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//// Standard gray shades

$backgroundColor: #000000

// Active parameters and related

$activeColor: #ffffff

// Darkest grey used for hints of elements

$backgroundAreaColor: #0f0f0f

// Backgrounds of shapes and grids

$backgroundLineColor: #1e1e1e

// Parameter names and inactive state for tracks and devices

$inactiveColor: #5d5d5d

//// Grid

// labels that accompany buttons, encoders, drop downs

// (so far only in Mixer and devices and sit outside the 'shape')
$gridRulerLabelColor: #2e2e2e

$automationIndicatorWidth: 5
$automationIndicatorHeight: 5

// majority of text in shapes, buttons, values, etc.

$textFont: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"

// for use on a label

$labelFont: "alluppercase nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"

// for use on a value

$valueFont: "nohinting 28px Ableton Sans ExtraLight"

// very large display text

$hugeFont: $valueFont

// for use on a unit

$unitFont: $textFont

// numbers on rulers
$rulerNumbersFont: "nohinting 10px Ableton Sans Book"


@font-face {
src: url("/Ableton/Appearance/fonts/AbletonSansBook-Regular.otf");
@font-face {
src: url("/Ableton/Appearance/fonts/AbletonSansLight-Regular.otf");
@font-face {
src: url("/Ableton/Appearance/fonts/AbletonSansExtraLight-Regular.otf");
@font-face {
src: url("/Ableton/Appearance/fonts/NotoSansCJKjp-Regular.otf");
@font-face {
src: url("/Ableton/Appearance/fonts/NotoSansCJKsc-Regular.otf");
@font-face {
src: url("/Ableton/Appearance/fonts/NotoSansCJKkr-Regular.otf");

BeatTimeGridRuler, PitchAndBeatTimeGrid, BeatTimeGrid {

$keyTrackBlackRgbOffset: 0
$backgroundTileRgbOffset: 15
$darkestTileRgbOffset: $keyTrackBlackRgbOffset + $backgroundTileRgbOffset

background: #000000; /* $backgroundColor */

label: #2e2e2e; /* $gridRulerLabelColor */
barGridLineRgbOffset: 30; /* 15 + $darkestTileRgbOffset */
barSubdivisionGridLineRgbOffset: 20; /* 5 + $darkestTileRgbOffset */
regularGridLineRgbOffset: 20; /* 5 + $darkestTileRgbOffset */
rulerFont: "nohinting 10px Ableton Sans Book"; /* $rulerNumbersFont */
notchRgbOffset: 23;
backgroundTileRgbOffset: 15; /* $backgroundTileRgbOffset */
keyTrackBlackRgbOffset: 0; /* $keyTrackBlackRgbOffset */
rulerHeight: 14;
showNotches: true;
valueToGridXOffset: 2;
valueBaselineToGridYOffset: 7;

AutomationIndicator {
width: 5; /* $automationIndicatorWidth */
height: 5; /* $automationIndicatorHeight */
borderWidth: 1;
borderColor: "#000000";
activeColor: "#ffffff";
inactiveColor: "#747474";

DialDisplay {
dialColor: #1e1e1e; /* $backgroundLineColor */
valueColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
valueColorSet: "base";
selectedColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
thickness: 2;
modulationColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
diameter: 45;
automationIndicatorHorizontalOffset: -8; /* -(3 + $automationIndicatorWidth) */
automationIndicatorVerticalOffset: 0;

EncoderDisplay, DialDisplay {
nonDialAutomationRightDistance: 2;
spaceBetweenLargeNumberAndUnit: 6;

EncoderDisplay QQuickText.smallNumber, DialDisplay QQuickText.smallNumber {

font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $unitFont */

EncoderDisplay QQuickText.largeNumber, DialDisplay QQuickText.largeNumber {

font: "nohinting 28px Ableton Sans ExtraLight"; /* $valueFont */

EncoderDisplay QQuickText.unit, DialDisplay QQuickText.unit {

font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $textFont */

EncoderDisplay QQuickText.label, DialDisplay QQuickText.label {

font: "alluppercase nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $labelFont */
color: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

EncoderDisplay FadeOverlay, DialDisplay FadeOverlay {

leftFadeWidth: 0;
rightFadeWidth: 18;

