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Lesson 1.

Valuing Ones Family

LT-II-a-4.1 Identify the distinguishing features of literature during the
Period of Apprenticeship
LC-II-a-6-1 Extract information from the text listened to
VD-II-a-10.1 between literal and figurative language
WC-1-a-4 Recognize the common purpose for writing
VD-II-a10.1 Discriminate between Literal and Figurative language
LC-II-a-6 Use listening strategies based on purpose, familiarity with
the topic and levels of difficulty of listened text

LT-II-a-4 Discover the conflicts presented in the literary selections

and the need to resolve those conflicts in nonviolent ways

C-II-a-1-2 Note details, sequence, and relationships of ideas and

V-II-a-10.1 Discriminate between literal and figurative language

G-II-a-1 Use phrases, clauses and sentences appropriately and

WC-II-a-5 Extract information from a text using a summary , precis,
and paraphrase
SS-II-a-1.5.3 Use the card catalogue, the online public access catalog or
electronic search engine to locate specific resources
LT-II-b-4 Discover the conflicts presented in literary selections and
the need to resolve those conflicts in nonviolent ways

Day 1
Initial Tasks:

LT-II-a-4.1 Identify the distinguishing features of literature during the Period of

LC-II-a-6-1 Extract information from the text listened to
VD-II-a-10.1 Distinguish between literal and figurative language

Task1PA (Period of Apprentice)

LM pp. 155

Task 1.1 “WORD Forming Game” Groups of Five

 Form a word from the given sets of cut letters.


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Set 5 - YFMALI

Task2: GI (General Information) Pinoy

LM pp. 156

Task 2.1“WORD ASSOCCIATION“ Same group – drawing of lots

 Generatewords which you can associate to the words your group had

Sharing of group outputs
Task 2.2.Distinguish words as Literal or Figurative
Group 1:Who are the persons named /talked about in the text
Group 2: Pick out the words that directly describe the persons talked
about.Label those words as LITERAL
Group 3: Pick out all the words which are associated to the given words
Label those words as Figurative
 Let’s Dig Deeper!
Teacher’s Task… Further explain what LITERAL and Figurative
Task3: “Windows of my Soul”
LM pp.157
 Come up with own windows regarding how you see your self

Task3.1 “I’ve got the main Idea in My Hand”

This is Me

Trace your hand to represent yourself. “This is Me”

On its finger write words to describe yourself

WC-1-a-4 Recognize the common purpose for writing

Task 4: I-C, I –Expect
Task 4.1 Push Me Gently
Students will enumerate at least three expectations from the lesson by completing the following

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1.In this lesson, I expect that _______________________.
2. Through this Lesson, I will learn __________________.
3. I will use this learning to improve_________________.

VD-II-a10.1 Discriminate between Literal and Figurative language

LC-II-a-6 Use listening strategies based on purpose, familiarity with the topic and
levels of difficulty of listened text
LT-II-a-4 Discover the conflicts presented in the literary selections and the need to
resolve those conflicts in nonviolent ways


Task 5: Word Centipede

LM pp. 158
Using a big drawing of a centipede

Task 5.1. Fish me Out!

 Pick out from the bowl words with their synonym
Paste on Me!

Task 6: Think and Search like centipede

LM pp.160-164
 Reading the text by the teacher
 Guided by comprehension questions

Task 7: Centipede Statement
LM pp.164

Task 7.1 Fill Me with your Love!

Draw a big heart then fill the heart with wordsto associate to the word
“LOVE” inside the heart (Listen to song – “Greatest Love of All”


Task 8: Centipede Query

LM pp 165

Task 8.1 Lights ,Camera, Action!

Ask volunteer students to Play the roles of Eddie, Delia and Father)
Observe the use of verbal and nonverbal communication
Verbal Cues Non-Verbal Cues

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 Deepening Understanding
Teacher discusses and further explainverbal and nonverbal cue or

Task 9: Centipede War

LM pp. 166

Identify the conflict and the possible solutions to resolve the conflict
 Key Points: Teacher briefly discusses the term

External – man vs. man …..etc
Internal – man vs. self …… etc

Task9.1 Clash of Clan!

Group 1: Draw the illustration suggested in the book

Group 2:Single out the conflict


conflict solution

Group3. Give the possible suggestions on how to resolve the problem

 Processing of the activity by the Teacher

Task 9.2 “ We are a Family”

Group Singing: Accompanied with Lyric song “ We are a Family” by

Jamie Rivera

C-II-a-1-2 Note details, sequence, and relationships of ideas and events

Task 10: Centipede View

LM pp.156
 Teacher Task: Review the elements of a story

Task 10 .1. Come on. Push pa more!

Single out important elements in the story (Collaborative Activity)

Group 1. Draw a big film strip of 5-6 boxes (Manila Paper)
Group 2.Label the strips of film with the correct order or sequence of
Group 3.Write on the strips of film the suggested content to view the parts
of the plot.
V-II-a-10.1 Discriminate between literal and figurative language

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Task 11. Literal vs Figurative

LM pp.166
 Teacher Task: Give a brief background of LITERAL and FIGURATIE
 Present other examplesRef.
Here are some other examples
Literal Figurative
1.Grass looks green. 1.The grass looks like spiky green
hair. (S)
2.Sand feels rough. 2.Sand is solid water.(M)
3. The flower smells sweet. 3. The flower has the sweetest
 smelling petals in the world.(H) Perform
4.Grashoppers make a 4.Grasshoppers are fiddlers who Task 11
high play their legs. (P) and
pitched noise. Task 12
pg. 167-
168 as suggested

G-II-a-1: Use phrases, clauses and sentences appropriately and meaningfully

Task 13: Language Connections
Teacher provides overview of Phrases
LM pp.169

Task13.1 Let’s work it out!

Group1. Encircle the noun phrase in the following sentences.

