Black Hole Evaporation and Semiclassical Thin Shell Collapse

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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 100, 064054 (2019)

Black hole evaporation and semiclassical thin shell collapse

Valentina Baccetti,1,2 Sebastian Murk,1 and Daniel R. Terno 1
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales 2109, Australia
School of Science, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia

(Received 7 January 2019; published 26 September 2019)

In case of spherical symmetry, the assumptions of finite-time formation of a trapped region and
regularity of its boundary—the apparent horizon—are sufficient to identify the form of the metric and
energy-momentum tensor in its vicinity. By comparison with the known results for quasistatic evaporation
of black holes, we complete the identification of their parameters. Consistency of the Einstein equations
allows only two possible types of higher-order terms in the energy-momentum tensor. By using its local
conservation, we provide a method of calculation of the higher-order terms, explicitly determining the
leading-order regular corrections. Contraction of a spherically symmetric thin dust shell is the simplest
model of gravitational collapse. Nevertheless, the inclusion of a collapse-triggered radiation in different
extensions of this model leads to apparent contradictions. Using our results, we resolve these contradictions
and show how gravitational collapse may be completed in finite time according to a distant observer.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.100.064054

I. INTRODUCTION is a null vector kμ such that T μν kμ kν < 0 [2,7,11]; and it

Black holes were originally conceived as spacetime results in evaporation (complete or to a Planck-scale
domains from where no information can escape. remnant) of black holes in a finite time tE of a distant
Mathematically, they are defined as a complement of the observer [11,12].
causal past of future null infinity [1–3], and their null In conjunction with causality, these three properties pose
boundaries are event horizons. General relativity (GR) and the following dilemma: either horizons are formed in a
many modified theories of gravity predict the formation of finite time tS as measured by Bob (tS < tE ) or they are not
black holes at the final stage of gravitational collapse. Event formed at all. In the latter case, the observed black hole
horizons are global teleological entities that are generically candidates are actually exotic compact objects [13]. The
unobservable [4]. Instead, locally defined surfaces provide former case may include the existence of a transient (albeit
a more suitable conceptual and analytical framework. A possibly long-lived) trapped region without event horizon
trapped region—a spacetime domain where both radial null and singularity [14–16].
geodesics have negative expansion—forms inside the Any of these features are physically relevant only if they
collapsing matter. Its suitably defined outer boundary are formed in finite time according to Bob. Given that any
(i.e., the apparent horizon or another related surface) definition of a black hole involves trapped regions, we
asymptotically approaches the event horizon [1–6]. reformulate the assumption that a black hole exists as the
Classical matter that satisfies energy conditions [2,7] statement that a trapped region (starting from a single
crosses the event horizon and reaches the singularity in marginally trapped surface) is formed at some finite time tS .
finite proper time τ that we associate with an observer who The simplest setting to investigate is a spherically
is comoving with the collapsing matter (Alice). However, symmetric collapse, where the apparent horizon is unam-
according to a distant outside observer (Bob), horizon biguously defined for all foliations that respect this sym-
formation takes an infinite amount of time. The trapped metry [17]. The analysis of Ref. [18] that we utilize below
region and its associated surfaces are hidden behind the is based on the assumptions of finite tS and regularity of the
event horizon and thus cannot be observed by him. apparent horizon. It produces explicit expressions for the
According to Bob, the collapsing matter remains in a energy-momentum tensor and the metric in the vicinity of
perpetual state of approach to the event horizon. an expanding or contracting trapped region. Formation of
Quantum effects, such as the emission of Hawking the apparent horizon at finite tS requires violation of the
radiation, make the underlying physics more involved. NEC in its neighborhood. The simplest expressions for
Three features of Hawking radiation are relevant: it is the metric in that neighborhood in the case of expansion or
triggered by the collapse and does not require horizons for contraction of the apparent horizon are given by the outgoing
its emission [8–10]; its energy-momentum tensor T μν ≔ Vaidya metric with increasing mass or the ingoing Vaidya
hT̂ μν i violates the null energy condition (NEC), i.e., there metric with decreasing mass, respectively. The expression

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BACCETTI, MURK, and TERNO PHYS. REV. D 100, 064054 (2019)

