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The first aid volunteer has done a good job in mending the wounds and fracture of the
patient. However, in an emergency where it is a life and death situation "good" isn't
enough. I've noticed some mistakes in what he has done:

1. We can see how the volunteer immediately applied pressure and bandage to the left
forearm without even wearing a safety glove or sanitizing his hand. In the given scenario,
the volunteer wasn't said to be wearing it so we'll assume that he doesn't have one. In
every first aid, when treating a wound always wear a glove to avoid infection.

2. Also, it is important to raise first the wounded area to somehow stopped the bleeding.
can notice in the scenario how he applied pressure first before elevating the left arm which
is wrong.

3. Do not elevate the right leg. Remember, the Scout only sustained a simple fracture an
doesn't have any wounds. Just apply a pressure and put something below the leg to serve as
a support such as a bag or anything soft. Elevating the leg will do more harm than good. Wait
until help arrives.

4. While waiting for help, it is important to make the patient conscious. Ask the patient
questions as to what happened so that when the rescuers will arrive, you will share the
right information.

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