Sion Mark Andrew 3113 Essay

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Sion, Mark Andrew February 13, 2021


A Guide to the Philippines

Is Philippines in your “places-to-go-before-I-die” bucket list? May it be for recreational,
travel, or educational purposes, I assure you that you will never regret visiting our beautiful
country. But before preparing those luggages, you may want to have an overview about the
Philippines and the culture of the Filipino people first.
The Philippines is a country situated in South East Asia surrounded by the huge waters of
the Pacific Ocean. The climate here is tropical, so there’s no need to bring those thick sweaters
(unless you’ll go to Baguio or Tagaytay, or you will visit the country during September up to the
last month where the temperature is quite low). The country is also home to diverse species of
fauna and flora, which comprises two-thirds of the Earth’s biodiversity. Astonished with the
things you’ve learned? Wait until you read these surprising facts about our country.

In terms of history, the country prides itself
with its rich stories of the past. The
Philippines has been colonized by so many
countries. The longest is Spain, which
occupied our lands for 333 years. As a result,
the physical features, traditions, cultures,
beliefs, and languages of our colonizers are
somehow present and affected our way of life
right now. The Spaniards established
Christianity in the country, making
Philippines as the only Christian nation in
Asia. Figure 1 Philippine History

During the pre-colonial period, the Philippines has its own political system led by a datu in a
certain balangay (now called barangay). Hunting, farming, and fishing are mostly the source of
their livelihood. Men do the job, and women do the household chores. In terms of the writing
system, alibata was also predominant in the country. The language used before the Spanish era
was Old Tagalog, which was greatly influenced by another language Bahasa Melayu (spoken by
Indonesians and Malaysians).

The Filipino tradition is famous in all parts of the globe. One of which is being hospitable
to the visitors. Come, visit our country, and you will never experience like you are a stranger! In
fact, you will feel like you are just in home. Filipinos will treat you like you are a part of the
Saying “po” and “opo” is also a part of our rich
tradition. These words are added into a sentence to show
respect to the one you are talking to. It has no translation in
any language, so don’t be confused if you hear the words
“po” or “opo” when someone’s talking to you. It’s just their
way of showing their respect to you. In addition to that,
pagmamano or the honoring gesture is also one way to show
respect. This gesture is usually done before talking to
someone who is older than you.
Figure 2 Pagmamano

Also, if you visit the country during BER months (starting from September) expect that
you will already hear people playing Christmas songs and decorating their houses. Christmas is
already in the air even though there are so many holidays to celebrate first (like Halloween).
Fiestas in the Philippines is also known for being festive. The festivals show the colorful
traditions of a certain place in the country. Every house in that place also presents their famous
delicacies. You will surely not leave the place with an empty grumbling stomach. Don’t be
shocked when you see people eating with their bare hands. It’s just normal in our country and
you will surely enjoy eating the food when you do it also.

Figure 3 Fiesta in the Phillippines

The language is the soul of a country. Without it, no culture, traditions, and civilizations
will exist. As of 2020, we have 120 to 187 languages that are still being used. The division of the
country (separated by bodies of water) into its three largest islands, namely: Luzon, Visayas, and
Mindanao, is the main reason for this. Our national language, Filipino¸ is a mixture of so many
dialects and languages in our country. Our second language is English.
If you are an international student and you decided that you want to study here, then
Philippines is a good place for that! There are lots of universities that offers quality education
and boasts its well-maintained facilities. There’s no any difference when you choose to study
here in the Philippines. Universities here are also performing good and makes sure that it meets
or exceeds the students’ standards and expectations.

Political System
The Philippines is headed by the President followed by the Vice President and next to it
is the legislative and judiciary branch. The country is a democratic nation where the people have
the right to voice out their voices, critics, and dissents against the government. The Philippines,
when it comes to politics and governance, has been known in the world for ousting two
Presidents. The first is the Late Dictator
Ferdinand Marcos, which declared the country
under Martial Law in September 1972. His 21-
year dictatorship was ended through a peaceful
People Power Revolution. The same thing
happened with the corrupt Ex-President Joseph
Estrada who was also ousted by the Filipino
People due to his incompetence and plunder
This is the Filipino culture you will
surely love. Solidarity and unity in dark times;
that’s what makes us a Filipino. Figure 4 People Power Revolution

The Philippines relies its economy greatly in agriculture. It is considered as the backbone
of the Philippine economy. Since this is a tropical country, the land and temperature are perfect
for planting crops and pasturing animals. The waters in the country are also capable as a habitat
for thousands of marine biodiversity.
Though the country’s economy is affected by the pandemic, it is forecasted to recover by
year 2021 and is projected to increase by 6.1 to 6.2%.
Tourist Spots
If you want some relaxations and visit the famous spots in our country, then you will
surely not regret going to Philippines. Boracay, Underground River of Palawan, Chocolate Hills
of Bohol, Banaue Rice Terraces of Ifugao, and many more! You will surely not forget the
memories you will make here. As what our slogan says, “It is more fun in the Philippines!”

Figure 5 Tourism Slogan for the Philippines

Here are some “weird” additional information about the colorful culture and beliefs in our
country that you may want to know and remember:
• Do not sweep the floor at nighttime. You might sweep off the “luck” and let the bad ones
• Even though the Philippines is in its modernity stage, folklores about engkantos or
mythical creatures are still believed to exist. When you are going in a remote place, say “bari
bari po” to excuse yourself from the creatures living there.
• Don’t freak out when you see someone rubbing their saliva on someone’s forehead or
tummy. This is used as an antidote against the evil eye.
• Never take a picture with three of you in it. They believe that the person in the middle
will die.
• And last but the most important, enjoy your stay here in our country. Treat Filipino
people as your friends and we will treat you as a family!

Are you excited to visit our country? We will meet soon, and you will surely enjoy your stay
here. For now, wear those masks on, and the time will come that you will experience all these
things! Stay safe!

 Aguilar, Karl. (2019). The missed opportunity of the 1986 EDSA Revolution. Retrieved

 Fence Education Consultancy Inc. (2017). Philippines History and Demographics.

Retrieved from

 Fernando, Cielo. (2019). Festivals In The Philippines: 10 Most Exciting Filipino Fiestas.
Retrieved from

 Rodriguez, Joy. (2019). Filipino Body Language. Retrieved from

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