in standard Schwarzschild coordinates ðt; rÞ is valid in both Since the near-horizon geometry of an evaporating black
cases, but it includes a function of time that is set by the hole is described by the ingoing Vaidya metric with
choice of the time variable. It is not determined by the local decreasing mass, this is the metric that should be used
properties of the solutions of the Einstein equations alone. In in thin shell models that aim to represent the last stages of
Sec. II, we will determine this function for the case of a gravitational collapse in the presence of collapse-triggered
macroscopic black hole in an approximately steady evapo- radiation. This scenario is analyzed in Sec. IV C. The
ration state. implications of our findings are discussed in Sec. V.
Regularity considerations allow one to derive a generic To simplify the notation, we label quantities on the shell
limiting form of the energy-momentum tensor [18] when Σ by capital letters, e.g., R ≔ rjΣ , F ≔ fðU; RÞ. The jump
the radial coordinate approaches the apparent horizon. In of a physical quantity A across the shell is written as
Sec. III B, we show that there are only two possible forms ½A ≔ AjΣþ − AjΣ− . All derivatives are explicitly indicated
of the higher-order terms and derive the first-order terms for by subscripts, as in AR ¼ ∂ R AðU; RÞ. The total proper time
the regular corrections. _ and the total derivative
derivative dA=dτ is denoted as A,
The simplest model of gravitational collapse is the
over some parameter λ is Aλ ≔ AR Rλ þ AU Uλ . The time t
contraction of a massive infinitesimally thin dust shell that
always refers to the coordinate time (proper time of Bob at
separates a flat interior region from a curved exterior. This
spacelike infinity).
so-called thin shell formalism models narrow transition
regions between spacetime domains as hypersurfaces of
discontinuity. Mathematical consistency is maintained by II. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF THE METRIC
imposing junction conditions, i.e., rules for joining the NEAR THE SCHWARZSCHILD SPHERE
solutions of the Einstein equations on both sides of the
We work within the framework of semiclassical gravity
hypersurface Σ [3]. For the collapse of a thin shell in an
[10,24]. That means we use the concepts of GR, and
asymptotically flat spacetime, the interior geometry is flat,
quantum effects are taken into account via the semiclassical
and in classical GR, the exterior geometry is described by
Einstein equations,
the Schwarzschild metric. The simplicity of the model
allows one to obtain the explicit time dependence of the 1
shell’s radius RðτÞ and to determine the point in time Rμν − Rgμν ¼ 8πhT̂ μν i; ð1Þ
when the shell crosses the Schwarzschild radius, Rðτc Þ ¼
rg ¼ 2M. We briefly review the classical thin shell for- where Rμν is the Ricci tensor and hT̂ μν i ≡ T μν is the
malism in Sec. IVA. Thin shells are used to analyze various expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor.
alternatives to black holes as the final stage of gravitational The latter represents the entire matter content of the
collapse [15,19–21]. This allows one to circumvent some of model; both the collapsing matter and the created quantum
the controversial issues, such as the structure of the energy- field excitations are included. This cumulative represen-
momentum tensor within the collapsing body. Moreover, tation allows a self-consistent study of the dynamics
the exterior metric naturally has a Schwarzschild radius that without having recourse to iterative calculations of the
is initially located within the Minkowski interior. Thus, backreaction [14].
one bypasses the problem of emergence of trapped surfaces Three coordinate systems are particularly useful. We use
and is able to model the emission of radiation that precedes the Schwarzschild radial coordinate r and either the
their formation. Schwarzschild time t or the retarded and advanced null
Nevertheless, the results that have been obtained so far coordinates u and v, respectively. The most general spheri-
appear contradictory. On the one hand, models that use the cally symmetric metric is given by
outgoing Vaidya metric, as well as general metrics that
satisfy certain regularity conditions, exhibit horizon avoid- ds2 ¼ −e2hðt;rÞ fðt; rÞdt2 þ fðt; rÞ−1 dr2 þ r2 dΩ; ð2Þ
ance [22–26]. That is, for an arbitrary law that describes
conversion of the shell’s mass to radiation, the gap X ≔ ¼ −e2h
u ðu;rÞ
f u ðu;rÞdu2 − 2eh
u ðu;rÞ
dudr þ r2 dΩ; ð3Þ
R − rg between the shell and the Schwarzschild radius
¼ −e2h
v ðv;rÞ
f v ðv;rÞdv2 þ 2eh
v ðv;rÞ
remains positive at all times. However, the dynamics of dvdr þ r2 dΩ: ð4Þ
these shells involves some peculiarities [25,26] that will be
described below (Sec. IV B). On the other hand, arguments The function f is coordinate independent, i.e., fðt; rÞ ¼
that are based on the iterative evaluation of the effects of f u ðuðt; rÞ; rÞ, etc., [27,28], and we can decompose it as
backreaction (starting with the results for the energy-
momentum tensor of Hawking radiation on the background f ¼ 1 − 2Mðt; rÞ=r ¼ 1 − 2M u ðu; rÞ=r: ð5Þ
of an eternal black hole) have shown that, while the collapse
duration is extended, the shell eventually crosses the event Here, M ¼ C=2 is the Misner-Sharp mass [6,28]. It is
horizon in a finite time of both Alice and Bob [10]. invariantly defined via


1 − C=r ≔ ∂ μ r∂ μ r: ð6Þ For future convenience, we introduce τt ≔e−2h T tt , τr ≔ T rr ,

and τrt ≔ e−h T rt .
Hence in the following we drop the subscripts on f and M There are several possibilities for the energy-momentum
in what follows as it does not lead to confusion. The tensor to satisfy these requirements. The generic one (that is
functions h, hu , and hv play the role of integrating factors consistent with the known results of the energy-momentum
that turn, e.g., the expression tensor of Hawking radiation [11,29,30]) results in the
limiting form of the ðtrÞ block of T μν [18],
dt ¼ e−h ðeh dv − f −1 drÞ ð7Þ

