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The postpartum period begins after the

delivery of your baby and ends when
your body has nearly returned to its pre- Get plenty of rest. Get as much sleep as possi-
pregnant state. This period often lasts 6 ble to cope with tiredness and fatigue. Your baby
may wake up every two to three hours for feeding.
to 8 weeks. To make sure you’re getting enough rest, sleep
when your baby sleeps.
The postpartum period involves your
moving through many changes, both
emotionally and physically. You are also
Seek help. Don’t hesitate to accept help from
learning how to deal with all the chang- family and friends during the postpartum period,
es needed with becoming a new mother. as well as after this period. Your body needs to
heal, and practical help around the home can help
The postpartum period also involves you get much-needed rest. Friends or family can
you and your partner learning how to prepare meals, run errands, or help care for other
care for your newborn and learning how children in the home.
to function as a changed family unit.
You need to take good care of yourself
to rebuild your strength. You will need
plenty of rest, good nutrition, and help
during the first few weeks. Eat healthy meals. Maintain a healthy diet to pro-
mote healing. Increase your intake of whole
grains, vegetables, fruits, and protein. You should
also increase your fluid intake, especially if you
are breast-feeding.

Exercise. Your doctor will let you know when it’s

OK to exercise. The activity should not be strenu-
ous. Try taking a walk near your house. The
change of scenery is refreshing and can increase
your energy level.

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