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J Med Food 16 (6) 2013, 551–557

# Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., and Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
DOI: 10.1089/jmf.2012.0162

Biological Activity of Liposomal Vanillin

Leniher Castan,1 Grisel del Toro,2 Adolfo A. Fernández,3 Manuel González,4
Emilia Ortı́z,1 and Daliana Lobo1
Departments of 1Biomedical Engineering, 3Computer Science, and 4Biology, Faculties of 1Electrical Engineering,
Mathematics & Computer Science, and 4Natural Sciences, University of Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
Food and Pharmacy Institute, Havana University, Havana, Cuba.

ABSTRACT This article presents a study of vanillin encapsulation inside multilamellar liposomes, with emphasis on the
evaluation of antioxidant activity, the hemolytic effect, and the antisickling properties of these products. Egg phosphati-
dylcholine-cholesterol and egg phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol-1-O-decylglycerol liposomes were prepared by mechanical
dispersion, all with vanillin included. Vesicles were characterized by determination of encapsulation efficiency and vanillin
retention capacity. Antioxidant activity was determined by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. The hemolytic
effect of liposomes was also evaluated by spectrophotometry, as well as the antisickling activity by the Huck test using optical
microscopy. Results showed that the lipid composition of liposomes did not significantly affect the encapsulation efficiency.
Stable vesicles were obtained with a high retention percentage of vanillin. Liposomes exhibited a high capture of the DPPH
radical compared to free vanillin and 1-O-decylglycerol (C10) in solution. Vesicles caused no significant hemolisys in normal
erythrocytes, nor in those coming from patients with sickle cell anemia. Vanillin encapsulated in liposomes retained its
antisickling activity, with a greater effect for C10-containing vesicles. Our results show that vanillin encapsulation in
liposomes is a way to enhance the pharmacologic properties of this molecule using a suitable vehicle.

KEY WORDS:  alkylglyerols  aromatic aldehyde  artificial vesicles  drug delivery  sickle cell disease

INTRODUCTION Recently developed drug delivery systems such as lipo-

somes serve as efficient vehicles, and there are several FDA-
V anillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) is
an aromatic derivative aldehyde of Vanilla planifolia,
which has been traditionally used in the food and cosmetic
approved formulations.13 These vesicles can be modified to
influence the process of transporting the encapsulated drug.
Among the changes that have been made in lipid membranes
industries.1 This flavoring agent has some pharmacological
is the inclusion of 1-O-alkylglycerols.14 These lipid ethers,
properties. Reports had shown that vanillin can display
derivatives of shark liver oil, have antitumor, antimicrobial,
chemopreventive effects in chemical carcinogenesis mod-
and anti-inflammatory activities.15–17 They are also absorp-
els,2 antimutagenic activity,3 inhibition of metastasis,4 an-
tion promoters and enhance the passage of several molecules
tioxidant properties,5 and antibacterial and antinflammatory
through the blood–brain barrier, the gut, and cell mem-
action.6,7 Vanillin also has antisickling properties, as has
branes.18,19 The lipidic ether 1-O-decylglyerol is an example
been demonstrated in multiple studies.8,9
of this family of compounds.15–19 The 1-O-alkylglycerol
Although vanillin has these medicinal effects, its bio-
ethers may be used to modify liposomes and improve the
logical activity in animal models has been limited because it
capacity of these systems to transport molecules through the
has low oral bioavailability, probably due to its degradation
barriers mentioned above. The 1-O-alkylglycerols, and spe-
in the gastrointestinal tract.10 The half-life of this molecule
cifically 1-O-decylglycerol (C10), can also synergize the ef-
is very short, fast disappearing from peripheral blood.11 Its
fects of drugs encapsulated in the liposomes, due to its
low solubility in water raises the problem of administering it
pharmacological properties.
by nonaqueous vehicles, which are often toxic.12 All of these
In this work, we performed the encapsulation of vanillin
factors make it necessary to have a suitable vehicle for the
in liposomal vesicles, some of them modified with the
efficient administration of vanillin.
synthetic ether C10, and then studied the influence of en-
capsulation on some pharmacological properties of vanillin.
Manuscript received 23 June 2012. Revision accepted 25 February 2013 Specifically, we studied the antioxidant activity by evalua-
tion of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) capture.
Address correspondence to: Leniher Castan, MSc, Department of Biomedical En-
gineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Oriente, Avenida de las
Since vanillin can be used in sickle cell anemia and hemo-
Américas s/n, Santiago de Cuba 90 900, Cuba, E-mail: lysis is frequent in this pathology,8 we also assayed the


