conditions to allow the
adsorbed gases to leave the liquid. The liquid which comes from the absorption
column at high pressures is passed through a valve to achieve the design pressure.

Other operations require transportation of fluids. During transportation, hydrostatic

pressures and friction causes a pressure drop. Therefore, pumps and compressors are
needed to provide the required energy, by increasing the pressure, to the required
level. The friction losses in pipes are a common cause for pressure drop, especially
when with long pipelines. Therefore, pressures drops must be calculated to determine
the required pumping through the pipelines, which is a common calculation when
dealing with pipe networks (specifically for oil and gas collecting systems).

In general, a pump is a device used to transport liquids, gases, and slurries. However,
the term pump is usually used to refer to liquid handling equipment (this is true with
Aspen Plus). The purpose of the pump is to provide a certain pressure at certain flow
rate of a process stream. The pressure requirement is dictated by the process and
piping involved, while the flow rate is controlled by the required capacity in the
downstream units.

There are several types of pumps used for liquid handling. However, these can be
divided into two general forms: positive displacement pumps (including reciprocating
piston pump and the rotary gear pump), and centrifugal pumps. The selection of the
pump type depends on many factor including the flow rate, the pressure, the nature of
the liquid, power supply, and operating type (continuous or intermittent). Figure 30
shows a general guideline to selecting pump type based on flow rates and discharge
pressure. Centrifugal pumps, such as the one shown in Figure 31, are by far the most
widely used type in the chemical process industry, with other types employed for
special process specifications (e.g., high pressures).

Figure 30. Pump selection guide. 2

Figure 31. Section of centrifugal pump showing the inlet (horizontal), the outlet (vertical), the
impeller, and the shaft connecting the impeller to the motor.3

The power requirement for a mechanical system, like pumps and compressors, is
given by the general mechanical balance equation:

( ( ) ∫ )

R. K. Sinnott, John Metcalfe Coulson, and John Francis Richardson, Coulson & Richardson's
Chemical engineering Design, vol. 6, 4th ed. (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005).
J R Backhurst et al., Chemical Engineering Volume 1: Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer
v. 1, 6th ed. (A Butterworth-Heinemann Title, 1999).

Dr. YA Hussain 48
All terms in this equation take their normal meaning with m being the mass flow rate,
and α a coefficient used to take into account the velocity profile inside the pipe (for
laminar α = 0.5, while for turbulent α = 1). The required work (or power) given by P
is the total work that needs to be delivered to the fluid. This work will be drawn from
a motor (operated with electricity or engines). The conversion between the motor and
pump power is not complete and an efficiency is defined to describe the power
conversion. The efficiency is given by:


The input power can be measured from the source. For example, if the pump is
operated with electricity, the input power will be I×V (current times voltage). The
outlet power can be determined using Equation (1).

Notices that Equation (1) takes into account all power requirements: from the kinetics,
potential, pressure differences, and any friction losses. The term "Head" is used to
express the different parts of the power, or energy, requirements. The head is a
measure of how high the fluid can be reached and is usually expressed in length units
(m, ft) which. The pump head is generally divided into three parts:

1. Static head (Δz term): the height to which the fluid will be pumped.
2. Pressure head ( term): the pressure to which the fluid will be delivered (in
a pressurized vessel for example). The pressure units must be converted to length
units using relation.
3. System or dynamic head (F term): the energy lost due to friction in pipes, valves,
fittings, etc.

Figure 32. Typical characteristic curve for a pump.

As the pump works, it can convert its energy into kinetic energy (velocity) or pressure
head. The relation between the flow (kinetic) and the pressure head is usually
expressed using a pump characteristic curve that shows the head developed against
the flow rate. The characteristic curve is a function of the pump design (impeller
diameter and rpm). A typical characteristic curve is show in Figure 32. The figure also
shows the power requirement and pump efficiency of the pump as a function of flow
rate. At a certain flow rate, the pump efficiency will be a maximum, and this will be
referred to as the best efficiency point (B.E.P). This point represents the ideal
combination of flow rate and heat at which the pump can be operated. In other words,
the maximum amount of power input is converted into the fluid.

Pump manufacturers usually supply a characteristic diagram with the pump model. A
typical diagram is shown in Figure 33. The diagram shows different heat-flow rate
curves and the corresponding efficiencies. You can see from this diagram that the
efficiency raises as the pressure (or heat) is increased then it falls again, as indicated
earlier. These curves can be used to select the best pump for a given operation.