into an exact differential, provided that the coordinate Ξ 1 s
transformation exists [18]. T â b̂ ¼ ; ð15Þ
f s 1
In an asymptotically flat spacetime, the time variable t is
the proper time of a stationary Bob; thus,
where s ¼ 1 and we have used the orthonormal frame to
lim hðt; rÞ ¼ 0; lim fðt; rÞ ¼ 1: ð8Þ simplify the expression. The Einstein equations have
r→∞ r→∞
solutions that contain a finite-time apparent horizon only
In the following, we work in this setting, but our results are if Ξ ¼ −ϒ2 ≤ 0. In the generic case ϒ2 > 0, the leading
also applicable on a cosmological background if there terms in the metric functions are given by
exists an intermediate scale rg ≪ r ≪ L, where L is set by
the cosmological model. pffiffiffi 1
C ¼ rg ðtÞ − aðtÞ x þ x… ð16Þ
Two physically motivated assumptions result in the 3
classification of the energy-momentum tensor and the
resulting metrics. First, we assume that trapped regions and
form at a finite time t of Bob. This entails that the equation
fðz; rÞ ¼ 0 has a solution. This solution, or, if there are pffiffiffi
x 4 pffiffiffi
several, the largest one, is the Schwarzschild horizon radius h ¼ − ln þ x…; ð17Þ
rg ðzÞ. Second, we require that the hypersurface r ¼ rg is ξ0 ðtÞ 3a
regular by demanding that the two curvature scalars that are qffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
obtained directly from the energy-momentum tensor, where x ≔ r − rg and a ≔ 4 πr3g ϒ. Here and in a similar
T ≔ T μμ ; T ≔ T μν T μν ; ð9Þ setting below, the function ξ0 ðtÞ is not determined by the
equations but is set by the choice of the time variable [18].
are finite. In an asymptotically flat spacetime, it can be defined such
The Einstein equations that determine the functions that hðt; rÞ → 0 at spacelike infinity. For both expanding
h and C are and contracting trapped regions, the comparison via
Eq. (11) of the divergent terms of ∂ t C and 8πeh τtr r2 allows
e2h ðr − CÞ∂ r C one to identify
Gtt ¼ ¼ 8πT tt ; ð10Þ
∂tC r0g =ξ0 ¼ 4 πrg ϒ ¼ a=rg ; ð18Þ
Grt ¼ ¼ 8πT rt ; ð11Þ
ðr − CÞð−∂ r C þ 2ðr − CÞ∂ r hÞ where the upper (lower) signs correspond to the growth
Grr ¼ ¼ 8πT rr : ð12Þ
r3 (contraction) of the trapped region.
The energy-momentum tensor violates the NEC;
This is the simplest form of the equations. It provides T â b̂ kâ kb̂ <0 for a radial null vector kâ ¼ ð1; s; 0; 0Þ. The
a natural choice of the independent components of the
two possibilities—growth and contraction of the trapped
energy-momentum tensor. The metric of Eq. (2) entails
region—are determined by the sign of T t r . An evaporating
T θ θ ≡ T ϕ ϕ . Then, the trace and the square scalars of the black hole corresponds to the ingoing Vaidya metric with
energy-momentum tensor are decreasing mass; i.e., using the advanced null coordinate v
the metric of Eq. (4) identifies
T ¼ −e−2h T tt =f þ T rr =f þ 2T θ θ ; ð13Þ
 −h r 2  −2h 2  rr 2 2hv ðv; rÞ ¼ 0; Cðv; rÞ ¼ rg ðvÞ; r0g ðvÞ < 0: ð19Þ
e Tt e T tt T
T ¼ −2 þ þ þ 2ðT θ θ Þ2 :
f f f
The effective mass of a black hole can be defined as
ð14Þ M ≔ rg =2 [27].

BACCETTI, MURK, and TERNO PHYS. REV. D 100, 064054 (2019)


τrt ¼ −ϒ2 ðtÞ þ xk β n xn ; ð29Þ
A. Metric in the quasistationary case X
For the pure ingoing Vaidya metric with decreasing τr ¼ −ϒ2 ðtÞ þ xk γ n xn ; ð30Þ
mass, the only nontrivial Einstein equation at the apparent
horizon reads [18] for some 0 < k < 1.
First, we will show that apart from the regular expansion
drg ðvÞ
¼ −8πϒ2 r2g : ð20Þ only the case of k ¼ 12 is consistent with the Einstein
dv equations. A direct calculation shows that a series solution
On the other hand, for a macroscopic black hole (rg ≫ 1), of Eq. (10) exists for any k. Set
the evaporation process is quasistationary, and the results  
obtained on the background of an eternal black hole with pffiffiffi g1 k g2 2k
C ¼ rg − a x 1 − x − x þ …; ð31Þ
the corresponding mass are expected to give a good a a
approximation for many quantities, including the lumi-
and Eq. (10) becomes
nosity [11,27]. Hence,
a 1
dM − pffiffiffi þ k þ g1 xk−1=2 þ …
∝ −M−2 ; ð21Þ 2 x 2
a 3 α0 ϒ2 g1 k−1=2
and thus ¼ − pffiffiffi þ 8πrg − 2 x þ …; ð32Þ
2 x a a
drg ðvÞ and with matching powers of x on both sides, it is possible
≈ −κ=r2g ; ð22Þ to find a solution.
Equation (12) for h then becomes
where κ ∼ 10−3 − 10−4 [11,29,30]. As a result,  
1 3 γ 0 2ϒ2 g1 k−1
pffiffiffi ∂ x h ¼ − þ 8πrg − x þ …; ð33Þ
κ 2x a a2
ϒ ≈ pffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 ; ð23Þ
2 2π rg allowing a series solution of the form
and x
h ¼ − ln þ hk xk þ    : ð34Þ
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ξ0 ðtÞ
κ a
ξ0 ≈ ≈ 2 πr3g ϒ ¼ : ð24Þ
2rg 2 Equation (11) describes the mass change and serves as a
consistency check for the solutions h and C, as
B. Allowed forms of the energy-momentum tensor pffiffiffi ar0g 1
r0g − a0 x þ pffiffiffi þ g01 xkþ1=2 þ k − r0g g1 xk−1=2 þ   
We now obtain higher-order terms in the series solution 2 x 2
for Cðt; rÞ and hðt; rÞ, thereby extending the results of [18]. eh0
Higher-order contributions to the components of the ¼ 8πr2g ð−ϒ2 þ βxk Þ pffiffiffi ð1 þ hk xk Þ þ … ð35Þ
energy-momentum tensor can be given either as regular x
functions, e.g., for evaporation has to hold, while it is possible for k < 1 only if
τt ¼ −ϒ2 ðtÞ þ αn xn ; ð25Þ 1 1
¼ 2k − ; ð36Þ
n≥1 2 2
X hence, the only regular-singular case corresponds to k ¼ 12.
τrt ¼ −ϒ2 ðtÞ þ β n xn ; ð26Þ pffiffiffi
Since f ∝ x for x → 0, for k ¼ 12, the invariant T does
not lead to any restrictions, but T being finite requires
τr ¼ −ϒ2 ðtÞ þ γ n xn ; ð27Þ
2β0 ¼ α0 þ γ 0 : ð37Þ

