Ii Ii Two Mark 2 Marks

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EI6603 Industrial Instrumentation – II NAAC & NBA Accredited

Erode Sengunthar Engineering College

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Permanently Affiliated to Anna University – Chennai
& Accredited by NBA - New Delhi & NAAC with Highest Grade of “A”.


1. List some of the sealing fluids used in orifice tappings. (APR / MAY 2005, MAY / JUN 2007)

Chloro naphthalene,
Dibutul phthalate
Chlorinated oils.

2. Write the expression for the velocity of air in Pitot tube. (APR / MAY 2005)

Velocity of air can be calculated by taking the square root of the difference between the
total pressure and the static pressure and multiplying that by the C/D ration.
Velocity Vp= C/D (Pk-PS)1/2
Where, Vp – Velocity
C- Dimensional constant
PT-Total Pressure
PS-Static pressure

3. Name the types of Orifice plate. ( MAY / JUN 2006)

There are two standard types,
Thin orifice plate.
Sharp square edge orifice plate.
Some other sub divisions are,
Concentric orifice plate
Eccentric orifice plate
Segmental orifice plate
Quadrant edge orifice plate

4. Define stagnation point in Pitot tube. (APR / MAY 2004, MAY / JUN 2006)

When a solid body is kept centrally and stationary in a pipe line with a fluid streaming
down, the velocity of the fluid starts diminishing due to the presence of the body till it is
reduced to zero directly in front of the body. This point is known as the stagnation point.

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5. List the advantages of venture flow meter. (MAY / JUN 2007)

 It causes low permanent loss.
 It is widely used fir high flow rates.
 It is available in very large pipe sixes.
 It has well known characteristics.
 It can be used at low and high beta ratio.
6. Define discharge coefficient. (NOV/ DEC 2007)

Discharge coefficient is defined as the ratio between actual volumetric flow rate and ideal
flow rate.

Cd = qact/ qideal
qact - - actual volumetric flow rate
qideal – ideal volumetric flow rate

7. What is laminar flow? (APR / MAY 2008)

When the velocities of fluids moving through uniform conduits are at low velocities, the
motions of individual particles are usually along lines which are parallel to the conduit walls.

The velocity of particles is greatest at the centre and theoretically zero at the wall of the
conduit. Plots of individual loci are called Streamlines and the flow is Laminar.

8. How do you classify the flow meters? (MAY / JUN 2009)

Flow meter is a device that measures the rate of flow or quantity of a moving fluid in an
open or closed conduit. Flow measuring devices are generally classified into four groups.
They are,

Mechanical type flow meter

Inferential type flow meter
Electrical type flow meter
Other type flow meter –Purge flow regulators, Flow meter for solid flow measurement,
cross-correlation flow meter, Vortex shedding flow meter, and flow switches

9. What is vena contracta point? (NOV / DEC 2009)

In the fixed restriction variable head type flow meters, the ideal volumetric flow rate is

Q = AV

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For actual flow conditions with frictional losses present, a correction to the flow rate
formula is necessary. Besides, the minimum area of the flow channel not occurs at the
restriction but at some point slightly downstream, known as the Vena contracta point.

10. State Bernoulli’s theorem.

Bernoulli’s theorem states that in a flowing stream, the sum of the pressure head, the
velocity head and the elevation head at one point is equal to their sum at another point in
the direction of flow plus the loss due to friction between two points.

11. Define Velocity head and Pressure head.

Velocity Head:
Velocity head is defined as the vertical distance through which a liquid would fall to attain a
given velocity.
Pressure Head:
Pressure head is the vertical distance which a column of the flowing liquid would raise in an
open ended tube as a result of the static pressure.

12. Define the term velocity approach factor in fluid flow measurement. (MAY / JUN 2009)

The velocity approach factor means taking the square root of the difference between the
total pressure (PT) and the static pressure (Ps) and multiplying that by the ratio C/D.

Vp= C/D (Pk-Ps)1/2

13. What is the basic principle of obstruction meters?

When a fixed area flow restriction of some kind is placed in a pipe carrying the fluid
whose rate of flow is to be measured, the flow restriction causes a pressure drop which
varies with the flow rate. This pressure drop is measured using a differential pressure drop
becomes a measure of flow rate.

14. What are the advantages of orifice over venturimeter? (APR/MAY 2010)
 Orifice can be used in a wide range of pipe sizes. (3.175 mm to 1828.8 mm) but the
venturimeter not useful below 76.2 mm pipe size.
 Orifice are well known characteristics and easy to inspect but the venture meter are
more difficult to inspect due to its construction.
 Cost of orifice is low and venturimeter cost is high.
 Orifice can be installed between existing pipes flanges and venture meter required lot
of space.

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15. Write down any two applications of pitot tube.(APR/MAY 2010)

 A Pitot tube can measure the fluid flow velocity by converting the kinetic energy in
the fluid flow into potential energy.
 If average duct velocities, or mass or volumetric flow rates are required, it is
necessary to perform a Pitot traverse of the duct.
 Modern aircraft use a pitot tube as their primary tool to measure their speed.
 The Pitot tube is used in air application as ventilation and HVAC systems.

16. What are the advantages of using venturi tube as a restriction element?(NOV/DEC 2010)
 Venturi tube as a restriction element because,
 It causes low permanent pressure loss when compared with orifice plate.
 It can be used at low and high β ratios.
 It is more accurate over wide flow ranges than orifice and flow nozzles. The accuracy
range is from ±1/4 to±3%.
 It can be used to handle slurries and dirty liquids but the annubar tubes are
unsuitable for dirty liquids.
 The orifice plates tend to clog, thus reducing use in slurries but the venturi is used to
handle slurries.

17. What is Dall tube?(NOV/DEC 2010)

The Dall tube is a modified form of venturi tube. It is one of the types of flow meter used
for measuring the flow rate of water, sewage, air and steam. It is used where the velocity of
flow through the pipe was having specified head loss. The dall tube is made of gun metal.
For 450 mm and larger sizes, high grade cast iron is used. It is also made by lithium coating
in order to avoid corrosion of pipe by the fluids.

 Types of Dall tube

 Linear type Dall tube
 Contour Dall tube
 Fabricated Dall tube
 Sewage Dall tube
18. What are the advantages of venturitube over orifice plate? (NOV.DEC.2012)
More accuracy
19. What is Pitot tube? (NOV.DEC.2012)

An obstruction type primary element used mainly for fluid velocity measurement is the Pitot

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20. What are the important features of mechanical flow meters?

i) The size if the meters selected depends entirely on the anticipated flow range and
average flow for 24 hours and not on the diameter of the mains into which it proposed to be

ii) The selected meter should have long range, low initial cost, low maintenance charges,
low loss and small bulk.

iii) When dealing with hot liquids due consideration should be given to the coefficient of
expansion of parts, as under worst condition, they may seize even.

21. What are the classifications of mechanical type flow meter?

These can be divided into two main groups,

1. Displacement Type.
A) Reciprocating pump b) Semi Rotary piston
c) Nutating disc d) Helix type
2. Inferential type:
a) Single or multi jet fan b) Turbine c) Horizontal or vertical propeller.

