How Did You Contribute To OpenStreetMap

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5/31/2021 How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap ?

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How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap?

Andi Adnan Raysa M


Name: Andi Adnan Raysa M

Registered: 2021-03-04
Active contributor: No & No
Mapping days: 8 (9%)
Map changes: 8 284
Discussed changesets: 0
Review requests: 2
Type? Newbie (Rarely Active)

Recent changesets (details): Indonesia (16)

Recent ranks: Indonesia #208

OSM Notes: Closed w/ comment 0 (w/o 0), commented 0 and opened 0

Changeset discussions: Participated in 0 and created 0 comments
iD editor: Ignored warnings=20
Quality assurance:
Osmose issues: Level 1=0, Level 2=5, Level 3=1

8 mapping days with 31 changesets in the last year

May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

Less (1) More (7)

Last modifier Created Modified Deleted

Nodes 4 819 4 733 (70%) 98 (1%) 1 949 (29%)
Ways 1 102 1 097 (73%) 6 (0%) 401 (27%)
Relations 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

Node tags
Way tags
building (1093), highway (7), amenity (5), name (1), power (1), landuse (1)
Relation tags

Changesets Overall With comments Unique comments Median length

31 31 (100.0%) 3 (9.7%) 30.00
Words mapathonuniversitashasanuddin (30), kabtapin (15)
Hashtags #mapathonuniversitashasanuddin (30), #kabtapin (15)
<15 >15 <150 >150
5 changesets 12 changesets 14 changesets

First created & latest changeset Adnan Raysa M 1/2

5/31/2021 How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap ?

Used editors/programs
Mapping days per year Name Count
iD 31



Changesets per weekday Changesets per hour UTC

15 5
0 0
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Changesets per country - Overall 1 countries (Country - Number of changes (changesets))

Indonesia - 8 284 (31)

Share it? Here is your Link - More about the contributor? Check the OSM user webpage or Where did you contribute
to OSM? Adnan Raysa M 2/2

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