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What’s New in WinProp

Fluid Property
Characterization Tool

Version 2018
What’s New in WinProp 2018.10

STARS K-table PT-smoothing option has been implemented. It is an improvement by comparison to the
current option (2-stage P and T smoothing) for instances when there are many data points and some of
them are required for interpolation and/or extrapolation. The polynomial pressure and temperature
simultaneous curve fitting is used.
In generated STARS files (.str), LogK versus P correlation information is now included in the output.
See template data set stars-vlaq_kvalues-80P50T-PTFitting.dat.

Regression Errors
A new plot called "Summary Plot: Regression Errors" has been added to the Simulation Graphs tree
node. The associated plotting data can be exported into Excel and to text files.
Multiple PT-Boundary
A new plot called “Summary Plot: 2-Phase PTs” has been added to the Simulation Graphs tree node. If a
data set has multiple 2-Phase envelope modules (for example, before and after regression 2-phase
envelope comparison) all these PT-boundary lines are plotted on a single plot for easy visual comparison.
The associated plotting data can be exported into Excel and to text files.
The 2-Phase envelope construction algorithm has been improved for better calculation stability and
smoother PT and/or quality line constructions.

The multiple mixing cell method has improved robustness and stability, especially with regards to the
starting pressure value.
4 MMP correlation models (2 for pure CO2 injection and 2 for general gas injection) are implemented to
provide an additional MMP calculation value.

The mass-based compositions are preserved across the regression calculation and after the component
update operation.
See template data set regress-bo_field-massFeed.dat.

What’s New in WinProp 2018.10 1

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