Figure 33. A typical characteristic diagram. Lines (a) through (e) represents decreasing
impeller diameter. Notice the curve is given at 2950 rpm operation.
Consider, for example, a process in which you want to pump 40 m3/h of a fluid
against a 150 m head. Then, according to Figure 33, impeller (b) will give an
efficiency of about 62% with almost the required conditions. If we increase the head
to 190 m, impeller (a) can be used with slightly higher efficiency. The choice of the
impeller will thus depend on the process conditions.

Dr. YA Hussain 50
Another important definition for pump operation the net positive section head
(NPSH). To understand the importance of the NPSH, let us consider first the pump
operation. The inlet of the pump is referred to as the suction side while the outlet is
referred to as the discharge side. At the suction side, we should ensure that we have
enough pressure to prevent vaporization of the liquid by ensuring the pressure is
higher than the vapor pressure. This is especially important since the movement of the
impeller will create low pressure regions that can drop below the vapor pressure.
Presence of vapors in the pump will cause cavitation, which can damage the impeller.

The NPSH is defined as the pressure at the suction side of the pump above the vapor
pressure of the fluid. This pressure comes from the tanks and piping arrangements
upstream of the pump. This can be expressed as:


where the NPSH term is designated as "avail" which refers to the available suction.
The H term refers to the hydrostatic pressure available at the suction, the is the
friction losses in the suction side piping, and the is the vapor pressure of the liquid.
In contrast, the required NPSH, referred to as NPSHreq, is a design parameter
calculated based on the process conditions. The NPSHavail must be higher than the
NPSHreq under all operating conditions, and the piping configuration must be
designed to achieve this.

Defining Pumps in Aspen Plus

Pumps can be added from the Pressure Changers library. A pump takes one or
more input streams and one product stream. It can also take a work stream.
The pump specification is given through the Setup windows (accessed by
double clicking on the pump). As shown in Figure 34, there are three different B1
ways to define the pump performance: pressure, power, or performance
curves. The first two options can be input directly, while the third is done in a separate
window (Performance Curve window). The performance curve can be input as either
data (usually available from the manufacturer), a 4th degree polynomial, or written as
an equation using Fortran.

The minimum input needed for a pump is one of the direct specifications (either
pressure related or power). With this input, Aspen Plus will calculate many of the
pump parameters including:

1. Fluid horsepower (FHP): this is the weight of fluid being pumped multiplied by
the head across the pump.
2. Brake horsepower (BHP): is the actual power required by the pump and is equal to
FHP divided by the pump efficiency.
3. Electricity: electric power needed to drive the pump, and is equal to BHP divided
by the drive efficiency.
4. NPSH available.

5. NPSH required: in order to calculate this value, you have to supply some
information about the specific speed (roughly, the rpm of the impeller multiplied
by the flow rate and divided by the head) and the suction specific speed (which is
an index used for centrifugal pumps with values ranging from 6,000 to 12,000,
where 8,500 is a typical value). These can be input in the Setup | Calculation
Options tab.

Figure 34. Setup window for pumps.

Let us consider setting up a pump where the manufacturer has
supplied the following information: pump efficiency: 60%, Head Flow
(m) (m3/hr)
drive efficiency: 90%, and a characteristic curve given in the
40 20
table to the right. Benzene is being fed to the pump at a rate of 250 10
8000 kg/hr at 40.0 oC and 1 bar. Try inputting these data into 300 5
Aspen Plus simulation (what property method do you suggest 400 3
using here?).

Once the simulation runs you will see that results obtained in the Results page. The
results show the NPSHavail to be about 9.02 m. If you want to convert this into
pressure use the relation, with for benzene at the inlet conditions (which
can be looked up as we learned previously). If you do the calculation you get 0.77 bar.
The vapor pressure of benzene at the inlet condition is approximately 0.1 bar. The
results also show that 10.3 kW of electricity is needed. We can calculate how much
this will cost us based on electricity in Jordan as follows.

