Final Pe Reflection Paper

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Quarter 1: Module 1 Lesson 1

Optimize Energy Through Dance

Shiela Mae B. Lood 12-GAS D Cluster 11(Bacacay,Albay)

This module is about the energy system and 2 types of exercises to optimize the
energy we need for our body to do different task and to dance. Energy is our
capacity to do work or task and measured to calories or joules. There are three
energy systems:
1. ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate – an organic compound that provides
energy to drive many processes in living cells such as muscle contraction,
nerve impulse propagation.
2. Glycolytic System – the breakdown (lysis) of glucose and consists of a
series of chemical reactions that are controlled by enzymes
3. Oxidative System – also known as Krebs Cycle and the citric acid cycle. In
this system, carbohydrates and fats are the primary energy sources converted
into ATP and this process takes place in the mitochondria of the cell.
If we have enough oxygen present in the blood, then pyruvate, the end
product of glycolysis, is shuttled to the mitochondria and we enter the
oxidative energy system.
There are also 2 types of exercises that can help our body to circulate the energy
we need to do dance and other activities.
Aerobic exercise is about cardiovascular conditioning wherein our breathing and
heart rate is needed. Anaerobic exercise is about being involved took quick burst
of energy and are performed at maximum effort for a short time.
In conclusion this module is about the energy we should have and need to
performed different work and task especially in dancing. We should eat healthy
foods for our body to have energy and drink water to be healthy.

Quarter 1: Module 1 Lesson 2

Managing Stress Through Dance
Shiela Mae B. Lood 12-GAS D Cluster 11(Bacacay,Albay)
This module is about dance as a stress reliever wherein we can do this at home
or even in public places to boost our confidence and to calm our minds. Dancing
also expresses our personalities in safe environment and improves our physical
This modules also talks about the dance genre which are folk dance that
reflects the life of a people in different country and their own culture, modern
dance considered to have emerged as a rejection of or rebellion against, classical
ballet, ballroom dance that enjoyed by partner and known as Dance Sport and hip
hop dance which is a street dance and primarily involved in hip hop culture.
This is also about the DepEd Order No. 34, s. 2019 signed December 9,
2019 also known as Revised Physical Fitness Test Manual, wherein it wants to
determine, identify, gather, provide and motivate the students to know what they
want as a sport or recreation activity. This also provides the physical fitness test,
health related components and skill related components to be the teachers guide to
know what there students capable of doing any recreational activity.
To sum up everything, this module is about knowing the right recreational
activity in each students wants and doing there own passion in dancing or in
anything that makes them happy and managing there stress.

Quarter 1: Module 1 Lesson 3

Sets FITT Goals
Shiela Mae B. Lood 12-GAS D Cluster 11(Bacacay,Albay)

This module talks about the FITT principle wherein its a training guidelines
to achieve and monitor our exercise program and to be physically healthy. The
effective training program is thebacronym itself which is FITT namely Frequency
which refers jow wwenoften do the exercise, Intensity refers to how hard the
exercise is, Time that refers to how long we exercise and Type which refers to
what kind of exercise we do.
FITT principle has components namely the following:
 Overload Principle – it refers to the muscle including the heart to increase
 Progressive Principle – it refers to the body that adapts tp the initial
 Recovery Principle – time must be allowed to regenerate and build the body
 Reversibility Principle – all gains due to exercise will be lost if we doesn’t
continue to exercise.
 Specificity Principle – training should be relevant and appropriate to
produce effective result.
 Variation Principle – training programs varies in intensity, duration, volume
and other important aspects of practice.
To sum up everything, this module is about setting goals for FITT principle
wherein we should practice different exercises that can help our body to have
energy to do activities and task especially dancing.

Quarter 1: Module 1 Lesson 4

Barriers to Physical Activity
Shiela Mae B. Lood 12-GAS D Cluster 11(Bacacay,Albay)

In this module its about the barriers that affects the physical. activities we
are doing especially during this pandemic.
There are lots of barriers that can affect physical activities like the following
lack of time, social influence, lack of energy, lack of willpower, fear of injury, lack
of skill and lack of resources. Even though we are facing this kinds of barriers we
should always choose to be physically fit and do different exercise to boost our
confidence and to live a healthy lifestyle.
We are facing pandemic nowadays and many people do physical activities in
there home to keep them safe to prevent spreading of the virus. We should keep in
mind that we need to do physical activities in our homes to be healthy,also need to
eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water and drink vitamins for our energy and
To conclude everything, this module helps us to be responsible in doing physical
activities, make a schedule, and be confident to ourselves.