22. What is displacement type meter ?(Dec 09)

The displacement type meters are volumetric in operation, the cycle displacement of the
detecting element. E.g. a piston, being proportional to the volume of fluid passing through
the meter during each cycle.

23. What is the difference between venturi, orifice plate and flow nozzle.

Venturi Orifice plate Flow nozzle

High accuracy is It is cheap device. High accuracy is attainable
Pressure recovery is high. Pressure recovery is very Pressure recovery is high
i.e., the pressure loss is poor i.e., pressure losses compared to orifice plate
minimum. are but it is low compared to
High. venturi.
Initial cost is high. Less cost. Compared to orifice plate,
it is costlier and difficult
to install.
Lot of space is required. It can be installed between Physical length is less in
existing pipe flanges. compare to Venturi.

24. What are the limitations of Verturimeter?

i. They are large in size and hence where space is limited they cannot be

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ii. High cost.

25. What are the applications of Venturi tubes ?(June’09)
i. It is used where high pressure recovery is required.
ii. It can be used for measuring flow rates of water, gases, suspended
solids, slurries and dirty liquids.
iii. It can be used to measure high flow rates in pipes having diameters in a
few meters.
26. What is the need for flow measurement?

Measurement of flow is important in a number of situations such as:

i. Rate of flow into and out of engines, turbines, pumps etc.,

ii. For controlling of processes and operations in industries such as rayon
industries, chemical plants etc.,
iii. To account and calculate fuel sold in petrol bunks.
iv. To measure blood flow rate in human veins etc.,
27. What are the basic principles of obstruction meters?

When a fixed area flow restrictions of some kind is placed in a pipe carrying the fluid
whose rate of flow is to be measured, the flow restriction causes a pressure drop which
varies with the flow rate. This pressure drop is measured using a differential pressure drop
becomes a measure of flow rate.

28. What are the different types of orifice?

• Concentric orifice
• Eccentric
• Segmental
• Quadrant edge
29. What are the applications of orifice flow meter?(May08)
• The concentric orifice plate is used to measure flow rates of pure
fluids and has a wide applicability as it has been standardized.
• The eccentric and segmental orifice plates are used to measure
flow rates of fluids containing suspended materials such as solids,
oil mixed with water and wet steam.
30. What are the applications of flow nozzle?
• It is used to measure flow rates of liquids discharged into the
• It is usually used in situation where suspended solids have the
properly of setting.
• It is widely used for high pressure and steam flows.

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31. What are the advantages of Pitot tube ?(June 09)

• Causes no pressure loss in the flowing fluid.
• Cost less and very easy to install.
32. What are the disadvantages of Pitot tube?
• It is difficult to obtain proper alignment of the Pitot tube with the
flowing direction.
• Cannot be used in fluids with suspended solids and impurities.
• The fluid velocity should be high in order to get a measurable
pressure difference.
33. What are the applications of Pitot tube ?(Dec’09)

Pitot tubes are extensively used in laboratories to measure velocity, pressure and flow rates
of fluids.

34. What is inferential type flow measurement method?

In the inferential type of flow measuring methods, the flow rate is inferred from a
characteristics effect of a related phenomenon.

For example. A human body running fever, resulting from a serious sickness but a
characteristics phenomenon resulting from the ailment.

35. Define Flow meter(Dec’10)

A flow meter is a device that meters movement of fluid in a conduit or an open space.
This fluid could be water, chemicals, air, gas, steam or solids.

36. What is the use of positive displacement meter?

Positive displacement meters are essentially flow quantity meters. They are widely used
for the applications where the highest degree of accuracy and repeatability are required.

37. List some applications of reciprocating pump meters.

Reciprocating pump meters are available in many forms such as multi piston meters,
double acting piston meters and horizontal slide valves.

38. What is meant by inferential meters?

In these meters, the moving element is a rotor which is generally designed to rotate at a
speed proportional to the velocity of flow through the meter. The rotor rotates under the

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influence of the driving torque which is resisted by the torques due to damping, fluid friction
and mechanical friction.

39. How the flow meter is determined?(May 08)

The mass flow rate of a fluid is usually determined by simultaneous measurement of the
volume flow rate and the fluid density, although a recently available alternative is the
coriolis meter.

40. What is the formula used to find K factor in turbine flow meter?

The ‘K’ factor (i.e., the number of pulses generated per gallon of flow) is given by

K-Pulses per volume unit
Tk-Time constant in min
Q-Volumetric flow rate in gpm
f-Frequency in HZ
The turbine flow meters provide very accurate flow measurement over wide flow range.
41. List some main applications of cylinder and piston type meter.(June’08)

The cylinder and piston type variable area flow meter is most often used for measuring
flow of fuel oils, tar, chemical liquors and other such high viscosity fluids. Its operating
principle is similar to rotameter.

42. Write any two general approaches for measurement of mass flow rate?(Dec’10)

1. One involves the use of some type of volume flow meter, some means of density
measurement and some type of simple computer to compute mass flow rate.

2. The other, more basic approach is to find flow metering concepts that are
inherently sensitive to mass flow rate.

43. What is the use of tuning fork configuration in coriolis mass flow meter?

The mechanical “tuning fork” configuration minimizes the vibratory force into the frame.

44. What are applications of thermal mass flow meter?(June’09)

Thermal flow meters are very popular for the measurement of unsteady flow of gases,
and can be used to measure flow rate in terms of mass, which is very desirable feature,
especially on gas service

45. What are the characteristics of area flow meter?

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i)It has linear scale as the volume of flow through an area meter is essentially
proportional to the area.
ii)Very small size area meters are obtainable.
iii)It can be easily installed.
46. Why does a flow meter need calibration?(Dec’10)
 Deposits in the flow meter Minerals, oils, .solvens and other foreign matter can have
a dramatic impact on your meters performance.
 Aging
 Internal parts of any mechanical object will eventually fail or break; many times the
bearings are the cause.
 Damage
 A flow meter that has received a substantial impact or has been dropped can change
the performance output of a flow meter.
 Improper Installation
 Many times, a flow meter is put of calibration simply because it was installed
improperly. By not following the manufacturer’s specifications, you can break the
meter instantly.
47. Define stagnation point.

Fluid approaching the object starts losing its velocity till directly in front of the body
where the velocity is zero. This point is known as stagnation point.

48. Define Reynolds Number

Sir Osborne Reynolds proposed a dimensionless ratio called Reynolds Number. It is the
ratio of Inertial force to Viscous force.

