Project Title: Planting Trees in Mujib Year - Environmental Conservation

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Project Title: Planting Trees in Mujib Year -

Environmental Conservation
Related Subject: 1) Science - Chapter 14 - Environmental Balance and Our Life 2) Agriculture -
Chapter 6 - Forestry

Date: September 2021 - November 2021 Full Value: 10

Project Guide (Summary) / Project Diary Subjects

Duration: (1-7) September: During this Date, you will have to write the details of the steps you have
taken in the following 5 topics

Date: - / 09/2021

Mujib will select a place for planting trees in the year:

He will write a paragraph arguing in favor of where you have chosen the place for planting trees and why
you have chosen the place.

Date: - / 09/2021

Tree Selection:

Write a paragraph arguing in favor of what type of tree you have selected and why you
have chosen it.

Date: - / 09/2021

Making holes or tubs:

Write a paragraph detailing how you made the holes or tubs suitable for planting trees, how to
make holes or tubs for planting seedlings.

Date: - / 09/2021

Collection of saplings or seeds:

Write a paragraph detailing where you collected saplings or seeds for planting, how you
collected them, who helped you, etc.

Date: - / 09/2021 Things to

do in tree care:

The above mentioned two chapters of the book Agriculture and Science will be well read and
will write a paragraph on the topic of tree care with ideas from parents / agriculturists / farmers.

Duration: (6-14) September: During this Date you have to plant trees and write a paragraph on
tree planting.

Date: - / 09/2021Will

Planting trees: Plant trees with family members and will take 2-3 pictures of tree planting and send them
to the class teacher. He will write a paragraph describing who helped you plant the trees, who did the
work among the family members, who was the motivator, and whether there were any interesting
incidents centered on planting trees.

Duration: 14-September-30 November: During this Date you will have to take care of the planted trees
and every Friday or Saturday of the week will closely monitor the growth of the seedlings and will fill in
the written table and take pictures of the trees. For your convenience, we have written the dates of every
Friday in the table.

Date: 14-September-30 November 2021

Weekly Plant Observation Table

Plant Name: ................................... ....................................

Date of Height Number Number Number Number umber of other

planting (cm) of leaves of stalks of buds of flowers fruits changes












STUDENT’S SIGNATURE: .......................

Duration: 15-30 November: During this Date you will need to write a report reviewing your entire
project activity experience.

Date: 15-30 November 2021


write a report on the experience of the entire project activities.

What must be mentioned in the report -

● What challenges did you face in implementing the project

● How did you handle it
● Which work do you like the most
● What new knowledge have you acquired

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