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Title: 6 Amazing predictions for the future

Page 53 pulse 2
2. Read the article and answer the questions about the future.
1 People will live to age 150.
2 People won’t learn to drive because cars can drive themselves.
3 Computers will help people who can’t speak foreign languages by
translating what we hear into our own language.
4 Fruit and vegetables will be different because we will be able to
buy fruit and vegetables that fit in the fridge more easily.
5 People will stay on a space stations’ hotels.
6 People won’t have to touch anything when we play video games.

3. Do you disagree with aby of the predictions in the article? Which

one(s) ? Why?
i) I disagree with the prediction -people will go on holiday to space
because it will cost exorbitant prices. Instead of travelling to space,
I’d rather save up the money for my lives on the earth.
ii) I do disagree with the vaccine prediction. Even if there will be
vaccines for most fatal diseases, it doesn’t mean we will live up to
iii) I don’t think we will only play video games just by thinking
because it would be so dull for me to just play by thinking. I’d rather
play games that need movements!

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