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Based on Darcy’s low:

𝑸𝒊𝒏 = 𝑸𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝑸𝒊𝒏

Stresses in Soil
 Learning Objectives;

 An understand of capillary phenomenon

 Knowledge of effective stress

 An ability to compute pore water pressure, effective stress, and

total stress at any given point in a soil layer.

 Stress and volume change properties in terms of total stress,

pore water pressure, and effective stress.

 Total stress – Pore Water Pressure=Effective Stress.

 Effective stress is approximately the force per unit area

carried by the soil skeleton.
Stresses in Soil
 Soil consists of: solids, water and/or air
 The engineer needs to know the distribution of stresses at any point in the
soil mass to analyze problems such as:
• Settlement of soils
• Bearing capacity of foundations
• Stability of slopes
• Lateral pressure on retaining walls
Components of Stresses in Soil
1. Existing overburden pressure due to soil self weight)
σv = vertical normal overburden pressure
σh = horizontal normal overburden pressure = kσv
since, σv ≠ σh
τ = shear stresses accompanying σv and σh

2. Added loads and/or excavation

Stresses due to Existing Overburden Pressure
 For a saturated soil deposit (γ ) with
groundwater table above
• The total vertical stress (σ) at depth (z) equals the

weight of solids and water per unit area above

that depth:

𝝈 = 𝜸𝒔𝒂𝒕 𝒛 + 𝜸𝒘 𝒉𝒘

 The total vertical stress (σ) is divided into 2 parts:

1. Portion carried by water in voids =
pore‐water pressure (u)
2- Portion carried by solids at their
point of contact = effective stress (σ’)
The total vertical stress (σ) can be expressed as:
𝜎 = 𝑢 + 𝜎′
 The pore‐water pressure hydrostatic) at depth z:

𝒖 = 𝜸𝒘 𝒉𝒘 + 𝒛

 The effective vertical stress at depth z:

𝝈′ = 𝝈 − 𝒖
=𝜸𝒔𝒂𝒕 𝒛 + 𝜸𝒘 𝒉𝒘 − 𝜸𝒘 𝒉𝒘 + 𝒛
=(𝜸𝒔𝒂𝒕 −𝜸𝒘 )𝒛
=𝜸𝒔𝒖𝒃 𝒛 = 𝜸′ 𝒛

NOTE: σ, u, and σ’ all vary linearly with depth.

Overburden Stress Distribution with Depth
Total Stress at Po int O    h1 d  h 2  sat
where :
h1  thickness of the dry soil layer
h2  thickness of the saturated soil layer
 d  Dry Unit Weight
 sat  Saturated Unit Weight

Total Stress at Po int O      u

where :
  Effective Stress
u  Pore Water Pr essure  h2 w

Effective Stress at Po int O      u

 h1 d  h2 ( sat   w )  h1 d  h2 
where :
   Submerged Unit Weight
Capillary Rise
Considering the equilibrium of water
rise in the capillary tube:
Weight of water column = vertical
component of surface tensile force

𝒉𝒄 𝜸𝒘 = 𝝅 𝒅 𝑻 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜶
 The capillary phenomenon and its effects in soil
 The capillary phenomenon is the presence of water above the ground
water table held by surface tension forces.

 Since capillary water has a negative pore water pressure (held in

tension), capillary phenomenon causes an increase in effective stress.

