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Business Process

# 1 HR Management-Recruitment
IT integration
 Conduct video and post it in any type of Media
 Program that when you post a recruitment all gadgets receive a notification
about the
 Create an app that allow all recruiting people post and all job finders will
see it
 Automation (create robot that filters your resume check your skills and
experience to see if you pass)
# 3 HR Management- appointment
 Chat bot( connected to the automation when the automation send
notification to the recruiter. The recruiter have a ability to approve or
reject. And when it approve the chat bot will send an appointment
# 2 HR Management-Performance Evaluation
 Create an app that allow the Management see the performance of certain
worker(so they can see if that worker really working)
#4 Sales and Marketing-Customer Identification
 Use of eye scanner (to know if your customer or not)
 Use of voice scanner (so when the machine recognizes the voice the door
# 5 Sales and Marketing- Product Sales
 Using media marketing (via google meet for customer who want)

# 6 Finance/accounting-Settlement of payment
 Use fingerprint ID or face ID (so they know is it you or not)

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