hemolytic activity of liposomes to determine if those vesi- ethanolic solutions of vanillin to the concentration of
cles may aggravate this problem. Finally, we assayed the 1.5 mg/mL. Reactivity was also evaluated using solutions of
capacity of vesicles to inhibit the sickle deformation. C10 (10 lmol/mL) and ePC (20 lmol/mL) with the same
concentration into liposomes, proceeding in a similar man-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ner. In the supernatants of the preparations, as well as in the
solutions of vanillin, C10, and ePC, the absorbance was
Reagents determined at 517 nm. A solution of DPPH itself was used as
To obtain the liposomal vesicles, egg yolk phosphati- the negative control, while the positive control was an
dylcholine (ePC) obtained by the method of Pangborn ascorbic acid solution.
et al.20 was used. The C10 was provided by the Food and The equation to determine the percentage of DPPH rad-
Pharmacy Institute, Havana University. Cholesterol (Cho) ical capture is
was purchased from Sigma, vanillin was provided by
Ap  Am
Panreac, and organic solvents (chloroform and methanol) Ip DPPH (%) ¼ · 100%
by UNI-chem. Ap

Preparation of liposomes where Ip is capture percent, A is the absorbance, and the

subscripts m and p represent the sample and the DPPH or
Organic solutions were prepared containing ePC, Cho, white, respectively.
vanillin, and C10 in a chloroform–methanol 2:1 mixture.
Two preparations were developed, one containing ePC and Hemolytic effect
Cho at the molar ratio 1:0.5 and another containing ePC–
Cho–C10 at the molar ratio 1:0.5:0.1. In all solutions, 3 mg The study of the hemolytic activity was performed using
of vanillin were added to ensure a molar 1:1 ratio with ePC. the spectrophotometric method of Stanley.22 Five tests were
Each preparation was performed in triplicate. The organic performed in whole blood from patients with sickle cell
solutions were evaporated in a rotary evaporator (IKA), disease (SCD) from the special hematology consultation at
until a thin lipid film formed on the walls of the vessel Children’s South Hospital of Santiago de Cuba, with previous
containing the mixture. One milliliter of saline was then informed consent and in accordance with the ethical stan-
added to the reaction vessel and subjected to vortexing dards of the institution. Five tests were also conducted with
(IKA), thereby obtaining a suspension containing lipo- blood from volunteer donors, provided by the Provincial
somes. Subsequently, the vesicles were purified by centri- Blood Bank of Santiago de Cuba. The exclusion criteria were
fugation 60 min at 10,000 g in a refrigerated centrifuge infants born prematurely, those who had received transfu-
(Heal Force) and washed three times to remove the un- sions within two months before the taking of samples, and
encapsulated solute, then resuspended in 1 mL of saline and pregnant women. Patients with low hemoglobin values and
stored at 4C. Encapsulation efficiency (EE%) of vanillin in those who were receiving any type of treatment were also
the liposomal vesicles was determined indirectly as follows: excluded.
Heparinized whole blood was centrifuged at 1400 g for
Cvi  Cvs 10 min and the cell pellet was subjected to three successive
EE% ¼ · 100%
Cvi washes with phosphate buffer solution (PBS), pH = 7.4.
Thereafter, the pellet was diluted with PBS to a final volume
where Cvi is the concentration of vanillin added to the initial of 10 mL. The hemolytic effect was studied in triplicate for
mixture and Cvs is the concentration of vanillin in the su- each preparation. Positive control was a solution of eryth-
pernatants after purification. rocytes treated with Na2CO3 at 0.1%, and negative control
The vanillin concentration was determined spectropho- was erythrocytes with PBS (Table 1). After adding, com-
tometrically at 610 nm using the method reported for the pounds were stirred and mixtures were allowed to stand
determination of this flavoring agent in foods,21 by reaction 30 min and subsequently centrifuged. Supernatants were
with Folin Ciocalteu’s reagent. The retention percent was collected, and the absorbance was determined at 545 nm to
determined by quantification of vanillin released from the detect the release of hemoglobin. Using the absorbance
liposomes after 7 days of storage and subsequent centrifu-
gation. Table 1. Preparation of Reaction Mixtures
for the Study of Hemolytic Effect
Free radical scavenging capacity
0.1% PBS Erythrocytes Liposomes
To determine the scavenging activity of the compounds, a Na2CO3 pH = 7.4 solution solution
0.5 mL ethanol solution of DPPH at 0.1 mM and 1 mL of (mL) (mL) (mL) (mL)
different preparations were mixed in a vial. These reaction
Positive control 9.80 — 0.20 —
mixtures were prepared in triplicate for each liposomal Negative control — 9.80 0.20 —
preparation and incubated at 25C for 1 h. Then, they were Reaction mix — 9.79 0.20 0.01
subjected to centrifugation at 10,000 g for 60 min, and the
supernatants were collected. DPPH was also mixed with PBS, phosphate-buffered saline.

