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What is the Edison effect and state the reasons for electron movement in
vacuum tubes?
Thomas Edison perfectly invented the incandescent light bulb way back in
January year 1879. Upon his curiosity, Thomas Edison discovered the principle of
thermionic emission during the time he looked another possible way to keep the
incandescent bulb long last from lighting. Thomas Edison placed a small metal plate
inside his vacuum bulb along the filament with space, between the filament and the
plate. After that, he placed a DC power source in series with (positive sign) towards the
galvanometer into the plate and negative sign towards the filament, afterward he
discovered that the electrons coming from the heated filament was deflected within the
vacuumed not into the plate. This discovery that Thomas Edison made known as the
Edison Effects wherein the electrons formed chaotic inside the vacuumed bulb because
the free electrons from the filament become so agitated when the time filament starts to
heat bring about the conductor to give off electrons.

2. Explain how the triode, tetrode and pentode electron tubes are
constructed, the purpose of the various elements of the tube and the
theory of operation associated with each tube.

There are many different types of vacuum tubes, an example of these is the
triode, tetrode, and pentode tubes. First, the audion tube later came to be known as a
triode tube invented by Lee de Forest in the year 1906, consisting of three elements:
cathode filament, control grid, and the anode plate. The control grid is constructed from
a screen of thin wires surrounding the cathode. The purpose of the triode tube has been
used as an amplifier for both radio signals and audio sound as an oscillator or waver.
Heating the metal cathode causing the electrons released into the triode tubes. Second,
the tetrode tube which is invented by Albert Wallance Hull in the year 1926, consisting
of four electrodes: cathode, anode, control grid, and the screen grid. The screen grid is
placed between the control grid and the anode plate. The purpose of tetrode has been
used as an audio power amplifying tubes with constant and more accurate production of
signal waveform wherein widely used in power industrial applications like radios
transmitters and televisions nowadays. The functions of tetrode have a bit similar to
triode at it was developed. When the cathode temperature sufficiently high it causes to
emit electrons spontaneously. Third, the pentode invented by Bernard D.H. Tellegen in
the year 1926, consists of a glass envelope containing five active electrodes: cathode,
control grid, screen grid, suppressor grid, and anode plate. The pentode can be used for
almost all purposes, unlike the other vacuum tubes it can be used in amplification,
oscillation, control, mixing and so much more. Pentode is a variety of electronics
component used in almost technological development.
3. State the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of various types of
electron tubes.
According to the researchers, one advantage of the triode is that it performs
smooth sound compare to the other tubes while its disadvantages are that, the triode
considered weak makes not enough for many electronic applications to perform
because of the amplification factor. Next, the interelectrode capacitance of all triode is
not sufficient to supply enough frequency to the electronic applications. Triode has
standard limitations due to severe limitation of electrode inductance causing not to
perform to the fullest. Next, the tetrode mostly used in high audio amplifiers or
transmitter that could supply sufficient enough power to the speaker to perform well,
also offered more amplification factor than triode but despite that tetrode has a serious
disadvantage called dynatron effect, in which the main electrons malfunctioning causing
one electrode to emit secondary electrons with higher potential which is undesirable.
Nowadays, tetrode has limited in terms of users due to its major drawback that causes
interchange between the plate and the control grid. Lastly, the pentode is commonly
used in higher current output and wider voltage kink than others. The advantage of the
pentode is that it can solve the problem of secondary emission by having sufficient
power to supply the electronic applications but, the disadvantage of this is that it relying
only on the capacitance and the current it acquires to perform well. And limit to its
maximum current, so it will not cause any unwanted circumstances.

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