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I. Fill up the blanks (20 x ½ =10)

1. _Catalase __ is an oxidising enzyme and is always present in milk.

2. Lipase is a naturally occuring fat splitting enzyme present in milk in varying
3. Milk contains _____0.01%___100-200 ppm of cholesterol.
4. The iodine number is a measure of the degree of ____unsaturation
5. ______Polensky____ value is a measure of the volatile insoluble fatty acids.
6. The __Saponification no.______ is the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide
required to saponify one gram of fat.
7. Fore milk is __low_ in fat content, while stripped milk has _high___ fat content.
8. The cooked flavour of heated milk is due to ___sulphydryl compounds in B
lactoglobulin compounds.
9. Skim milk has a __blue__ and whey a _greenish__colour.
10. Development of sour acid flavour is due to ___volatile acids__.
11. The essential fatty acids present in milk fat are __linoleic_ and ____linolenic_ acids.
12. Annatto, the colouring matter used for butter and cheese contains a red yellow
pigment known as ____bixin____.
13. The titrable acidity of cow milk ranges from _0.13-0.14 (0.18-0.19%in milk) _____
and for buffalo milk from 0.14-0.15__.
14. S.lactis produces ____acetic__ and ___propionic_ acids.
15. According to PFA rules 1976, table/creamery butter should contain not less than
__80______ fat.

II. Tick the most appropriate answer from the multiple choice (10 x ½ = 5)

1. The fat content of goat’s milk is

a) 6.2 c) 4.5
b) 6.3 d) 3.5
2. Sweetened condensed milk is the product obtained from
a) Camel milk c) Buffalo milk
b) Cow’s milk d) Ewe’s milk
3. As per PFA rules 1976, cream should contain a fat percent of
a) 90.5% c) 25%
b) 15% d) 50%
4. Cheese should be tempered at
a) 5-8 C c) 10-15 C
b) 18-20 C d) 20-25 C
5. The predominant dissolved gas in milk is
a) oxygen c) nitrogen
b) hydrogen d) carbon dioxide
6. Uperization has been developed in
a) Germany c) Switzerland
b) New Zealand d) Denmark
7. The term ‘Vacreation’ refers to
a) Sterilization c) Homigenisation
b) Pasteurisation d) Stassanization
8. The protein content of camel milk is
a) 4% c) 3.1%
b) 11.2% d) 6.7%
9. According to PFA rules 1976, common salt level in butter should not be more than
a) 3% by weight c) 4% by weight
b) 2% by weight d) 1% by weight
10. The BOD of liquid milk plant is about
a) 1000 ppm c) 750 ppm
b) 1250 ppm d) 1500 ppm

III. State whether the following statements are true or false (10 x ½ = 5)

1. Liquefiers cause proteolysis of milk. ( T )

2. Cheddar cheese is a soft cheese. ( F )
3. The enzyme rennin is highly active at 15 C. (ANS-41°C) ( f )
4. Pasteurisation increases the value of freezing point depression. (f )
5. The typical flavour of butter from ripened cream is due to butyric acid. ( f )
6. Boiling and sterilization increases the value of freezing point depression. ( t )
7. Oleic acid has got the lowest melting point. ( T )
8. Hotis test is useful to find out the SNF % in milk. ( F )
9. Schardinger’s test is a test used for heated milk. ( t )
10.According to BIS standards the total solids (% weight) (minimum) of ice cream
should be 36.0. ( t )


I. Fill up the blanks (20 x ½ =10)

1. The castrated male sheep is known as Wether_/Hogg________.

2. _______Gimmer_ is a female whish has not yet borne a lamb.
3. Meat of buffalo is known as _____Carabeef____________.
4. Isolation block is actually a ____miniature_____________ slaughter house.
5. The effluent from a meat processing plant may have a BOD5 value of ________1500-
6. Tego compounds are __surface active and _bacteriostatic_ in nature.
7. Muscular splash is due to delay between ____Stunning and _Sticking_.
8. Friebank system operating in Italy is known as__Basso macello_.
9. Insulin is obtained from ______Pancreas
10. The freezing point of meat lies between -1to -1.5°C__.
11. The higher the BOD5 level _greater is the quantity of organic matter.
12. Sheep skin are utilised for chamois leather, gloves by a process known as
13. Sausage casings are obtained from __submucosal___ layer of animal intestines.
14. Bone char is prepared by controlled ____pyrolysis of bone in the absence of air.
15. The test used to detect abnormal odour and taste is ___boiling test__.
16. Mutton is ______ light ______ to ____ dark red__________ in colour.
17. Of all the food animals, meat obtained from ____pig___ is the least firm.