or as regular-singular functions,
X C. Metric functions
τt ¼ −ϒ2 ðtÞ þ xk αn xn ; ð28Þ In both cases, we have to consider the expansion follows
n≥0 the same pattern. For a regular correction to T μν , the


Misner-Sharp mass has the form pffiffiffi

8πα20 r3g − 2 π α0 r3=2 2 4
g ϒ − 108πrg ϒ − ϒ
c̄ ¼ pffiffiffi 3=2 3 ; ð52Þ
pffiffiffi 1 36 π rg ϒ
Cðt;rg þ xÞ ¼ rg − a x þ x þ cx3=2 þ gx2 þ ; ð38Þ
pffiffiffi 4 8πr3g ðα0 − 3γ 0 Þ
a ¼ 4 π r3=2
g ϒ; ð39Þ k̄2 ¼ − ; ð53Þ
3a 3a2
ð36πα1 r3g − 108πr2g ϒ2 − 1Þ
c¼ pffiffiffi ; ð40Þ 128π 2 α0 r6g ðα0 − 3γ 0 Þ 8πr3g ð7α0 − 6γ 0 Þ
36 π r3=2
g ϒ k̄3 ¼ − þ
9a4 9a3
  5 3
1 36α1 1 108 − 2− : ð54Þ
g¼ − 2 þ 3 2þ ; ð41Þ 9a 4rg
540 ϒ πrg ϒ rg

D. Higher-order terms in the expansion of the
x pffiffiffi energy-momentum tensor
hðt;rg þ xÞ ¼ −ln þ k2 x þ k3 x þ k4 x3=2 þ ; ð42Þ
ξ0 The consistency requirement of Eq. (11) and the con-
servation law
4 ∇μ T μν ¼ 0 ð55Þ
k2 ¼
; ð43Þ
for ν ¼ t and r can be imposed order by order in powers of
3 c 24πα1 r3g þ 24πγ 1 r3g − 4
k3 ¼ − − þ ; ð44Þ x. This allows one to identify higher-order terms in the
2rg a 6a2 expansion of T μν , which can be expressed in terms of ϒ, ξ0 ,
2ð27a2 g − 54ac − 16Þ and their derivatives.
k4 ¼
81a3 Using the identity
2ð−54a2 þ 144πα1 r4g þ 144πγ 1 r4g Þ
þ ; ð45Þ 1 1
81a3 rg ∇ν Aνμ ¼ ∂ ν ðςAνμ Þ − gαβ;μ Aαβ ; ð56Þ
ς 2
and the function ξ0 ðtÞ is determined by the limiting form of pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
h for x → 0 and in general cannot be recovered from the where ς ¼ − det g, which is valid for an arbitrary sym-
series solution. metric tensor, and the Einstein equations in the spherically
For a correction that scales as x1=2 , we have at leading symmetric case, we get a simple form of the flux equation
pffiffiffi ∇ν T t ν ¼ ∂ t T t t þ r−2 ∂ r ðr2 T r t Þ ¼ 0: ð57Þ
τt ¼ −ϒ2 ðtÞ þ α0 x; ð46Þ
1 pffiffiffi The radial component of the conservation law reads
τrt ¼ −ϒ2 ðtÞ þ ðα0 þ γ 0 Þ x; ð47Þ
2  r  h 2 r
pffiffiffi 1 τt 1 e rτ
τr ¼ −ϒ2 ðtÞ þ γ 0 x: ð48Þ ∇ν T r ν
¼ − h ∂t 2 þ h 2 ∂r
e f e r f
The metric functions in this case have the same structure. e−2h τt τr
The leading-order corrections determine þ ∂ r ðe2h fÞ 2
þ ∂ r f 2 ¼ 0: ð58Þ
2f 2f
Cðt; rg þ xÞ ¼ rg − a x þ b̄x þ c̄x3=2 þ    ð49Þ
Below, we apply it to the regular case [Eqs. (25)–(27)] and
and derive three independent equations for α1,pβffiffiffi1 , and γ 1 .
pffiffiffi We first consider the terms beyond 1= x in Eq. (11).
x pffiffiffi
hðt; rg þ xÞ ¼ − ln þ k̄2 x þ k̄3 x þ    ; ð50Þ Thepcoefficients
ffiffiffi of x0 give no new equations, but the terms
ξ0 of x and x give
where pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffi
pffiffiffi π ξ0 ðrg ð3α − 4β1 þ γ 1 Þ þ 8ϒ2 Þ − 2 rg ϒ0 ¼ 0; ð59Þ
1 4 π α0 r3=2
b̄ ¼ þ ; ð51Þ
3 3ϒ and