P  Density
V  Velocity of the liquid
D  Diameter of the Pipe
U Viscosity

49. Define Discharge Coefficient(Cd)

It is the ratio of actual volumetric flow rate to ideal volumetric flow rate
Cd =QActual/Qideal
50. Define Beta Ratio

It is the ratio of diameter of restriction to inside diameter of the pipe

Beta = d/D


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1. Explain the operation of Orifice plate (8) (APR/MAY 2004)

2. Explain the operation of Venturi tube with neat sketch. (8) (APR/MAY 2004)

3. Write a short note about Flow Nozzle. (8) (AR/MAY 2005, APR/MAY2008)

4. Write a short note about Pitot tube with neat necessary equations.(8)(AR/MAY 2005,

5. Discuss the installation and tapings in Orifice flow meter. (16) (APR/MAY2005)

6. Discuss the principle of operation, merits, demerits of any two types of variable type flow
meters with necessary sketches and equations.(16) (NOV/DEC 2005)

7. Discuss in details the installation and piping arrangement of different fluids in head flow
meters.(16)(NOV/DEC2005, MAY/JUN2009,APR/MAY 2010)

8. Explain the principle of operation of any two types of head flow meters with neat sketch. (8)

9. Discuss the piping arrangements of different fluids in head flow meters.(8)(MAY/JUN2006)

10. Explain the principle of operation of Pitot tube with neat sketch. (6)(MAY/JUN2006)

11. Discuss the installation of head flow meters. (10)(MAY/JUN2006)

12. Explain the principle, types, machining and mounting methods of the orifice with necessary
sketches and equations.(16)(MAY/JUN2007)

13. Explain how the fluid velocity is measured using pitot tube and derive the expression for the
velocity coefficient.(16)(MAY/JUN2007)

14. Briefly explain the principle of operation of the pitot tube an derive the relevant equation for
pitot static tube for air speed measurement.(16)(NOV/DEC2007)

15. Explain the principle of operation of Venturi tube with neat sketch and discuss the merits
and demerits. (16)(NOV/DEC2007, NOV/DEC2009)

16. Describe the construction and working principle of dall tube and describe its advantages and

17. Distinguish between variable head and variable area flow meters. Explain the working
principle of any one type of variable head flow meter with neat sketch. (16)(MAY/JUN2009)

18. Write short note about Pitot tube. (8)(NOV/DEC2009)

19. Write short note about Dall tube. (8)(NOV/DEC2009)

20. With neat diagram, explain any two types of variable type head meters used in flow
measurement. (APR/MAY 2010)

21. Describe construction and working of venturi tube with neat sketch. Also derive the
Bernoulli equation. (NOV/DEC 2012)

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22. Describe how head flow meters are installed and various precaution to be carried out while
installation. (NOV/DEC 2012).


1. Give the classes of positive displacement type flow meters.(APR / MAY 2005)

2. Mention some positive displacement type flow meters.(NOV/DEC 2010)

Positive displacement type flow meters are generally used for accurate measurement of
steady flow. Positive displacement type flow meters are classified as follows,

 Nutating disc type

 Oscillating piston type
 Sliding vane, retracting vane type
 Lobed impeller type
 Oval shaped gear type
 Reciprocating piston type
 Fluted rotor type
 Bellow gas meter

3. Name any two flow meters to measure mass flow meter.(APR / MAY 2005)

 Angular Momentum Mass flow meter (or) turbo Mass flow meter
 Coriolis Mass flow meter
 liquid bridge mass flow meter

4. List the advantages of rotameter. (NOV / DEC 2005, MAY / Jun 2006, MAY/JUN 2009)

 Good range ability

 Good for measuring small flows
 Easily equipped with alarm switches
 Handles wide variety of corrosive
 Can be used in some light slurry services

5. To measure the mass flow rates of foams, slurries and mixture which type of mass flow
meter can be used.

Coriolis Mass flow meter can be used to measure the, mass flow rates of foams, slurries and

6. Name few variable area flow meters. (MAY / JUN 2007)

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 Rotamater
 Cylinder and piston type flow meters

7. Differentiate the device Weir from rotameter. (MAY / JUN 2007)

Weirs are used to measure flow rate in open channels such as water works includes
irrigation, waste and sewage system but the rotameters are used to measure flow rate in
closed channels. Weir is an obstruction in a flowing stream over which the liquid is made to
pass but the rotameter consists of a vertical tapered tube with a float which is free to move
up and down within the tube

8. List the applications of coriolis flow meter. (NOV/DEC2007)

 It can measure the flow rate of special materials such as sticky, thick, viscous fluids,
oils and sand mixtures, butter, liquids containing gases etc.
 Coriolis mass flow meter can detect the flow of all liquids, including Newtonian and
non Newtonian, as well as that of moderately dense gases.
 Self-draining designs are available for sanitary applications that meet clean-in-place
 Flow measurement in food processing industries.
9. What is meant by coanda effect? (NOV/DEC 2007)

Coanda effect or wall-attachment effect, the tendency of a moving fluid, either liquid
or gas, to attach itself to a surface and flow along it. As a fluid moves across a surface a
certain amount of friction (called "skin friction") occurs between the fluid and the surface,
which tends to slow the moving fluid. This resistance to the flow of the fluid pulls the fluid
towards the surface, causing it stick to the surface.

10. What is the disadvantage of turbine mass flow meter? (MAY/JUN 2009)

 It use is limited for slurry applications

 It faces problems caused by non lubricating fluids
 Its cost is high

11. List the factors to be considered while selecting a positive displacement meter for liquid
measurement. (NOV/DEC 2009)

 Accuracy (in %)    

 Temperature range (in degree C)

12. What is “Hoverflo”? (NOV/DEC 2009)

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The Hoverflois a flow meter, it accurately measures the flow of highly corrosive,
aggressive lubricating liquids and chemicals. The flow meter has two turbines connected by a
central shaft. The liquid flows through both turbines, spinning the shaft whilst it hovers. The
lower turbine has magnets sealed in the rim which are detected by the sensor to generate
pulses. The frequency of the pulses is proportional to your flow rate.

13. What are the intermediate measuring parameters in mass flow meter? (APR/MAY 2004)

   Depending on the type of movement

 an inertial torque
 a  coriolis force (or)
 a gyroscopic effect is developed / produced which can be measured and which
is proportional to the mass flow rate

14. What do you mean by priori? (APR/MAY 2008)

15. What are the significant sources of error in the mass flow meter? (APR/MAY 2008)

16. What are the different types of thermal flow meters?(NOV/DEC 2010)

Thermal Flow meters can be divided into two categories:

1. Heat transfer flow meters.

2. Hot wire probes or heated thermopile flow meters.

Heat transfer flow meters

Flow meters that measure the rise in temperature of the fluid after a known amount
of heat has been added to it. They can be called heat transfer flow meters.

Hot wire probes or heated thermopile flow meters

Flow meters that measure the effect of the flowing fluid on a hot body. They can be
called hot wire probes or heated thermopile flow meters

 Both types of flow meters can be used to measure the flow rates in terms of
mass, especially on gas service.

17. Define the term Mass flow rate.(APR/MAY2011)

18. List the instruments used for the measurement of volume flow rate.APR/MAY2011)

The quantity meter operating on a volumetric basis is found in several types.

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19. What is Coriolis Effect? (NOV/DEC 2012)

It is a vibration creation in a parallel pipeline during which the fluid flows continuously.