II. Tick the most appropriate answer from the multiple choice (10 x ½ = 5)

1. Ageing of meat brings about disintegration of the myofibrillar structure in the

a) A band c) M line
b) I band d) W band
2. In emergency slaughtered animals the meat should be subjected to examination of
a) parasitic examination c) post-mortem examination
b) bacteriological examination d) Sensory evaluation
3. The overall intensity of light at all inspection points in an abattoir should not be less
a) 440 lux c) 20 foot candles
b) 600 lux d) 540 lux

4. The most commonly occurring undesirable pigment on meat surface is

a) Metmyoglobin c) Oxymyoglobin
b) Nitrosomyoglobin d) Nitric-oxide myoglobin
5. Surgical catgut is prepared from
a) Heart c) Kidneys
b) Lungs d) Intestines
6. Pepsin is prepared from
a) Lungs c) Liver
b) Intestines d) Stomach
7. Oleo oil and Oleo stearin are used in the manufacture of
a) Soap c) Margarine
b) Candle d) Tallow
8. Slaughter spleen condition occurs due to
a) Gaseous stunning c) Pithing
b) Captive bolt pistol d) Electrical stunning
9. The concentration of CO2 to be used for stunning of animals is
a) 50-55% c) 80-85%
b) 40-45% d) 65-70%
10. For electrical stunning the voltage should not be less than
a) 60 volts c) 75 volts
b) 70 volts d) 155 volts

III. State whether the following statements are true or false (10 x ½ = 5)

1. Accommodation for cattle in lairage should be of tie-up type for bulls. ( t )

2. The animals are stunned prior to slaughter in Jewish method of slaughter. ( f )
3. Tenderness of meat is not influenced by condition of nutrition. (f )
4. Haemo lymph nodes are not found in horse and pigs. ( t )
5. Pig liver has four lobes. ( f )
6. Captive bolt penetrating stunning is very effective in pigs. ( f )
7. Pigs subjected to gaseous stunning cannot regain consciousness. ( f )
8. Gravity rail system of dressing is used for lower slaughter rate of 10 to 40 cattle per
hour. ( t )
9. Line system is not safe for operatives. ( f )
10.Vertical scalding of pigs does not improve the microbial quality. ( f )

(Subjective Type Questions)


Maximum : 30 marks

Answer any FOUR of the following questions from 1 – 6.

Question No.7 is compulsory

(4 x 5 = 20 + 10 = 30)

1. Discuss the various factors causing variation in the composition of milk.

2. Describe the various quality control tests used for milk and their significance.
3. Outline the factors influencing fat percentage of cream.
4. Describe the role of various constituents in ice cream.
5. Describe the procedure of manufacture of cheddar cheese, with the help of a flow
6. Outline the procedure of production of ghee with the help of a flow diagram.
7. Write short notes on any five of the following: (5x2=10)

i. Enzymes of milk
ii. Membrane filtration
iii. UHT milk
iv. Co-precipitate
v. Resazurin test
vi. Methylene blue reduction test.


(30 marks)

Answer any FOUR of the following questions from 1 – 6.

Question No.7 is compulsory
(4 x 5 = 20 + 10 = 30)

1. Give an account of pharmaceutical and industrial uses of blood.

2. Describe the procedure for conducting post-mortem inspection of cattle carcasses.
3. Define emergency and casualty slaughter. Describe briefly categories of animals for
emerging slaughter.
4. Describe in detail electrical stunning of food animals.
5. What is the method of infection of trichinosis in man.
6. What are the various diagnostic procedures for detecting trichinella infection in
7. Write short notes on any FIVE of the following: (5x2=10)

i. DFD meat
ii. Missed shock
iii. Measly pork
iv. Suspect
v. Pithing
vi. Slaughter spleen

Question Paper – I
Milk and Milk Products Technology
Key for the Question – I, II and III
2. b
Question – I: 3. c
4. c
1. Catalase 5. d
2. Fat splitting 6. c
3. 100-200 7. b
4. unsaturation 8. a
5. Polenske 9. a
6. Saponification number 10. a
7. Low high
8. Sulphydryl Question – III:
9. Bluish greenish-yellow
10.Volatile acids 1. True
11.Linoleic linolenic 2. False
12.Bixin 3. False
13.0.13-0.14 0.14-0.15 4. False
14.Acetic Propionic 5. False
15.80% 6. True
7. True
8. False
9. True
10. True

Question – II:

1. c
Question Paper – I
Abattoir Practices and Animal By-products Technology
Key for the Question – I, II and III

Question – I: Question – II:

1. Hogg or Wether 1. b
2. Gimmer 2. b
3. Cara beef 3. d
4. Miniature 4. a
5. 1500-2000 mg/litre 5. d
6. Surface active Bacteriostatic 6. d
7. Stunning Sticking 7. c
8. Basso macello 8. c
9. Pancreas 9. d
10. -1C and –1.5C 10. c
11. Greater
12. Shammoying
13. Sub-mucosal Question – III:
14. Pyrolysis
15. Boiling test 1. True
16. Light Dark red 2. False
17. Pig 3. False
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. False
10. False

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