Group 2. Box the verb phrase in the given sentences
Group 3. Underline the nouns & verbs in the given sentences

Task 14: Perform the activity as suggested

WC-II-a-5 Extract information from a text using a summary , precis, and paraphrase
Task 15: In a Nutshell
 Teacher gives the Key points about message of the story

Task 15.1 In my Hand!

Present the song“I’ve got the main idea in my hand.


and WHY? In my hand.

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Task 15.2.

Grp. 1 Draw a big hand, then Label it with the 5 W’s

Group 2 “ Write a five (5) sentence summary of the story “The Centipede”.


Grp.3 Use the story Map to present the summary of the story.
(Story Map on visual aid – made by the teacher)

 Process questions: (Questions in the LM pp.17

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SS-II-a-1.5.3 UseThe card catalogue, the online public access catalog or electronic
search engine to locate specific resources


Task 16: Long live Library!

 Teacher’s Task:Review on the kinds of Cards
 Review on the kinds of cards which can be used in the library
 Present samples of different cards LM pg.173
 Explain further the different kinds of cards
Tasks 16.1 Suggested Text Material for a student to know and have a copy
Contents of the Cards based from the DDS
Present the DDS of how the books are arranged in the library

Task17. Skip (Activity already discussed and performed in previous activities)

LT-II-b-4: Discover the conflicts presented in literary selections and the need to resolve
those conflicts in nonviolent ways

Task18: FC (Family Conflict /Commercial)

(Retain groupings and view commercial that portray family values.

Task 18.1 Viewing – Instructional Advertisements portraying family values

(HapagUsapan Commercial)
Lucky Me!

Suggested Activities:
Grp. 1 Write what were observed in the commercial
Grp.2 Identify what Family values depicted in the commercial
Grp 3 Give the message shown on the commercial
 Processing Questions (LM pg. 174)

DAY 5 Take note that your output I s

brochure of successful family stories
to be graded based on the following
Your Final Task
Attractiveness /Organization,
Content/Accuracy of ideas; Writing
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for Teachers/Module
Graphics/Pictures, and Sources
Final Task: Collaborative Activity
Brochure of a successful family Stories
 Frustration:
Gather pictures of Identified Persons:
1. PacquiaoFamily
2. Robredo Family
3. Mayor of the Municipality
 Instructional:
Consolidation of Materials
 Independent
Crafting of the Brochure

Note: Rubrics of the Final Task

(See LM pp. 178)

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EN7VC.11-b-1/2: Note details sequence and relationships of ideas and events.
EN7LC-II.b-3.3: Recognize main key ideas
References: LM pages 181-184
TG. pages 165-166
Your Initial Tasks:

Task 1. Picking on the Picture

*A viewing activity of a recent event where students will be asked to note details
(Applicable to all learners).

Task 2.You and Me In 3-D

 A group activity where students will be asked to analyze the shown or flashed
pictures or images.(Applicable to all).
Task3. Looming Expectations (pages 184)

Suggested Activity: I CAN!

Direction: Enumerate your expectations from lesson 2 by completing the lines
1. In this lesson I will learn to _____________________.
2. Through this lesson, I will develop my ________________________.
3. I will use this learning to improve _________________________.
*Process Questions



EN7LT-II.0.4.2: Identify the distinguishing features of poems.

EN7V-II.b.10.1.1 Classify sample Texts into Literal or Figurative.
References: LM. 184-187
TG. 166-171
Task 4. Gift Grids (p. 184)
 Teacher Present the poem: Gifts for the City
 Process Questions
Task 5 Multiple Gifts. (Group Activity)

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Suggested Activity: Task 5.1 PUSH MO YAN TEH!

Direction: Create a colorful Slogan using the following lines below.

1. Basura Mo, Tapon Mo.
2. Save Mother Earth
3. Basurang Tinapon Mo, Basurang Babalik Sayo.
4. Invest for the future, Plant Tress.
5. Let’s be Clean and Green.

 Process Questions

 Note. There is no activity allotted for the Competency on Classifying text on

Literal or Figurative texts.
 Teacher will give inputs on Literal and Figurative texts.

Figuratively means metaphorically, and literally describes

something that actually happened. If you say that a guitar
solo literally blew your head off, your head should not be
attached to your body.

Suggested Activity:

Task 5.2 Figure It Out!

Direction. Identify the following statements into Literal or Figurative.
1. He has a heart of gold.
2. Dale gave me his sweetest smile.
3. Life is a journey; travel it well.
4. He whispered his secrets to me.
5. Men's words are bullets that their enemies take-up.
6. He roared with the force of a thousand lions.
7. The theater is his home.
8. There had been no rain for months. It must be an El Nino.

* Process Questions
Task 6. Poetic Words and Lyrics (p.187)

Task 7. Poetic License (p. 187)

*Teacher gives an input on Simile and Metaphor.
* Present the Poem “First, a Poem Must be Magical.
* Process Questions

DAY 3.


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EN7WC.II.b.5: Extract information from a text using a summary or a précis and a paraphrase.
Reference: LM p. 188-189
Task 8. Poetic Meaning
 This is an activity in pair to explain the meaning of verse in the Poem.
Task 8.1 (Teacher shows a sample of a Text and a Precis)
 Teacher gives inputs on a Precis
 Process Questions

Task 9. Poem Precis

*Teacher asked to write a précis on any of the two poems Gifts for the
City and Poem Must be Magical.

Suggested Activity: Task 9.1 Make It Short!

Direction. Match column A and B to form a précis of the poems mentioned above.

Column A Column B
1. Every citizen can give his/her a. For it can make a reader wonder.
own share in making this City With its rhythm and rhyme which
clean. enlightens us.
2. The poem must be magical. b. By simply following traffic rules,
observing proper waste
And by planting trees
 Process Questions

Task 10. Being Nice (p. 191)

 A pair activity where students need to write a two-three sentence précis
of a text given.
 Process Questions


EN7G. II. b. 1: Use phrases, clauses and sentences appropriately and meaningfully.
References LM. P. 191-193

Task 11. Language Connections

 Teacher gives inputs on Prepositions.

