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Running pwd from the command line will show you exactly where you are in the system directory

2. ls
To list the files and directories stored in the current directory.

3. cd <space> ..
Back one directory or folder.

4. cd <space> /
Root of Linux Operating System.

5. cp
copy files.

6. rm
Remove or delete files/ directory.

7. mkdir
To Create a new Folder/ directory

8. rmdir
To remove a Folder/ directory

9. Rm <space> -r <space> <folder name>

To remove non empty folder

10. Touch <space> <filename.txt>

To create a blank file.

11. MV <space> <filename>

To move a file/folder/directory.
Can also be used to rename a directory
Mv <old directory name> <new directory name>
12. sudo
To run commands as a root user

13. apt -get update or apt update

To update list of the softwares.

14. apt -get upgrade or apt upgrade

To install the softwares.

15. ls -R [R means recursive]

list all the inner directories.

16. Touch .<file name>

To create hidden files.

17. Ls <space> -a
To see hidden files created by command on 16

18. History
To check history of all the commands run.

19. Echo <text or anything to print>

Used to print in terminal [c we use printf command]
20. Printf <”text or anything to print”>[text in double
Used to print in terminal [c we use printf command]

21. Apt install <software name>

To install a software.
22. Ls -l
To check the permission of a directory of owner group and public.
23. Chmod<chmod calculator number filename>
To change the permission of a directory of owner group and public.
24. vi <filename>
To use the vi editor to create ordinary files on any Unix system.
25. cat <filename>
to see content of a file .

26. More
To see large file content use by cat command
Cat <filename>|more
There is a less command i.e., vice versa .

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