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How are you are today? Thanks you for your help. I have received the money
including my mums own. I love you so much. I can�t wait to see you my love.I just
got a call from my mum immediately I came out from the bank.
Asking for foundlings on the below name. And address.

NAME; Barr. Edward Sam

TEL +233275401208

I was instructed by my mum that the message is so important that I should try to
see this barrister in person and get back to her. My mum disclose to me that it is
about my fathers WILL here Ghana. I love you dearly I will update you the details
after I have called him. He gave me appointment in his office. I will be going
there soon. I love you my love. Kiss and hug,
Yours love...

I now know that you are a reliable and trust worthy someone.
Surprisingly this evening i went to my late Mothers lawyer office about my late
Mother wills. According to the wills, the wills shows that my late Mum had
deposited 50kg of gold with security company on his name before his death, here in
Ghana and now this gold belongs to me as my inheritance, because I am the only
daughter to my parents. I don,t want my Mothr's brother`s to know about this
inheritance goods. My Love i need your assistance now, i want you to help me to
contact my late Mother's lawyer and tell him that you are my foreign investors who
will claim this gold for me. I want you to receive this gold and help me invest in
your country as we have always want to become one in future.

Tell him that you are my foreign investor and also you are my future partner who
will invest the gold for me in your country. So that, the lawyer will give you all
the details concerning the deposited gold. If he ask you any question please you
can tell me before you reply him. Please use my name as subject to your email when
you are contacting the lawyer.
This is the lawyers contact information bellow:-
DIRECT LINE: +233-267075062
i love you

Well i have finally met and discuss with the attorney which my mum talked about.He
made me to understand that my father had a deposit here in Ghana with a with a
security company which he showed me the relevant document that confirmed me as the
next king to the deposit.And due to the bad state of my parent's health,it is very
good and important that i have the deposited Gold release now that i am in Ghana as
it is the hope of me and my entire family have for better living.

I decided to disclose this to you due to the love we share and trust we have for
each other.Honey you know that i am a woman and it will be very good you contact
the lawyer in personal for better explanation of how to have this deposited Gold
released to us immediately for me to proceed to meet you in Germany....

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