20. State the principle of Nutating disc. (NOV/DEC 2012)

It is a positive displacement meter in which the moving assembly separates the fluid into
increments depending on the input flowrate

21. What are the different types of positive displacement meters?

 Reciprocating piston type
 Rotating vane type
 Nutating disk type
 Lobed impeller type
 Oscillating piston type
22. List the advantages of reciprocating piston type.
 High accuracy
 Its construction material is not limited.
23. List the disadvantages of reciprocating piston type(Dec’10)
 high cost
 subject to leakage
 problems created by dirty particle high maintenance cost
 restricted to moderate flow rates
24. What are the major three methods of flow meters?
 Area flow meter
 Mass flow meter&
 Quantity meters

25. Name the different types of weighing methods

 semiconductor feed belt weighing ( Batch weighing) continuous conveyor scale
 radioactive transmission gauge volumetric solid methods
26. Write any two points of calibration of flow meter
 Wet meter- manometer which is calibrated with mercury
 Dry meter- manometer which is calibrated with mercury
27. Explain the principle of turbine flow meter (May 08)

When the liquid enter through inlet, due to the inflow, shaft rotates which cuts the
magnetic pickup, and produces the voltage which is proportional to inflow of water.

28. What are the different types of mass flow meter?

 Angular momentum type
 Liquid bridge Calorimeter type
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29. List the disadvantages of heat transfer flow meter .(May 05)

Heat is directly placed in the fluid stream and easily damaged by corrosion large input
power is required

30. List the advantages of turbine flow meter good accuracy

 Excellent repeatability
 Low pressure drop & easy to maintain good pressure & temperature range
compensation of viscosity variation
31. List the disadvantages of turbine flow meter.
 high cost
 Limited use for slurry application
32. List the advantages of rotary vane type.
 No pressure loss
 High temperature & pressure rating good accuracy
 Available numerous construction material
33. List the disadvantages of rotary vane type.(May 04)
 High cost
 Accuracy decreases in increase of flow
34. List the advantages of lobed impellor type
 Increase accuracy at higher flow rate leakage is decreased
 Can be used for corrosive solids good capacity range
35. List the disadvantages of lobed impellor type

Cost high & require frequent maintenance

36. List the disadvantages of glass Rotameter subject to breakage

 It must mounted vertically it limited to low temperature less accuracy
 If pressure is greater than 35 kg/cm3 tube get damage
37. List the advantage of oscillating piston type. (Dec’09)
 Good accuracy
 Can be easily applied to automatic liquid batching system good repeatability
 Moderate cost
38. List the disadvantage of oscillating piston type.
 Available in small size
 Suitable for clean fluids
39. What is the principle of densitometer (May’05)

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Float density less than the fluid density, level increases float moves up, resistance
connected float varies, so output varies. Voltage output is proportional to the density of the

40. List the advantages of nutating disk type. Less cost

i. Less cost
ii. Good accuracy
iii. High temperature & pressure ratings
41. List the disadvantages of nutating disk type.
Accuracy decreases in increase flow rate
42. What is Rotameter?

It is an example of variable area flow meter. When fluid enters lopped moves from the
bottom to top. Distance is proportional to the flow rate.

43. Explain the principle of calorimeter flow meter

Consist of two coil type resistance thermometer; difference of temperature between the
thermometers is maintained constant.

44. List some example of inferential flow meter.

Turbine flow meters
Target flow meters Ultrasonic flow meter

1. Explain the principle of operation of the turbine flow meter with neat sketch and discuss the
merits and demerits. (16)(APR/MAY2005, MAY/JUN 2007, MAY/JUN 2009)

2. Explain with necessary equations and sketch the principle of operation of the rotameter.(16)
(APR/MAY2005, MAY/JUN 2006)

3. Explain the principle of operation of different types of positive displacement mass flow
meter with neat sketches.(16)(NOV/DEC2005, MAY/JUN2006, MAY/JUN 2007,

4. Write short notes about Calibration of flow meter. (8)(NOV/DEC2005, MAY/JUN2006)

5. Write short notes about Density measurement.(8)(NOV/DEC2005)

6. Write a short note on :

i) Thermal mass flow meter. (8)(NOV/DEC2007, APR/MAY 2008, MAY/JUN2009)
ii) Helix type flow meter. (8)(NOV/DEC2007)
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7. Explain the principle of operation of any one type of mass flow meter with neat diagram.

8. Explain the working principle of coriolis mass flow meter with neat diagram.(16)(APR/MAY

9. Write a short note on :

i) Calibration of flow meter. (8)(APR/MAY 2008)
ii) Outline the steps in calibrating a volumetric flow meter with a neat sketch.(8)

10. Vortex shedding flow meter. (8)(NOV/DEC2009)

11. Describe with neat sketch, the construction and working of inferential flowmeter and
reciprocating pumps. Also state its advantages and disadvantages. (NOV/DEC 2012)
12. Discuss the working principle theory and installation of thermal type mass flowmeter.
(NOV/DEC 2012)


1. Give the category of liquid for which the electromagnetic flow meter can be used.(APR/MAY

The categories of liquid for which the electromagnetic flow meter can be used are Corrosive
acids, acid slurries, paper pulp, detergents, beer etc.

2. Write the expression for vortex frequency in a vortex flow meter. (APR/MAY 2004,

Vortex frequency f = NsV/w

Where, Ns- Constant called the Strouhal number
V- Velocity of the fluid
w- Width of the shedding facing the flow

3. Give the types of excitation used in electromagnetic flow meters. (APR/MAY 2005)

DC excitation
50Hz Ac excitation
Pulsed DC excitation

4. Explain the principle of anemometer.(APR/MAY 2005)

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The basic system consists of an electrically heated wire suitably mounted in the flowing
fluids. Due to the change in the velocity of flowing fluid, the heat lost by the hot wire will also
change. A relation between this loss of heat and the fluid flow can be derived.

5. What is the principle of ultrasonic flow meter? (NOV/DEC 2005,MSY/JUN 2006,


Pressure waves released into a flowing fluid have their velocity and amplitude affected by the
fluid velocity. In ultrasonic flow meters these changes of pressure waves of frequency
greater than 20 KHz using specialized techniques.

Based on measurement of phase shift between the waves directed downstream and
upstream alternately.

Based on the measurement of separation of frequency of oscillation directed downstream and

upstream simultaneously.

6. Give any two application of electro-magnetic flow meter.(MAY/JUN 2006)

For high corrosive applications.

For applications involving measurement of erosive slurries.

7. Give the merits of DC and AC excitation used in electromagnetic flowmeter.(MAY/JUN 2007)

Miniaturing - Compact electromagnetic flow meters that uses pulsed Dc field.
Zero settings are no longer required.
Polarization at the electrodes is avoided.
High frequency excitation and amplification posses less problem.

8. Define Doppler Effect. (NOV/DEC2007, NOV/DEC2009)

Doppler Effect is the shift in frequency and wavelength of waves which results from a source
moving with respect to the medium, a receiver moving with respect to the medium, or even
a moving medium.

9. List the advantages of electromagnetic flow meter.(APR/MAY2008, NOV/DEC2009)

It can handle slurries, greasy materials and corrosive fluids.

It has very low pressure drop.

It can be used as bi-directional meter.

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It is available in several construction materials.