 The thickness of the capillary zone depends on the size of the soil pores
which is related to permeability.
Example: For the subsoil conditions shown in fig. below draw
the total, effective stress diagrams upto a depth of 8 m.
Neglect capillary flow.
Unit Weight of the partially saturated sand above the water table
Gs  S e 2.65  0.4  0.6
 t ( sand )  w   10  18 kN / m 3 ( w 10kN / m 3 )
1 e 1  0.6
Unit Weight of saturated sand
Gs  (1) e 2.65  1 0.6
 sat ( sand )  w   10  20.3 kN / m 3 ( w 10kN / m 3 )
1 e 1  0.6
Unit Weight of saturated clay
Gs (1  w) 2.70(1  0.45)
 sat ( clay )  w   10  17.67 kN / m 3
1  w Gs 1  0.45  2.70
(e  w G when S  1.  w 10kN / m 3 )
At elevation  3 m :
  3 18  54 kN / m 2 , u  0,      u  54 kN / m 2
At elevation  5 m :
  3 18  2  20.3  94.6 kN / m 2
u  2  10  20 kN / m 2 𝑮𝒔 = 𝟐. 𝟕
𝒘 = 𝟒𝟓%
     u  74.6 kN / m 2
At elevation  8 m :
  94.6  3 17.67  147.6 kN / m 2
u  5  10  50 kN / m 2
     u  97.6 kN / m 2
For previous example, if the water table rises upto the ground surface, what
is the change in effective stress at elevation -8m?
At elevation  8m :
  5  20.3  3 17.67  154.4 kN / m 2
u  8 10  80 kN / m 2
     u  154.4  80  74.5 kN / m 2
The effective stress has decreased by 97.6  74.5  23.1 kN / m 2 .
What is the change in effective stress at elevation -8m, if in previous
example, the water table is lowered by 2 m?

At elevation  8m :
  5  18  3  17.67  147.6 kN / m 2
u  3  10  30 kN / m 2 (sin ce the Water Table is now at elevation  5m.)
   147.6  30  117 .6 kN / m 2

The effective stress has increased by 117 .6  97.6  20 kN / m 2 .

 In general, it can be understood that a rise in position of

water table results in a decrease in effective stress while a
lowering of the water table brings about an increase in
effective stress.
 This effect has an important fact on bearing capacity and
settlement of foundations.
Example: For the subsoil conditions shown in fig. below what are the
effective stress values at 1m, 2m, and 4m depth? Assume unit weight of
water = 10 kN/m3.
Gs  e 2.6  0.6
 sat ( sand )  w   10  20 kN / m 2
1 e 1  0.6
The sand is saturated by gravity flow belowW .T . and
by capillary flow upto a height of 2m above W .T .
Elevation  1m :
  1  20  20 kN / m 2
(total stress is the same
whether the soil is saturated by gravity flow or capillary flow.)
u  1  10  10 kN / m 2
Elevation  2m :
  2  20  40 kN / m 2
u  0 ( pore water pressure  0 at W .T .)
   40 kN / m 2
Elevation  4m :
  4  20  80 kN / m 2
u  2  10  20 kN / m 2
   80  20  60 kN / m 2
At Elevation 0m :
 0
u  2  10  20 kN / m 2
     u  0  (20)  20 kN / m 2
Example: For the soil formation shown plot the variation of the vertical
shown, total and effective stresses as well as the pore water pressure with

Stresses in Saturated Soil without Seepage

Water level is the same on both sides, no flow, static

• At point X:
σ = γwhw + γsatz
u = γw(hw + z)
σ’ = σ – u
= γ’z

Stresses in Saturated‐Downward Seepage

σ = γwhw + γsatz (as for static case)
u = γwhw + γw(L‐hL)(z/L)
u = γwhw + γw(z – iz)
=γw( hw + z) ‐ γwiz )

Reduction due to flow

σ’ = σ – u
Water level is not the same on both sides,
upward flow

• At point X:
σ = γwhw + γsatz
u= γwhw + γw (L+hL )(z/L)
= γwhw + γw(z + iz)
=γw(hw + z) + γwiz

Increase due to flow

σ’ = σ – u
Quick Condition

σ’ = σ – u
= γ’z – γw iz
= γw z (γ’/γw– i)

Critical hydraulic gradient ic

• If i > ic, σ’ negative, no inter‐granular contact, failure.

Quick Condition
 Boiling in sands
 Heave in clays

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