*Suggested Activity
Task 11.1 IM IN!
Direction: Identify the Prepositions in the following phrases lifted from the
poem Gifts for the City.

1. of sphere 6. with a kiss

2. along the avenues 7. air of smog
3. made of paper 8. into the sun

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4. on the streets 9. to heavy burden
5. by planting trees 10. in signage

Task 12. Phrasing it Nicely (p.192)

 An activity on identifying prepositions and object of the Preposition will be

Task 13. Preposition and its’ Object (p183)

 This activity is a follow-up of activity 12.
 Process Questions.

DAY 5.

EN7SS.II.b.1.5.3: Use the Card Catalogue, The On-line Public Access Catalog or
Electronic Search Engines to locate specific resources.(LM. P. 193-194

Task 14:Lib. O PAC

 A. Teacher presents to the class the 3 types of card catalog and discuss its’
content as an input.

B. If Internet is available. Teacher demonstrates how to LOGIN at LR Portal as a

sample of OPAC or an electronic search engines to locate information.

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Suggested Activity:
Task 14.1 Identify what Type of catalog is the catalog below and identify its’

1. 2.





Task 15. Figures of Chain

This is a group task. Students are to write five statements that would
emphasize how recognizing beauty in others would lessen or avoid bullying in

Suggested activity: 15.1 Complete the Word Web below by attaching

related words to the main idea.


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Take note that the expected output is to create a mini book of tips related to
building relationship that will be graded based on a given rubrics below.

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This lesson will aid you in understanding the importance of befriending others
while enhancing your language and literary skills through writing, reading, speaking, and
listening activities.

Be reminded that you will carry out task that will

prepare you hit your target- to create a book jacket highlighted
the theme on befriending others. Your book jacket will be
assessed based on the criteria: Focus/Theme,
appropriateness/relevance, langue and creativity or originality.

Your Objectives

 Employ correct turn-taking and turn-giving strategies in conversationsEN70L-II-c-

 Narrate the events of the story chronologicallyEN7VC-II-c-11
 Recognize cues and signals to determine the order of ideas and eventsEN7VC-
 Discover the conflicts presented in the literary selectionEN7LT-II-c-4
 Explain how conflicts as a literary element contributes to the theme of literary
 Classify texts into and figurativeEN7V-II-c-10.1.2
 Identify personification as a figure of speechEN7V-II-c-10.1.2
 Use adjective and adverb phrases in writingEN7G-II-c-1
 Paraphrase ideas/information from a textEN7WC-II-c-5
 Identify the different parts of the bookEN7SS-II-c-1.5.3
 Create a book jacket(product/output)

Your Initial Task


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• Employ correct turn-taking and turn-giving strategies in conversations EN70L-II-

Task 1: What makes a F-R-I-E-N-D? (Applicable for all types of learners)

A.) A Test of Friendship(Applicable for Instructional and Dependent Learners

B.) I Heart You Friend!

Direction: Cut a heart shape and paste inside of it the picture of your friend. Using your
answers in task 1 choose words or phrases that describe your friend.

Task 3: A Strange Feeling(Applicable for all types of learner

Your Text

•Narrate the events of the story chronologically EN7VC-II-c-11

• Recognize cues and signals to determine the order of ideas and events EN7VC-
Task 4: A.) Strange Melodic Connection(Applicable for all types of learners)
B.) A friend to Count On
Direction:Pick line/s from the song “Count On Me” that you like the most. Why?
-What Filipino or Bicol Songs that you know that show about friendship.

Task 5: Relate and Connect (Applicable for all types of Learners)

Task 5.1: Strange Video

Direction:Compare the story “The Stranger” with the Video given below.
You may use other video clip
Video clips about being a Stranger

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Task 6: Story’s Chronological Sequence(Instructional and Dependent level)

Set A
Set C. Character Tree! (Frustration Level)

Direction:Enumerate the Characters in the story “The Stranger” (page 202-205) as they
appear chronologically using a character tree.
-Give the role of each character in the story.

4. 5.

3. 6.



Note: -Learners answers should be processed

• Discover the conflicts presented in the literary selection EN7LT-II-c-4
• Explain how conflicts as a literary element contribute to the theme of literary
selection EN7LT-II-c-4

Task 7: Conflict Arises, Theme Prevails

Task 7.1What’s the PROBLEM?

Direction:(LOCALIZATION)Look for an example that will hook their prior knowledge

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-Think/Recall a teleserye/telenovela that you watched and identify the problem/conflict
of the story.

•Classify texts into literal and figurative EN7V-II-c-10.1.2

• Identify personification as a figure of speech EN7V-II-c-10.1.2

Task 8: Literal vs. Figurative

Task 8.0 “HUGOT PA MORE”

Direction: Give your favourite HUGOT LINE/s and say something about it.

Task 8.1 Classifying Literal or

Figurative (Applicable for
Instructional and Dependent type of
Task 8.2 Figuratively Speaking
(Applicable for all types of learners)
Task 9 Language Connection (Applicable for all types of learners)

 Use adjective and adverb phrases in writing EN7G-II-c-1

Task 9.0 Adjective and Adverb Recall

Directions: Short recall about adjectives and adverb
Emphases the types of adverb

Task 9.1 Supplying Adverbs

-Group the class into 4
-Each group will be given strips of paper or meta -cards that contain the
information below
-Then they have to supply appropriate adverb that are intended to their group.


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(G3) (G4)

Set A: Justify your Answer

Set B: Tell me a Story
Set C: Beyond Phrase

Set D:PICK UP LINES of a song!

(LOCALIZATION) In preparation for the discussion of PARAPHRASING
Direction: Pick a line of your favourite song and say something about it.

TASK 10: The Bookish Explores!

Note: Visit your school library/Bring books

Your Discovery Task

• Paraphrase ideas/information from a text EN7WC-II-c-5
• Identify the different parts of the book EN7SS-II-c-1.5.3

Task 11: There’s a connection in Reading

Set A – Choose a favourite song and pick-out at least 3 lines then paraphrase it using
the format below.


