Human Flourishing in Science and Technology and The Good Life (Nicomachean Ethics)

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Miraflor V.


GE 5 – 1174

Human Flourishing in Science and Technology and The Good life

(Nicomachean Ethics)

Let’s Check

Activity1. Answer the following question:

1. How is technology a mode of revealing?

Technology becomes a mode of revealing for it brings so many advances in various aspects.
Because revealing pertains about the behavior of human and the world and through technology
it helps us uncover the mysterious things around us just by simply using the different inventions
and the other products of technology.

2. In your daily experience of technology, what else is revealed to you aside from its function?

Technology revealed fast and quick information that could passed as a reliable information
and great source for my study. And it also reveals new advances and high tech inventions which
help to take done the things easily.

3. Why should technology be questioned?

We are in high advanced information wherein most of the people are knowledgeable enough to
questions the things surround in us. And because technology dominated our days and the way
our living, we questions technology so we could assure that the things we apply and used are
essential that can create good result.

4. How is questioning the piety of thought?

Questioning the piety of thoughts may be able to get us through many instances that can derive
us from a clearer thought. It can help our self to clear the vague that can make us provide
stronger points to strengthen and correct the thought we believe in.

5. How does art provide a way out of enframing?

Art provide a way out of enframing because through art we can be able to see how poetic
nature is in reality. Because art is an idiomatic forms that we can found meaning in every aspect
of the arts. That signifies something to what it was referring, and helps to inform us and educate
so we could think deeply how far we get through technology.
Activity2. Research an art work that best reveals technology, reflect and write a discussion how the
art work describes and reveals technology.

This art work clearly reveals technology and how human lured and affected to it. We can’t deny
the fact how useful the emerging technology is it corrupts human brains that results to their actions.
Technology is truly powerful for it dominates our life, every action involves technologies that could be
truly prove that the half of our life technology is the one that functions and manage to rule us. But
asides to its negativity technology are still helpful in every form in life for it gives the word easiness in
life. The art work apparently describes how human brains creatively designs scientific and technological
inventions that make humans patronize and society’s full with the scientific and technological advances.
And I perceive in this artwork that since human brains are the source of this advances it retorted back to
human brains then; which it shows how it corrupts human brains, affect human actions and the world.
Looking to this artwork it reveals the behavior of humans and the world on how human change their
perceptions and actions and the world changing from having full of high tech inventions.

Let’s Analyze

Activity1. Read the article forget “developing” poor countries, its time to de-develop rich countries by
Jason Hickel and answer the following question.

1. What is the main goal of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations?

The main goal of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations is to eradicate
poverty by 2030.

2. What is the standardized unit that measures resource use and waste?

The standardized unit that measures resource use and waste is 1.8 global hectares that our
planet has only enough resources for each of us to consume.
3. What is the standard response to eradicating poverty?

The standard response to eradicate poverty is that instead of pushing poorer countries to catch up with
rich ones, we should be thinking of way to get rich countries to catch down to more appropriate levels
of development.

4. What is the threshold of the Earth for adequately sustaining life?

The threshold of the Earth for adequately sustaining life of the highest literacy rates in the world with
GDP per capita of only $6,000 and consumption of only 1.9 hectares.

5. According to the majority of people in middle – and high – income countries, what puts the planet
and society at risk?

According to the majority of people in middle – and high – income countries believe overconsumption is
putting our planet and society at risk.

6. How many hectares should each of us consume annually based on the resources available in the

Each of us should consume 1.8 hectares annually based on the resources available in the planet

7. What are the two indicators of the quality of life given in the article?

The two indicators of the quality of life given in the article are happiness and life expectancy.

Activity2. Watch the video clip titled. The magician’s twin: CS Lewis and the case against scientism and
the answer the following questions.

1. What is scientism?

Scientism is the broad-based belief that the assumptions and methods of research of the physical and
natural sciences are equally appropriate to all other disciplines, including philosophy, the humanities
and the social sciences.

2. How is science comparable to magic?

Science and magic are twins and has quiet similar with these three different words and thses are science
as religion, science as credulity and science as power.

3. How is science more dangerous than magic?

Science is more dangerous than magic because magic failed, there are magic’s doesn’t work because
modern science has the potential that you can’t control.
4. What is the presented essence of modernity and it consequences?