BACCETTI, MURK, and TERNO PHYS. REV. D 100, 064054 (2019)

−2 þ 3πr2g ðrg ð19α1 − 60β1 þ 5γ 1 Þ þ 48ϒ2 Þ ¼ 0; ð60Þ metric in a general spherically symmetric case are given
in Ref. [26].
respectively. A mathematically equivalent approach is the thin shell
The flux equation does not lead to any more independent formalism. It is particularly convenient for our purposes.
constraints on the leading-order corrections. The coeffi- Birkhoff’s theorem imposes the Schwarzschild metric at
cients of the inverse powers of x in Eq. (58) become the shell’s exterior,
identically zero if Eq. (18) is satisfied, but terms with x0
lead to ds2þ ¼ −fðrþ Þdu2þ − 2duþ drþ þ r2þ dΩ
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ −fðrþ Þdv2þ þ 2dvþ drþ þ r2þ dΩ
ξ0 ðrg ð11α1 − 12β1 − 11γ 1 Þ þ 48ϒ Þ − 6 rg =π ϒ0 ¼ 0:
¼ −fðrþ Þdt2þ − f −1 ðrþ Þdr2þ þ r2þ dΩ; ð67Þ
where the subscript þ denotes the exterior region and the
As a result, retarded and advanced null coordinates u and v are the
Eddington-Finkelstein (EF) coordinates.
7 13ϒ2 35ϒ0 The interior region is described by the Minkowski
α1 ¼ − 3
− þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ð62Þ metric,
288πrg 4rg 32 πrg ξ0
ds2− ¼ −du2− − 2du− dr− þ r2− dΩ
11 ϒ2 23ϒ0
β1 ¼ − 3
− þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ð63Þ ¼ −dv2− þ 2dv− dr− þ r2− dΩ
576πrg 8rg 64 πrg ξ0
¼ −dt2− þ dr2− þ r2− dΩ; ð68Þ
2 0
1 5ϒ 5ϒ
γ1 ¼ − 3
þ þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : ð64Þ where u− ¼ t− − r− , v− ¼ t− þ r− . The shell’s trajectory is
288πrg 4rg 32 πrg ξ0
parametrized by the proper time τ as ðT  ðτÞ; R ðτÞÞ or
In the quasistationary case, the dominant contribution ðV  ðτÞ; R ðτÞÞ using, respectively, ðt; rÞ or ðv; rÞ coordi-
comes from the first term on the right-hand side, as nates outside and inside the shell. We use the hypersurface
coordinates ya ¼ ðτ; Θ ≔ θjΣ ; Φ ≔ ϕjΣ Þ. The first junction
ϒ2 ϒ0 κ condition [3], which is the statement that the induced metric
∼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ∼ 5 ; ð65Þ hab is the same on the both sides of the shell Σ,
rg πrg ξ0 rg
ds2Σ ¼ hab dya dyb ¼ −dτ2 þ R2 dΩD−1 ; ð69Þ
where we have used the results of Sec. III A.
leads to the identification Rþ ≡ R− ≕ RðτÞ. Henceforth, we
IV. THIN SHELL DYNAMICS drop the subscripts from the radial coordinate. Trajectories
of the shell’s particles are timelike; hence,
We begin by briefly reviewing the collapse of a classical
massive spherically symmetric thin dust shell Σ in 3 þ 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
− _ þ F þ R_ 2
dimensions using the thin shell formalism [3,24]. The U_þ ¼ ; ð70Þ
spacetime inside the shell is assumed to be flat, and the F
exterior geometry is described by the Schwarzschild metric. pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
R_ þ F þ R_ 2
Next, we consider two models that incorporate mass loss V_ þ ¼ ; ð71Þ
by the shell, modeling the exterior geometry either by an F
outgoing Vaidya metric or an ingoing Vaidya metric with pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
F þ R_ 2
decreasing mass. T_ þ ¼ ; ð72Þ
A. Classical thin shell formalism where F ¼ 1 − rg =R. These expressions are applicable also
The metric across the two domains that the shell for a general Cðz; rÞ (while h ≡ 0). In the following, we
separates can be represented as the distributional tensor drop the subscript þ from the exterior quantities.
The surface energy-momentum tensor of a massive thin
ḡμν ¼ ḡþ −
μν ΘðξÞ þ ḡμν Θð−ξÞ; ð66Þ dust shell is
Sab ¼ σva vb ¼ σδaτ δbτ ; ð73Þ
using the set of special coordinates x̄μ ¼ ðw; ξ; θ; ϕÞ. Here,
ΘðξÞ is the step function, and the interior and exterior where σ denotes the surface density. The rest mass of the
metrics ḡ ðx̄Þ are continuously joined at ξ ¼ 0. The shell is m ¼ 4πσR2 . The second junction condition relates
coordinates w and ξ as well as the explicit form of this the jump in extrinsic curvature


