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Banner Employee Self-Service

Salary Planner Handbook

Release 8.0
June 2008

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Publication Date Summary

June 2008 New version that supports Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 software.

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Copyright © SunGard Higher Education 2005-2008. This document is proprietary and confidential information of SunGard Higher
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Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0
Salary Planner Handbook


Chapter 1 Overview

Salary Planner Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

Comparison Between the Salary Planner and Spreadsheet Budgeting . . . . 1-4

Chapter 2 Salary Planner Setup

Establish Access to the Salary Planner Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Assign Roles to Salary Planner Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

Establish Banner Security for Salary Planner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

Set Up Banner Forms for the Salary Planner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6

Chapter 3 Salary Planner Functions

Create Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

Copy Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4

Edit Scenario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6

Position Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Employee Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
Search Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
List by Employee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Employee Detail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29
Job Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42
Job Labor Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-59
List By Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-61

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 iii

Salary Planner Handbook
Position Detail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-68
Position Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-72
Summary Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-76
Default Regular Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-80
Account Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-82
Job Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-85
Position Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-86
Organizations with No Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-88

Organization Lock Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-88

Change Organization Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-91

Query Multiple Extracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-93

Multiple Extracts - Employee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-95
Multiple Extracts - Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-96
Multiple Extracts Summary Totals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-97

Data Download to a .CSV Spreadsheet File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-98

Data With a Leading Zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-99

Web Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-100

Chapter 4 Technical Information

Salary Planner Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

Related Banner Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13

Utility Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15

Salary Planner Web Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16

Related Web Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16

iv Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
1 Overview

To help identify the financial needs of an organization, budgets are established for various
activities from office supplies and travel expenses to Labor or Position Budgets. Although
Banner’s Spreadsheet Budgeting application does allow you to download and work on
budget data associated with positions, a new application - the Salary Planner harnesses the
existing functionality of Spreadsheet Budgeting and also provides additional powerful
administrative features that control the distribution and display of information across an

The Salary Planner is a Web application that allows authorized administrative personnel
such as HR Managers and Department Heads to evaluate, plan, and create budgets for any
fiscal year. This application allows designated employees the ability to create multiple
versions of budgets to eventually determine the final fiscal year budget that meets the
approval of the organization.

It also allows for mass salary changes anytime during or prior to the fiscal year. This can
be outside of budgeting such as mid-year increases. For example, when the Plumbers
Union negotiates a new contract for 3% increase for all employees in the Union. The
Salary Planner enhancement can be used to apply, review and upload salary amounts, as
an alternative to the existing NBPMASS process in Banner Human Resources.

JavaScript must be enabled in the browser to use the Salary Planner in
Employee Self-Service. „

Main features of the Salary Planner application include:

• The ability to download as well as upload Position Budget and job salary data into
Banner Human Resources by means of an Extract process and an Upload Process
through Job Submission in Banner.
• A decentralized yet controlled method of distribution and access to Position Budget
and job salary data to designated employees at various levels across the enterprise.
• The creation of generic high-level budget scenarios as well as subsequent detailed
budget scenarios.
The creation and/or update of budget scenarios are subject to new security factors
such as, the user’s role in the Salary Planner, the user’s budget organization
security set up in Banner, as well as existing Banner HR security.
• The ability to modify the Position Budget and/or Salary Budget for a specific
Position or Employee, or Mass Apply a budget change(s) to a group of positions
and/or employees.

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Salary Planner Handbook
The Salary Planner relies on data entered in Banner Position Control,
Banner Human Resources and Banner Finance (if installed) for budget creation and
budget locking through Employee Self-Service.

Using Banner functionality, a budget is created by establishing a Budget ID and a Phase in

the Banner Finance system. Each Position Budget is associated with a Budget ID and
Phase, with the budget status classified as either Working or Approved for a specific fiscal
year. A PositionBudget record may be further identified by using a Budget Profile, a new
position attribute added in Banner Human Resources 6.1. The Budget Profile allows for a
specific description to be associated with the position's budget, such as Recurring,
Nonrecurring or Grant.

The Budget Extract ID, refers to a set of rules specified to extract budget data from Banner
Human Resources into the Salary Planner via the new Salary Planner Extract Process
(NBPSPEX). The extract rules and Budget Extract IDs defined in the Salary Planner
Extract Rules Form (NTRSPEX) identify a select list of positions, and associated jobs for
inclusion in a budget model or scenario. All budget scenarios in the Salary Planner are
created from the information downloaded into the Salary Planner via the NBPSPEX
extract process.

