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Asynchronous Session September 3, 2021


Instructions: Watch the videos in LinkedIn and skillsbuild. Answer the following questions.
Type your answers on the next page and save your file in MS Word and follow the
format : (Last name, First name Middle Initial_Asyn Sept3)

Part 1 Linked In : Set mutual goals (4:03 mins) 5pts.
1.According to the video, how often do millennial employees change their jobs?
2.What technique/ method is needed to attain goal setting? Why is it necessary to do the proven
technique? Explain.
3.What are the three (3) things that you significantly learned from the video?

Part 2 Skillsbuild : at the end of the video you will receive a certificate of completion.
Please attached/ screen shot the said certificate when you turn in the assignment.
(Please see below)

You and the Global Workspace (8.27mins) 5pts

How to check your unconscious bias? Dr. Jennifer
Eberhardt | The Global Goals

Question : What are the three (3) things that you significantly
learned from the video?

Part3 Local becoming Global : Essay 5 pts

Choose one Filipino global corporation. In an essay discuss its history, worldwide reach, and
attributes as a global corporation.
Asynchronous Session September 3, 2021
Name: Bon Gryan S. Daggao
Section: MI211
Part 1 Linked In : Set mutual goals (4:03 mins) 5pts.
1.According to the video, how often do millennial employees change their jobs?
-Millennial employees will change jobs every 18 to 24 month

2.What technique/ method is needed to attain goal setting? Why is it necessary to do the proven
technique? Explain.
-The “SMART” method. Because by doing this technique/method you can easily reach your goal
Because the “SMART” method have
Specific-BE sure to use clear and unambiguous language
Measurable-Goal should be measurable
Attainable-within the reach of the individual or team
Realistic-have a parallel goals of attaining new skills
Time bound-to be achieved within a defined period of time

3.What are the three (3) things that you significantly learned from the video?
-The Three things that I learn from the video are if you want to be expert to the
Things you are passionate you just need to work really, really hard until you become
Expert to that thing the second one is when you set goals there should be reward
When you achieve your goal and there should be consequences if not the last one is
Setting your goals using the smart method because by using this method you can easily
Achieve your goal

Part 2 Skillsbuild : at the end of the video you will receive a certificate of completion.
Please attached/ screen shot the said certificate when you turn in the assignment.
(Please see below)
Question : What are the three (3) things that you significantly learned from the video?

The races effect because the reality is that the typically we have trouble distinguishing
Faces of people from races other than our own the second is FFA or fusiform face area
Because it help us to distinguish faces help us differentiate the familiar from the unfamiliar And
last unconscious bias is unsupported judgement in favor of or against one thing Person or group
Part3 Local becoming Global : Essay 5 pts
Choose one Filipino global corporation. In an essay discuss its history, worldwide reach, and
attributes as a global corporation.
BDO Unibank Incorporated.
BDO is a Philippine banking company based in Makati. In
terms of total assets, the firm is the largest bank in the Philippines
and 15th largest in Southeast Asia as of March 31, 2016.Banco de
Oro was established on January 2,1968, as Acme Savings bank, a
thrift bank with just two branches in metro manila. In November 1976,
Acme was acquired by the SM group, the group of companies owned
by retail magnete Henry Sy, and renamed Banco de Oro Savings and
Mortgage Bank. In December 1994, BDO became a commercial bank
and was renamed Banco de Oro Commercial bank. In September
1996, BDO became a universal bank, which led to the bank’s name
being changed to the current Banco de Oro Universal Bank (BDO
Unibank). BDO Unibank network of branches Is now stronger at
1,000 following the opening of its full-service outlet in Davao city.
BDO’s domestic distribution network remains to be the strongest in
the banking industry. It is known for its longer banking hours and
weekend banking. BDO attributes as a global corporation because
BDO is a full-service universal bank in the Philippines. It provides a
complete array of industry leading products and services including
lending (corporate and consumer), Deposit-taking, Foreign
Exchange, Brokering, Trust and Investment, Credit Card, Corporate
Cash Management and Remittances in the Philippines

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