FadeDecorator, FadeOverlay {
leftFadeWidth: 0;
rightFadeWidth: 18;

FadeDecorator {
leftFadeOutRatio: 0.7;
rightFadeOutRatio: 0.7;

FaderWithMeter {
color: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
selectedColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
modulationColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
selectedModulationColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
modulationThickness: 2;
colorSet: "base";
meterWidth: 40;
isStemVisible: true;
isTickVisible: false;
isRulerValuesVisible: false;
isRulerTicksVisible: false;
faderHandlePath: "./Styles/graphics/Fader_Handle_Push.svg";
spacingBetweenMeterAndTick: 4;
handleOffset: -4;
spacing: 4;
stemWidth: 2;
LabelDecorator {
font: "alluppercase nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $labelFont */
color: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
labelHeight: 14;

FadableLabel {
font: "alluppercase nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $labelFont */
color: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
leftFadeWidth: 0;
rightFadeWidth: 18;

ListDisplay {
color: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
colorSet: "base";

/* This grey is specific to ListDisplay and so not a variable */

unselectedColor: "#2d2d2d";

selectedColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */

inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
font: "nohinting 28px Ableton Sans ExtraLight"; /* $valueFont */

pictureAutomationRightDistance: 2;
listAutomationRightDistance: 2;
listItemSpacing: 2;

ListDisplay FadeOverlay {
leftFadeWidth: 18;
rightFadeWidth: 18;

Meter, StereoMeter {
backgroundColor: #0f0f0f; /* $backgroundAreaColor */
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
inactiveRmsLevelColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
inactiveLevelColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
$normalColor: #00ff2a
$warningColor: #ff0000
$shade: 80
normalRmsLevelBottomColor: #00ff2a; /* $normalColor */
normalRmsLevelTopColor: #00ff2a; /* $normalColor */
warningRmsLevelBottomColor: #ff0000; /* $warningColor */
warningRmsLevelTopColor: #ff0000; /* $warningColor */
clippingRmsLevelBottomColor: #00ff2a; /* $normalColor */
clippingRmsLevelTopColor: #00ff2a; /* $normalColor */
normalLevelBottomColor: #003208; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
normalLevelTopColor: #003208; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
warningLevelBottomColor: #320000; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */
warningLevelTopColor: #320000; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */
clippingLevelBottomColor: #003208; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
clippingLevelTopColor: #003208; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
warningLevelGap: 2;

midiActiveFillColor: "#00ff2a";
midiBoxHeight: 4;
midiGapSize: 2;

MultiColumnListView {
textColor: #ffffff;
textHighlightColor: #000000;
backgroundHighlightColor: #ffffff;
font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $unitFont */

NumberDisplay {
color: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $unitFont */

NumberDisplay QQuickTextInput {
font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $unitFont */
color: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
selectionColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
selectedTextColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

OnOffDisplay {
backgroundColor: "transparent";
backgroundOnColor: "transparent";
backgroundOnColorSet: none;
selectedColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
textColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
textOnColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
textOnColorSet: "base";
font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $unitFont */
textBaselineFromTop: 12;

OnOffDisplay.large {
font: "nohinting 28px Ableton Sans ExtraLight"; /* $valueFont */

OnOffDisplay.activebackground {
backgroundOnColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
backgroundOnColorSet: "base";
textOnColor: "black";
textOnColorSet: none;

OnOffDisplay FadeDecorator {
rightFadeWidth: 10;
rightFadeOutRatio: 0.7;
ScrollbarDisplay {
thickness: 3;
handleMinLength: 6;
backgroundColor: #000000; /* $backgroundColor */
handleColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
handleHighlightColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

Browser {
textColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
selectedTextColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
focusedTextColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */

Browser ListItem {
font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $textFont */

Browser ScrollbarDisplay {
backgroundColor: "transparent";

Browser Content {
scrollbarThickness: 4;

Browser Content BrowserList {

normalFadeWidth: 15;
selectedFadeWidth: 10;

Browser Content ExpandedBrowserList {

fadeWidth: 15;

Browser Settings OnOffDisplay {

backgroundOnColorSet: none;
backgroundOnColor: "transparent";
textColorSet: "base";
textColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
textOnColorSet: none;
textOnColor: "black";