The NBPSPEX process extracts the data from the Position Control and
Payroll tables into corresponding tables of the Salary Planner. All
modifications made to budget scenarios in the Salary Planner are
maintained in these separate tables. „

Refer to Chapter 13, “Reports and Processes” of the Human Resources
User Guide, for more details regarding the NBPSPEX process. „

Users modify the budget scenarios in the Salary Planner. After final changes are input, the
locked scenario is uploaded into Banner Human Resources using the Salary Planner
Update Process (NBPSPUP).

Refer to Chapter 13, “Reports and Processes” of the Human Resources
User Guide, for more details regarding the upload process, NBPSPUP. „

1-2 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
The Salary Planner Update Process (NBPSPUP) updates NBAPBUD records for
positions. It also generates EPAF forms for NBAJOBS records which can be further
reviewed and modified on the Electronic Personnel Action form (NOAEPAF) or the
Electronic Approvals Summary Form (NOAAPSM) to incorporate the final changes into
Banner through standard EPAF procedures. EPAFs may be mass applied by running the
Electronic Approvals Mass Apply Process (NOPEAMA).

The necessary Approval Types and Approval Categories for the Salary
Planner are delivered as seed data specifically to enable the Salary
Planner Upload process (NBPSPUP) to create EPAFs, when data is
uploaded back into Banner from the Salary Planner. „

Banner Human Resources application is required for implementing the Salary Planner
application in Employee Self-Service.

Salary Planner Users

The Salary Planner application can be accessed only by a select group of employees since
budget specifics are usually confined to a finite set of administrative users. Consequently,
two types of user roles have been identified, having a different degree of administrative
access within the Salary Planner. These user roles are assigned by your WebTailor
Administrator. These are:
• Master Salary Planner
Master Salary Planners modify the initial scenario and create scenarios from the
initial data extract. The scenario created by the NBPSPEX extract process is
referred to as the Initial Scenario. Subsequent scenarios are created by the Master
Salary Planner and can be named as desired.
• HR Manager(s)
HR Managers have the ability to modify scenarios (other than the Initial scenario)
based on their Budget Organization Access, Employer, Employee Class, and Salary

Employees designated as Master Salary Planners and HR Managers work with budget
information to develop the most optimal budget scenario.

Refer to the topic “Assign Roles to Salary Planner Users” on page 2-3 for more details on
how to set up Salary Planner user roles in WebTailor.

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Salary Planner Handbook
Comparison Between the Salary Planner
and Spreadsheet Budgeting
The following table draws a comparison between the Salary Planner and Spreadsheet

Feature Salary Planner Spreadsheet Budgeting

Downloads Positions and Jobs Salary Yes Yes


Upload Position budgets? Yes Yes

Upload Job Salary Data? Yes No

Security control over data after it has Yes No

been downloaded?

1-4 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
2 Salary Planner Setup

To implement and use the Salary Planner in Employee Self-Service, an enterprise must
perform the following tasks.

1. Establish access to the Salary Planner menu in Employee Self-Service.

This task has to be performed by your WebTailor Administrator only if you have
customized the Employee Self-Service Main Menu. Otherwise, proceed to Step 2.

2. Define the role of each user in the Salary Planner. This task has to be performed by
your WebTailor Administrator.

3. Establish Banner Security for the Salary Planner.

4. Set up rules for Salary Planner in Human Resources and/or Finance forms.

The following topics outline each step detail.

Establish Access to the Salary Planner

Apply the following steps if you have customized the Employee Self-Service Main Menu.
That is, if one LOCAL row (twgrmenu_source_ind=L) is found in the twgrmenu table for

After completing the install,

1. Log on to Employee Self-Service with an ID that has access to WebTailor


2. Select the Web Tailor Administration menu.

3. Select Menu Items.

4. Select the Web menu, pmenu.p_MainMnu, from the pull-down list.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 2-1

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Setup
5. Select the Customize Menu Items button.

You will see a list of menu entries for the Employee Main Menu. If at least one
LOCAL entry is displayed then continue with the following steps. Otherwise, exit
Employee Self-Service making no changes, and proceed to assign roles to Salary
Planner users by following instructions on 2-3.

6. Select the Add a New Menu Item button.

7. On the Create a New Menu Item page, enter the following information:

8. Select the Submit Changes button.

9. Follow the instructions outlined in the next topic to “Assign Roles to Salary Planner
Users” on page 2-3.

10. Then, log on the Employee Self-Service as a Salary Planner user. The Salary Planner
menu should be listed under the Employee Main Menu.