The presented essence of modernity and it consequences is that nothing is sacred and we see the
consequences of the world which is nothing is sacred which include the human person is not sacred.

5. What do we need for the sciences to be good?

In order to make sciences to be good is need to interact with one another but in doing so in a larger
rules of good rational, critical thinking by means the things that the scientist say are subject to review by
everyone who is able to think well.

Activity3.View the short documentary film titled the sugary film, and discussed the process of sugar
production and consumption and how it affects a person’s journey towards the good life.

The process of sugar production is raw sugar produced from cane contains brown syrup within
its crystal structure; this makes it brown in color. White sugar is the produced by removing the brown
syrup (refining). And about 78 percent of sugar is produced from sugar cane and the remaining from
sugar beet, sugar producing countries consume about 69 percent of their production whilst the balance
is traded in the world market. Sugar affects journey towards life for it consuming too much added sugar
can raise blood pressure and increase chronic inflammation both of which are pathological pathways to
heart disease this can lead to a greater accumulation of fat, which may turn into fatty liver disease, a
contributor to diabetes, which raises the risk for heart disease.


Life may be able to bring us many challenges and discomforts and as a human we tend to search
for a solution so our discomforts will change into easiness. Every increasing of human needs and
demand is the more the development of science and technology rising. People lives become instable
and easy which also help to society be stable too. Humans flourished together the development of
technology by finding more ways to innovate one’s invention so it can still be useful in new trends of
human life. People keep updating science and technology for it because people’s want’s keep changing
so in order to answers people’s demand science and technology keeps improving all the time. Science
and technology offers great opportunity to live and do well for it answers people’s problem. We live well
because we are surrounded with the high tech and productive inventions. We don’t need to indulge our
self in household shores, farms and even in offices for we have the things to do it. And also we do well
because we have the devices that can manage to help us improve and make excellent work.

Let’s Check

Activity1. Answer the following questions.

1. How does Science and Technology affect contemporary life and vice versa?

Science and technology affect contemporary life and vice versa for it be possible that time may come
that the manual work can be replaced by automated machines which is a threat to human problems
which is unemployment.

2. How do we protect our human rights in the face of technological advancements and ethical dilemma?

We can protect our human rights by having these ethical guidelines in preventing human from exploiting
robots and vice versa to face these technological advancements.

3. Do you believe that Google makes people stupid? Cite at least three examples to support assertion.

No Google does not make people stupid for it help people: Gain more knowledge, Enlarge Vocabulary,
and have better understanding about the things revolving on us.

Activity2. Search for national policies or laws that address the moral and ethical concerns in the
technological era.

Republic Act No. 2067

- An act to integrate, coordinate, and intensify scientific and technological

research and development and to foster invention to provide funds therefor; and for
other purposes.

Republic Act No. 10844

- An act creating the department of information and communications technology, defining its
powers and functions appropriating funds therefor; and for other purposes.

Let’s Analyze

Activity1. Read and critic the entirety of the article entitled “Why the future does not need us”

The article entitled why the future does not need us? Is a passage that help predicts future
providing the technology we have and how it evolves and develop as the times passed by. The author
formulates his idea by involving his friends, their inventions and their stand in life. It is so good to think
that by getting information’s with his friends he formulate predictions or even conclusions. This articles
involves many person and each of them has the story that could somehow makes the reader confuse on
what it entails and the author wants to indicate but by having the titles makes you connect and
understand the flow of the article. It provides many proves and hint so as the purpose of the article will
be proven. Though it may sometimes confusing but the entirety of the article was great for us to gain
idea and also make prediction especially to the things we have provided by the technology.


Universal declaration of human rights declares essential rights that every human must claim. With those
rights we can fight for ourselves and become the voice of your own self. But because of the
development of science and technology it becomes a threat to humans work by replacing them with the
Artificial Intelligence that can actually do what manual work. This occurring threat is a vague for UDHR
to take some action for it does not infringe the economic entities decision making to make their
business gain and last longer. It is a private entities decisions and action that the only aim is to foster
their business. we could not blame AI for it only human who creates and to make it happen. But to
prevent the widespread of AI the government need to take action by implementing laws that protects
human into technological era.

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