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Allergy and Hypersensitivity

W Xing and VK Vanguri, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA
ã 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Glossary Delayed-type hypersensitivity Also known as cell-mediated

Allergy A rapid immune response mediated by preformed hypersensitivity.
antigen-specific IgE and subsequent mast cell degranulation. Epitope The structural portion of a molecule recognized by
Anaphylaxis A profound form of allergy with life- an antibody.
threatening respiratory and circulatory effects caused by Granuloma An aggregate of activated macrophages and
systemic release of allergic mediators in response to antigen associated T cells that forms as a consequence of cell-
to which the immune system has been previously sensitized. mediated hypersensitivity for clearance or neutralization of
Antibody Secreted forms of the B-cell receptor that undigestible foreign material or pathogens that evade
recognize antigen; also known as immunoglobulin. intracellular killing.
Antigen A molecule that can be recognized by antibodies Histamine A molecule released by degranulated mast cells
and antibody-like molecules to elicit an immune response. and other allergic responders that mediates important local
Cell-mediated hypersensitivity A pathway of tissue damage effects on tissue that form the key clinical features of the
mediated by helper and effector T cells after T-cell activation allergic response.
by antigen-presenting cells. Hypersensitivity An exaggerated immune response that
Class switching The developmental mechanism that produces injury to host tissue.
produces different immunoglobulins of the same specificity Immediate hypersensitivity Also known as allergy.
but with distinct heavy chain-dependent effector Membrane attack complex A molecular assembly of
functionality. complement components C5b–C9 that induces perforations
Cognate The specific, correlative binding partner in in cell membranes of antibody-coated pathogens or cells.
interactions between antigen and antibody or between Opsonization The phenomenon of antibody binding to a
peptide–MHC and the T-cell receptor. target cell or pathogen that induces complement-assisted
clearance of the coated target by phagocytes.

Abbreviations Th Helper T cell

IL Interleukin TSH Thyroid-stimulating hormone
MHC Major histocompatibility complex

While the immune system normally protects the body against that comprise the complex web of immune regulation, mem-
pathogens and foreign substances, the same mechanisms of ory, and checkpoints of tolerance that are set in motion by
host defense can cause hyperreactivity of the immune response antigen exposure.
that in turn can lead to damage of host tissues. The mecha-
nisms that lead to this collateral damage are termed ‘hypersen-
sitivity,’ and they engage components of both the adaptive
and innate immune systems in the response to antigens. Allergy
The three fundamental modes of hypersensitivity include (1)
allergy, (2) B-cell- or antibody-mediated hypersensitivity, and The most rapid of the fundamental hypersensitivity responses
(3) T-cell-mediated hypersensitivity. Autoimmune diseases is allergy, also known as immediate hypersensitivity. After an
such as asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes, initial period of sensitization by a culprit antigen, IgE mole-
and sarcoidosis, each employ one or more of these mecha- cules able to recognize this antigen increase in density in
nisms concurrently during states of active pathology. vulnerable tissues depending on the expected route of antigen
While the initial triggers in some hypersensitivity reactions entry, such as the lung and airway for respiratory antigens
can be discernible antigens such as pollen, a bee sting, or a (such as in asthma), intestinal mucosa for ingested antigens,
drug, in most cases, the antigenic trigger is not often known. or dermis for contact antigens. Upon rechallenge with the same
The trigger may also have been transient and short-lived yet antigen, the preformed IgE molecules bind the antigen and are
still initiate a cascade of continued immunity and host dam- recognized by tissue-resident mast cells through their surface
age. Combating pathological tissue damage from hypersensi- IgE receptors (FceRI). The cross-linking of IgE and engagement
tivity, therefore, is rarely just the act of removing a known of FceRI lead to degranulation of the mast cell, often within
stimulus but rather involves controlling the cells and cytokines minutes of antigen entry in sensitized individuals due to the