10. Give the principle Vortex shedding flow meter.(MAY/JUN 2009)

Vortex shedding which occurs when a gas or liquid flows around a non-stream lined object
known as sluff body. When a fluid flows past an obstacle, boundary layers of slow moving
fluid are formed along the outer surfaces of the obstacle and the flow is unable to follow
contours of the obstacle on its downstream side. Thus the flow layers are separated from the
surface of the object, and a low pressure area is formed behind the object which causes the
separated layers to get detached from the main stream of the fluid and roll themselves into
eddies or vortices in the low pressure area.

11. What are the commonly used methods of solid flow measurement?(MAY/JUN2009)

 The most common methods are,

 Bucket conveyor method
 Curved plate and prefeed arrangement
 Nuclear method
 Leakage flow technique

12. List some application of nuclear method of solid flow measurement.

 This method can be used in

 Chemical and fertilizer industries
 Paper industries for coal, copper, iron cores.
 Concentration associated industries for coal, copper etc
 Building material industries for sand, rock, cement, lime etc
 Food processing units for food, fruits, vegetables etc

13. How the flow rate is measured in target flow meter?

The target flow meter measures flow by measuring the force on a target placed at the center
of the pipe at rights to the direction of fluid flow. The force produced will be proportional to
the square of the flow.
Where, Q- Flow rate
K-a known constant, F- force

14. Write some factors to select the flow meter.

First, by identifying the meters which are technically capable of performing the required
measurement and are available in acceptable materials of construction.
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Second, by making the best choice from those available.

A list should be made of the key parameters which the meter must be capable of

In order to cover special features such as reverse flow, pulsating flow, response time, and so
on, it is necessary to study the individual meter specifications in detail and/ or obtain the
manufacturer's comments and advice.

15. List the limitations of an Ultrasonic flow meter.(MAY/JUN 2007)

16. List two precautions to be taken when using electromagnetic flow meter.(NOV/DEC2007)

17. What is Doppler Effect? (NOV/DEC 2012)

18. Mention any two methods to measure flow in open channel. (NOV/DEC 2012)

19. What is Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction in flow measurement?

As a magnetic field is applied to a tube through which the fluid is flowing, an electric
potential is generated. This electric potential is proportional to the velocity of the fluid flowing
through the pipe.

20. What is the formula used to find the vortex frequency?(Dec’10)

Vortex frequency f=

Where, Ns = Strouhal number (constant)

V= fluid velocity

W= width of the shedder facing the flow.

21. What is Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction to measure the flow?

When a magnetic field is applied to a tube through which the fluid is flowing, an electric
potential is generated. This electric potential is proportional to the velocity of the fluid flowing
through the pipe. Knowing the dimension of the pipe, it is then possible to relate this to the
flow of the fluid.

22. How to avoid short circuiting in Magmeter?(Dec’08)

The flow tube bore is protected by an insulating lining of glass or neoprene which also serves
to prevent the short circuiting of emf through the electrodes. It consists of two metal
detecting electrodes that are supplied as a separate unit with flanged ends which can be
bolted into the main pipe.
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23. What are the three different types of excitation scheme used in electromagnets flow meter?

a. DC excitation
b. 50 Hz AC excitation
c. Pulsed DC excitation

24. What are the types of ultrasonic flow meter?(June’07)

Ultrasonic flow meters can be divided into three types.

1. Based on phase shift difference

2. Based on frequency of oscillation.
3. Based on Doppler Effect.

25. What is meant by vortex shedding?

When a non-stream lined object known as a vortex shedder is placed in the path of a fast
flowing stream, the stream, the fluid will alternately separate from the object on its two
downstream sides, and , as the boundary layer becomes detached and curls back on itself ,
the fluid forms vortices. This phenomenon is called as vortex shedding.

26. Name some shapes of Vortex shedder ?(June’07)

The shapes of vortex shedders are square, rectangular, t- shaped, trapezoidal.

27. How the flow rate is measured in target flow meter?

The target flow meter measures flow by measuring the force on a target placed at the
center of the pipe at right angles to the direction of fluid flow. The force produced will be
proportional to the square of the flow.


Where, Q = Flow rate K= A known coefficient F= Force

28. What are the advantages of target flow meter?(June’08)

• It is useful for difficult measurement such as slurries, polymer bearing and sediment
bearing materials, corrosive mixtures etc.
• Good accuracy when calibrated for specific streams.
• Repeatability is good.
• Good for relatively high temperature and pressure.

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29. Write some importance of γ ray detector?

The detector used is a γ ray’s detector, which is basically a scintillation crystal, made of
material such as thallium activated sodium iodide crystal (Nal) that has high gamma to
scintillation conversion efficiency. Other than Nal, bismuth germinate, Bi4 Ge3 O12 is also
used in γ ray detection since it is less hygroscopic than Nal and can be easily packaged.

30. How is the Doppler flow meter calibrated?

The calibration is based on the diameter of the pipe and the velocity profile of the fluid. It is
very accurate, because the standard tolerances on pipe diameter can produce an error. For
accurate calibration, the meter is checked against a known rate of fluid flow to accuracy as
low as 1%.

31. What are the applications of magnetic flow meter?

i) Used to measure flow rates of conducting fluids, slurries, corrosive and abrasive fluids.

ii) Used to measure bi-directional flows by reversing connections that can be done

32. What is meant by swirl meters?

Swirl meter is a digital volumetric device which has no moving parts. It gives an output in
the form of pulses whose frequency is proportional to fluid flow rate. It operates on the
principle of vertex precession.

33. What are the applications of ultrasonic flow meter?(Dec’10)

Used to measure

i)Flow of liquids and gases through which sound can be transmitted.

ii) Rapidly varying flows.
iii)Bi-directional flows
iv) Used in situations where the, measurement should be insensitive to variations in
viscosity, density and temperature.

34. What are the advantages of ultrasonic flow meter?

i) It causes negligible flow obstruction.

ii) Its accuracy is very high.
iii) The instruments output haws a linear relationship with fluid velocity
iv) There are no moving parts in this arrangement.
v) They have an excellent dynamic response.