All Web packages and Web procedures specific to the Salary Planner are
delivered as seed data by SunGard Higher Education. For a complete list
of all packages/procedures delivered for the Salary Planner, refer to the
topic, “Web Procedures” on page 3-100. „

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Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Setup
Assign Roles to Salary Planner Users
Two types of users can access the Salary Planner. Each user type is identified by their role
in the Salary Planner. These include:
• Master Salary Planners and
• HR Managers

These new roles are added to the Web Tailor table, TWTVROLE, via the utility script,
UTWTVORLE.SQL and the WebTailor Administrator at your enterprise assigns the role(s) of
each user.

To define the role of each user in the Salary Planner, access the WebTailor application.

1. Log on to Employee Self-Service with your WebTailor Administrator ID and


2. Select the WebTailor Administration menu.

3. Select the User Roles menu option.

4. Enter the ID of the employee who is to be assigned the user role and select Submit.

5. On the Update User Roles page, mark the corresponding check box to assign the
employee any of the following roles in the Salary Planner:
• HR Manager
• Master Salary Planner

Master Salary Planners have all the privileges of the HR Manager role,
plus the ability to create scenarios and edit the Initial scenario. Therefore,
it is not necessary to assign the HR Manager role to a user who has the
Master Salary Planner role. „

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 2-3

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Setup
Establish Banner Security for Salary
Access to Salary Planner information can be controlled at the application level and at the
user level in Banner.

An enterprise can establish Banner security for the Salary Planner at four levels:
• Organization security - by setting the Organizational Security indicator in the
Salary Planner Rules window on the Position Control Installation Rules Form
(NTRINST). Organization security in the Salary Planner is based on the position
organization defined on the Position Salary Budgets window in the Postion Budget

This indicator turns on/off the Organization security for Salary Planner
only. „

For more details, refer to the NTRINST form in the Human Resources User Guide.
• Employee Class security - using the existing functionality of the Employee Class
Security Form (PSAECLS) and the Installation Rules Form (PTRINST). Employee
Class security in the Salary Planner is based on the position Employee Class
defined on the Position Definition form (NBAPOSN).

This indicator turns on/off the Employee Class security for both Banner
Forms and Salary Planner. „

• Employer security - using the existing functionality of Employer Security Form

(PSAEMPR) and the Installation Rules Form (PTRINST).

This indicator turns on/off the Employer security for both Banner Forms
and Salary Planner. „

• Salary Level security - by specifying in the User Code Rules Form (PTRUSER)
and the Installation Rules Form (PTRINST).

This indicator turns on/off the Salary Level security for both Banner Forms
and the Salary Planner. „

Organization Hierarchy

In addition to specifying organization security, an organization hierarchy structure must

also be established for the Salary Planner. Organization hierarchy can be implemented at
enterprises having either Banner Human Resources or Banner Finance. Organization
hierarchy is established on the Organization Code Validation Form (PTVORGN) at

2-4 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Setup
enterprises having only Banner Human Resources whereas the Organization Code
Maintenance Form (FTMORGN) is used at enterprises having Banner Finance.

Organization hierarchy in Banner Finance takes precedence for
enterprises that have Banner Human Resources as well as Banner

All other levels of security have to be implemented in Banner Human

Resources regardless of where the organization hierarchy is established.
Therefore, Banner Human Resources is a mandatory requirement for the
Salary Planner. „

Security at the user level can be set up for Salary Planner users with the following types of
organization access:
• Update
• Query or
• None

These levels of access can be specified on the User Code Rules Form (PTRUSER) for
each user.

Users with Update access can access, edit, and modify data in the Salary Planner for all
organizations in all COAs.

Users with Query access can only access and review information in the Salary Planner.
They cannot edit or modify data in the Salary Planner unless additional Organization
security is established on the Salary Planner Security Form (NSASPSC).

Users with None access cannot access or view information in the Salary Planner
application in Employee Self-Service unless additional organization security is established
on the Salary Planner Security Form (NSASPSC).

Users with Query or None access in the User Code Rules Form
(PTRUSER) can be given access to view or modify information for
specific organizations in the Salary Planner. Access to these
organizations can be established on the Salary Planner Security Form
(NSASPSC). In this case, NSASPSC overrides the security setup in
PTRUSER for the specified organizations. „

For a detailed description of the Salary Planner Security Form (NSASPSC), refer to the
online help of Banner Human Resources.

