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February 14, 2021


How well did you participate in your church's religious activities?

1. Have you participated in masses or worship services either online or offline? If your answer is
yes, write:

a. Type and medium of the Religious activity (ex. mass, healing prayer session / Channel 7) (1
= Small Bible study in our barrio.

b. Date and time of the activity (ex. June 7, 8-10 AM) (1 point)
= February 14 ,2021 (8-11 a.m)

c. How did you participate? (ex. actual participation in the parish church or watching on TV or
teleconference or teleconferencing) (1 point)
= Through actual and active participation. Sharing my thoughts about the topic.

d. What spiritual nourishment did you get from this religious activity? Write a reflection about it. (2
= Today is Valentine’s Day. Our topic is all about love. Well, not only the romantic love in which
only the couples can relate. But the type of love we’ve discussed is all about God’s love to
mankind. It is a very interesting lesson. After our small and short Bible study, I asked myself, “Am
I even worthy of His love? Are we even worthy of His love?” In our life, we’ve done so many
things against His will. But because He loves us unconditionally, He understands us, and He will
forgive us only if we will call His mighty name.
God’s love comes in so many ways that we humans can not comprehend sometimes. We may
perceive the lessons that He gives us as “challenges” and often think that He give these to us
because He don’t love us, but no! He actually loves us and these lessons are just His way to
make us stronger and to call Him. We may be single for now but we were never alone for God is
the first one who loved us. And it is our role as Christians to share this love to our brothers and
sisters that they may also feel God’s glory.
2. Our work can be our prayer if we dedicate it to God. Did you help with the household chores in
the past week? What were the chores you regularly did for your family? How did you feel about
doing the work? Where in your daily routine can you become more aware of God’s glory? (5

= Yes, I helped them by cooking our lunch and dinner. I also helped them by cleaning our house
and watering the plants every afternoon after my online class. It is satisfying and rewarding
because I know that it somehow lessened the things they will do since I know they are tired
working all day.
I became more aware of God’s glory every time I open my eyes in the morning. This means hope.
He has given and blessed me another life and what I’ll do to make it significant is to offer my
whole life to Him, which I think all of us should do since this life is nothing without Him.

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