My Plan To Success My College Journey

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Nonelyn B.


My Plans to make my College Journey a Success

Success is very popular in our society. We are ready to do anything to get to the top. Not
all of them meet society’s expectations for success. However, I believe that each of us has our
own idea of success and the goals we want to achieve. I am confident that we can achieve your
personal success if we do not allow failures and hardships to deter us. It is important that we
have a plan to achieve our success, we need to learn to overcome obstacles, and we need a
support system to guide us on our path to success.

“You need not experience everything in life.” There will always be people who will do
the best they can to convince us to try something at least once. They would do anything to
make this possible, as if their entire lives depended on it. I will never do it if I think it wasn’t the
best for me. Never do anything in your life just to get approval or social approval from

To achieve academic success in college, study and learn. First, I will learn to organize my
time so that I can study the material and complete all tasks fully and on time, while I still have
some time to eat and sleep. While studying the material. Don't be passive. Take part in class
discussions. Ask questions. I am not going to work alone. Learning is a collaborative activity and
there is no need to protect "secrets". I will collaborate with my classmates and other students. I
will enjoy my time to study and will not going to pressure myself.

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