5 Year Integrated Program (MscIT) Brochure by GU

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The Gujarat University was conceived in the nineteen twen es in the minds of public-spirited and learned
men like Gandhiji, Sardar Patel, Acharya Anandshankar B. Dhruva, Dada Saheb Mavlankar, Kasturbhai
Lalbhai and many others. However, the University could come into existence only a er the achievement of
independence.In 1949, the University was incorporated under the Gujarat University Act of the State
Government 'as a teaching and affilia ng University.' This was done as a measure of decentralisa on and
reorganiza on of University educa on in the then Province of Bombay.

During the course of its life of more than five decades, the University has seen the establishment of seven
more Universi es which were carved out of the jurisdic on of the Gujarat University, viz., Sardar Patel
University, Saurashtra University, Bhavnagar University, South Gujarat University, Gujarat Ayurveda
University, Gujarat Agricultural University and North Gujarat University. Even then, the Gujarat University is
the largest university in the state catering to the needs of higher educa on of more than 2.7 lakh students
sca ered over 235 colleges, 15 recognised ins tu ons and 24 approved ins tu ons. There are 34 Post-
Graduate University departments and 221 P.G. Centres.

Gujarat University is an affilia ng University at the under-graduate level, while it is a teaching one at the
post-graduate level. Indeed, the responsibility for post-graduate instruc on has been statutorily given to the
University, and accordingly it has evolved a plan of co-ordinated instruc on under the direct control and
supervision of the University so as to ensure efficient and diversified instruc on. An important feature of this
University is the system of external examina ons in the Facul es of Arts and Commerce, both and under-
graduate and post-graduate levels. The external examina ons were introduced with a view to enabling
working students and the others who could not afford the high cost of university educa on to realize their

Gujarat University has developed phenomenally in the last 72 years to be recognized as a premier University
in the country today. It provides educa on in one of the widest range of disciplines to about two lakh

Gujarat University understands the need of the hour & acted upon q In 1949, the university was
for giving bright future to young genera on. established under the Gujarat
By iden fying promising sectors and pu ng together potent University Act.
syllabi, University has started this department in 2010 with a roster
q Number 44 in top 100 among the
of full- me courses in associa on with India's best-known industry
experts that equip the student with the skills that tomorrow's indian university & number 60 in top
industry is crying for today. 100 among the all educa onal
All our Courses are prepared by Anima on & VFX are prepared by ins tutes in india ranking by NIRF.
industry professionals. With a choice of these four different courses q Only 5 Star University in the State
and subject ma er specialists, that equip students with just the
q 15 recognised ins tu ons
skills that tomorrow's industry will call for.
q 24 approved ins tu ons
This department have conducted various ac vi es for overall
development of students like cultural, social, sports, academics etc. q More than 2.75 lakh students
Overall 2000+ students have pass out from the department in last q 235 colleges
11 years and placed in the prominent organiza ons at key posi ons. q 34 Post-Graduate University
In simple terms, we are all about educa on that is ready: future- Departments
ready and industry-ready q 221 P. G. Centres

This 5 Years integrated program is the management, advanced data

best and worldwide unique management, data warehousing and
combina on of essen al elements of business intelligence, column data
the Data fi eld, such as database bases, data science engineering, and big-
a rc h i t e c t u r e , d a t a m i n i n g , d a t a data engineering. On the so ware
warehousing, and data analy cs. Apart engineering side, we are planning to
from it students will be able to well offer advanced big-data programming
equip with database design, using the powerful Python , R and Scala
implementa on, and administra on. language and a course on advanced data
This program has been designed in such science as well as cloud compu ng.
a way to prepare students for the H a d o o p M u l -t h re a d co n cu r re nt
evolving and growing field needing data compu ng will be also offered as it is
engineers, by providing them the important for synchronizing a huge set of
holis c knowledge and technical skill to servers working in parallel to do large
engineer big data systems, curate data, scale analy cs to make things run faster.
and integrate and process data so that
data scien sts and business analysts can The curriculum covers areas that
access and interpret data in context to prepare you for most lucra ve careers in
provide meaningful results to t h e s p a ce o f D ata S ci en ce, D ata
management. This program will offer a Engineering and Advanced Analy cs. It
mul tude of courses in data engineering helps learner's master cri cal skills such
that are required to deliver the data as Mathema cal modeling, Machine
results in a meaningful way to learning, Ar ficial Intelligence, Product
management. We plan to cover data development and scrip ng languages.

r Hadoop Architecture

r PIG | HIVE | MapReduce | Spark

r Database administra on

r Database design

r Mongo DB (Non Structured Query language)

r Data mining

r Data warehousing

r Business Analy cs

r Visual Insight of Data

r Data Security Design

r Big Data Programming Like (Python , R and Scala)

r Data Science by using Algorithm and designing the Model


Build a career in Gaming Industry with the most comprehensive

master's degree program in Game Designing & Development.

