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Unit of Study Guide

Operations Management

Year 2019
Trimester 2
Location City Flinders

Prepared by: Dr Nick Billington
Victoria University CRICOS Provider No. 00124K (Melbourne), 02475D (Sydney), RTO Code
Welcome to this unit of study. This unit guide provides important information and should be kept as a reference to assist with
your studies. This guide includes information about your reading and resources, independent learning, class activities and
assessment tasks. We recommend that you read this guide carefully: you will be expected to manage your learning as you
work towards successful study.

Detailed information and learning resources for this unit have also been provided on the unit website on VU Collaborate,
which can be reached via the Student Portal at It is important that you access
your unit website regularly for messages and updates, as well as tasks related to your unit.

Please note that the University will only send emails, including those from the VU Collaborate space, to your VU
email account. Information about how to manage your VU email can be found under ‘Support and Resources’ in
your unit site.

Acknowledgement of Country
We respectfully acknowledge and recognise the traditional owners, their Elders past and present, their descendants and kin as
the custodians of this land.


1. About this unit.............................................................................................. 3

2. Assessment................................................................................................... 6

3. Indicative schedule....................................................................................... 9

4. Scholarly writing, plagiarism and copyright................................................13

5. Important information about assessment...................................................13

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6. Getting help and providing feedback..........................................................14

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1. About this unit
Unit title: Operations Management

Unit code: BMO6508 Credit points: 12

Campus: City Flinders Year and semester: 2019 Trimester 2

Key staf
Unit co-ordinator Name: Dr Nick Billington

Location: City Flinders Level 10 Room 1027

Contact number: 99191076

Contact email:

Teaching team Dr Nick Billington

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Mode of delivery

Unit description

This subject introduces students to the concepts and practice of operations management for manufacturing and service
businesses in private and government enterprises. Managers and executives require an understanding of business production
systems from the perspectives of customers, employees, directors, information communication and value streams. The
integrated management of operations and the outsourcing of services and production is an important requirement for

Learning outcomes
At the completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Deconstruct the concept of service design and provision in a range of situations;

2. Critically evaluate various manufacturing and supply chain policies and theories, and interpret their application and relevance to contemporary
3. Adapt and justify the design of transformation processes which use material, human and other resources to create products for customers in a
given context;
4. Collaboratively investigate, analyse and report on practical manufacturing and service management situations in a specified industry, making
effective recommendations; and
5. Critically review service management, tangible and intangible, as the conversion of resources, human effort and goods to achieve the specified
quality at a profit.

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Learning and teaching strategies
A variety of methods may be used including blended learning, lectures, seminar presentations, videos, guest speakers and
case study analysis and other methods that support this subject. It is expected that students will spend at least ten hours per
week studying this Unit of Study (including lecture and tutorial time). This time should be made up of reading, research,
working on exercises and group work. In periods where students need to complete assignments or prepare for tests, the
workload may be greater. Lectures will cover theoretical aspects of the week’s topic and should be treated as a general guide
to the reading for the topic. Tutorials will include discussion of the set reading. Reading for the week’s topic must be done
prior to the tutorial. Various exercises, videos and case studies will also be used in tutorials. Factory Visits and Case Study
investigations form the 30% LiWC component in this unit of study. The final exam is designed to allow students to exhibit
many of the learning outcomes (2,3,5) through requirement to interpret and justify contemporary operations concepts in
specified industries as well as testing understanding of fundamental operations theories.

Graduate capabilities
In addition to discipline knowledge, skills and their application, the study of this unit is intended to contribute to students
developing the capabilities needed to be:
 Adaptable and capable 21st century citizens, who can communicate effectively, work collaboratively, think critically
and solve complex problems.
 Confident, creative lifelong learners who can use their understanding of themselves and others to achieve their goals in
work and learning.
 Responsible and ethical citizens who use their inter-cultural understanding to contribute to their local and global

Relationship to professional accreditation requirements

This unit of study is core to the Master of Business (Supply Chain Management) which is accredited by the Chartered Institute
of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS)

Required readings

Hill, T. 2012 Operations Management, 3rd Edn., Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK.