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Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Setup
Set Up Banner Forms for the Salary
After setting up Banner security for the Salary Planner, specify the following rules for the
Salary Planner in Banner Human Resources:

1. Run the script, NSPACAT.SQL to create Approval Types and assign Approval
Categories. You must provide names for Approval Categories and Approval Types
when running this script. For example, SPCSAL, SPCJLD, SPCHRS, SPCALL and
SPTSAL, SPTJLD, SPTHRS respectively. This script has been developed specifically
to enable the Salary Planner Upload process (NBPSPUP) to create EPAFs, when data
is uploaded back into Banner from the Salary Planner.

You must provide the names for the Approval Categories and Approval
Types when running this script. For example, SPCSAL, SPCJLD,

The Approval Categories established here are used in the Position Control Installation
Rules Form (NTRINST).

2. Create approval levels and identify users on the Electronic Approval Level Rules
Form (NTRALVL). These will be used on the Electronic Approval Category Rules
form (NTRACAT).

3. In the Salary Planner Rules window of the Position Control Installation Rules Form
(NTRINST), define rules for the display of jobs in the Salary Planner application and
identify approval categories that will be responsible for reviewing EPAFs when data
has been uploaded back into Banner.

4. Create Budget Profile codes in the Budget Profile Validation Form (NTVBPRO) if

5. Associate positions with a Budget Profile on the Position Budget Form (NBAPBUD)
if desired. This provides a mechanism by which positions can be further defined for
budgeting purposes.

Each position can be associated with only one Budget Profile at any
time. „

6. On the Job Change Reason Rule Form (PTRJCRE) indicate the job change reasons
that are to be displayed and included in the Totals in the Salary Planner. At least one
reason is required by the Salary Planner.

7. On the Salary Planner Extract Rules Form (NTRSPEX), create Budget Extract IDs
and specify criteria by which data is to be extracted from Banner Human Resources.

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Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Setup
8. A user runs the Salary Planner Extract Process (NBPSPEX) in Banner HR to
download the budget extract into the Salary Planner for a specific Budget Extract ID.

Any user of Banner HR can run this Extract process regardless of the
Salary Planner security. However, your Database Administrator can
restrict it to only Salary Planner users through the Oracle Role Security
set up. „

9. Master Salary Planners modify the Initial Scenario (optional) and create multiple
budget scenarios from the Initial Scenario in the Salary Planner.

10. HR Managers can now modify budget scenarios (other than the Initial Scenario) in
the Salary Planner and copy their final changes into a final scenario.

11. A Master Salary Planner uploads the locked final version of the budget scenario back
into Banner via the new Salary Planner Update Process (NBPSPUP). The user
running the upload process must have a record created on the Electronic Approval
Routing Rule Form (NTRROUT).

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Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Setup
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Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Setup
3 Salary Planner Functions

Select the Salary Planner from the Employee menu to access the following menu options.

Links to Other Web Pages

This Link Action

Create Scenario Goes to the Create Scenario page


Copy Scenario Goes to the Copy Scenario page


Edit Scenario Goes to the Edit Scenario page


Organization Lock Goes to the Organization Lock Selection page


Query Multiple Extracts Goes to the Query Multiple Extracts page


The following pages provide detailed field descriptions and functionality of web pages
under each of the above options.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-1

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Create Scenario
The Create Scenario Web page is displayed upon selecting the Create Scenario menu
option in the Salary Planner menu.

This menu option and Web page is accessible only to those employees
who have been designated as Master Salary Planners in the WebTailor
application. „

Master Salary Planners can create new scenarios that are available for HR Managers to
review and edit. Each new scenario is an exact duplicate of the Initial scenario that was
created by the extract process. The new scenario is identified by means of a unique
scenario name assigned by the Master Salary Planner during the Create Scenario process.
All organizations in the new scenario are created with an Unlocked status.

In the Scenario Selection section create a new budget scenario with the data extracted from
Banner Human Resources

Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Choose an Extract ID to copy from, enter a new Scenario name and select Create

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information
Select a Budget Extract ID in the Scenario Selection section.

Extract ID Displays the IDs of all budget extracts downloaded from

Banner HR via the Salary Planner Extract Process
(NBPSPEX) in a pull-down list.
Select a Budget Extract ID to create a new scenario.

Save As Scenario Enter a name for the new scenario to be saved.