Clip {
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

Clip AudioClipSettings {
textFont: "nohinting 28px Ableton Sans ExtraLight"; /* $valueFont */

ColorSets {
/* Use this Python snippet to re-generate the "base" list
from __future__ import print_function

push2_colors = [
'#ed5938', '#d1170a', '#ff6400', '#ff3200', '#804713', '#582307', '#edda3c',
'#e4c200', '#94ff18', '#00e631', '#009d32', '#339e13', '#00b955', '#00714e',
'#00CC89', '#00bbad', '#0071a4', '#006aca', '#4932b3', '#005a62', '#5260dd',
'#ab50ff', '#e157e3', '#88425b', '#ff1e32', '#ff4a96',

live_to_push2_colors = [
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 6,
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 4,
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 16,
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 20,
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 19, 18, 17, 21, 22, 25, 5,

' base:\n'
' ' + ', '.join([push2_colors[i] for i in live_to_push2_colors[0:14]]) + ',\n'
' ' + ', '.join([push2_colors[i] for i in live_to_push2_colors[14:28]]) +
' ' + ', '.join([push2_colors[i] for i in live_to_push2_colors[28:42]]) +
' ' + ', '.join([push2_colors[i] for i in live_to_push2_colors[42:56]]) +
' ' + ', '.join([push2_colors[i] for i in live_to_push2_colors[56:70]]) + ';'

#ed5938, #ff6400, #804713, #edda3c, #94ff18, #009d32, #00b955, #00CC89,
#0071a4, #4932b3, #5260dd, #e157e3, #ff1e32, #edda3c,
#d1170a, #ff3200, #582307, #e4c200, #00e631, #339e13, #00714e, #00bbad,
#006aca, #005a62, #ab50ff, #88425b, #ff4a96, #804713,
#ed5938, #ff6400, #804713, #edda3c, #94ff18, #009d32, #00b955, #00CC89,
#0071a4, #4932b3, #5260dd, #ab50ff, #ff1e32, #0071a4,
#ed5938, #ff6400, #804713, #edda3c, #94ff18, #009d32, #00b955, #00CC89,
#0071a4, #4932b3, #5260dd, #e157e3, #ff1e32, #5260dd,
#d1170a, #ff3200, #582307, #e4c200, #00e631, #339e13, #00714e, #005a62,
#4932b3, #006aca, #ab50ff, #e157e3, #ff4a96, #582307;

Convert {
convertTextY: 57;
textOffset: 18; /* $textOffset */
bottomRowY: 140;
itemWidth: 105; /* $itemWidth */
offset: 6; /* $buttonOffset */
textColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
colorSet: "base";

SideButton, BottomArrowButtons {
font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $textFont */
FlagMarker, Loop, PointOfInterest, ColoredIndicator, PlayHead, SliceRegion {
focusColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
color: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
colorSet: "base";

SliceRegion {
regionColor: "#222222";

Loop {
alphaForDarkColors: 0.5;
alphaForBrightColors: 0.25;

SimplerSlices {
focusColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
colorSet: "base";

TrackControlView, VolumeControlView {
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
lineColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

Device Simpler, Device Banks, Device MoveAndChain {

inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

MoveAndChain {
movingDeviceMessageColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */

PopupFadeAnimation {
spring: 6;
damping: 0.6;

Scales {
scaleListFont: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $textFont */
scaleListTextColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */

Scales OnOffDisplay {
backgroundColor: "transparent";
backgroundOnColor: "transparent";
textColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
textOnColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */

ParameterView {
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

FixedLength OnOffDisplay.length {
backgroundColor: "transparent";
backgroundOnColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
textColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
textOnColor: "black";

FixedLength OnOffDisplay.enabled {
backgroundColor: "transparent";
backgroundOnColor: "transparent";
textColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
textOnColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */

Quantization OnOffDisplay {
backgroundColor: "transparent";
backgroundOnColor: "transparent";
textColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
textOnColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */

Setup {
separatorColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
separatorHeight: 2;

Setup OnOffDisplay {
backgroundColor: "transparent";
backgroundOnColor: "transparent";
textColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
textOnColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */