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TASK 12: From Text Task

Your Final Task

• Create a book jacket (product/output)

TASK 13: Create Book Jacket (Cover)

Refer to the rubrics from the LM

-Make acomic sketch/design/arts
- Use emojis about being a friend
-Cut out pictures or letters relevant to less 3


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Focus on how adapting to peers is integral and essential in a peer
relationship. Also, this lesson will help you improve your analytical, linguistic,
and critical skills as you enthusiastically participate in various learning activities.

Be reminded that your expected output is to paraphrase a

poem. It will be assessed based on the following criteria: Rewording and
paraphrasing, content, and Mechanics.

Your Objectives

 Employ correct turn-taking, turn-giving and topic control strategies in conversations and
 Arrange ideas logically based on a material viewedEN7VC-II-d-10.1.2
 Infer the purpose of the poem listened toEN7LC-II-d-2.1/3.1
 Infer thoughts and feelings expressed in the textEN7C-II-d-5.1
 Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the authorEN7LT-II-d-2.2.1

 Express appreciation for sensory imagesEN7LT-II-d-2.2.1

 Recognize irony as figure of speechEN7V-II-d-10.1.2
 Identify key ideasEN7WC-II-d-5.1
 Extract information from a text using a paraphraseEN7G-II-d-1
 Use independent clauses appropriately and meaningfullyEN7-II-d-1
 Get information from general references in a libraryEN7SS-II-d-1.3/1.4

Your Initial Task

 Employ correct turn-taking, turn-giving and topic control strategies in conversations and
dialogs. EN7CL-II-d-2.7
 Identify key ideas EN7WC-II-d-5

Task 1.0: WORD WEB

Direction: Give as many as words that you can associate with the word inside the circle.

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Task 1: Cheer for Peer

Task 2: Peers’ Pros and Cons.


Task 3.0: Confirm or Delete

Direction: Write down reasons why you like or dislike qualities of your friend.

Task 3: Break that Wall

Task 4: Expect, Learn, and Understand

Your Text

• Arrange ideas logically based on a material viewed EN7VC-II-d-10.1.2
• Infer the purpose of the poem listened to EN7LC-II-d-2.1/3.1

Task 5.0: A Song for a Friend

Direction: Think of a song that you would like to dedicate or sing to a friend and say
something about it.

Task 5: Sensing our Senses

Task 6: A. Words Unloaded

B. Poetically Yours
Task 7: Extract the Poetic Essence through Differentiated Activities

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Task 8.0: Sing It Again
Direction: Go back to Task 5.0, using the same song that you gave, write the line in your
notebook and identify the Tone and Mood of the song.

My Song

• Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author EN7LT-II-d-2.2.1

• Express appreciation for sensory images EN7LT-II-d-2.2.1
• Recognize irony as figure of speech EN7V-II-d-10.1.2

Task 8: Sensing out the T & M (Tone & Mood)

Task 9: Sense-o-Image

Task 10.0: How IRONIC!

Direction: Let them listen to a song “IRONIC” by Alanis Morisette. Relate the song to the
next task.

Task 11: Language Connection: From Poem to Prose
Direction: Using your cell phones, check on your dictionary APP and look closely on how
a word is defined.

Nowadays, almost everyone especially the learners in this generation are particular with
the use of cell phones. In connection with this, relate cell phones to a dictionary in looking for the

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Task 12: Reference Search

YourDiscovery Task

• Extract information from a text using a paraphrase EN7G-II-d-1
• Use independent clauses appropriately and meaningfully EN7-II-d-1

Task 13: Let’s Think & Work Beyond Walls

Task 14: The Magic is in You!

Task 14.1: BFF Wins!

Your Final Task

Direction: Sing a song “Kung Kailangan Mo Ako” by Rey Valera
Process questions:

• Get information from general references in a library EN7SS-II-d-1.3/1.4

Task 15: Tell Me Your Thoughts

A. Preliminaries
B. Writing the Draft
C. Validation and Revision
D. Refer to the rubrics for you to be guided



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o EN7SS-II-e1.3/1.4:Get information from the different parts the different parts of a book
and from general references in the library
o EN7SS-II-i-2.1:Gather current information from newspapers and other print and non-
print media



o Task 10:Featuring Feature Articles

Find informative articles that discuss following topics at the library’s newspaper section.
Answer the given guide questions and summarize and share the article.

o Page/s: 256-257


Directions: Find informative and feature article from a TV News aboutGovernment

Programs and complete the diagram below.


Message Of The Article Persons

______________________________ Involved
______________________________ ___________
______________________________ ___________


o EN7LC-II-e-4:Recognize signals/ cues to determine the order of ideas/ events

o EN7VC-II-e-11:Narrate events chronologically/ Arrange ideas logically based on a
material viewed


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o Task 13: A Plot Summary

o Page/s: 259-260

Activity Name:
Directions: Narrate events from the picture story below. Use the
following signals/cues showing chronological order.






o EN7V-II-f-10.1.3: Identify figures of speech that show contrast: Oxymoron

o EN7LT-II-0-2.2.2:Explain the literary devices used



o Task 7: Don’t Get Me Wrong

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o Page/s: 252-254


Differentiated Activity:The different sets of the Task7: Don’t Get Me Wrong will be
divided to different level of learners:

o Task7: (A) – will be used for all levels and as motivational activity
o Set 1 and 2: Frustration and Instructional
o Set 3 and 4: Independent



o EN7LT-II-e-4: Discover the conflicts presented in literary selections and the need to
resolve those conflicts in non-violent ways


o Task 8: Problem Solving Advices

o Page/s: 254-255

Activity Name: Role Play Cards
Directions: The class will be divided into five (4). Each group will picktwo (2) Role Play
Cardswhich consist of conflict scenarios, the group shouldenact and show their own solution in
non-violent waysto the conflict.