K ab ≔ n̂μ;ν eμa eνb ð74Þ NEC and thus cannot represent an immediate neighborhood
of the trapped region that has formed in finite time of a
to the surface energy-momentum tensor distant observer. The presence of evaporation modifies the
equation of motion,
Sab ¼ −ð½K ab  − ½Khab Þ=8π; ð75Þ  
FU 1 _ _
DðRÞ þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi − R U ¼ 0; ð81Þ
where K ≔ K aa and ½K ≔ KjΣþ − KjΣ− is the discontinuity F F þ R_ 2 2
of the extrinsic curvature scalar K across the two sides Σ while Eq. (77) still holds [24,26].
of the surface. In the limit of large R, _ the asymptotic expression
The equation of motion for the shell can be obtained becomes
_4 _4
̈ þ F0
2R ̈
R ̈ ≈ 8MU R ≈ 16MM U R ;
R ð82Þ
2 2
DðRÞ ≔ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi − pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi RF X
2 F þ R_ 2
1 þ R_ 2 where the second relation in Eq. (82) holds for X ≪ rg.
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
F þ R_ 2 − 1 þ R_ 2 In fact, this accelerates the collapse, as can be seen in
þ ¼ 0; ð76Þ Fig. 1.
Despite this acceleration, the shell never crosses the
while ever-shrinking Schwarzschild sphere at r ¼ rg , as can be
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi readily deduced by monitoring the previously defined gap
F þ R_ 2 − 1 þ R_ 2 (coordinate difference) between the shell and the
−4πσ ¼ ð77Þ Schwarzschild radius,
directly describes the evolution of the surface density. For a X ≔ R − rg : ð83Þ
collapse without change in the rest mass m ¼ const, we
Anticipating the transition to a null trajectory, we use a
generic parameter λ to describe the shell. It can be u− [25]
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi or R itself, as is common practice in the analysis of null
rg ¼ 2m 1 þ R_ 2 − m2 =R: ð78Þ shells [26]. Using Eq. (70), we find that close to rg

The trajectory is obtained by integration of

 2 ffi
rg m
R_ ¼ − þ − 1: ð79Þ
2m 2R

Using this result, the equation of motion can be rewritten as


̈ ¼ − 1 rg þ m :
R ð80Þ
4R2 R

The integration results in the infinite coordinate time

(physical time of a distant observer Bob) and finite proper
time of a comoving observer (Alice).
Now, we describe the extensions of this model that
FIG. 1. Transition to the null trajectory. The orange line
include the mass loss by the shell. The exterior geometry
represents the gravitational mass MðτÞ ¼ rg ðτÞ=2. The rest mass
is modeled by the standard outgoing Vaidya metric in mðτÞ is shown as the black line, and the gap XðτÞ ¼ RðτÞ − rg ðτÞ
Sec. IV B and by the ingoing Vaidya metric with decreasing is shown as the dotted blue line. For simulation purposes, the
mass in Sec. IV C. evaporation was switched on at τ ¼ u ¼ 0. The initial conditions
are Rð0Þ ¼ 30 and Rð0Þ ¼ 0, while r0 ≔ rg ð0Þ ¼ 20, and κ ¼ 1.
B. Evaporating shell and positive energy density The evaporation ends at the retarded time u ¼ r30 =3κ ¼ 8000=3,
but the system breaks down at approximately τm ¼ 47.912,
The outgoing Vaidya metric with Mu < 0 is an excellent
indicating a transition to the null trajectory. At the transition,
approximation to the geometry of an evaporating black most of the gravitational mass is still contained within the shell,
hole for r > 3rg [11]. It is used to model the effects of Mðτm Þ=Mð0Þ ¼ 0.968, while the gap is Xðτm Þ ¼ 0.279. The
backreaction in various settings [22–24,31]. However, the closest approach [26] is determined by ϵ ¼ 0.1, giving the
resulting energy-momentum tensor does not violate the estimate for the gap at the transition as X ∞ ¼ 0.25.

BACCETTI, MURK, and TERNO PHYS. REV. D 100, 064054 (2019)