First, let us define a unit price of JD/kW-hr. To do so, go to the Setup | Custom
Units, and define a new unit for electricity price (Elec-Price) as JD/kWhr based on
$/kWhr with a multiplier of 0.71 (conversion between $ and JD). Also, create a cost
rate (Cost-Rate) unit as JD/hr based on $/hr with a multiplier of 0.71. Now, we can
define the electric price. This is done in the Pump | Setup window by clicking on the
utility tab and defining a new utility (call it Elec). Once you define the new utility, go
to the Utilities | Elec page and input the prices for electricity in the newly defined
units as 0.05 (the price of electricity for small industrial facilities in Jordan is

Dr. YA Hussain 52
currently 50 fils/kW-hr). Now run the simulation and check the results for how much
this pump will cost per year (you should get about 4500 JD/year).

Additional information can be added if we know more about the pump or process. For
example, if we know that the pump has a 3" suction opening, then we can input the
suction area in the Setup | Calculation Options tab as 45.6 cm2. This value will be
used to modify the NPSH for the kinetic effect (i.e. calculating the velocity at
suction). Doing so will increase the NPSHavail to 9.03 meters (which means that the
kinetic energy gives the fluid more head). If we know how much hydraulic static head
is available, then we can take this pressure into account in our calculations.

You will notice that the required NPSH has not

Suction NPSHMargin Ratio
been calculated. This is, as mentioned before, is
because we need to input the suction specific speed Low 1.1 - 1.3
that must be supplied by the manufacturer. Input a 1.2 - 1.7
typical value of 9,000 for this item and check the
Very High 1.7 - 2.5
required NPSH. Compare the values to the
recommendations from the Hydraulic Institute shown in the table to the right.

The principles of gas compression are similar to that of liquid pumping. The main
difference lies in the mechanical design of the equipment due the differences in the
physical properties between gases and liquids Common compressor types are shown
in Figure 35. Since gases are much more compressible than liquids, the compression
process gives raise to higher temperature and volume changes in the gas.

Figure 35.Types of compressors.4
In Equation (1) the term was calculated for liquids by assuming is
independent of , thus yielding the term. For gases, this assumption cannot be
made, and the path (relation between and ) must be specified. This path is
commonly expressed in terms of the relation:


This relation between and is termed a polytropic process. Special cases of this
equation are the isothermal process ( ) and the isentropic process ( (
)). Both the polytropic and isentropic process are ideal processes and must be
corrected to account for real processes. This is done through the use of efficiencies
(polytropic and isentropic).

The isentropic efficiency refers to the deviation from the reversible, adiabatic work
(constant entropy work), and is calculated as:

( P2 / P1 )   1) /   1
(5)  is 
T2 /(T1  1)
where the subscripts 1 and 2 refers to the inlet and outlet conditions, respectively. We
notice here that the efficiency will depend on the pressure ratio ( ), which will
make it necessary to adjust the efficiency for each pressure ratio. The polytropic
efficiency can be used to overcome this drawback. In this case, a value of is
specified for the compressor and the polytropic efficiency is defined as:

n 1 
(6) p 
n  1
In both cases, the efficiency takes care of the irreversibilities and losses in the
compressor. The efficiency can be used to calculate the energy balance as:

Once the enthalpy change is calculated, the brake horsepower ( ) is given by:

(8) ( )
where is the mechanical efficiency of the compressor. The term ( ) is called
the indicated horsepower (or ), and is the energy required to pressure the fluid.

Defining Compressors in Aspen Plus

A compressor in Aspen Plus takes similar inputs and output B10

material and work streams as that of a pump. The specifications

sheet for the compressor is shown in Figure 36. Unlike pumps, here
you need to specify the compressor operating conditions, based on

Sinnott, Coulson, and Richardson, Coulson & Richardson's Chemical engineering Design, vol. 6. Refer
to page 478 of this reference for typical operating conditions of each type.

Dr. YA Hussain 54
experience or manufacturer recommendations and information. The outlet conditions
can be either input directly as pressure specification, determined from input power, or
determined from performance curves. If the last option is used, the performance curve
must be given in Performance Curves sheet in a similar manner to that for the pump.

The pump efficiency can be input directly as a scalar quantity, or it can be calculated
from efficiency curves. In both cases, the efficiency will have a direct effect on BHP
calculations for the compressor.

Figure 36. Compressor specifications sheet.

Consider for example an isentropic compressor with a performance curve as shown in

the table to the right. The operating and reference shaft speed Head Flow
for the pump is 5000 rpm. If we setup such compressor such (m) (m3/hr)
that it processes 70 m3/hr of O2 at -10 oC and 1 bar, we will 10000 1
see that Aspen Plus calculates the net work required as 0.21 20000 2
30000 3
kW at 72% efficiency (try to figure out how Aspen Plus 40000 4
calculated this number), and a outlet pressure of 7.4 bar,
temperature 292 oC, and an isentropic temperature of 213 oC.


