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Anger is a Storm not only destroy you also destroy does you love most your dream is also

chattered just for one minute think of does you love most how you just killed them than
killing who has wrong you anger takes just two seconds and what’s it has destroyed can
never be undone all you have is cooling in prison no matter how less or long is it worth it
your freedom is frozen you have just given your family enemy tins to
Displaying your frustration in an anger will land you into more problem it will not help the
matter instead it will add to the problem that you’re all ready dealing with so I’ve lent to
live with clam and resolve my anger with clam lots of people will understand you more
instead of hating you and blaming you they will be able to support where ever they can by
you giving them the opportunity of not showing your frustration on them
Why did you put the knife 🔪 down if I have hurt you I will have freeze 🥶 my Freedom hurt
my self and more and my family forever thinking of what they will go through just because
of my one second of anger no I realised I helped my self more I want to go home sleep in
my bed wake up when I want to eat what I want huge my little sister my Brothers my dad
my mum Hang out with my friends not to be told when to get up when to sit down my
hands and legs Shackles what will be my gain or happiness in hurting and think of it your.
Family has well will forever missed you and be very hurt so you see is best for me to just
walk away has a hero not to bring shame I regret into my family
Is very hard to be calm when you’re very very upset especially when someone upset you
always remember your self to be clam and think of your family very important than
When you allowed anger to take over you people will never see or understand your
innocent they will only see someone that is filled with the Flame of anger
The leftover of anger
Parent kept advising son slow down you are going though to fast mum with all the sign and
behaviour of the son the mum knows he is going through life the the wrong way son kept
getting into trouble with the law hanging out with bad friends with all the pleading and
begging of the Parent it keeps getting in his wrong hear not listening to no one when he got
arrested he kept saying to his parents you’re too scared don’t worry I’ll be very very fine
you’re very very scared don’t worry about it his case went to court his friend showed up
He tried to entertain his friends by being silly with the judge so the judge gave him more
sentencing his Friends never show up again he’s now left with his family to pick up the
pieces when the sentencing they came in court and the judge pronounce his judgement son
turn around and looked at his mum I shout out in court mum please do something mum
help me help me please unfortunately your mum is so helpless more than You nothing else
anybody could do mum went to visit him over and over and over son getting angry with
mum telling her that she could’ve helped him His mum reminded him this is self inflicted
Remember when I told you that mother or father or elder Are sited looking at a child’s
behavior and surrounding young ones what the old ones can see the young ones may Climb
trees and will never see it you see son parents or guardians are there to support and guard
so if you are Nursing a taught speak or confined in who you trust always seek advice from
someone order that has your best interest in there heart someone you Trust your friends
may not have your best interests at heart thinking is fun and give you the Wrong advice
wanting to see what will be the outcome or just love to get you into big trouble always
remember that does you love you know you never know who loves you
When the thought of harming others is like tossing a knife in the sky sooner or later it will
falls back on us

When the thought of helping or supporting others is like throwing Saint lives on the sky
sooner it will come back to smell well on us our actions and words are born from our
thoughts that’s why is very good to be vigilant of a thought is very important

The bad you do stays with you

The good you do always come back to you

What kind of a self manager are you Trouble finder trouble solver
You can base it on a sister worries for the brother save returns when ever he goes out and
the second part is to be base on a family Worrying for there son’s behaviour what next will
happen either him getting killed or him killing someone.Pls I want you to give it all you
have I will send you my thank you.Single mother with son and daughter and the mum and
daughter worrying for save returns of his son

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