A friend copied your

work and got a You’re brother keeps
better grade than hiding your
you did. belongings and think
it is funny

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Your trust has been
betrayed by a You’ve been blamed
friend for something you
did not do.






o EN7OL-II-e-3.7:Use appropriate techniques and strategies when asking

questions and eliciting answers
o EN7WC-II-e-5.1:Identify key ideas


o Tasks:
5.1: Spin-The-Bottle Small Group Chat
6: Fresh from the Oven

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o Page/s: 243-251

Activity Name: Q-GRID

Directions: The class will be divided into eight (8), they will be assigned a part from the
story “The Bread of Salt” by NVM Gonzales. Each group should think of 3 questions and put
them in the Q-Grid.

o file:///C:/Users/admin/Desktop/ENGLISH%207/q-it%20rev%202010.pdf



o EN7G-II-i-1: Use phrases, clauses, and sentences appropriately and meaningfully



o Task 9: Untangling Statements

o Page/s: 255-256


Differentiated Activity: (Untangling Statements)

The different activities under the task will be divided to the different levels:

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o Untangling statements (A)-Frustration Level
o Untangling statements (C)- Instructional Level
o Untangling statements (D)- Independent Level


Directions: Put a heart sign if the sentence is declarative and sad emojiif
not. Draw your answers on the space provided.
_________1.In the old days, many people lived on farms.
_________2.Wild animals roamed through the forests
_________3.Are his stories always true?
_________4. Opal loved to visit the library.
_________5. Kindly arrange your chairs.

Directions: Write a declarative sentence about each of the word below.

1. homework: ____________________________________________________________
2. computer: _____________________________________________________________
3. friends: ________________________________________________________________
4. notebook: _____________________________________________________________
5. telenovela: ____________________________________________________________

Directions: An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms

are put next to each other to achieve an effect. Underline the oxymoron in each sentence.
1. After staying up so late the night before, Phoebe felt like the living dead.
2. Although we laughed a lot, the movie was a tragic comedy.
3. We were hoping the contractor would give us an exact estimate.
4. When Pete asked Debbie to the dance, her answer was a definite maybe.
5. We put the objects in random order.
6. We were worried when the pilot had to make a crash landing.
7. I think something is wrong with my computer because it runs slowly.
8. This cake is awfully good.
9. When she swung the bat it was a near miss.
10. This potion will make you appear invisible.

Directions: Arrange the following events in correct order, write your answer1-10 at the end of
each sentence. Circle all the signal/cues of chronological order.

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 30 of 52

1. Directions: Read the feature article below and answer the questions that follow.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the article trying to

2. Who are the persons


English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 31 of 52


3. What are the supporting

details of the article’s title
“Jesse Robredo ‘a good


o file:///C:/Users/admin/Desktop/1contra.pdf

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LESSON 6. Sharing Positive and Healthy


As you go along your journey, keep the following objectives in mind:

 Gather current information from newspaper and other print and non-print media
 Determine the tone and mood of the speaker or characters in the narrative listened
to- EN7LC-II-f-2.13
 Draw similarities and differencesbetween characters in a selection-EN7LT-II-g-2.3
 Discover the conflicts presented in literary selections and the need to resolve the
conflicts in non-violent ways-EN7LT-II-f-4
 Explain how was selection may be influenced by culture, history, or other factors-
 Use the correct pitch, juncture, stress, volume and projection and rate/speed of
speech in conversations and dialouges.-EN7OL-II-h-1.14
 Identify figures of speech that show contrast: paradox-EN7V-II-h-10.1.3
 Use phrases, clauses and sentences appropriately and meaningfully in sharing
 Make predictions about the contents of the text listened to- EN7LC-II-h-2.5
 Simplify ideas through paraphrasing and summarizing -EN7WC-II-a-5.3

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 33 of 52

 Get information from the different parts of a book and from general references in
thelibrary.- EN7SS-II-f-1.3/1.4

Task 1: Character Train (page 268)
Task 1.1.Pick Me Out!Choose positive character traits from the pool of words.

Patient aggressive trustworthy vulgar

cruel compassionate humorous honest

Task 1.2.Do You Know Me?Students will give three (3) traits that are commonly
observed with their mother, father and siblings.
biw=1366&bih=613&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=MaZIW4 tbm=isch&q=siblings+clipart&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahU
ayMKSUmAXitqioBA&q=mother+clip+art&oq=mo KEwi9vpaxlZzcAhXCoZQKHRWaCXYQBQjWASgA&bi
ther+clip+art&gs_l=img.3..35i39k1j0l2j0i7i30k1l2j w=1366&bih=613&dpr=1#imgrc=1pMQzS70eOuRQM:

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 34 of 52

Task 2: Blindfold Basketball (page 268)
Process questions:
 What are the positive traits that you developed in the activity?
 What did you feel while doing the activity?
 How did the activity promote positive relationship with your partner?

Task 3: Building Blocks. (page 267)

Task 3.1Traits Me Out! Identify the positive traits from the flashcards shown by the


Process Question: Do you think these traits that you chose can help you build good
relationship with others.

Task 4: Like or Unlike (page 269-270)

EN7WC-II-a-5Extract information from a text using a summary.
Task 5: Check the Elements (page 270-273)

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 35 of 52

Task 5.1Sum It Up!Use the given summary of the story Footnote to Youth in identifying
the elements of the story.

ther that he has asked Teang to marry him and wants his blessing, there is a long and cruel silence. His father asks if he must marry her be
next six years, Teang gave birth.  Seven children in all.
ied so young. There had been another suitor, Lucio, who was nine years older than Dudong. She chose Dudong because he was so much y

his father asked him.  Does Blas have to marry Tena?  He does not want him to make the same mistake he did. Blas also reacts with resen

Use the format below to assist you in identifying the plot of the story.