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 37. Different types of valvues: ball (a), globe (b), and butterfly (c).

Valves used in the process industry are ether such off valves (used to close the flow)
or control valve (used to adjust the flow either manually or automatically). Several
types of valves exist such as the gate, plug, ball, globe, diaphragm, and butterfly
valves. Some examples are shown in Figure 37. Shut off valves are designed to give
good mechanical sealing when closed while having low resistance to flow when
open.Gate, plug, and ball valves are typically used for this application. For flow
control, it is important to be able to control the flow smoothly from fully open to fully
close. For this puprose, globe valves are commonly used. Butterfly valves are used for
vapor and gas flows.

As the fluid passes through the valve,

there will be a direct relation between
the pressure drop across the valve and
the flow rate. This relation is usally
expressed using the valve flow
coefficient ( ) which isdefined as the
number of gallons per minute of water
at 60 oF that will pass through the valve
with a pressure drop of 1 psi. The
relation between flow rate and pressure
drop is given by:

(9) W  FpCv in ( Pin  Pout )

where is the mass flow rate and is

a piping geometry factor. A similar
expression is used for gases with an
expansion factor ( ) used in place of
. Figure 38. Liquid flow rate versus pressure
drop (assuming constant p1 and pv).5
According to Equation (9), the flow rate
will increase with increasing pressure drop. However, there is a limit for pressure
drop after which the flow will not increase any more. At this level of operation the
valve is said to be choked, and the flow rate is term the choked flow. A representation
of flow dependence of pressure drop is shown in Figure 38. This phenomenon can be
useful sometimes as it allows control of flow rate independent of downstream
Valves in Aspen Plus
The valve module is accessible from the pressure changers library in Aspen
Plus. The valve takes only one input and one output streams. The
specifications for the valve are made in its Input | Operation sheet as shown

Don Green and Robert Perry, Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Eighth Edition, 8th ed.
(McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007), 8-82.

Dr. YA Hussain 56
in Figure 39. As you can see from in Operation tab, there are three options when
modeling valves: direct specification of pressure and performing adiabatic
calculations, valve sizing or design, or valve rating.

In the first case, you need to input the outlet pressure from, or the pressure drop
across, the valve. The calculations will then be made assuming adiabatic operation
( ). In this case, the valve will act as a pressure changer with out any insight
into the flow restricting action fo the valve. Try, for example, to model a valve with
1000 kg/min of water inlet at 200 oC and 10 bar, and specify the pressure drop as 1.5
bar (use ASME steam table correlations). The program will calculate the exit
temperature of the stream assuming an adiabatic operation giving 192 oC.

Figure 39. Valve specifications sheet.

In the second case, a specific outlet pressure is given by the user together with certain
characteristic values for the valve, and the program will caclulcate the valve flow
coefficient, the choked outlet pressure, and the valve openining percentage. These
values can then be used to specify the needed valve for the process based on its
characterisitcs. If you repeat the previous system and select the "Calculate valve flow
coefficient…" option, the Input | Valve Parameters tab will become available. In this
tab you need to input , pressure drop ratio factor ( ), and pressure recovery factor
( ). The pressure drop ratio factor accounts for the effect of the internal geometry of
the valve on the change in fluid density as it passes through the valve, while the
pressure recovery factor accounts for the effect of the internal geometry of the valve
on its liquid flow capacity under choked conditions. Either of these values can be
input as a table versus valve opening, or as a constant value.

Repreat the last simulation of water using the following information this time:
, , and . Use a linear characteristic equationo for
(check out the help to see what does this mean). If you examine the results you will
see that the pressure drop for this case was calculated to be 2.96 bar, about 0.90 bar
above chok pressure, and the required valve opening is 65%. As in the first case, the
outlet temperature decreased to 192 oC.

In the third case, similar information is needed for the valve parameters. However,
here the valve opening or flow coefficient are supplied by the user and the program
will calculate the pressure drop across the valve. You can see how this is used by
simulating the flow of 5000 gal/min of water at 50 oC and 10 bar through a valve at
60% opening that has similar factors as the presvious case. In this case, we see that
the valve will induce a 1.6 bar of pressure drop (still above the chock pressure).

