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Prelims: Lesson 1 - Introducing Economic Development: A Global Perspective

Activity (Case Study)


After reading the case study, please answer the following questions.

1. Cite the economic growth indicators of Brazil mentioned in the case study and
discuss whether these indicators led/generated the economic development of
the country.

 Income and Growth – Brazil has had a fare technique that underscores
motivating forces for produced trades just as nearby industry shields, with
many equals to Taiwan and South Korea in their beginning stages.

 Social Indicators – Brazil’s human improvement insights are mediocre

compared to those of a few other center pay countries, like Costa Rica, just
as various low-pay nations.

 Poverty – Brazil has an undeniable degree of destitution for an upper center

pay country. The level of serious destitution among a country's populace is
maybe the main social pointer.

 Inequality – Brazil's pay difference has been among the most exceedingly
awful on the planet for quite a long time.

 Land Reform – In Brazil, land is profoundly inconsistent apportioned, and

land change has both effectiveness and a social equity avocation.

 Sustainability of Development – Maintainable turn of events, as

differentiation to development that drains the indigenous habitat, ensures
the biological system on which future pay and individuals' wellbeing are

 Problems of Social Inclusion – In Brazil, racial separation is illicit, yet nobody

has at any point been condemned to jail for it.

 Industrial Technological and Foreign Trade Policy Program – It is effectively

attempting to redesign the quality and seriousness of Brazilian industry.

 Balsa Familia Program – It is a significant late exemption that has had a

considerable effect in Brazil. It moves pay to helpless families relying on the
prerequisite that their youngsters stay in school, along these lines giving
current utilization just as capability of future higher income for families
caught in chromic neediness, actually like the 4p's program in the

 Increase in Minimum Wage – Brazilian examiners for the most part infer that
increment in the lowest pay permitted by law likewise decrease imbalances,
this had wide effect as numerous nearby government laborers get the
lowest pay permitted by law.

 Forest Management – This administration to equatorial jungle has

prompted a quick development in ecotourism and extremely high,
beneficial, and reasonable natural product yields.
 Technology Transfer – This is basic to more quick development, contending
globally and starting to find progressed nations. Brazil has gained eminent

2. Assess the economic development of Brazil using the following concepts

a. The New Economic View of Development
- From the instance of Brazil, improvement was not accomplished
yet the monetary development in the nation is apparent. There's a
significant contrast with financial development and improvement. The
new financial perspective on advancement discusses the proportion of
government assistance and prosperity of a nation and it was not met by
Brazil. In the wake of globalization, Brazil's creating economy has
developed significantly, yet most Brazilians keep on further developing
training and medical services through various macroeconomic measures.
In 1985, the finish of the tactical upset and the change to majority rules
system sped up the globalization pattern. During the change, Brazil has
significantly diminished insurance, especially subsequent to embracing a
gliding conversion standard in 1990.

b. Three Core Values of Development

Sustenance - Sustenance alludes to an individual's ability to satisfy their

major necessities. Life would be unimaginable without some essential
necessities that everybody has. Food, lodging, wellbeing, and security are
among the most major need. These major necessities ought to be
accessible to everyone. Hence, Sustenance was not met on the grounds
that there are still great deals of families who can't meet their essential
requirements for their day to day existence.

Self-Esteem - People's feeling of significant worth and confidence, just

as a feeling of not being rejected, are basic to their prosperity.
Confidence is looked for by all people groups and networks (personality,
pride, regard, honor and so forth). Self - esteem can vary in type and
structure starting with one culture then onto the next and across time.
Material qualities can impact confidence: expanded cash or wealth may
be connected with more noteworthy legitimacy. People might be
considered commendable dependent on their knowledge or urban help.
Self - esteem was not met in light of the fact that numerous residents are
being utilized as a device so that the higher ups get every one of the

Freedom from Servitude - Individual opportunity, or the capacity to

simply decide, is basic to one's prosperity. For social orders, opportunity
involves a more extensive assortment of financial and political
alternatives. It involves the cancelation of servitude, serfdom, and other
shifty monetary, social, and political plans. Freedom from Servitude was
not met on the grounds that they don't have the opportunity to pick.
There's no unmistakable business plan, in outcome, many are tolerating
low paying positions paying little mind to the work space.

c. Amartya Sen's "Capability" Approach

- Sen's capability approach depends on upright standards. It

recommends that social courses of action be passed judgment on
generally on the degree to which individuals have the adaptability to
advance just as accomplish capacities that they esteem. The limit
hypothesis approach of Amartya Sen is a hypothetical system dependent
on two fundamental regulating assertions. First, there's the possibility that
having the opportunity to seek after joy is the main good objective.
Second, the opportunity to look for bliss should be seen through the
viewpoint of people with abilities. To put it another way, veritable freedom
to do and be what they esteem. The technique has advanced into
various diverse regulating thoughts. Amartya Sen's Capability Approach
was not met on the grounds that individuals from Brazil didn't have the
ability work. They are poor, starved, jobless, and kids are malnourished
and no substantial arrangement on supporting their requirements for them
to be given, taught, got, and gifted. Their lives weren't upgraded and
they don't have the opportunity to appreciate.

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