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35. What are the disadvantages of ultrasonic flow meter?

i) The arrangement is complex

ii) High cost of the instrument.
iii)The travel time difference and the frequency difference is very small

1. Explain the principle of operation of the electromagnetic flow meter with different types of
excitation and sketches.(16)(APR/MAY 2005, NOV/DEC 2005, MAY/JUN 2007, APR/MAY
2008, MAY/JUN 2009)

2. Write a short note on :

i) Ultrasonic flow meters. (8)(APR/MAY2005)
ii) Vortex flow meters. (8) (APR/MAY 2005, NOV/DEC 2007) & (NOV/DEC 2012)

3. Write a short note on :

i) Solid flow rate measurement. (8) (NOV/DEC 2005, MAY/JUN 2006, MAY/JUN 2007,
MAY/JUN 2009) & (NOV/DEC 2012)
ii) Selection guidelines for flow meter. (8)(NOV/DEC 2005, MAY/JUN 2006, NOV/DEC
2007, MAY/JUN 2009)

4. Discuss the excitation schemes used in electromagnetic flow meters. (8)(MAY/JUN2006) &
(NOV/DEC 2012) (16)

5. What are all the variations in a target flow meter? Explain the principle of operation of any
one type with neat sketch.(8)(NOV/DEC2005, MAY/JUN 2006, MAY/JUN 2009,
NOV/DEC2009) & (NOV/DEC 2012)

6. Explain the principle of operation of Ultrasonic Doppler flow meter with relevant equation.
(16)(NOV/DEC 2007, NOV/DEC 2009)

7. Briefly explain any one types of ultrasonic flow meter with neat diagram. (16)(APR/MAY


1. Give any two purge fluid used in air-purge level measurement system.(APR/MAY 2004,

The commonly purging fluids are

 Air
 Carbon or nitrogen
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2. Write the principle used in ultrasonic method of level measurement. (APR/MAY 2005)

Ultrasonic level detectors use the principle of reflection of an acoustic wave from a liquid to
vapour plane or vice versa. The interval of time from the instant of emission of an impulse to
the instant of reflected impulse received is measured by any appropriate circuit. Time
interval is proportional to liquid level.

3. What are all the methods of hydrostatic type of level measurement?(NOV/DEC2005)

 Pressure gauge method

 Air bellows
 Air purge (or) bubbler system
 Liquid purge system
 Diaphragm box type
 Force balance type

4. When will you go for inductive type level measurement? (NOV/DEC2005)

The permeability of the liquid whose level is to be measured is a variable one then we go for
inductive type level measurement.

5. Will you use capacitive type level gauge for conductive liquids? Justify your answer.

Yes, capacitive type level gauge are used for conductive liquids. If the liquid is conductive the
rod and the liquid form the plates of the capacitor, and the insulation between them is the

6. Give the principle of the direct method of liquid level measurement.(MAY/JUN2007)

 This is the simplest method of liquid level measurement. In this method, the level of
liquid is measured by means of the following level indicators:
 Hook type level indicator
 Sight glass
 Float type
 When the level of liquid in an open tank is measured directly on a scale, it is
sometimes difficult to read the level accurately because of parallax error.

7. What do you mean by level switch.(MAY.JUN2007)

When it is sufficient to detect the presence or absence of level at a particular elevation,

damped or absorption type level switches can be considered. These switches can be mounted

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outside or inside the tank, above or below the liquid level. These switches are limited to
clean liquid insulations because coating can dampen the vibration.

8. Mention the advantages of air-purge system.(NOV/DEC2007)

Pressure gauge can be kept as far away as 500 ft from the tank with the help of piping.

This type of device is well suited for measuring the level of corrosive or abrasive liquids.

9. Is it possible to measure the level of liquid in the vessel by using DP cell?(APR.MAY2008)

Yes, we can measure the level of the liquid in the vessel by using DP cell.

10. What are the limitations of float type level measurement system?(APR/MAY2008) &
(NOV/DEC 2012)

They are normally limited to moderate pressures.

They are tailored to tank geometry.

11. What is hydro step system?(NOV/DEC 2009)

Traditional methods of measuring drum water level are costly, difficult to maintain, and
limited and differing accuracies. The hydro step system overcomes this disadvantage. The
operation of hydra step depends on the difference in electrical resistivity of high purity water
and steam at boiler pressure. The resistivity is measured at a number of points arranged
vertically at intervals in the pressure vessel and from this it can be said that high resistivity
represent team and low resistivity represent water.

12. Mention the advantages of float type level measurement system.(NOV/DEC2009)

 It is possible to read the liquid levels in a tank from the ground level even if the tank
is kept below the ground level.
 Its cost is low and has reliable designs
 It operates over a large temperature range

There is a choice of corrosion- resistant materials to make these.

13. Draw the setup of liquid level measurement for non-conducting liquids with equivalent circuit
with a capacitive type Level sensor.(MAY/JUN2009)

14. How is the measurement range limited in the float type system?(NOV/DEC2007)

15. Why is purge method is so popular in industrial liquid level measurement?(MAY/JUN2009)

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16. What is DPT?

17. List the direct level measuring methods.

 Float type level indicator

 Displacer type detector Sight glass type.

18. List the indirect level measuring methods.

 Hydrostatic measurement
 Air purge systems Boiler drum system.

19. What are the advantages of sight glass level instrument? (May’05)

 Direct reading is possible.

 Special designs are available.
 Glass less devices is available in numerous materials for corrosion resistance.

20. What are the advantages of displacer level instrument?

 High accuracy
 Reliable to clean liquids
 Mounted internally or externally
 Adaptable to liquid interface measurement.

21. How the liquid level is measured in direct method?(June’09)

For clean and coloured liquids, the simplest types of the sight glass or gauge glass
techniques are used. The sight glass tube is a side glass tube to the tank whose diameter
should neither be large enough to reduce the tank liquid level by appreciable percentage nor
small enough to initiate capillary action in the tube. Capillary action raises the water level in
the sight tube by amount .11/d cm. Where‘d’ is the inner diameter of the tube in cm.

22. Which formula is used to measure buoyant force?

This force is given by


b= Level change
s=Liquid specific gravity
D= diameter of float

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23. How the liquid level is measured using displacer type element?

A displacement type element is similar to a float element but its amount of immersion
may vary unlike the float. It is designed to be slightly heavier than the liquid and is used with
a spring which suspended the displacer.

When the displacer rises, losing weight because of increased immersion with level rise. The
spring becomes contracted and actual movement of the displacer. Actually, the change in the
tension in the spring is a measure of the change in the liquid level.

24. What is Archimede’s principle?(May’08)

Archimede’s principle states that a body wholly or partially immersed in a fluid is buoyed up
by a force, which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.

25. List some hydrostatic pressure methods to measure the liquid level.(Dec’10)

1. Pressure gauge method 2. Air Bellows

3. Air purge system (or) bubbler system 4. Liquid purge system.
5. Diaphragm box type 6. Force balance type.

26. What are the purging fluids used in air purge system?

The common purging fluid (input supply) is air, but if air reacts with the tank fluid or is
absorbed, different gases are chosen depending on liquid properties.

27. What is the purpose of condensing vessel in boiler drum level measurement?

1. This condenses all the steam and does not allow the steam to come in direct contact with
the differential pressure sensing transducer.

2. It offers reference fixed head on the transducer and the readings of level are detected
with reference to their fixed level.

28. What are the difference between traditional and hydra step boiler drum level method?

Traditional methods of measuring drum water level are costly, difficult to maintain, and
limited and differing accuracies. The hydra step system overcome these disadvantages
economically and can fulfill all the functions of the present diversity of induction, alarm and
control instruments.

29. What are the sources of y rays used for liquid level measurement?

Source used are Co, Cs and sometimes Ra.

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30. What are the piezoelectric crystals used in ultrasonic sensors?

Piezoelectric crystals such as quartz or barium titante are used with a frequency range from
30 to 300 KHz. An electronic switch is used for changing the mode.

31. Define: liquid level

Liquid level means the height of a liquid from a reference datum.

