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A. Lengkapi Kalimat Dibawah ini Dengan Kata "THIS, THAT, THOSE atau THESE" !
1. ........ is an elephant. (ini)
2. ........ are umbrellas. (ini)
3. ........ is a ruler. (itu)
4. ........ is a broom. (ini)
5. ........ are plates. (ini)
6. ........ are hats. (itu)
7. ........ is a candy. (itu)
8. ........ are skirts. (ini)
9. ........ are butterflies. (itu)
10. ........ is a sharpener. (itu)

B. Lengkapi Kalimat dibawah ini dengan kata "IS atau ARE" !

1. That .... a ship.
2. This .... a flag.
3. These .... five marbles.
4. Those .... fingers.
5. This .... a cup of coffee.
6. Those .... rooms.
7. These .... jasmines.
8. That .... a car.
9. This .... an eagle.
10. Those .... kites.

C. Tulis "T" jika TRUE (BENAR) dan "F" jika FALSE (SALAH).
1. That is a camel. (.....)
2. Those is tables. (.....)
3. This are a spoon. (.....)
4. These are pencils. (.....)
5. That are fans. (.....)
6. This is a fox. (.....)
7. Those are chair. (.....)
8. These are rubbers. (.....)
9. That is a ink. (.....)
10. These are a mouse. (.....)


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