Pipes and Pipelines

The flow of fluids inside pipes causes friction losses which affects the fluid pressure.
Therefore, it is important to take into account the effect of piping systems and
accommodate proper pumping operation for downstream units. In addition, as fluid
flows into the pipe, it can exchange heat with the surrounding which affects its

The calculations of pressure drop across pipes depend on the pipe length and
geometry, connections, fittings, and any contractions or expansions in the pipe.
Correlations are available to describe the frictional losses in the pipe to which the
pressure drop is related. Fittings effect on pressure drop is usually considered in
friction calculations as an increase in the pipe length.

When the fluid inside the pipe is a single phase, it will fully fill the inside of the pipe.
The calculations of the friction loss in this case will depend mainly on the flow
conditions, physical properties of the fluid, and the pipe characteristics. On the other
hand, if two phases exist inside the pipe, then it is important to determine the type of
flow. There is large number of studies on the subject that attempts to identify the
flow pattern based on flow characteristics. An example of flow patterns is shown in
Figure 40. As shown in the figure, the flow becomes segregated between the two

Figure 40. Gas/liquid flow patterns in horizontal flow.6

Ibid., 6-26.

Dr. YA Hussain 58
phases which affect friction calculations. Also, since the gas has much lower density
than the liquid, its superficial velocity can be higher resulting in liquid hold up in the
pipe. Correlations present to calculate the liquid hold up. Of special importance when
dealing with multi-phase flow is the orientation of the pipe (horizontal, vertical, and
inclined) which should be taken into account in the calculations.
The heat effect on fluids passing through a pipe can be determined based on energy
balance. The energy balance is simply given by:

(10) ̇ ̇

for which the heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature (for B1 calculations)
must be specified.

Pipes & Pipelines in Aspen Plus

There are two modules available for modeling pipes in
Aspen Plus: Pipes and Pipelines. The pipes module is
used to model single segments of pipes with any
associated fittings. Pipelines, on the other hand, are used
to model larger pipes networks such as those encountered with oil and gas collecting

Pipe specifications can be made in the Setup | Pipe Parameters tab for the pipe
block. This sheet takes basic input about the pipe geometry. Temperature calculations
are setup in the Setup | Thermal Specification tab where the choice on how to
calculate the temperature profile is made. In this terms to include in the energy

Figure 41. Gas/liquid flow patterns in horizontal flow.7

balance calculations is made (i.e., and terms). Any fittings in the pipe can be
defined in the Setup | Fittings 1 tab, which also gives the ability to modify the factors
used in the calculations, if needed. Finally, the Setup | Fittings 2 tab gives the ability
to include the entrance and exit effects and any contraction, expansion, or orifice
presents in the pipe. Further calculations options for the pipe module can be made

Ibid., 6-26.

through the Advanced | Calculation Options and Advanced | Methods tabs
available for the pipe block.

Consider for example a stream of natural gas (containing 80% C1, 10% C2, 5% C3,
3% C4, and 2% C5, mole fractions) flowing at a rate of 60 MSCFD, 150oF, and 100
psi. The stream will pass through 100 ft, carbon steel, 5", 40# pipe that is tilted 10 o
from the horizontal level. The pipe is exposed to the atmosphere at 68 oF, and has a
mass transfer coefficient of 1.5 Btu/ft2·hr·oF. The valve contains a butterfly valve and
a 90o elbow. If you input all these information into the program, Aspen Plus gives the
following results: 76.2 psi exit pressure, 64.5oF. You can notice that the outlet
velocity of the gas is 432 ft/s, compared to 329 ft/s at the inlet (can you think why is
this?). Finally, the results also show the flow regime for the system at its inlet and
outlet. This is important to consider since the presence of mist in vapor streams can
damage the pipelines. In this case the flow was completely in the vapor phase since
the temperature is will above that of any of the components boiling points. Try
decreasing the temperature to –60oF and increasing the pressure to 900 psi and see
what is the flow regime for this case.

Dr. YA Hussain 60
Exercise 1: Pump Performance Based on Data Sheet
The performance curve for the CL 125-160 (3 kW, Φ183) centrifugal pump is given in
the attached sheet. The pump has an rpm of 1450. The pump is to be used to
process 95 m3/hr of water at 100oC and 2.5 bar. Model this system using the STEAM-
TA property method.