Quarter 1: Module 2
Dance Genre: An Overview
Shiela Mae B. Lood 12-GAS D Cluster 11(Bacacay,Albay)

This module talks about different dance genres and its characteristics to be able
to recognize and identify the differences of each dance genre and also to serve as
an overview.The following are the different dance genres and their characteristics:
 Ballet – this is the most difficult genre to master, ballet is a rigorous style of
dance that is the foundation of most forms of dance training.
 Tap – this dance described as “musical feet” and especially designed with
percussive metal plates on the toe and heel called taps.
 Jazz – this is the most popular style of dance among dancers and combines
all dance styles in a high energetic dance that is without conventional
 Modern – this dance is an expression on the dancers relationship to the floor
including methods of contractions, release and movement as well as the
dancers of breath.
 Lyrical – this dance is important because it is expressive from the heart.
 Hip hop – this is an edgy, raw and intense urban dance style also known as
Street Dance.
 Contemporary – this embodies ballet, modern, jazz, and lyrical wherein it
uses more movements and uses a technique such as ballet.
 Ballroom – this dance is in partners and uses step patterns.
 Folkdance – this dance refers to the traditional dance of different ethnic
groups and this is the earliest form of dance.
 Cultural – this dance is unique to their people since the emergence of dance
is human life.

This different dances are unique in there own way especially to the dancers
because this is about there passion to express themselves to others. As what we
know dance is about confidence and passion in doing wherein this is the stress
reliever that some people know.
In concluding this module, this is about the overview of the dance and
characteristics of them to identify them properly and have an idea to know some of
Quarter 1: Module 6
Dance Related Injuries
Shiela Mae B. Lood 12-GAS D Cluster 11(Bacacay,Albay)

This module is about different kinds of dance related injuries that we should
know to help them and do first aid since we are learning about dance.
These are the common factors of injury among dancers:
1. Poor body alignment and technique - This is about the dancers own body
composition wherein some of his/her biddy parts are not in good condition
that is why dancers need to exercise and even ourselves to do different
movements and to be flexible.
2. Excessive training duration and intensity – it refers to the intense training
that the dancers do everyday without proper rest and sufficient nutrition.
3. Hard dance floor – this refers to the floor where the dancers perform.
4. Poor shoe design – this refers to the shoes that they use especially in using
the shoes everyday and its design.
5. Muscle imbalance –this refers to the uncoordinated muscle action because
of uneven strength between muscles.
There are 2 types of injuries the Acute injuries occurs when the mechanical
force that is absorbed by the musculoskeletal structure is more than what it is
accustomed to and Chronic injuries occur due to repetitive trauma and the body
isn’t given enough time to recover. Examples of Acute injures are ankle
sprain,back strain, forearm fracture and etc. while Chronic injuries examples are
stress fracture, Achilles tendinosis and etch.In conclusion, this is about the
injuries that we and dancers should know to do first aid and help them. We
should also have enough rest and do different exercise to have a strong body.
Don’t forget to do warm up, drink water and eat healthy food.
This module talks about ballroom dance which refers to a set of partner dances,
which are enjoyed both socially and competitively around the world. Ballroom
dancing is came from the Latin word “ballare” which means “to dance”.This dance
has 2 styles namely Smooth or Standard and Rhythm or Latin. The first
documented authority of early ballroom dancing is Jehan Thoinot’Arbeau’s
Orchesographiem’ (1588) that discussed 16th century French social dance. Jean-
Baptiste Lilly introduce the Minuet to Paris in 1650.
These are the types of Ballroom Dancing namely:
Cha cha – is widely recognizable by its catchy rhythm
Foxtrot – this is a smooth,elegent, easy to learn dance and popular in social events
lincluding wedding.
Salsa – this is a sensual Latin dance.
Tango – referred as Dance of Love, this is a passionate and dramatic dance.
Rumba – known as dance of romance or Latin Waltz, this is a slow rhythm and
sensual movements
Samba – a lively Brazilian dance.
Jive – faster version of swing and shares many things with it.
Swing – a lively non progressive partner dance that can be dance by blues to rock
& roll.
Waltz – this is an elegant dance perfect for weddings or social occasion.

This dances are different in there own ways and has different steps that can be
learned by the students especially to the students that loves dancing with partners
or by partners. Students/Dancers that performs this kinds of dance should warm up
and rest well to prevent any accidents that can lead to injuries.
In conclusion, this module teaches us the different kinds of ballroom dance that we
should know in order to recognize and identify each steps of the dances.

Tabaco National High School

Senior High School Department
Panal, Tabaco City
S.Y. 2020- 2021

Submitted by:
Ms. Shiela Mae Belgica Lood
12- GAS D Cluster 11 (Bacacay,Albay)

Submitted to:
Mrs. Eva Israel
(Subject Teacher)

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