Recommended readings
Hill, T. (2000) Manufacturing Strategy, text and cases, 2 nd Edition, Palgrave Macmilan.

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Slack N., Chambers S. and Johnson R. (2004) Operations Management, 4th ed., Prentice Education, Harlow, UK.

Sadler I. (2007) Logistics and Supply Chain Integration, Sage, London.

Johnston, R and Clark, G, 2005, Service Operations Management, 2nd edn., Pearson Education, Harlow, UK.

Campbell (1999) Little Black Book, Victoria University. Or similar style guide.

Chase R.B., Aquilano N.J. and Jacobs F.R. (1998) Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services (8th
edn), Unwin/McGraw-Hill.

Gattorna J., (2006) Living Supply Chains, Prentice Hall, Harlow, UK.

Harrison A and van Hoek R (2002) Logistics Management and Strategy, 2nd edn., Prentice Hall, Harlow, UK.

Hayes R.H. and Wheelwright S.C. (1985) Restoring Our Competitive Edge, Wiley, New York.

2. Assessment
outcomes (LO’s) Weigh
Assess e
Assessment Tasks and Graduate Assessment Criteria ting
ment da
Capabilities (%)

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1. Assessment 1 – Research Learning Outcome Specific Requirements 30%
Operations Report 2,3,5
1. Assistance. The lecturer will
Each student is to choose a topic Graduate explain, in detail, the assignment
from the syllabus. Weekly topics or Capability 2 requirements and help with
parts of a topic are suitable choice of topics in week 1. The
lecturer will talk about the
examples. Each student must
‘method and progress’ of the
prepare an explanation of the topic, ROAs and ‘progress and write up’
working independently. This in week 4. Students may ask
explanation communicates the topic questions in tutorials and in
to a manager, makes clear consultation times.
important areas of theory and 2. Students, who are not already
states why the topic would be familiar, should attend an
introduction to the use of
important to the operations
electronic databases to access
management of particular types of international journal articles at
businesses. The report should be the VU Library.
written in your own words (don’t 3. Topics must be researched to
copy/quote from journal articles) post-graduate level covering such
using key references in the body of things as international journal
the text to back up your statements papers, state-of-the-art in
Australia and a critical approach
or arguments. It should be written
to the material.
in good essay style with all relevant 4. All references must appear in the
references at the end (provide at body of the text to back up your
least 10 good journal references) statements.
formatted in Harvard style (Refer 5. Written work must follow the
VU Library link for the referencing guidelines set out in Campbell G.
style). (2001) The Little Black Book,
Victoria University, Footscray. A
This Research Operations brief Executive Summary should
Assignment (ROA) requires students be provided.
to find out the state of knowledge in 6. You must keep a duplicate copy of
all work you submit.
a concept area and apply it to a
7. Written submissions are

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business situation. The aims of the preferably accompanied by a
assignments are: Cover Sheet. One hard copy of
the ROA assignment must be
submitted. An electronic copy
should be emailed as well.
A. To review what is known 8. LENGTH: 2,500 words maximum
about the topic, using latest plus diagrams, tables and
knowledge from references.
international journal papers.
Assessment Criteria
B. To summarise the most
important knowledge about The main assessment criterion is the
the topic. achievement of three aims given
above. Students will be marked on
C. To apply that knowledge to the following:
a chosen company in
Rationale behind the topic
Australia or overseas.
selected and its importance.
For example, if the topic
Correct up-to-date knowledge of
was planning and managing
relevant research and critical
capacity, this could be thinking.
applied to a white goods
manufacturer or to a Application of knowledge of topic
restaurant. to real business situation.

Good writing and presentation

including executive summary.

Good references.