Setup VelocityCurve {
backgroundColor: #000000; /* $backgroundColor */
curveColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
lineWidth: 1.5;

ActivityMessage {
opacity: 1;

bottomColor: "#ff000000";
topColor: "#00000000";

appearDuration: 200; /* // ms */
appearOvershoot: 4; /* // unknown units, bigger is more */
/* This is the gap left at the bottom when notification is shown
over a screen which has button labels along the bottom */
bottomGap: 20;

fadeTime: 200;

BankListView {
colorSet: "base";
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

UserModeIndicator, LiveDialog {
messageColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
messageFont: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $unitFont */

GreekedSlicePoints {
color: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
colorSet: "base";

StereoMeter.routingChannel, StereoMeter.routingChannelHard {
width: 40;

Meter.routingChannel, Meter.routingChannelHard {
width: 19;

Meter.routingChannelMini {
warningLevelGap: 0;

MetronomeView {
beatActive: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
minimumBeatOpacity: 0.2;

Waveform {
color: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
colorSet: "base";
inactiveColor: #2d2d2d;
fakeActiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
loopHeight: 70;

WaveformLoop {
color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
colorSet: "base";
alphaForDarkColors: 0.3;
alphaForBrightColors: 0.25;

WaveformOneshotRegion {
color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
colorSet: "base";
alphaForDarkColors: 0.25;
alphaForBrightColors: 0.125;
height: 70;
touchedColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */

Choice {
font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $textFont */
selectedColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
selectedColorSet: "base";

EncoderLabel {
font: "alluppercase nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $labelFont */
color: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

HugeText {
font: "nohinting 28px Ableton Sans ExtraLight"; /* $hugeFont */
color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
colorSet: "base";
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

MessageBig {
font: "nohinting 28px Ableton Sans ExtraLight"; /* $valueFont */
color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
colorSet: "base";
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

ButtonDisplay {
x: 6; /* $buttonOffset */
y: 1;
width: 105; /* $itemWidth */
textLeftMargin: 12; /* $textLeftMargin */
uncheckedColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

CancelButtonDisplay {
cancelIconMargin: 6;

CancelButtonDisplay ButtonDisplay {
iconTextGap: 6;

ItemListView, TrackListView {
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

QQuickRectangle.playingHighlight {
color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
colorSet: "base";

QQuickRectangle.playingBackground {
color: "black";

DeviceListView {
verticalOffsetWhenMoving: 2;
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

VolumeDisplay, ListDisplay, DialDisplay, TrackDisplay, ButtonDisplay {

touchedColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

DialDisplay QQuickText.label {
color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */

ButtonDisplay {
iconTextGap: 4;

ListDisplay FadeOverlay {
leftFadeWidth: 12;
rightFadeWidth: 16;

ListDisplay.leftmost FadeOverlay {
leftFadeWidth: 14;

ListDisplay.rightmost FadeOverlay {
rightFadeWidth: 13;
ListDisplay.small {
font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $unitFont */

ListDisplay.large {
font: "nohinting 28px Ableton Sans ExtraLight"; /* $valueFont */

ListDisplay.images {
listItemSpacing: 4;

ListDisplay, DialDisplay {
color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */

BackButtonDisplay {
font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $textFont */
textBaseline: 4; /* // Pixels from bottom */
backArrowMargin: 6; /* // Pixels from left */
textColor: "black";
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */
backgroundColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
backgroundColorSet: "base";

ListScrollbar {
thickness: 4;

/* duration of fade on/off when start/stop scrolling, in ms */

fadeDuration: 200;

/* time for scrollbar to stay visible after scrolling has stopped, in ms */

hideAfter: 300;

SmallText {
font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $textFont */
color: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

OnOffLabel {
font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $textFont */
textBaseline: 4; /* // Pixels from bottom */
color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
colorSet: "base";
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

OnOffDisplay {
backgroundOnColorSet: "base";
backgroundOnColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
textColorSet: "base";
textColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
textOnColorSet: none;
textOnColor: "black";

DeviceNestingDecorator, SimpleDeviceNestingDecorator, TrackNestingDecorator {

color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
colorSet: "base";
inactiveColor: #5d5d5d; /* $inactiveColor */