36 Pathobiology of Human Disease: A Dynamic Encyclopedia of Disease Mechanisms

Adaptive Immunity | Allergy and Hypersensitivity 37

abundance of preformed antigen-specific antibody and the autoantibody is directed against an epitope of type IV collagen,
high affinity of the receptor/immunoglobulin interaction. specifically in the noncollagenous region of the a3 collagen
At this point, mast cells (and basophils, which share subunit, leading to lung and/or kidney damage due to the
several of these functions) release several substances from tissue distribution of type IV collagen. The autoantibody elicits
intracellular granules that act locally to produce the immediate complement binding and induces acute inflammation locally,
hypersensitivity reaction. Most notably is histamine, a power- leading to basement membrane breaks and organ-threatening
ful amine that elicits many of the local tissue responses associ- hematuria and glomerulonephritis or even life-threatening
ated with immediate hypersensitivity, such as redness (via a alveolar hemorrhage. Experimental models in which such anti-
vasodilatory effect), swelling (via an increase in vascular per- bodies are transferred to a naive organism can generate passive
meability), bronchoconstriction in asthma (via smooth muscle immunity in this manner, underscoring the pathogenicity of
contraction), and pain or itching (via a neuronal effect). Sev- the antibody and to the clinical use of plasmapheresis in
eral other mediators are also released depending on the tissue managing disease manifestations by reducing the circulating
involved and the resident mast cell population, including ara- antibody load.
chidonic acid regulators and cytokines that elicit T-cell effector Antibody–antigen immune complexes can also form in
and memory responses. If released systemically in large enough circulation and precipitate out of serum or deposit in specific
quantities, these same mediators can cause the potentially fatal vascular beds and tissues as a result of solubility consider-
form of immediate hypersensitivity known as anaphylaxis. ations, pressure and flow in the microenvironment, or size
The T-cell response involved in allergy is skewed to the Th2 and charge characteristics of the immune complex. In diseases
axis, and it plays key roles in the initial sensitization phase, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, these immune deposits
rechallenge, and a persistent state of heightened responsive- become hot spots of aggregated Fc receptors and complement,
ness in chronic allergic states. At the outset, the antigen is inducing phagocyte recruitment. In many ways, this response
processed and presented by antigen-presenting cells to naive is akin to that used in opsonization of pathogens by antibody
CD4 T cells via major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and subsequent clearance of the foreign invaders. The non-
class II. These T cells differentiate into IL-4-, IL-5-, and IL-13- antigen-specific phagocytic response of the innate immune
producing Th2 cells that coordinate class switching to IgE upon system responds to antibody and complement aggregates
engagement with cognate B cells. The local antigen-specific IgE with receptor-mediated internalization into the phagolyso-
milieu is thus created, primed, and ready for rechallenge. With some. Inadvertently, elaborated lysosomal enzymes during
persistent antigen exposure, the Th2 microenvironment can this process of internalization appear to cause lytic damage to
sustain chronic inflammation and reparative changes in the nearby cells and matrix. Clearance of the seemingly opsonized
affected tissue, actively promoting hyperresponsiveness with particles may be physiologically desired, but in the case of
even greater densities of antigen-specific IgE and other allergic hypersensitivity, undesired tissue damage occurs due to the
responders such as mast cells, basophils, and eosinophils. local effects of inflammation and enzymatic digestion of the
proximal cells and tissues through the elaborated proteases
Antibody-Mediated Hypersensitivity from the lysosome.
Even without the complement cascade, antibody binding to
The B-cell arm of the adaptive immune system participates in its epitope can also play a stimulatory or inhibitory role, and
hypersensitivity reactions in several ways, mainly through anti- most consider this phenomenon as a form of antibody-
body production. While immediate hypersensitivity involves mediated hypersensitivity. Graves’ disease is a thyroid disease
IgE and mast cell degranulation, classical antibody-mediated in which autoantibodies bind to the receptor for thyroid-
hypersensitivity involves the binding and cross-linking of stimulating hormone (TSH) on the surface of thyroid follicular
antigen-specific antibodies to targets, in many cases followed epithelium. The autoantibodies can be stimulating to the
by complement fixation and either by destruction of the C5b– receptor leading to hyperthyroidism or can be inhibitory
C9 membrane attack complex or by deposition and aggrega- through blockade and competition with TSH, leading to
tion of immune complexes and recruitment of phagocytes. hypothyroidism.
Antibodies generated in an immune response directed against
a pathogen can also cross-react with epitopes on self- Cell-Mediated Hypersensitivity
molecules, aberrantly labeling host tissues themselves as
targets for antibody-dependent clearance mechanisms. It is The T-cell arm of the adaptive immune system is also involved
important to note that although the dominant, reductionist in many ways in hypersensitivity responses. In addition to the
principle in this group of hypersensitivity reactions involves roles of T cells described in the text earlier in immediate hyper-
antibody, experimental models and studies of human disease sensitivity, there is accruing experimental evidence that T cells
in many cases highlight defects of T cells or antigen-presenting are often a necessary component of generation or propagation
cells at nodes of antigen presentation, costimulation, class of antibody-dependent or antibody-independent autoimmune
switching in the lymphoid follicle, or other developmental responses, as adoptive transfer of sensitized T cells from organ-
mechanisms of tolerance that ultimately lead to an undesired isms with experimental disease can elicit pathogenic responses
humoral response. in naive recipients. In contrast to immediate hypersensitivity,
Antibody can bind to fixed antigens on cells and tissues, however, T-cell engagement in an immune response is most
leading to host damage. Recognition of fixed antigen plays a productive when a T-cell clone with defined specificity engages
role in diseases such as Goodpasture syndrome, in which an its cognate peptide–MHC on an antigen-presenting cell,
38 Adaptive Immunity | Allergy and Hypersensitivity

usually in a secondary lymphoid organ. A coordinated T-cell production at play in antibody-mediated hypersensitivity reac-
response, therefore, takes 7–10 days with a naive repertoire, tions as well. CD4 þ T cells can initiate host damage through
leading to the characterization of hypersensitivity reactions direction of inflammation in Th1 or Th17 responses, and
with prominent cell components as ‘delayed-type’ hypersensi- indeed, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis
tivity. If a significant memory population exists, T-cell- and type 1 diabetes appear due to a loss of T-cell tolerance
mediated hypersensitivity can be elicited more briskly, even with the engagement of effector cells such as cytotoxic CD8 þ T
within 1–3 days of rechallenge. cells and neutrophils through IFNg and IL-17-rich cytokine
The archetype of delayed-type hypersensitivity is granulo- milieus in precipitating tissue injury. Interestingly, the second-
matous inflammation, in which CD4þ T-cell-dependent ary lymphoid organs and affected peripheral tissues in murine
aggregates of activated macrophages and associated lympho- models of these autoimmune diseases can contain several
cytes develop in tissues. Granulomatous inflammation is T-cell subsets indicating concomitant patterns of T-cell differ-
exemplified in the host response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis entiation, suggesting that host damage can occur through the
and other organisms that resist intracellular killing and foreign engagement of multiple simultaneous mechanisms of
material that is essentially enzymatically undigestible to mono- hypersensitivity.
nuclear phagocytes. Sarcoidosis shows chronic granulomatous
inflammation without a clear antigenic trigger or pathogen.
Under polarized Th1 conditions, the T cells proliferate, as do
the macrophages, which are also primed for intracellular Further Reading
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Weinstein, J.S., Hernandez, S.G., Craft, J., 2012. T cells that promote B-cell maturation
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involved in directing the actions of B cells and antibody (*). Annu. Rev. Immunol. 28, 445–489.

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