Gini Coefficient Calculation

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Lorenz Curve

% % Cumm Area Under the Area A

Individual Income Population Income %Income Lorenz Curve
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.342905
1 5000 0.125 0.027027027 0.027027 0.001689 1
2 5000 0.25 0.027027027 0.054054 0.005068
3 5000 0.375 0.027027027 0.081081 0.008446
4 5000 0.5 0.027027027 0.108108 0.011824 0.6
5 5000 0.625 0.027027027 0.135135 0.015203 0.4
6 5000 0.75 0.027027027 0.162162 0.018581
7 5000 0.875 0.027027027 0.189189 0.021959 0.2
8 150000 1 0.8108108108 1 0.074324 0
185000 0.157095 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

Gini Coefficient 0.6858108108

<0.2 perfect income equality

0.2-0.3 relative equality
0.3-0.4 Adequate equality
0.4-0.5 big income gap
0.5 and above sever income gap
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

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