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The economic indicators that were mentioned in the case of Brazil were: income and
growth, social indicators, poverty, inequality, land reform, sustainable development, and
problems of social inclusion. Income and growth in Brazil made a progress as many
families can provide for their needs. Brazilians were employed but half of Brazil’s labor
force works in the informal sector, where they can avoid paying high payroll taxes.
Millions of Brazilians is living in poverty. Mortality rate in the country made an
improvement but child labor still remains a problem. Most of them do not proceed to
secondary and does not make it to universities. The middle class and the rich gets the
benefits. Poverty, the most important social indicator is also evident in the country.
According to the estimation of the World Bank in 2005, 18.3% of the population Brazil
has a less than $2 income per day and 7.8% has to live with less than $1 income per day.
But the government took an action on it and had this program called Bolsa Familia
(family stipend) where “conditional cash transfers” was given to the poor families with
the condition that they keep their children vaccinated and in school. As the saying goes
“the rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer”, Brazil’s inequality in income has
ranked among the worst in the country. Only those who are above get the benefits and
many government workers still receive a minimum wage. Lands in Brazil are unequally
distributed and the land reform in the country has been blocked by the political power of
large plantation owners. In response to the problem, the government has initiated a land
reform program, but the results are moderate. The country is torn between short- and
long-term development goals. Sustainability and development for all still depends on the
hand of the powerful farmers. Division in race also contributes to its poverty. Blacks are
oppressed and receive a different treatment unlike the whites. Racial discrimination in the
country is a crime but nobody was sent to jail for it. These indicators show that the
growth in Brazil for an upper-middle-income country was taking part but the pace of
development is not perceptible.
2. a. From the case of Brazil, development was not achieved but the economic growth in the
country is evident. There’s a major difference with economic growth and development.
The new economic view of development talks about the measure of welfare and well-
being of a country and it was not met by Brazil.
b. Sustenance – was not met because there are still a lot of families who can’t meet their
basic needs for their everyday life.
Self-esteem – was not met because many citizens are being used as a tool so that the
higher ups get all the benefits.
Freedom from Servitude – was not met because they do not have the freedom to choose.
There’s no clear employment plan, in result, many are accepting low paying jobs
regardless of the working environment.
c. Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach was not met because people from Brazil did not
have the capability function. They are poor, starved, unemployed, and children are
malnourished and no concrete plan on sustaining their needs for them to be provided,
educated, secured, and skilled. Their lives weren’t enhanced and they don’t have the
freedom to enjoy.

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