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Create Scenario Goes to the Position Filters page


3-2 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

Copy Scenario Goes to the Copy Scenario page


Edit Scenario Goes to the Edit Scenario page


Organization Lock Goes to the Organization Lock Selection page


Query Multiple Extracts Goes to the Query Multiple Extracts page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Edit Scenario page

Copy Scenario page

Organization Lock Selection page

Change Organization Lock page

Query Multiple Extracts page

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-3

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Copy Scenario
The Copy Scenario page allows Salary Planner users to copy data from one scenario to
another. HR Managers and Master Salary Planners can use this functionality to copy all
changes from one scenario to another.

Records belonging to a locked organization can be copied from, but data cannot be copied
into a scenario whose organizations are locked unless the user has access to the
predecessor organization, and the predecessor is unlocked. When records are copied for an
organization, the organization’s Locked status in the destination scenario will always
default to Unlocked.

To copy data from one scenario to another:

1. Select a source scenario.

2. Specify a destination scenario.

3. Click Copy.

All types of security (Organization, Employee Class, etc.) are applied to
the copy process. For example, if a user has access to only one
Employee Class then only positions in that Employee Class and their
associated jobs will be copied. „

Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Choose an Extract ID, Scenario and Organization in the Copy From table. Then choose a
Scenario in the Copy To table, and select Copy.

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Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information
Specify the following information in the Copy From section:

Extract ID Displays a list of Extract IDs that Salary Planner users have
access to. The list displayed here depends on the user’s
access to organizations established by his/her Organization

Scenario Displays a list of all scenarios associated with an Extract ID

in alphanumeric order, regardless of their lock status.
Note: Initial scenarios will not be included in this list.

Organization Displays a list of all organizations to which Salary Planner

users have update access, based on their Organization
Select multiple organizations by using the CTRL or SHFT

Include Subordinate Select this check box to copy data from the subordinate
Organizations organizations belonging to a predecessor organization
selected in the Organization field.
Note: Only data for those organizations to which the user
has update access will be copied.

The organization hierarchy has to be previously established

PTVORGN If Banner Finance is not installed.
FTMORGN If Banner Finance is installed.

Copy To Scenario Select a destination scenario to copy to.

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Copy Copies the data from one scenario to another.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-5

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

Create Scenario Goes to the Create Scenario page


Edit Scenario Goes to the Edit Scenario page


Organization Lock Goes to the Organization Lock Selection page


Query Multiple Extracts Goes to the Query Multiple Extracts page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Edit Scenario

Copy Scenario

Organization Lock Selection

Change Organization Lock

Query Multiple Extracts

Edit Scenario
The Edit Scenario page can be accessed by all users of the Salary Planner application.
Master Salary Planner and HR Manager users use this page to select a Budget Extract ID
and Scenario for viewing/editing.

This page displays a list of all budget extracts and scenarios that have been created.
However, only Master Salary Planners will have access to the Initial scenario. HR
Managers can edit only those scenarios that have been created by the Master Salary

It is important to note that new budget scenarios cannot be created on
this Web page. This functionality is available only in the Create Scenario
page. For more details refer to page 3-2. „

3-6 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Choose Extract ID and Scenario, then select filter criteria.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information
Select a Budget Extract ID in the Scenario Selection section.

Extract ID Displays the IDs of available Budget Extracts downloaded

from Banner HR via the Budget Extract Process
(NBPSPEX) in a pull-down list.
Select a Budget Extract ID to edit.
Master Salary Planners can see all downloaded budget

Scenario Displays a list of available scenarios created using the

selected Extract ID. Select the appropriate scenario from the
pull-down list.
Master Salary Planners see the Initial scenario listed as an
entry in the pull-down list. This option will not be listed for
HR Managers.

Specify the filter criteria to be used to select data within the Extract ID - Scenario.
Options include:

By Position Attributes Records may be filtered by Position attributes. For example,

by Organization, Employee Class, Bargaining Unit, etc.

By Employee Name Records may be filtered by Employee name or ID.

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Select Goes to the Position Filters page if the By Position

Attributes radio button is selected.

Goes to the Employee Filter page if the By Employee Name
radio button is selected.

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Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

Create Scenario Goes to the Create Scenario page


Copy Scenario Goes to the Copy Scenario page


Organization Lock Goes to the Organization Lock Selection page


Query Multiple Extracts Goes to the Query Multiple Extracts page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Create Scenario

Copy Scenario

Search Results

Organization Lock Selection

Change Organization Lock

Query Multiple Extracts

Position Filters

The Position Filters page is displayed under the following circumstances:

• When Master Salary Planners create a new scenario and select the Create
Scenario button on the Create Scenario page

• When Master Salary Planners or HR Managers choose to filter by Position
Attributes on the Edit Scenario page.