values, the percentage of hemolysis caused was calculated, vanillin, 98.48% – 0.37% for ePC–Cho and 94.63% – 0.64%
according to the formula: for ePC–Cho–C10, with no significant differences between
the two preparations (P > .05). The absence of statistically
Am  Acn significant differences between the encapsulation efficien-
%H ¼ · 100%
Acp  Acn cies and the retention capacity of the tested liposomes
suggests that the presence of C10 does not affect these pa-
where the subscripts cn and cp represent the negative and rameters at the molar ratio used in the study. The high re-
positive controls, respectively. tention percentage of vanillin in storage conditions affirms
the stability of the obtained liposomal vesicles.
Effects on SS erythrocytes
Free radical scavenging capacity
To study the effect of liposomal preparations on SS
erythrocytes from patient with SCD, five tests were per- Differences were statistically significant (P < .05) in the
formed with whole blood from patients with SCD. Reaction capture of DPPH for tested liposomes of different compo-
mixtures were obtained by mixing 200 lL of blood with 200 sition. As shown in Figure 1, C10 vesicles showed a capture
lL of liposomal preparations. This ensures sufficient of 98.56%, a percentage that is significantly (P < .05) higher
amount of vanillin to be able for reacting with S hemoglobin than the rest of the preparations. The preparation ePC–Cho
(HbS) as has been reported previously by our group.23 Each showed a scavenging activity value of 76.44%, which is
experiment was performed with six replicates. Liposomal significantly higher than C10 (23.81%), ePC (45.01%), and
preparations and free vanillin were evaluated. The mixtures the unencapsulated vanillin (43.90%). These results dem-
were incubated at 36C, and then a 10-lL aliquot of each onstrate that the incorporation of C10 into the liposomal
one was deposited in a slide for running the Huck test.24 This structure increases the ability to scavenge the DPPH radical.
involves placing a cover slip over deposited blood, and then Vesicles appeared to be stable after centrifugation in the
sealing it with paraffin to subject the samples to anoxygenic retention percent determination step, with very low libera-
conditions. The mixtures were prepared in triplicate. Slides tion of entrapped material to the medium. Therefore, this is
were observed under an optic microscope (Novel) with a evidence that the antioxidant potential was not due to van-
digital camera (Canon) at the initial time (t0) and at 24 and illin being released from the liposomes as it was being
48 h. In each case, a sickle cell counting was performed. The centrifuged in this assay.
observation field was fixed to 200 cells. The fact that the liposomal preparation without C10
showed a greater reactivity with DPPH than C10, ePC, and
Statistical analysis vanillin can be explained by assuming a synergism between
the antioxidant action of vanillin and the ePC vesicle
Analysis of variance was performed using simple classi-
structure. It has been shown that vanillin has antioxidant
fication, coupled with the Duncan’s test with a significance
capacity, and the antioxidant properties of ePC have also
level of P < .05. All data processing was performed using
been confirmed, through studies of its interaction with sin-
Statistica for Windows version 8.1.
glet oxygen.25 It can be assumed that in the vesicles under
study, the capacity of immobilized vanillin to capture free
radicals is added to the free radical scavenging effect of
Characterization of liposomes ePC. ePC contains double bonds and is able to react with
Characteristics of vesicles are shown in Table 2. The
encapsulation efficiency showed a mean value of
47.5% – 2.6% in the preparation containing C10 and
50.3% – 1.3% in the one composed by ePC–Cho alone,
without statistically significant differences between the two
results (P > .05). We obtained high retention values of

Table 2. Characterization of Liposome Vesicles

Liposome Encapsulation Vanillin retained

composition yield (%) after 7 days (%)
ePC–Cho 50.3 – 1.3 98.48 – 0.37 FIG. 1. 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging percent
ePC–Cho–C10 47.5 – 2.6 94.63 – 0.64 of different tested preparations. All values are given as the arithmetic
mean – standard deviation of three replicates. Different letters indi-
Values are given as the arithmetic mean – standard deviation of three cate statistically significant differences in ANOVA coupled with
replicates. No significant differences were found with analysis of variance Duncan’s test (P < .05). Control (positive), ascorbic acid; Cho, cho-
(P > .05). lesterol; ePC–Cho–C10, liposomes with 1-O-decylglycerol; ePC–
ePC, egg yolk phosphatidylcholine; Cho, cholesterol; C10, 1-O-decylgly- Cho, liposomes without 1-O-decylglycerol; C10, 1-O-decylglycerol;
cerol. ePC, egg yolk phosphatidylcholine.