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 36 of 52
EN7LT-II-f-4-Discover the conflicts presented in literary selections and the need to

resolve the conflicts in non-violent ways

Task 6. A. C-S-R Approach (page 274)
ENLT-II-0-3Explain how was selection may be influenced by culture, history, or other
EN7G-II-h-1Use phrases, clauses and sentences appropriately and meaningfully in
sharing ideas.
EN7OL-II-h-1.14Use the correct pitch, juncture, stress, volume and projection and
rate/speed of speech in conversations and dialogues.
Task 6. B. Dialog Approach (page 274)
Rubrics for Dialogue Presentation

RATING Demonstrated Competence

The use of pitch, juncture, stress, volume and projection
4 and rate/speed of speech are almost always clear/
The use of pitch, juncture, stress, volume and projection
3 and rate/speed of speech are usually clear/ accurate with a
few problem in some of the delivery.
Errors on pitch, juncture, stress, volume and projection and
2 rate/speed of speech sometimes make it difficult to
understand the students.
Frequent problems on pitch, juncture, stress, volume and
projection and rate/speed of speech occur.

Task 6. C.The Wheel to Choose!Imagine that you are in the situations given.
Overcome these conflicts by choosing the possible solutions on the Wheel of Choice.

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 37 of 52
1. You are upset that your seatmate did not cooperate in the group activity given.
2. You and your classmateare working on your project but you have different views on
how to accomplish it.
3. Your best friend is asking for your help but you also have to finish your schoolwork.
4. Your friend eagerly invites you to his/her birthday party but you do not know the rest
of the visitors who will attend too.

EN7LT-II-g-2.3z Draw similarities and differences between characters in a selection.
Task 7: All for the Best (page 275-276)
EN7V-II-h-10.1.3Identify figures of speech that show contrast: paradox.
Task 8 A: Common Sense or Non-Sense? (page 276-277)
Task 8 B (page 277)
Task C. Identify the Paradox. Choose the paradox from each group of sentences
1. A. The clouds drifted lazily in the sky.
B. The person who wrote that book can’t write.
C. The clown fish swam comically in the aquarium.
D. I was confused by the lesson.

2. A. She is an awfully good singer.

B. The blank page seared back at me.
C. It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.
D. They danced in the moonlight.

3. A. Whose turn is it?

B. Robert carefully built a model of a ship.
C. Remember to take out the trash.
D. If you want peace, you must prepare for war.

4. A. The best advice I have for you is: don’t listen to advice.
B. The rains came.
C. Parting is such a sweet sorrow.
D. She cared for him all his life.

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5. A. The dress cost a million dollars.
B. I’d rather be lucky than smart.
C. It’s twelve minutes until midnight.
D. She stood in the empty room.

EN7WC-II-a-5-Simplify ideas through paraphrasing and summarizing.
Task 9: Language Connections
A. Ask for InforMinion (page278-279)
B. (page 279)
C. , D., and E (page 280)

YourDiscovery Tasks
Task 10. Pros and Cons Poster (page 280)
Task 10.1 Obedience is the Best Policy!Identify the picture/s that show/s the
advantages of obeying parent's advice. biw=1366&bih=613&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=fTZJW7CSLczAoAScrLLQAQ&q=different+profession+cli
biw=1366&bih=613&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=GWNJW97NEYHI0ATQxr64Ag&q=teenagers+many+f part&oq=different+profession+clipart&gs_l=img.3..0.128856.137416.0.137829.
riends+clipart&oq=teenagers+many+friends+clipart&gs_l=img.3...14505.20019.0.20293.24.21. 462.0j18.18.0....0...1c.1.64.img..2.2.280...0i7i30k1j0i8i7i30k1.0.mdExhcp7M2M#imgrc=8jc2V61P- y6TAM:

Process Question:
 Based from the pictures that you chose, why do you have to always obey your

Task 11
Task 11:

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 39 of 52

11.1 Infomercial. Form four groups and do your assigned task. Create an infomercial
on the youth’s attitude in this generation. Use graphic organizers in showing pieces of
information while presenting the infomercial.
refer to LM on pages 281
11.2Millennial Attack! Draw a picture showing the youth's attitude in today's
generation. The teacher will show an example to the students.

Process Questions:
1. What can you say about your drawings?
2. Does the picture shows what are youth today?
11.3Now You See Me!In each picture describe the positive trait that the picture


Process Questions:
1. What can you say about the youth nowadays?
2. How can you say that the youth is the “hope of tomorrow”?
3. What are the traits that the youth should have today?

Task 12: What Do You Mean?

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 40 of 52

EN7SS-II-h-2.1 Gather current information from newspaper and other print and non-
print media
EN7LC-II-f-2.13 Determine the tone and mood of the speaker or characters in the
narrative listened to

12.1 Definition of Mood and Tone

Mood is the emotional feeling or atmosphere that a work of literature produces in a

reader. All works of literature produce some sort of emotional and psychological effect in
the audience; though every reader may respond differently to the same work of literature
there is often a similar type of mood produced.
Tone is an attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience. Tone is generally
conveyed through the choice of words, or the viewpoint of a writer on a particular subject.

Examples of Mood
Example #1
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand’rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow’st.    
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,    
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
(“Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare)
Shakespeare’s famous “Sonnet 18” is a poem that provokes a feeling of love and
sentimentality in most readers. Shakespeare does this by describing his feelings of
eternal passion for his beloved.

Tone Examples

We adopt a variety of tones in our day-to-day speech. This intonation of our speech
determines what message we desire to convey. Read a few examples below:

Example #1

Father: “We are going on a vacation.”

Son: “That’s great!!!”

– The tone of son’s response is very cheerful.

Example #2

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 41 of 52

Father: “We can’t go on vacation this summer.”
Son: “Yeah, great! That’s what I expected.”

– The son’s tone is sarcastic.

Test Your Knowledge of Mood and Tone

1. What is the correct mood definition?
A. The author’s attitude toward the subject of the book.
B. The emotions that the work of literature provokes in the reader.
C. The way the characters in the book feel about their situation.
2. What is the best word for the mood that the following passage from
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Julietmight inspire in a reader?