2. Assessment 2 – Case Study Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria 20%

Presentation 1
Each group will be marked on:

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(Students will form groups of two in Graduate Explanation of topic.
week one. Each Group of students Capability 1,2,3
will choose a case study from the Answers to the questions and
cases listed in the Weekly Topic critical analysis.
Outline in Week 2 to 9. These cases
Communication quality
are all taken from the Operations (involvement of audience).
Management textbook by Terry Hill.
Groups should assume that every Extent of coordination with other
student has read each case before members of the group.
the tutorial. Each group will have 30
minutes to explain the case to the
class and involve the class in
deriving answers to questions.
Groups are recommended to build
up the right answers on the board.
Power point slides can be used for
better presentation otherwise
overhead projector will be available.
Both students must play a part in
the presentation. A presentation
report of the answers plus their
derivation if any should be handed
in to the lecturer before the start of
the presentation.

3. Assessment 3 – Take Home Learning Outcome 50%

Exam 2,3,5

The Take Home Exam is an Graduate

opportunity for post-graduate

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students to demonstrate what they Capability 1
have learned during this semester.
The wording will be given out in the
11th week of the semester.
Questions on the exam will be as

1. To write a short essay about a

key factor of your ROA (exact
words of question to be
supplied), 10/50.

2. Two essays will be set on

Operations Management theory,
cases and its applications from
the topics covered during the
semester 40/50.

Full details about assessment are provided in the VU Collaborate space for this unit.

Please note: This unit is eligible for supplementary assessment. This unit is not eligible for a conceded pass For more details,
please see the information provided in the University Supplementary Assessment and Conceded Pass Procedure.

3. Indicative schedule
(Note: Times and locations of classes are provided at enrolment. Any changes during the study period will be notified via the
unit website.)

Timing Activities/topics Relevant readings/Resources Additional notes

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Week 1 LECTURE Hill Chapters 1,2,3

Origins of Operations
Managing Operations – The
Transformation Process Model
Case Study Grouping, Research
Operations Assignment
Case examples p18,23 Study
activities p30

Week 2 ALL To be supplied in class

Quantitative Analysis Techniques
and Exercises

Week 3 LECTURE Hill Chapter 10

Inventory Management Case – Future Investment Group


Case presentation

Week 4 LECTURE South West Airlines p33

Case Peak Polymer Apple p86

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Case Presentations

Case examples p482,492 Study

activities p497

Week 5 LECTURE Hill Chapters 4,5

Design and Develop Services and Case Peak Polymer

Discuss Draft Research Operations
TUTORIAL Assignment

Case Presentations

Research Operations Assignment

Week 6 LECTURE Hill Chapters 6,7 Southwest presentation

Designing Manufacturing Dyson p193



Case Presentations

Case examples p147,149,220

Study activities p188

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Week 7 LECTURE Hill Chapter 6,7

Designing Manufacturing British Airway Club World p244

McDonalds p290

Case Presentations

Case examples p270,314 Study

activities p287,346

Week 8 LECTURE Hill Chapter 3

Managing Quality Lloyds Banking Group p134


Case Presentations

Case examples p104,120 Study

activities p130

Week 9 LECTURE Hill Chapters 11,13,14

Theory of Constraints Ipswich Hospital Trust p559

TUTORIAL Zara p631

Case Presentations

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Week 10 LECTURE Hill Chapters 13,14

Transportation Assignment Readings to be delivered in class



Revision of Subject

Study activities p724

Week 11 ALL Hill Chapters 13,14

Review and Evaluation SET and


Distribute and discuss Take Home


Week 12 ALL
Review Draft Exams

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4. Scholarly writing, plagiarism and copyright
Part of what it means to be a ‘scholar’ is to engage with the work of others, for
example, to extend or refine one’s own ideas, critique the work of others, or test
and extend theories. Learning and assessment activities therefore often require
you to gather information from a number of sources. This may include factual
information, data or calculations, visual artefacts and written texts. Whenever
you use the work of another person, you must acknowledge that source using the
correct referencing system. Failure to acknowledge other people’s work
appropriately may be regarded as plagiarism or academic misconduct. Use of
one's own previous work in satisfaction of a new assessment requirement is also
not be allowed unless it is an explicit requirement for the unit.

VU deals with plagiarism according to the Academic Integrity and Preventing

Plagiarism Policy.

VU uses Turnitin for the review of written assessments. Turnitin checks submitted
work against sources from across the world, and provides a report detailing the
use of third party text and references. Written assessments are automatically
submitted via Turnitin in the unit site. You may be provided access to submit
assessments early and review the reports, to help you understand where
referencing should occur.

