Mandatory Compliance Training Courses

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Mandatory Compliance Training Courses

All organizations at one point or another require their employees to take mandatory
compliance training courses. However, the more I think about these mandatory
courses, the more I come to believe that they do not achieve their desired goal, which is
changing people’s behaviors and attitudes towards something. Furthermore, most
compliance training takers consider these courses a burden as they take time out of
their daily duties. As a result, not only do these mandatory courses not teach, but they
also end up being a waste of the money for organizations.

In addition, to ensuring ethical business practices in the organization and to complying

with the law, mandatory training is responsible for ensuring a better workplace culture.
Therefore, when instructional designers are tasked with the design and development of
a mandatory training course, they should use all their creativity to ensure a successful

How can compliance training be interesting and fun? To accomplish that, instructional
designers should add scenarios and meaningful interactive portions to their courses. By
emerging themselves in real-life situations and simulations, learners will effectively
transfer knowledge to the workplace. When designing mandatory training, stay away
from a linear presentation. Consider adding interesting videos of relevant tasks being
performed on the job and consider debriefing them at the end of the video or
presentation. Also, try adding simulations and games that allow learners to practice
what they have learned through self-discovery.

Most, if not all employees, have a very negative reaction towards the word mandatory,
primarily because they know that mandatory training is typically boring, and also
because they believe that it is a waste of time that could be spent on more important
items on the agenda such as client meetings. Remember, people would be much more
willing to take mandatory training courses if they clearly see value in them, and can
understand the reason why they are taking the course. One way to do this is to tie the
objectives of the mandatory training to performance goals.
In summary, by making courses mandatory, organizations will not make people learn or
force them to change their behavior or attitude. To achieve the real goal of compliance
training, courses must be made interesting and engaging by adding a variety of
interactive elements and eliminating boring power point slides.

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