JULIET: What’s here? A cup, closed in my true love’s hand?

Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end.—
O churl, drunk all, and left no friendly drop
To help me after? I will kiss thy lips.
Haply some poison yet doth hang on them,
To make me die with a restorative.
A. Anger
B. Excitement
C. Sadness

3. Consider the following excerpt from Edgar Allen Poe’s poem “The Raven”:
 Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
Nameless here for evermore.
What is the best word for the mood that this passage inspires?
A. Somber
B. Jubilant
C. Peaceful

4. Often you feel you’ve done nothing when you’ve actually done a lot. That’s because
what you did do seemed beneath notice—it was so small that it didn’t “count.” But it did
—just as each stitch counts toward a finished dress, each brick or nail toward a house
you can live in, each mistake toward knowing how to do things right.
a. hesitant
b. encouraging
c. amused

5. A vaccine is a preparation of killed or weakened germs that is injected under the skin
and causes the blood to produce antibodies against the disease. Effective vaccines, for
instance, have been developed for small pox, rabies, and polio.

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a. objective
b. arrogant
c. regretful

6. We have come together this afternoon to mourn the deaths of sixteen miners—our
friends and neighbours—who were trapped by fire yesterday, deep below the earth.
They lived bravely and they died too soon, leaving behind grieving wives and
bewildered children. We bid them a final farewell.
a. forgiving
b. sorrowful
c. angry

Task. 12.2 Sing It! (page 281)

Watch the lyric-video of Taylor Swift entitled“Mean”
If there is no access in the internet, the lyrics of the song provided below.

Taylor Swift
You, with your words like knives
And swords and weapons that you use against me
You have knocked me off my feet again
Got me feeling like a nothing
You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard
Calling me out when I'm wounded
You, picking on the weaker man

Well you can take me down with just one single blow
But you don't know, what you don't know...

Someday I'll be living in a big old city

And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?

You, with your switching sides

And your wildfire lies and your humiliation
You have pointed out my flaws again
As if I don't already see them
I walk with my head down
Trying to block you out 'cause I'll never impress you
I just wanna feel okay again

I bet you got pushed around

Somebody made you cold
But the cycle ends right now
'Cause you can't lead me down that road
And you don't know, what you don't know...

Someday I'll be living in a big old city

And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?

And I can see you years from now in a bar

Talking over a football game
With that same big loud opinion
But nobody's listening
Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things
Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing

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But all you are is mean

All you are is mean

And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life
And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean

But someday I'll be living in a big old city

And all you're ever gonna be is mean, yeah
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so?...

Someday I'll be living in a big old city (Why you gotta be so?...)
And all you're ever gonna be is mean (Why you gotta be so?...)
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me (Why you gotta be so?...)
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?

Be prepared to answer these questions:

1. What is the message of the song?
2. What are the acts done unto the persona in the song?

3. Do you have similar experiences? Say something about them?

4. What is the tone and mood of the song?

12.3Stop, Look and Listen!The students listen to a song and make a note of 6 or 8
words that they hear. Then they will use the words as the basic vocabulary for
composing a poem in pairs. Although students are often reluctant to write poetry, if you
tell them that their poem has to be "corny", they will enjoy the task. Students brainstorm
all of the words that they have heard and then listen again and check to see how many
are correct.

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Name: Date: Period:

CATEGORY Excellent - 4 Good - 3 Satisfactory -2 Needs Improvement


THE WRITING Student devoted Student devoted Student devoted some Student devoted
PROCESS / a lot of time and adequate time time and effort to the little time and
effort to the and effort to the writing process but effort to the
writing process writing process was not very thorough. writing process.
EFFORT and worked hard and worked to Does enough to get It appears that
to make the get the job done. by. There are several the student does
poem a good The poem may errors. not care about
read. The poem have one or two the assignment.
has no errors. errors. The poem has
many errors.

TITLE The poem has a The poem has a The poem has a title The poem has
title that clearly title that relates no title
relates to the to the poem
poem and adds
interest to the
theme or
message of the

NEATNESS The final draft of The final draft of The final draft of the The final draft is
the poem is the poem is poem is readable and not neat or
readable, clean, readable, neat some of the pages are attractive. It
neat and and attractive. It attractive. It looks like looks like the
attractive. It is may have one or parts of it might have student just

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 45 of 52

free of erasures two erasures, been done in a hurry. wanted to get it
and crossed-out but they are not done and didn’t
words. It looks distracting. It care what it
like the author looks like the looked like.
took great pride author took
some pride in it.

STYLE The poem is The poem is The poem is written The poem lacks
written with a written with a somewhat with style. style and the
great sense of defined with Thoughts are clear to thoughts did not
style. The poem style. Thoughts a degree. come out clearly
has been well are clear to read on paper.
thought out and and
makes sense to understandable.
the reader.

VOCABULARY The poem is The poem The poem includes The poem lacks
filled with includes many some descriptive description and
descriptive descriptive words and phrases. does not allow
vocabulary that elements and is the reader to
appeals to the appealing. visualize the
reader. poem.

TOTAL SCORE: __________________________________

Be prepared to answer these questions:

1. What is the message of the song?
2. What are the acts done unto the persona in the song?
3. Do you have similar experiences? Say something about them?
4. What is the song writer trying to tell you?
5. Why might the song have been written?

Task 13

EN7SS-II-h-2.1Gather current information from newspaper and other print and non-print
EN7VC-II-f-1.3 Predict the gist of the material viewed based on the title, pictures and
excerpts of the material viewed.
Task 13.1: Guess the Pic!Guess what the pictures are about.

