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Potential and Kinetic Energy

Subject-Physics (Target Audience- 6th Standard)

(Illustrator is riding a Bicycle on a High terrain road)
(Gasping while demonstrating)

So, I decided to go for a bicycle ride in the morning (Screen rewinding the
cycling scene from bottom to top) and as I kept paddling towards higher and
higher altitudes, my speed slows down and I am about to faint. I thought I
should take a pause here at the top and discuss with you a little about my
bicycle ride.

When I began the journey at the bottom of this terrain, I was full of energy but
as I moved higher, I felt like I ran out of energy. But we know, “Energy can
neither be created not it can be destroyed. So how did the terrain destroy my

Well, it didn’t. It just helped me convert one form of energy into other. What
exactly happened then? Let’s rewind.

(Rewinding the scene to the beginning when speaker decides to get out of his
house for a bicycle ride)

So, here I was. Happy and clappy, until the sun came out( Speaker shows a sad
face with the rise of animated sun implying exhaustion)

Where did I get my energy to ride my cycle first? From the food I took as
breakfast. Then, as I rode my bicycle, I converted my energy into Kinetic
energy. What’s a kinetic energy, you ask. Kinetic energy is nothing but ½ mV 2
where m is the mass of myself and my bicycle and V is the velocity with which
I am riding.( The scene shows speaker riding the bicycle in flat terrain). I
generated enough kinetic energy to come this far. But as the terrain increased,
so did the height of the road from the ground and I eventually slowed down. So
what exactly happened here?

Here, All my kinetic energy got converted into another form of energy called
the “Potential Energy”. (Screen shows Kinetic Energy =0) What’s a Potential
Energy, you ask. Potential energy is nothing but mgH where m is the mass of
myself and my bicycle and g is the acceleration due to gravity and H is the
height which I gained with the riding. (Formula Shows up in the screen)

Now, let’s roll down from here. ( The speaker bicycled down to the ground
from the top of the terrain and demonstrating to the viewer) Did you notice?
How I didn’t have to put any effort from here to reach to the ground? Because,
as I moved down, my potential energy again got converted into kinetic energy.

(Speaker reaches to a flat surface and sits with his bicycle and explains)

So this is what happens with us every day. When we run, we convert our energy
into Kinetic Energy and when we reach to the top of a tree, or a building or a
mountain, and stand there, we convert our kinetic energy into Potential energy.
This conversation keeps on repeating in loops depending on our activities.

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