32. List some instrument used to measure the liquid level.

1. Direct Measurement device:

i. Sight glass
ii.Float gauges
a)Float-tape liquid level gauges b) Flat-shaft liquid level gauges
2. Indirect measurement device:
Hydro static pressure device
a)Hydro static pressure device for open tanks
b)Hydro static pressure device for closed tanks.
3. Electrical liquid level sensors
a)Rheostat operated by a float
b)Capacity liquid level sensor
c)Gamma ray level sensor.
33. What are the applications for float gauges?

i. This gauge can be used both in closed and open tanks to measure liquid level.
ii. This gauge can be used to measure levels of liquid s and semi liquids.

34. Which type of maintenance problem occurs in air purge system?

In case of an air purge system, the plugged bubble tubes are the primary maintenance
problem. The bubble tube should be replaced in exactly the same position or as closed to the
bottom of the tank as possible for accurate level measurement.

35. How to service the float type of gauge?(Dec’07)

The most common maintenance problems with the float operated level instruments are as

i.The guide cable wound around a pulley sometimes breaks or becomes corroded,

ii.The tape attached to the float can break or become twisted.

iii.Corrosion can cause holes in the float.

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36. What are the basic considerations in the choice of the gauge glass?(May’04)

i.Enough strength for withstanding the vessel pressure.

ii.Simple glass or plastic materials have been used up to 30 Kg/Cm2 pressure and 200

Degree Celsius.

37. What are the design considerations of float?

 As the liquid might contain suspensions which are likely to settle on top of the float and
changes the weight of the float; it has its sides sloping from the top.
 The float is generally made of copper with nickel plating for avoiding rusting etc.

38. What are the liquids used in capacitive type level measuring device?

 Oils
 Gasoline or liquid gases
 High –pressure process liquids.

39. What are the limitation of sight glass?(June’08)

 It does not lend itself readily to automatic reading. It can be used with certain viscos
liquids, with liquids, which will attack the glass.
 Generally these are fragile.
 Its length is limited upto 900mm and therefore for tanks whose height is much, one
has to go for large number of sight glasses.
 A ladder has also to be provided to take readings at high levels.
40. What are the important considerations in the use of float for level measurement and control?

 Whether liquid will cling to the float or react with it chemically, are of travel, and the
possibility of mechanical interference.
 If there are significant changes in the specific gravity of the liquid, then the float will
not always indicate the correct level.

41. What is the method to measure liquid level of too corrosive or too viscous liquids?

By weighing the tank.

42. What method do you suggest to measure the level of molten metal at temperature of about
500 degree Celsius in a mould?(Dec’07)

The best method in this case is to install a large number of thermocouples in the mould
depending on the resolution of level required. The temperature of all the thermocouples

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submerged will be very high and above the level very low. Where steep difference of
temperature exists between two thermocouples, there the level stands.

43. List some types of floats used in float operated level gauge?

The various types of floats used are hollow metal spheres, cylinder –shaped ceramic floats
and disc shaped floats of synthetic materials.

44. What are differences between internal mounting and external mounting in float level

Internal mounted switches can be flange mounted or screwed from top or side. These are
cheap but the tank has to be shut down for the removal for maintenance.

External mounted floats are available in separate housing which is connected to tank
through isolating valves. These are costly but can be easily removed for maintenance.

45. What is the need for hydra step boiler drum water level gauge?

Traditional methods of water level gauged are costly. Difficult to maintain and differing
accuracies and the visual gauges often require the added complication of close circuit
television for control room display. These disadvantages are overcome by this method. It can
fulfill all the functions of present diversity of indication, alarm and control instruments.

46. How the liquid level is measured in direct method?

For clean and colored liquids, the simplest types of the sight glass or gauge glass techniques
are used. The sight glass tube is a side glass tube to the tank whose diameter should neither
be large enough to reduce the tank liquid level by appreciable percentage not small enough
to initiate capillary action in the tube. Capillary action raises the water level in the sight tube
by amount 0.11/d cm. Where‘d’ is the inner diameter of the tube in cm.

1. Discuss the principle of operation of various schemes of hydrostatic type level measuring
system with merits and limitations. (16)(APR/MAY 2005, MAY/JUN 2006, NOV/DEC 2007)

2. Explain how boiler drum level is measured using hydra step system. (8)(APR/MAY 2005)
(NOV/DEC 2012) (16)

3. How liquid level is measured using float and displacer type sensor? (8)(APR/MAY 2005)

4. Discuss the principle of operation of various schemes of float type level measuring system.
(16)(NOV/DEC 2005)

5. Discuss the principle of operation of electrical type of level measurement with neat
sketches.(16)(NOV/DEC 2005, MAY/JUN 2009) & (NOV/DEC 2012)

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6. Explain the principle of operation of displacer type level measuring schemes with neat
sketch.(8)(MAY/JUN 2006, MAY/JUN 2009)

7. Explain the level measurement using nuclear radiation method.(8)(MAY/JUN 2006)

8. Explain briefly ultrasonic method of level measurements with diagram.(16)(NOV/DEC 2007,

MAY/JUN 2009)

9. Describe the capacitance method of level measurement and mention its advantages and
disadvantages. (16)(APR/MAY 2008)

10. Write a short note on Level switches (8)(APR/MAY 2008)

11. Write a short note on Torque tube (8)(APR/MAY 2008)

12. Briefly explain the methods used to measure the level of a conducting liquid. (16)(NOV/DEC

13. Discuss the D/P method of level measurement. (8)(NOV/DEC 2009)

14. Explain the bubbler tube method of level measurement. (8)(NOV/DEC 2009)


1. Define absolute humidity and relative humidity. (APR / MAY 2005, MAY / JUN 2006,APR/MAY

Absolute Humidity:

The weight of water vapor (Wv) in unit weight of the dry gas (Wg) is called as Absolute

H=Wv/ Wg

Relative Humidity:

The ratio of moisture content of the gas to the maximum moisture the gas can contain at
that temperature.

For, the ideal gas the relative humidity is the ratio of density of the vapour (ρH) that at
saturation (ρs).


2. Give few examples for humidity sensitive material. (NOV / DEC 2005)

Materials like lithium chloride, Phosphoric acid, calcium chloride, zinc chloride, tin tetra
chloride etc., are the examples of humidity sensitive material.

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3. Define the term Dew point temperature. (MAY / JUN 2007, NOV / DEC 2007, NOV / DEC
2009, APR/MAY 2010)

By continuous cooling at constant pressure if the temperature of air is reduced, the water
vapour in the air will start to condense at a particular temperature. The temperature at which
the water vapour starts condensing is called as dew point temperature.

4. What is dry and wet bulb psychrometer?(MAY / JUN 2009, NOV / DEC 2007, APR / MAY

Dry and wet bulb psychrometer is a device used to determine atmospheric humidity by the
reading of two thermometers, the wet bulb and dry bulb thermometers. The wet bulb
thermometer is kept wet by a moistened sleeve. It measures humidity by determining how
much cooler the wet bulb thermometer is than the dry bulb thermometer and then calculates
humidity by using appropriate graphs or tables.