Game Designing & Development is a programme designed for

12th students that helps learners build design and coding skills
required to advance their career as a Game Designer or Game

The curriculum covers areas that prepare you for most lucra ve
careers in the space of Game Designer, Level Designer and Game
Developer. It helps learners master cri cal skills such as Character
modelling, Game Coding, Character anima on, FX & Simula on
and Storytelling.
q Ev o l u t i o n Of Ga m e s
q A r t Of St o r y De v e l o p m e n t
q A r t Of Ga m i n g Ch a r a c t e r s
q 3 d Pa i n t i n g
q Pr o g r a m m i n g L a n g u a g e
q We a p o n De s i g n A n d De v e l o p m e n t
q V e h i c l e De s i g n A n d De v e l o p m e n t
q A r t Of En v i r o n m e n t St u d i e s A n d
De v e l o p m e n t s
q Advanc e program m ing language
q Ga m e En g i n e s
q Cr e a t i v e s k i l l o f Ri g g i n g
q Mot ion Art s
q Ga m e L a n g u a g e
q M u s i c a n d So u n d Cr e a t i o n
q Ga m e Cr e a t i o n
q V i r t u a l Re a l i t y
q M o t i o n Gr a p h i c s

q V i s u a l Ef f e c t s
q K e y Co n n e c t i o n s
q A r t o f Co m m u n i c a t i o n s
q Op e r a t i n g Sy s t e m s
q Da t a M a n a g e m e n t
q Da t a Or g a n i za t i o n s
q H a r d c o p y De s i g n i n g
q Video Manipulat ion
q Ac t ing
q Fa c e M o v e m e n t s St u d i e s
q L i p s M o v e m e n t St u d i e s
q Ca s e St u d i e s

This 5 yrs. integrated program includes First Layer: Students w ill learn
tradi onal finance and accoun ng fundamentals skills required for every
coursework, but also provides an in- banking and finance professionals, the
depth knowledge and understanding of b a s i c u n d e rs t a n d i n g o f b u s i n e s s
the theories and evolu on of FinTech, management and finance as well as the
data-driven financial modeling, financial fundamentals of financial applica on
data mining and machine learning, d ev el o p m ent co n cept a l o n g w i t h
fi na nci a l data anal y cs, a nd new accoun ng skills and management skill.
innova ons in the financial sector,
including AI, blockchain , cloud Second Layer: Students w ill learn
compu ng, machine learning, crowd broader range of skills to gain a be er
funding etc. understanding of banking procedure,
banking instruments, regulatory
This program is made for students to framework as well as an overall financial
make their future ready in the fields of system environment. Students will be
Finance, Accoun ng, Financial markets introduced to the hands on training on
and Technologies where technology the underlying technologies enabling
disrup on has started and skilled fintech solu ons. In addi on they will
workforce who are competent in Finance also familiarize themselves with the
& Technology is the need of the hour. This fundamentals of data mining techniques.
5 Yrs . i n t e g ra t e d p ro g ra m o ff e rs Third Layer: Students will learn about the
understanding and conceptualiza on of governance, risk management and
both finance and technologies so that compliance of financial technology and
students can learn new tools and concept of empirical applica ons of Robo
techniques to overcome the problems advisor and Financial AI will also be
faced in financial industry by providing a target with aims to groom them as a
feasible and reliable solu on. This leader in financial technology.
become a general future-proof toolkit for
working at the intersec on of business Objec ve of this program to provide the
and technology both inside and outside opportuni es to develop into highly
of finance. This program's main objec ve competent professionals, who are well
is to nurture financial technologist and equipped Banking, Finance and
entrepreneurs with essen al knowledge accountancy but also in other
in both finance and technology for taking p ro fe s s i o n a l s a re a s re q u i re d fo r
up a leading role in innova on and successful business administra on and
applica ons of financial technology. management along w ith technical
competency on the technology that will
En re program focus on three layer skill transform the delivery of financial
and competency development, services.
Graduates of the FinTech programme will be ideally suited for posi ons that require strong
quan ta ve and technological skills in the financial services industry. Prospec ve career
opportuni es include investment and commercial banking, insurance, asset management,
internet finance, government regulatory agencies and FinTech startups.

Important Modules Covered:

F Business Organiza on and Management
F Business Compu ng
F Financial Accoun ng
F Business Economics & Laws
F Financial Market Opera ons
F IT Programming for FinTech

F Computerized Accountancy
F Financial Planning & Modeling
F Company & Tax Laws
F Financial Econometrics
F Financial & Accoun ng Repor ng & Analysis
F Data Modeling and Visualiza on in Finance

F Financial Analy cs Programming for FinTech

F Banking Technology and Management
F FinTech Primer
F FinTech & Associated Risk
F Risk Management & Cybersecurity

F Ar ficial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Finance

F Fintech: Block chain, Cryptocurrencies & Smart Contracts
F Data Mining & Predic ve Modeling
F Entrepreneurial Finance
F FinTech Governance , Risk Management & Compliance
सव भ ािण प य तु मा कि द् दःखभा
ु भवेत् ॥

Department Of Animation, www.gujaratuniversity.ac.in
IT-IMS and Mobile Application, Gujarat University, www.aimgujaratuniversity.co.in
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009
+91 – 7226033332
+91 – 8401010129 guanima on anidept_gu

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