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Self-Evaluation Checklist

Use the checklist below to self-evaluate knowledge and skills acquired from this course.

You should now be able to Yes No

Define the terms instructional systems design, eLearning, and blended


Differentiate between CBT and WBT

Explain advantages and disadvantages of eLearning

Decide when eLearning is appropriate

Name major contributors to the field of instructional design

Describe most popular ISD models

Describe the steps in the ADDIE model and apply them to the course design

Apply the principles of major learning theories to your course design

Define the concept of andragogy and describe Malcolm Knowles’s six

principles of adult learning

Describe major learning style models and apply them to the training

Apply models and principles of motivational design to create courses

Describe the role of memory in eLearning design

Describe cognitive load theory and apply it to course design

Apply Ruth Clark’s six principles of effective eLearning courses

Conduct Needs Analysis using appropriate data collection methods

Write SMART learning objectives using the A-B-C-D format and Bloom’s

Name the three learning domains

Identify the stages of revised Bloom’s taxonomy

Name the five stages of SOLO taxonomy and apply them to learning

Construct a lesson plan using Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction

Create a design document

Construct an eLearning storyboard and prototype

Write voiceover scripts using plain language principles

Create a style guide for the eLearning course

Conduct alpha and pilot testing

Name major LMSs and CMSs

Design SCORM and Section 508-compliant eLearning courses

Construct the five types of evaluations

Create valid and reliable assessment items for you eLearning courses

Construct intrinsic and extrinsic feedback statements

Explain the levels of interactivity in eLearning

Identify and apply interactive presentation methods to eLearning courses

Apply the storytelling techniques to create games, simulations, and


Describe the types of learning games

Select the appropriate game type for the eLearning course

Identify major eLearning authoring and development tools available on the


Select the appropriate software program for projects’ needs

Identify the types of videos in eLearning

Explain reasons for including video and audio in eLearning courses

Design screencasts for eLearning courses

Explain the benefits of graphics in eLearning courses

Identify and describe the types of graphics

Apply Ruth Clark’s visual design model to eLearning courses

Explain the basics of color theory and typography

Recognize most commonly used file sizes

Explain the role and responsibilities of Subject Matter Experts in designing

eLearning courses

Communicate with Subject Matter Experts

Collect information from Subject Matter Experts

Use the IPECC model to manage eLearning projects

Explain reasons for including job aids in eLearning courses

Name the types of job aids and describe the appropriate use for each type

Design learning experiences for Web 2.0 and mobile technology

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