oxygen- and nitrogen-reactive species. It is noteworthy that

the preparation with C10 is the one that has the best scav-
enging activity. This result cannot be explained by merely
taking into account the direct capture of DPPH by C10,
since its structure has no double bonds or other groups ca-
pable of interacting significantly with free radicals. C10 is
likely to form curvature regions in the lipid bilayers, which
modify lipid packaging. These regions can be considered
areas where the membrane lipid density decreases, favoring
the inward diffusion of substances such as DPPH. In pre-
vious works, it has been demonstrated that lipids which do
not form bilayers, such as stearylamine (SA) and phospha-
tidylglycerol (PG), are inducers of curvature regions in li-
posomes and this allows proteins like epidermal growth FIG. 2. Hemolytic effect calculated in vitro by the spectrophoto-
factor (EGF) to pass through them.26,27 C10, like SA and metric method for C10-modified and unmodified liposomes on eryth-
PG, does not form bilayers,28 so it is very likely that cur- rocytes of sickle cell disease patients (SS) and volunteer donors (AA).
No statistically significant differences were observed between treat-
vatures formed by this ether are of sufficient size to let large
ments when analysis of variance was applied (P > .05). All values are
molecules pass through. For many substances, phospholip- given as the arithmetic mean – standard deviation of three replicates.
ids with their electric charges and external groups may SS, erythrocytes from patient with SCD; AA, erythrocytes from healthy
constitute barriers to movement through the membranes. In individuals.
the areas of lower density and packing of the polar heads of
phospholipids, molecules like DPPH and other reactive globin release with values of up to 40% of hemolysis in
species may diffuse into the bilayers and have a greater patients with SCD,24 it can be considered that C10 acts to
probability of interaction with the immobilized vanillin increase the hemolytic effect in the case of SS erythrocytes.
within. This would increase the capacity of DPPH scav- In general, the hemolytic effect of the tested preparations is
enging, as observed in the experiment under analysis. A fact very low compared with the maximum hemolysis reported
that supports this hypothesis is the property of alkylglycer- as permissible in the literature, which is 10%. This is the
ols to act as absorption promoters.29 maximal hemolysis that a compound may cause without
toxicity in the in vitro test developed by Stanley et al.22
Effect on erythrocytes SS
The polymerization of HbS causes the sickle deformation
in SS erythrocytes and hemolysis;24 therefore, any com- All tested preparations showed a marked decrease in the
pound with the potential to treat SCD needs to have a low number of sickle cells at 24 h of incubation, compared to
hemolytic effect to prevent increase of hemolysis due to the positive control (Table 3). For the positive control (Fig. 3a, b),
illness. This fact makes it necessary to test the compounds a significant increase (63% – 4.2%) in the number of sickle
for hemolytic effect. cells at 48 h was observed, compared with the number of cells
Figure 2 shows the hemolysis percent of the compounds at 24 h of incubation, 25% – 3.2% (P < .05).
on erythrocytes from apparently healthy individuals (AA) The liposomal preparation containing C10 showed the
and patients with SCD (SS erythrocytes). For the ePC–Cho– lowest values in sickle cell formation, with values of
C10 preparation, higher values of hemolysis were detected: 6.0% – 1.1% at 24 h and 5.0% – 2.8% at 48 h, with erythro-
2.04% on AA erythrocytes and 2.56% on SS erythrocytes. cytes appearing similar to echinocytes (Fig. 3c, d), which are
Hemolysis caused by ePC–Cho liposomes showed a lower red cells with prolongations regularly distributed in the
average, 1.43% for AA and 1.78% for SS erythrocytes.
Comparing the effect of both types of liposomes on SS
erythrocytes, the differences were not statistically signifi- Table 3. Counts of Sickle Cells at Different Times
cant (P > .05). Similar results were observed in experiments Sickle cells (%)
with blood from voluntary donors. The action of each kind
of liposome preparation was also compared for both types of 24 h 48 h
erythrocytes. In this case, there were no significant increases Positive control 25.3 – 3.2a 63.0 – 4.2b
of hemolysis with any of the two preparations (P > .05). ePC–Cho–C10 6.0 – 1.1c 5.0 – 2.8c
Although not significant, there was a trend toward in- ePC–Cho 15.0 – 1.7d 13.5 – 2.1d
creased hemolysis in preparations containing C10. This is Vanillin 13.3 – 0.5d 12.5 – 3.6d
consistent with previous studies where hemolytic events in
Sickle cells were counted at different times after subjecting the erythrocytes
SS erythrocytes were increased by the presence of this li- with each compound to anoxygenic conditions by the Huck test. Values are
pidic ether.30 These results may be caused by the ability of given as the arithmetic mean – standard deviation of six replicates.
C10 to interact with cell membranes. Since polymerization abcd
Different letters indicate significant differences using analysis of
of HbS causes intracellular membrane damage and hemo- variance coupled with Duncan’s test (P < .05).