Johnson Pump

4. What is the outlet pressure and temperature from the pump?
Temp: , Pres:

5. What is the pump efficiency?

6. How much energy does the pump consume? How much will that cost at a rate of
50 fils per kW-hr (define this in the utility section)?
Energy: , Cost:

7. Using a 9000 suction specific speed, how much NSPH is required and how must is

8. What is the minimum operating inlet pressure needed to prevent cavitation in

the pump?

9. Does the efficiency increase, decrease, or remain the same as we increase the
flow rate?

Exercise 2: Compressor Operation
Two compressors are used to compress 4 m3/hr of oxygen at 40oF and 1 bar. The
flow is divided between the two compressors equally. The specification for each
compressor is given below:

Compressor 1 Compressor 2
 Polytropic (use GPSA method) with η =  Isentropic with η = 65%
 The performance is given by the  The performance is given by the
following data: following polynomial:
Head Flow ( ) ( )
(m) (m3/hr)
10000 1  Operating and shaft speed = 5000
20000 2 rpm
30000 3
40000 4
 Operating and shaft speed = 5000 rpm.


1. What is the exit temperature and pressures from both compressors?

Compressor 1 Compressor 2

T[ ]

P[ ]

2. How much electricity is needed for each compressor?

Compressor 1: , Compressor 2:

3. What is the isentropic temperature for each compressor? Does it differ from the
outlet temperature? Why?

Compressor 1: , Compressor 2:

Dr. YA Hussain 62
Exercise 3: Valve Specifications
Consider the valve datasheet supplied by Metso given below. In the top table on
page 2, the value of is given as a function of valve diameter. You can assume that
the given diameter is the opening of a 20" valve. Also assume that and are
0.82 and 0.90 respectively.

Mesto Valve

Ethanol is to be depressurized using this valve from 3 bar and 100oC at a flow rate of
360 SCMH.


1. What will be the valve opening required to reduce the pressure to 2.5 bar? Do
you think this valve is suitable for this process?

2. What is the choked pressure for this valve?

3. What is the cavitation index for this valve? What does this mean?

4. If the valve is already installed and operated at 35% opening, what will be the
outlet pressure?

Exercise 4: Flow through Pipes
Natural gas and condensate are mixed and sent through a 27 km long pipeline to the
processing facility. The conditions for the natural gas and condensate are shown

Condensate Conditions Gas Conditions

Temperature 24 °C Temperature 38°C
Pressure 42 bar Pressure 42 bar
Flow Rate 121 lpm Flow Rate 410 kmol/h
Composition (mole %) Composition (mole %)
Carbon Dioxide 0.0 n- Butane 14.0 Carbon Dioxide 0.2 n-Butane 1.5
Nitrogen 0.0 i-Pentane 11.0 Nitrogen 0.5 i-Pentane 0.7
Methane 3.5 n-Pentane 11.0 Methane 84.3 n-Pentane 0.3
Ethane 3.5 n-Hexane 23.0 Ethane 5.0 n-Hexane 0.5
Propane 15.0 n-Heptane 4.0 Propane 5.0 n-Heptane 0.5
i-Butane 15.0 i-Butane 1.5

After the first 15 km, another gas stream joins Conditions

the pipeline and has the conditions and Temperature 80°C
Pressure 35 bar
composition show in the table to the right.
Flow Rate 9440 Nm3/d
Composition (mole %)
The following information is known about the
Carbon Dioxide 0.1 n-Butane 1.0
piping system: Nitrogen 0.8 i-Pentane 0.6
Methane 85.0 n-Pentane 0.4
 The first 15 km is divided into three equal Ethane 6.5 n-Hexane 0.4
length segments each with 8 inch pipe. Propane 3.7 n-Heptane 0.5
 The first and third segments of pipe have i-Butane 1.0
no elevation change; however, the second segment has a 152 m increase in
 Add a 90° elbow after the first segment.
 The ambient temperature for the first segment is 10°C, 5°C for the second, and -
1°C for the third.
 After the second gas stream joins the pipeline, the new mixture is compressed to
40 bar in a 65% polytropic efficient compressor.
 The compressed stream is pumped through a 12 inch line and continues for
another 12 km to the processing facility.
 This pipe is well insulated.
 The heat transfer coefficient for the first three pipes is 10 W/m2·K.


1. What is the temperature and pressure at the end of the piping system?

2. How much energy is needed in the compressor?

Dr. YA Hussain 64
3. What happens to the simulation if the compressor is removed? Why?


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