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Note: These are Professor Campbell’s REAL Recorded Responses (IN


Seriously, how can the internet not be the best thing ever? Never before in human history has it been
easier for music to reach every inch of the globe, and that is all because of the internet. Citizens in China
are right now downloading music from an American music artist, whereas in the past they may have
never heard this music. If that is not convincing enough, the internet has allowed the “average Joe” to
sit in his home studio, record a song, upload it to Spotify, and start making money from downloads. In
the past this singer would have had to hope and pray for a record company to notice him. The internet
simultaneously expanded and simplified the music business. The positives outweigh any perceived
Note: These are Professor Campbell’s REAL Recorded Responses (IN

If my comrade or classmate approached me and said he wanted to leave school for a year, I’d tell him to
think twice about that notion. I have read numerous articles and social media posts that tell the sob
stories of students who said quote “I’m just going to make a little money and I’ll be back”, and then 5
years go by and the person is still working at 7-11 mini-market selling bean pies, icy hot, and smoothies.
That little bit of money is a slippery slope that leads to a bottomless pit of sorrow. I remember my
cousin left school to work in the car plant, and right now, 10 years later, he’s still a line worker without
benefits. It’s crazy that young men and women would risk their future for a little bit of money. My friend
would need to not be short-sighted.
Note: These are Professor Campbell’s REAL Recorded Responses (IN

The worst experience that I’ve ever had was being called out in class by my teacher while in law school.
If you don’t know, “being called out” happens when you are not prepared and the teacher scolds you in
front of the entire class. I can still remember it vividly. I was sitting there on the front row and the
teacher said “who can tell me the issue and rule of the case.” She called on me and I had to say I didn’t
read. She told me in front of everyone that I should be ashamed. Everyone was looking at me, and all I
could do was hold my head down in embarrassment. At the time, I thought she was horrible for doing
this. However now I see it as positive because I never showed up to class or at work unprepared. It was a
blessing in disguise that I’ll always remember and learn from.
Note: These are Professor Campbell’s REAL Recorded Responses (IN

Imagine coming come from a long frustrating day where the boss gave you a hard time, or your
girlfriend just told you that she’s leaving you for your best friend. Wouldn’t it be great to have someone
waiting there for you with nothing but unconditional love and understanding? This is why I would
confidently recommend that my friend acquire a dog and not to think about any other pet as an option.
A dog provides free security inside and outside the home, and only asks for food and a place to sleep.
Equally important, a canine will be your best friend when no one else wants your company. I can
remember seeing a homeless man who had nothing, but his dog was still there by his side. I think my
number one comrade will benefit from selecting a dog to join his family. I couldn’t imagine a better

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