Previous works8,30 have shown the potential of these

compounds to inhibit sickle deformation. Investigations
showed that vanillin and C10 exert their effects by different
routes. Vanillin is covalently attached to HbS, forming
Schiff bases with the free terminal amino groups and in-
hibiting the polymerization process of this molecule.8,9 C10
appears to exert its actions by modifying the critical micelle
concentration of the cell membrane.30 In SCD, there is a
reduction in the mechanical resistance of the erythrocyte
membranes due to dehydration and the polymerization of
HbS.24 Membrane becomes more rigid and less flexible due
to tight junctions between the phospholipids, leading to ir-
reversible sickle deformation and hemolysis.24,32 There are
also alterations in the cytoskeleton. Incorporation of C10
makes the membrane more flexible by intercalation between
tight lipids, and thus modifies the lipid composition and
concentration of cellular bilayers.33
Considering these routes, the synergistic effect observed
in C10-containing preparations can be attributed to an in-
hibition of HbS polymerization by vanillin and an influence
of C10 in the micellar state of the cell membrane. Further-
more, C10 may promote the entry of vanillin into erythro-
cytes. In vivo it is likely that the previously postulated
mechanisms act together. An important consideration is the
fact that experiments were performed with whole blood
from patients with SCD. In the blood, there are multiple
components besides erythrocytes, including plasma pro-
teins, lipids, and electrolytes. Encapsulation of vanillin
could prevent the interaction of this molecule with such
components, which could potentially decrease its interaction
FIG. 3. Effects of liposomes and unencapsulated vanillin on SS with erythrocytes.
erythrocytes (magnification, · 40). Pictures were taken at 24 and 48 h Regarding the administration route of liposomal vanillin,
after treatment in oxygen-lacking conditions: (a, b) positive control some considerations must be made. During oral adminis-
(untreated cells); (c, d) cells treated with vanillin encapsulated in tration, the liposome stability may be affected. Mechanical
ePC–Cho–C10 liposomes; (e, f) cells treated with vanillin encapsu- agitation due to peristaltism in the gastrointestinal tract may
lated in ePC–Cho liposomes; (g, h) cells treated with free vanillin. cause breakdown of membranes and liberation of the en-
Each experiment was performed with six replicates.
trapped material.34 The changes in pH through the medium
lead to changes in the superficial charge of vesicles, which
may promote aggregation and changes in membrane per-
surface and are more flexible than sickle cells. These aver- meability.35 The bile salts can destroy the membrane
ages differ significantly (P < .05) for the positive control and structure and promote the active principal releasing before it
the other preparations for each incubation time. No signifi- reaches the blood.36 The enzymes present in the gut and the
cant differences between the two incubation times (P > .05) liver may also affect membrane integrity.36,37 For that rea-
were observed. The change of the red cells into echinocytes son, oral administration of liposomes is not always suc-
is reversible, and the erythrocytes may recover their normal cessful and some alternatives, such as the polymer coats,38
shape.31 have been developed to improve the oral stability of vesi-
Compared with the positive control, the liposomal prep- cles. Parenteral administration is preferred for liposomes,
aration without C10 (Fig. 3e, f) showed a significant dif- and this may be an alternative to oral administration of
ference (P < .05) in the number of sickle cells, with the vanillin. Nevertheless, both administration methods should
average value of 15% – 1.7% at 24 h and 13.5% – 2.1% at be tested.
48 h; no significant differences between stages (P > .05) The fact that modification of multilamellar liposomes
were observed. with C10 enhances the pharmacological properties of a
Unencapsulated vanillin (Fig. 3g, h) showed significant solute such as vanillin without increasing hemolytic events
differences (P < .05) with the positive control and did not is evidence that this type of vehicle may improve the
differ significantly (P > .05) from the preparation without pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of an active in-
C10. The average number of sickle cells for vanillin was gredient. This suggests the possibility of using these com-
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