2Rλ 2Rλ rg X∞ ≈ 2ϵ =K 1 ¼ 9ϵ =4: ð90Þ

U≈− ≈− ; ð84Þ
F X At this point, the model must be supplemented by
additional considerations since the unmodified dynamics
where the first relation is exact for null shells and the
would inevitably cause the shell to become tachyonic.
second is valid for X ≪ rg.
There are three main scenarios that avoid the tachyonic
Evaluating the derivative of X over λ, we have
solution: termination of the radiation (i.e., the metric
    outside of the shell reverts to the Schwarzschild metric
drg  drg  2
X λ ¼ Rλ − U ¼ −jRλ j 1−   in EF coordinates) [25], modification of the metric such
dU λ dU  F that the junction conditions for null shells are satisfied from
8jMU jM the transition point onward, or preservation of the Vaidya
≳ −jRλ j 1 þ : ð85Þ
X form of the metric and development of pressure that allows
one to maintain the null trajectory [26].
As a result, the gap decreases only until X ≈ ϵ [22–24], The first option restores the classical collapse that is
where completed in the finite proper time of Alice and infinite
proper time of Bob. In the second case, the final fate of the
drg shell depends on the specific form of the new metric.
ϵ ≔ 2 r ¼ 8MjM U j: ð86Þ
dU g The last option leads to horizon avoidance with or without
the appearance of a transient naked singularity.
However, horizon avoidance comes with a price: the
shell sheds its rest mass and becomes null in finite proper
time. This was demonstrated in Ref. [25] for the outgoing C. Evaporating shell and negative energy density
Vaidya metric and in Ref. [26] for a general metric of the Geometry near the apparent horizon of the contracting
form of Eq. (3) with hðu; rÞ < þ∞ and a general evapo- trapped region that forms at some finite tS is described by
ration law. While the rest mass m ¼ 4πσR2 becomes zero the ingoing Vaidya metric with decreasing rg ðvÞ. Using it
for a finite value of R > rg > 0, for a macroscopic shell, for the exterior geometry of the shell results in the equation
only a negligible fraction of the gravitational mass is lost of motion
up to the transition, i.e., rg ≈ rg ð0Þ ¼ const. Figure 1  
illustrates this process for the Page-like evaporation law FV 1 __
DðRÞ − pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ RV ¼ 0; ð91Þ
F R_ 2 þ F 2
drg κ
¼ − 2: ð87Þ
du rg which differs from Eq. (81) in a number of ways.
Close to rg (and for nonzero R),
Using the asymptotic form of the equation of motion as
given by Eq. (82), we can estimate the transition radius. 1 F 1 X
V_ ≈ − þ 3≈− þ 3 : ð92Þ
Since rg ≈ r0 , we find X_ ≈ R,
_ and thus 2R_ R_ 2R_ R_ rg
̈ ¼ − 2ϵ X :
X ð88Þ
As a result, the stopping effect of the evaporation is
X2 virtually nonexistent.
For the shell at rest at X ≪ rg , assuming again that the
The equation for τðXÞ has a simpler form and can be solved evaporation is governed by Eq. (22), the radial coordinate
by the separation of variables if we approximate ϵ ≈ const. acceleration is
The first integration gives
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ̈ ≈ − F þ FV ≈ − 1 þ κ ;
R ð93Þ
dτ 2ð−2ϵ þ XK 1 Þ 2 F 2rg r2g X
¼− pffiffiffiffi ; ð89Þ
dX X
indicating that evaporation prevents the collapse only if
where K 1 is the integration constant. Motion of the shell is
affected by evaporation only at distances of the order of 2κ
X ≪ rg . Within the range rg ≫ X ≫ ϵ , where the equation X < ϵ ¼ : ð94Þ
above is already applicable, we set the initial value of
dτ=dX using the classical value of the radial velocity of the It is easy to see that for R_ ≠ 0 the (stopping) acceleration
shell at the horizon crossing. From Eq. (79), we find R_ ∼ term that is proportional to FV is much smaller than its
−3=4 for a shell initially at rest, giving K 1 ¼ 8=9. At the classical counterpart. Figure 2 illustrates this process for the
timelike-to-null transition, dτ=dX → 0, and therefore it same value of κ and the same initial data as in the previous
occurs at case. Figure 3 illustrates the difference between classical


For illustrative purposes, we approximate the evapora-

tion using a linear law,

v vκ
rg ¼ r0 − ¼ r0 − 2 ; ð95Þ
ζ rg ðv ¼ 0Þ

that allows for explicit analytical results. Since the shell

collapse takes much less time than the evaporation, this is
an excellent approximation.
The equation of an outgoing radial null geodesic
dv 2
¼ ð96Þ
dr 1 − rg ðvÞ=r

FIG. 2. Horizon crossing. The orange line represents MðτÞ ¼ separates after the change of variables v ¼ rṽ þ C0 ζ, and
rg ðτÞ=2. The rest mass mðτÞ is shown as the black line, and the its general solution can be written as
gap XðτÞ ¼ RðτÞ − rg ðτÞ is shown as the dashed red line. For
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi "sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi #
simulation purposes, the evaporation was switched on at τ ¼ ζ ζ 4r
v ¼ 0. The initial conditions are Rð0Þ ¼ 30 and Rð0Þ ¼ 0, while K ¼ −2 arctanh 1þ
C0 ≡ Cð0Þ ¼ 20, and κ ¼ 1. At the horizon crossing at τc ¼ 8þζ 8þζ ζðr − r0 Þ þ v
51.010, the gravitational mass and the rest mass are nearly  
ζ2 r0 ðr − r0 Þ þ ζð2r0 − rÞv − v2
identical to their initial values: Mðτc Þ=Mð0Þ ¼ 0.9913 and þ 2 ln r þ ln 1 þ ;
mðτc Þ=mð0Þ ¼ 0.9905, respectively. 2ζr2
dynamics and the two models of a radiating shell. Since the
where K is the integration constant.
influence of evaporation on the dynamics of a macro-
We first use this result to evaluate the redshift that is
scopic shell is weak, the shell preserves nearly all of its
suffered by the signal sent by Alice at the horizon crossing.
mass at the horizon crossing. We can estimate the proper
Since the evaporation law is linear, we can adjust param-
time of the collapse using the classical equation of motion.
eters such that the crossing happens at V ¼ 0 at rg ð0Þ ¼ r0 .
However, unlike in the classical scenario, the crossing
For the light emitted by Alice at Δτ before the crossing, the
time according to Bob is finite, as are the propagation time
constant is given in the leading order by
of the last signal that Alice sends before crossing and its
redshift. 4πi Δτ 1 _
K ¼ πi − þ 2 ln r0 þ þ 2jR0 j ; ð98Þ
ζ r0 2jR_ 0 j

where we also expanded in powers of ζ, using that ζ ≫ 1,

and R_ 0 ¼ Rð0Þ.
To show that the transmission time and the redshift are
finite, we consider a position of Bob that makes the
calculations particularly simple. For this purpose, we locate
Bob at the position rB at which light emitted at v ¼ 0
reaches Alice at vB ¼ ζr0 , i.e., when the shell completely
evaporates. Consider the beam that arrived at the same
location Δv earlier. Then, we have (again using ζ ≫ 1)
4πi 8 ln ζ − 8 − ln 256 Δv
K ¼ πi − þ 2 ln rB − 2 ln ζ þ þ :
ζ ζ rB
FIG. 3. Comparison of the classical trajectory (green line) with
the exterior geometry given by the outgoing Vaidya metric with Comparison of the zeroth-order terms identifies Bob’s
drg =du ¼ −κ=r2g (dotted blue line) and the ingoing Vaidya metric location,
with drg =dv ¼ −κ=r2g (dashed red line) at the later stages of the
collapse. The initial data are the same as above. In the former rB ≈ ζr0 − ð2 ln ζ − 2 − ln 4Þr0 þ    ; ð100Þ
case, the collapse is accelerated, and the shell becomes null at τm . 2
In the latter case, the collapse is slightly delayed. while the leading-order term in the redshift is determined by