All students and staff of Victoria University are also bound by the requirements of
the Copyright Act (1968) and the University’s Copyright Material (the Use of)
Policy when using third party copyright material in the course of their research
and study. Please ensure that you familiarize yourself with this policy and the
rules around use of materials produced or owned by others. For information on
copyright entitlements and responsibilities for study and research please see

Referencing requirements within this unit

The referencing convention that is applicable to this unit is Harvard.

Academic writing and referencing guidelines

VU provides tools to assist you in understanding appropriate referencing,
including those linked below. More can be found on the library website and under
‘Support and Resources’ on your unit site.



5. Important information about assessment

Your unit of study assessment conforms to the Student Assessment for Learning
Policy and procedures, which are available in the University policy library:

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Submission procedure
All paper-based assessments must be submitted with the completed assessment
cover sheets.
All on-line assessments must have the Student Disclaimer accepted at the point
of submission.

Adjustment to assessment arrangements

If you are unable to undertake or complete an assessment due to adverse
circumstances the following arrangements may apply:

Late submission of assessments - Short extension of time

If you are unable to submit an assessment item on time, due to circumstances
outside your control, you may apply for a short extension of time of less than five
(5) working days. The standard penalty for late submission without an approved
short extension will be 5% of the total possible mark per working day. If
submission is overdue by more than ten (10) working days the work will not be
assessed. Full details of the procedure for applying for a short extension are
available here. You can download the form from the policy library or use the quick
link here.

Special Consideration and Alternative Examinations

Special consideration is available for unexpected short-term physical or mental
ill-health or other unexpected circumstances outside your control.

Alternative examinations are available for exceptional circumstances for students

who apply at least five (5) working days prior to the commencement of the
examination period.

You can find information and forms for special consideration and alternative
examinations at

Ongoing modified assessment

Ongoing modified assessment arrangements are available if you have a disability
or medical condition that may impact upon your studies. See Disability Support at

You may need to contact a student counsellor to assist you with this process. For
further information please see

If you wish to be considered or apply for one of the above adjustment to

assessment arrangements you should refer to the relevant procedure associated
with the Student Assessment for Learning Policy.

Supplementary assessment and conceded pass

Supplementary assessments and conceded passes are available in some
circumstances. If you wish to be considered for a supplementary assessment you
should refer to the Student Assessment for Learning - Supplementary Assessment
and Conceded Pass Procedure.

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Review of assessment outcome
The Student Assessment for Learning - Review of Individual Assessment
Outcomes Procedure provides a process by which you may request a review of an
assessment outcome.

6. Getting help and providing feedback

Support resources
Victoria University is committed to providing all students with the opportunity
and support required to succeed in their studies. If you require any support
regarding academic progress in your unit during the semester you are advised to
speak to your unit co-ordinator.

We also offer a range of support, development and guidance services for all
students. The portal ( provides
detailed information on a range of student services that you may find helpful.
More information is also available in your unit site under ‘Support and Resources’.

Providing feedback: Student Evaluation System (SES)

Your feedback on your experiences within this unit is important, because it assists
VU to improve the learning experience of units and courses for future students.

We encourage you to provide informal feedback directly to your unit and course
co-ordinators. The University also collects your anonymous feedback
systematically through the Student Evaluation Survey (SES), which is comprised
of two student evaluation instruments: the Student Evaluation of Unit (SEU) and
the Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET). Students are asked to complete the
SEU and SET near the end of each unit. SEU and SET results are anonymous, and
are not made available to the teaching staff in the unit until after the University
has released your final grades.

Examples of actions taken recently to improve this unit, that were based on or
influenced by student or other feedback

Subject has been reviewed for AQF compliance and has recently been tested in-
house at Linfox company.

Student complaints resolution

Victoria University has a Student Complaints Resolution Policy to guide you
through the steps you can take to resolve issues related to your time at the
University. You can find more information on this process at:

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Unit Guide Version Number: One

Last Validation Date: July 2019

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