5. What is Psychrometer?

Psychrometer is an instrument used to measure Humidity. The general group of humidity

instruments which use two temperature measurement (Dry and wet bulb temperatures) and
a chart to obtain the desired humidity values are called psychrometer.

6. What is dew cell? (APR / MAY 2008, NOV / DEC 2009) & (NOV/DEC 2012)

Dew cell is an absolute humidity transducer based on a thermal system. The principle of dew
cell is that, the hygroscopic material absorbs humidity and starts dissociating. The
dissociation will depend on the absorption of moisture and will be measured by the change in
the resistance between the two wires. The accuracy of this instrument is quite good and the
response time is within 3 to 5 min.

7. Why semiconductor thick film sensors are used for humidity measurement?

Semiconductor thick film sensor for humidity measurements are based on:

i) Change in resistance that use RuO2 or special glass.

ii)Change in capacitance that use glass ceramic, Al2O3.
iii)In the thin film processing technique, Ta2O5.

8. What is need for humidity measurement?

Humidity affects human comforts and many industrial processes as in the case of chemical
industries, garments industries, food industries, leather industries, pharmatical industries,
precision equipment manufacturing etc. So humidity measurement is important.

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9. Define Moisture.

Moisture is defined as the amount of water absorbed by a solid or a liquid. The amount of
free moisture present in any material is dependent upon its chemical and physical properties.

10. What are the advantages of thermal drying method?

 This method can be applied to solids, liquids and fibrous or granular material.
 This method does not require skilled operators.
 Initial investment and running costs are minimum.
 This method is not limited to either micro or macro samples.

11. What are the limitations of thermal drying method?

The limitations of the method are that it does not give very accurate results, as it can’t
differentiate between water and other volatile materials.

12. List the properties of Non-Newtonian fluids based on which they are classified. (APR / MAY
2005, MAY / JUN 2006)

13. How does the psychrometer differ from a hygrometer? (MAY / JUN 2007)

14. What do you mean the term consistency in viscosity measurement? (MAY / JUN 2009) &
(NOV/DEC 2012)

15. Define Viscosity.

It is a measure of fluidity of the system. Many fluids undergo continuous deformation with
the application of shearing stress.

16. Define Newtonian fluids.

If the force flow relation is linear then the fluid is Newtonian.

17. Define Non Newtonian fluids.

If the force flow relation is non linear then the fluid is Newtonian.

18. Define Kinematic Viscosity.

Ratio of absolute viscosity to the density of the fluid

19. Define Specific Viscosity.

Ratio of absolute viscosity of the fluid to the absolute viscosity of a standard fluid at the
same temperature
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20. Define Relative Viscosity.(May’05)

Ratio of absolute viscosity of the fluid at a given temperature to the absolute viscosity of a
standard fluid at 20’C

21. Define Viscosity index.

It is an empirical number that indicates the effect of change of temperature on viscosity if a


22. Define fluidity.

It is the reciprocal of viscosity. It is unit is 1/ poise.

23. Define Humidity.(Dec’10)

It is basically moisture content in air or it is the quantity of water vapour retained by gas.

24. Define Absolute Humidity.

Weight of water vapour in unit waits of gas. H=Wr / Wg

25. Define Specific Humidity.

It is weight of vapors in unit weight of mixture.

26. Define Relative Humidity.

This is the ratio of moisture content of gas to maximum moisture content of the gas at that

27. Define dew point.(June’09)

This is the saturation temperature of the mixture at the corresponding vapour pressure.

28. Define various units of Humidity.

Vppm = parts per million / volume.

G/ kg = weight concentration.

Relative humidity = in % Dew point in ‘C.

29. Define Hygrometer.(Dec’10)

Used to measure the moisture content in air. It also used to measure humidity.

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30. What is the basic principle of Hygrometer?

It consists of mechanical device measuring the dimension change of humidity sensitive

materials like animal hair, animal membrane, paper etc.

31. Define Moisture.

Defined as the amount of water absorbed by solids or liquids.

32. What are the various methods of measurement of moisture?

Based on the weight of the particle

Based on the resistance, capacitance,

33. How will you find the % moisture present in the substances?

% Mp = (Wwet - Wdry) / Wwet * 100

34. What are the different types of viscometer?

Say bolt viscometer

Rotameter type Consistency meters.

35. What is Psychrometer?

Psychrometer is a device that uses the bulb thermometers to measure humidity. It is also
used in air conditioning systems for maintaining humidity.

36. What are the different types of hygrometer?(May’08)

Hair hygrometers

Wire electrode hygrometers Electrolysis type hygrometers Resistive type

Capacitive type Microwave reflector

37. Explain the principle of saybolt viscometer.

As the viscosity of the fluid varies, the flow rate and hence time taken to drain the fluid
through the capillary tube varies. The time indicates the viscosity and is denoted by say bolt

38. What is meant by consistency?

General term for viscosity and more often used in connection with Non-Newtonian fluids.
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39. Explain the principle of oscillating type consistency meters.

When the inner cylinder is given an axial sinusoidal motion through a mechanical drive rod,
the fluid in the annular space gets a shearing force and the motion in the inner cylinder well
to transmitted the magnitude of this transmission will depend on the consistency of fluid.

40. What is Celsius or Centigrade

A Temperature scale defined by 0oC at ice point and 100oC at the boiling point of water at
sea level.

41. Define Absolute Zero

The temperature at which thermal energy is at minimum defined as 0 Kelvin calculated to be

-273.15oC or -459.67oC

42. What is Ambient Temperature

The average or mean temperature of the surrounding air which comes in contact with the
equipment and instrument under test.

43. Define Freezing point

The temperature at which a substance goes from the liquid phase to solid phase.

1. Explain the construction and principle of operation of dry bulb psychrometer with neat
sketch.(APR/MAY2004, APR/MAY2005, NOV/DEC2005,APR/MAY 2010) & (NOV/DEC 2012)

2. Write short notes on solid flow measurement.(APR/MAY 2004)(8)

3. Explain how do you measure the moisture content of granular materials with neat sketch.
(NOV/DEC2005,APR/MAY 2010)(8)

4. Explain the construction and working principle of the wire electrode type hygrometer.

5. Discuss he methods of measurement of humidity along with the necessary sketches and
equations.(MAY/JUN 2007)(16)

6. Explain how the moisture is measured by infra red transmission technique with their merits
and demerits. (MAY/JUN 2007)(16)

7. Describe the principle of operation of psychrometer type humidity measurements.


8. With aid block diagram briefly explain the measurement of moisture using distillation

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9. Describe the construction and working principle of hygrometer for humidity measurement.

10. Explain then principle of operation of humidity measurement. Explain the working principle
of any one type of hygrometer with the neat sketch. (MAY/JUN2009)(16)

11. Discuss the principle of operation of different methods of moisture measurement.


12. Explain dry and wet bulb psychrometer with neat sketch.(NOV/DEC2009)(16)

13. What are the methods used in moisture measurement? Explain any one method.

14. Explain the commercial type dew point meter and rotameter type viscometer with a neat
sketch. (NOV/DEC 2012) (16)

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