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 46 of 52
q=bullying&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwichonpjZ7cAhVCG5 q=bullying&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwichonpjZ7cAhVCG5
QKHacUAKAQ_AUICigB#imgrc=IFR-WrWO2tcwVM: QKHacUAKAQ_AUICigB#imgrc=iIt-cVsd-0pXrM:

Task 13.2: You Can Make a Difference!(page 281-282)One of the problems that
bother healthy relationships is bullying. It presents difficult situations to a learner like
you. Hence, it pays to know what bullying is. Approved on September 12, 2013,
Republic Act No. 10627 became a law. It is also known as the ”Anti-Bullying Act of
2013,”Are you aware of the legal meaning of bullying? Do you know the acts of

13.3Think Pair and Share! List at least three (3) situations in school that define
Show sets of pictures and /or video clips to support the task above and make it easy for
them to define the words.

Links for videos clips:


English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 47 of 52


Task 13.B. Fill it!

Fill out the bulletin with your answers. Cite particular steps to address the issues.
Bullying:What can I do Bullying: Where can I go? Bullying: What can I do if
about it? I see it happening?

1. Is it important that you know where to go in case you are bullied by your classmates?
2. What are the things that you will do to avoid bullying?
3. Do you think bullying somebody can help promote a healthy relationship?

Day 5

Task 14: Together We Can Make a Difference. Work with your group mates and be
guided by the instructions. Think of how to contribute something for your outputs.

Group 1: Badge of honor.

Group 2: Reporter for a day.
Group 3: A letter to Remember.

Refer to pages 283-284

14.2 Let’s do it! Group the students into 5. Make a poster guided by the given slogan,"
Be a buddy, not a bully."

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3 2 1 Score
(N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A)

Craftmanship  4 3 2 1 Score
The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is
exceptionally attractive in terms of acceptably attractive distractingly messy. 
attractive in neatness. Good though it may be a bit
terms of construction and not messy. 
neatness. Well very messy. 
constructed and
not messy. 

Creativity  4 3 2 1 Score
Slogan is Slogan is creative and Slogan is creative and The slogan does not
exceptionally a good amount of some thought was put reflect any degree of
creative. A lot of thought was put into into decorating it.  creativity. 
thought and decorating it. 
effort was used
to make the

Originality  4 3 2 1 Score
Exceptional use Good use of new ideas Average use of new No use of new ideas
of new ideas and and originality to ideas and originality and originality to
originality to create slogan.  to create slogan.  create slogan. 
create slogan. 

Grammar  4 3 2 1 Score
There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are more than
grammatical grammatical mistake grammatical mistakes 2 grammatical
mistakes on the on the poster.  on the poster.  mistakes on the
poster.  poster.

Process questions:
1. What is the message of the slogan?
2. Do you think it really helps build a good relationship with your peers? Why?
3. What is the feeling if you do well to your peers? Do you it will establish good
refer to LM on pages 283-284
Task 15: The Power to Impress!Communication is a big factor in building a healthy
relationship. If you can communicate effectively; you will be able to get your message
across without fear of being misunderstood. In this modern age, technology has
enabled people to reach out to others with useful tools such as the internet and digital

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 49 of 52

Task 16. Puso-an Mo Ako! Draw a giant heart on a manila paper. Post the heart on the
wall and write all the positive traits you've learned from the entire lesson.

Task 17 The Buzzer Game! The teacher will write the sentence “I have a right to a
safe and healthy relationship .“on the board; then, the students will copy the sentence
on their paper. When they hear the noisemaker/buzzer, they will stop writing the
sentence and begin writing their first and last name on the other half. Repeat this
activity for at least one to two minutes or as long as it is necessary.

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 50 of 52

Process question:
1. What are the advantages of having a healthy relationship with others?
2. How important this relationship to you?

EN7SS-II-h-2.1 Gather current information from newspaper and other print and non-
print media
EN7SS-II-f-1.3/1.4 Get information from the different parts of a book and from general
references in the library.

Task 18 Final Task! (Summative test)

Essay Hurrah! Visit the library and search for formal essays or informative articles in
newspapers, magazines, or books. Choose an essay/article that deals with building
healthy relationships. Borrow the book that contains the essay/article. Or find ways to
get a copy of it. Study your chosen piece. Use your own words. Choose carefully which
information to include in the summary. Cite the original text and its author. Review for
refer to LM on page 286

Ideas,   shows limited   shows some   shows   shows thorough

concepts, understanding of understanding of considerable understanding of the
themes the topic the topic understanding of topic
the topic

Literary forms   shows minimal   shows some   shows   develops ideas

and terms knowledge of knowledge of considerable with a high degree of
relevant literary relevant literary knowledge of logic and coherence
forms and terms forms and terms relevant literary
forms and terms

Analysis   develops ideas   develops ideas   develops ideas   develops ideas

with limited logic with some logic with considerable with a high degree of
and coherence and coherence logic and logic and coherence

Use of evidence   incorporates   incorporates   incorporates   incorporates

minimal evidence some well-chosen, considerable well- highly effective, well-
relevant evidence chosen, relevant chosen, relevant
evidence evidence

Use of essay   limited   some   considerable   extensive

form command of essay command of essay command of essay command of essay
form (thesis or form (thesis or form (thesis or form (thesis or
controlling idea, controlling idea, controlling idea, controlling idea,
organization, organization, organization, organization,

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 51 of 52

conclusion) conclusion) conclusion) conclusion)

Language and   language and   language and   language and   language and
voice voice are often voice are voice are voice are highly
inconsistent and generally appropriate and effective
sometimes appropriate and consistent
inappropriate consistent

Language   applies  applies  applies  applies grammar,

conventions grammar, usage, grammar, usage, grammar, usage, usage, spelling and
spelling and spelling and spelling and punctuation with a
punctuation with punctuation with punctuation with high degree of
limited accuracy some accuracy considerable accuracy and
and effectiveness and effectiveness  accuracy and effectiveness

Citations,   few citations   some citations   most citations   all citations and
references, and references are and references and references are references are
bibliographies correctly are correctly correctly correctly documented
documented documented documented'Writing/Writing%20Rubric%20-

English Grade 7 Module for Teachers/Module 2/Page 52 of 52


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