BACCETTI, MURK, and TERNO PHYS. REV. D 100, 064054 (2019)

applicable in different situations. If the spacetime outside of

the shell is described by an outgoing Vaidya metric with
decreasing mass, there is no horizon crossing. This is the
expected behavior of a system that satisfies the NEC.
The outgoing Vaidya metric is a good approximation of
the geometry around an evaporating black hole for r ≳ 3rg,
while the metric approaches the ingoing Vaidya metric with
decreasing mass, which is the exact limiting form of the
semiclassical geometry [18], as r → rg . A strict interpreta-
tion of the quantum energy inequality estimate [18] indicates
that the NEC is violated only up to x ¼ r − rg ∼ a2 ∼ κ=rg .
According to Eq. (90), transition to the null trajectory
happens at X∞ ∼ a2 . Only a more detailed analysis of the
geometry outside of the collapsing shell, in particular, finding
the details of the transition between the two forms of the
Vaidya metric, will determine how plausible the scenario of
shedding all or most of the shell’s rest mass is. Although thin
shells can be used to model radiative processes, either
FIG. 4. Time of arrival of Alice’s signals to Bob. The green line classical or quantum, they cannot accurately describe the
represents the classical case rg ¼ r0 ¼ const. The dashed red line final stage of the collapse to a black hole. Emission of the
represents the case of the linear evaporation law with ζ ¼ 400. entire rest mass may indicate either problems with the thin
In this case, the last ray reaches Bob at τB ¼ 160. shell approximation in general or the necessity of a more
involved specific model for the shell and/or type of radiation.
dv ð1 þ 4R_ 20 ÞrB A direct consequence of this result is that the geometry
¼ : ð101Þ outside of a pressureless null shell can never be described by
dτ 2jR_ 0 jr0
an outgoing Vaidya metric with decreasing mass.
_ ≤ 3=4, and since
We recall that jRj If the geometry outside of the shell is described by an
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi outgoing Vaidya metric with decreasing mass, then the
dτB ¼ fðv; rB ÞdvB ≈ dvB ; ð102Þ shell approaches the Schwarzschild radius in finite time
(both according to the comoving Alice and distant Bob),
we see that the redshift is of the order of ζ. If we assume that losing only an insignificant fraction of its mass. When it
the initial radius of the shell RA satisfies r0 ≪ RA < rB , we comes to describing the formation of the apparent horizon,
have jR_ 0 j ¼ 3=4 and a potential problem of this idealized model lies in the
requirement to alternatingly violate (on both sides of the
dv 13 apparent horizon) and satisfy (on both sides of the inner
¼ ζ: ð103Þ
dτ 12 apparent horizon that is the inner boundary of a trapped
region propagating to the center) the NEC [32]. A thin shell
The time of arrival of the signals that are sent by Alice as model may be a too extreme idealization to exhibit all of
the function of her progress is represented in Fig. 4. Here, these features, but for 0 < R < rg, a plausible scenario
Bob is located at the initial position of Alice, rB ¼ RA . envisages the shell itself as the inner apparent horizon,
His proper time is calculated according to while the trapped region corresponds to R < r ≤ rg .
Z v pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
The above results present arguments that thin shell
τB ¼ fðv0 ; rB Þdv0 : ð104Þ models of collapse and evaporation do not have an
0 independent meaning, but rather they simply illustrate
their underlying assumptions: if the model corresponds to
The shell approaches rg in a finite time (both according to the impossibility of horizon formation at a finite time,
Bob and Alice) and with a finite mass. We also observe that then it will predict horizon avoidance. By the same token,
the last signal that is sent by Alice before she crosses the if the model uses the metric that is associated with the
Schwarzschild sphere reaches Bob in a finite time, while in finite-time appearance of trapped regions, it will predict
the classical case, this time diverges as Alice approaches rg . horizon crossing. This conclusion aligns with the results
found in Ref. [33].
Since the important scales (horizon avoidance, null
transition, shell support, and violation of the NEC) are all
There is no contradiction between the predictions of of the order of X ∼ κ=M, we must also consider the
different models of thin shell collapse, as they are possibility that the effect of the transition region between


the ingoing and outgoing Vaidya metrics may be such as to pattern provided by the correct self-consistent near-
prevent the horizon crossing (forcing X_ > 0 once some horizon metric to obtain the field modes and derive the
critical value of X has been reached), but without causing the renormalized energy-momentum tensor.
timelike-to-null transition. This situation will be inves-
tigated in future work. The first step to a self-consistent ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
description of gravitational collapse is a complete iden-
tification of the metric in the neighborhood of the We thank Robert Mann for numerous useful discussions,
apparent horizon. This was achieved for quasistationary Pisin Chen and Bill Unruh for critical comments, and
black holes, but our analysis relies on flux calculations on Joanne Dawson for helpful suggestions. S. M. is supported
a fixed background. The next logical step is to use the by the iMQRES scheme of Macquarie University.

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