ZoomOverview {
color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
colorSet: "base";
backgroundLineColor: #1e1e1e; /* $backgroundLineColor */
touchedColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
visibleAreaColor: "#2d2d2d";

Tabs {
barHeight: 2;
barColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
barColorSet: "base";

Tabs OnOffDisplay {
backgroundColor: "transparent";
backgroundOnColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
textColor: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
textOnColor: "black";

VerticalList {
color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
colorSet: "base";
font: "nohinting 14px Ableton Sans Light"; /* $textFont */
scrollbarThickness: 4;

/* This grey is also used in ListDisplay, which will soon be pulled into
this repo as HorizontalList. Merge these colours then. */
unselectedColor: "#2d2d2d";

Meter.sendsonly {
$normalColor: #5061ff
$warningColor: #c6d100
$shade: 80
normalRmsLevelBottomColor: #5061ff; /* $normalColor */
normalRmsLevelTopColor: #5061ff; /* $normalColor */
warningRmsLevelBottomColor: #c6d100; /* $warningColor */
warningRmsLevelTopColor: #c6d100; /* $warningColor */
clippingRmsLevelBottomColor: #5061ff; /* $normalColor */
clippingRmsLevelTopColor: #5061ff; /* $normalColor */
normalLevelBottomColor: #0f1332; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
normalLevelTopColor: #0f1332; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
warningLevelBottomColor: #272900; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */
warningLevelTopColor: #272900; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */
clippingLevelBottomColor: #0f1332; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
clippingLevelTopColor: #0f1332; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */

Meter.hard, Meter.routingChannelMini, Meter.routingChannelHard {

$normalColor: #00ff2a
$warningColor: #ff0000
$shade: 80
normalRmsLevelBottomColor: #00ff2a; /* $normalColor */
normalRmsLevelTopColor: #00ff2a; /* $normalClor */
warningRmsLevelBottomColor: #ff0000; /* $warningColor */
warningRmsLevelTopColor: #ff0000; /* $warningColor */
clippingRmsLevelBottomColor: #ff0000; /* $warningColor */
clippingRmsLevelTopColor: #ff0000; /* $warningColor */
normalLevelBottomColor: #003208; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
normalLevelTopColor: #003208; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
warningLevelBottomColor: #320000; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */
warningLevelTopColor: #320000; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */
clippingLevelBottomColor: #320000; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */
clippingLevelTopColor: #320000; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */

Meter.monitoroff {
$normalColor: #787878
$warningColor: #ff0000
$shade: 80
normalRmsLevelBottomColor: #787878; /* $normalColor */
normalRmsLevelTopColor: #787878; /* $normalColor */
warningRmsLevelBottomColor: #ff0000; /* $warningColor */
warningRmsLevelTopColor: #ff0000; /* $warningColor */
clippingRmsLevelBottomColor: #ff0000; /* $warningColor */
clippingRmsLevelTopColor: #ff0000; /* $warningColor */
normalLevelBottomColor: #171717; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
normalLevelTopColor: #171717; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
warningLevelBottomColor: #320000; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */
warningLevelTopColor: #320000; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */
clippingLevelBottomColor: #320000; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */
clippingLevelTopColor: #320000; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */

Meter.regular {
$normalColor: #00ff2a
$warningColor: #ff0000
$shade: 80
normalRmsLevelBottomColor: #00ff2a; /* $normalColor */
normalRmsLevelTopColor: #00ff2a; /* $normalClor */
warningRmsLevelBottomColor: #ff0000; /* $warningColor */
warningRmsLevelTopColor: #ff0000; /* $warningColor */
clippingRmsLevelBottomColor: #00ff2a; /* $normalColor */
clippingRmsLevelTopColor: #00ff2a; /* $normalColor */
normalLevelBottomColor: #003208; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
normalLevelTopColor: #003208; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
warningLevelBottomColor: #320000; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */
warningLevelTopColor: #320000; /* shade($warningColor, $shade) */
clippingLevelBottomColor: #003208; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */
clippingLevelTopColor: #003208; /* shade($normalColor, $shade) */

VisualisedText {
font: "nohinting 28px Ableton Sans ExtraLight"; /* $valueFont */
color: #ffffff; /* $activeColor */
colorSet: "base";

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