This page is used to further refine the Positions and Jobs displayed on all subsequent pages
in the Salary Planner. Filter criteria include: Organizations, Employee Classes, Bargaining
Units, Faculty Rank, Vacant Positions, and Single Positions.

3-8 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
The Organization, Employee Class, and Bargaining Unit criteria are applied against the
Position only.

For example, if the user selects Organization 2700 and Employee Class F1 - Faculty
12 month, only Positions budgeted in Org 2700 and Employee Class F1, and only jobs
associated with those Positions will be selected for display. A Job with Time Sheet
Organization 2700 and Employee Class F1 will only be selected if the Position to
which it is associated is also in Organization 2700 and Employee Class F1.

Organization and Employee Class security within the Salary Planner are driven by the
Position Budget as defined on Position Definition Form (NBAPOSN) and the Position
Budget Form (NBAPBUD).

Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Enter filter criteria and select desired button. Use Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information

Item Description/Source Information

Organizations Displays a list of all organizations to which Salary Planner

users have either update or query access based on their
Organization security established in Banner HR.
Select multiple organizations by using the CTRL or the
SHFT keys.

Include Subordinate Select this check box to copy data from any subordinate
Organizations organization belonging to a predecessor organization
selected in the Organization field.
The organization hierarchy has to be previously established
PTVORGN If Banner Finance is not installed.
FTMORGN If Banner Finance is installed.

Employee Class Displays a list of Employee Classes included in the extract,

to which the user has access.
Select one or more Employee Classes from the
pull-down list, using the CTRL + SHIFT key.

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Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Bargaining Unit Displays a list of Bargaining Units that were included in the
Select one or more Bargaining Units from the pull-down list
using the CTRL + SHIFT key.

Faculty Rank Displays a list of Faculty Rank codes included in the extract.
Select one or more Faculty Rank codes from the
pull-down list using the CTRL + SHIFT key.

Include Pooled Positions Select this check box to include pooled positions that have
been included in the extract. Otherwise, only single positions
will be included.
Pooled refers to the attribute set on the Position Budget Form
(NBAPBUD) and generally refers to those positions that
would have more than one person associated with them.

Include Vacant Positions Select this check box to include any vacant positions that
were included by the extract.

Number of Records per Indicate your choice for the number of records that are to be
Page displayed in the resulting Web page.
Select a number from the pull-down list.

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

List by Employee Goes to the List by Employee page


Summary Totals Goes to the Summary Totals page


List by Position Goes to the List by Position page


Links to Other Web Pages

This Link Action

Employee Filter Goes to the Employee Filter page


3-10 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Other Web Pages With Links to This Page
Employee Filter

List by Position

List by Employee

Employee Detail

Job Detail

Summary Totals

Employee Filter

The Employee Filters page is displayed when HR Managers and/or Master Salary
Planners choose to filter information by employee name on the Edit Scenario page.

This page displays a list of search criteria that can be specified to locate an employee in a
specific budget scenario.

Employees can be located by conducting an exact search or a wild card search. An exact
search can be made if the Employee’s ID is known whereas a wild card search can be
made by entering the Percent sign (%) in any field. If an exact match is found, the
Employee Detail page is displayed for the corresponding employee. If more than one
employee meets the search criteria a list of employees is displayed on the Search Results

When using a wildcard in the name, Oracle Soundex logic is used to display search results.
Example: if you enter Si% you may get results like Sillman, Simon or Soho.

This Web page can be accessed from the Edit Scenario page, Position Filter page, List by
Position page, List by Employee page, or the Summary Totals page.

Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Enter the Last Name and or First Name of the employee. Enter an ID or use the percent
sign as a wildcard. For example, Tay% in the Last Name field will retrieve employees with
last names that start with 'Tay'.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-11

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Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Last Name Search for an employee by entering his/her Last Name. Enter
the exact last name or specify a wild card search. For
example, ANDERSON or AN%.
Note: Search is not case-sensitive.

First Name Search for an employee by entering his/her First Name.

Enter the exact first name or specify a wild card search. For
example, ALLISON or AL%.
Note: Search is not case-sensitive.

ID Specify an exact search or a wild card search using the

Employee’s Banner ID.
For example, BAN12345 or BAN%.

Number of Records per Select the number of records to be displayed on each page.

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Go Goes to the Search Results page if multiple names that match

the search criteria are returned,
Goes to the Employee Detail page if the search finds an exact
match or results in only a single match from a wild card

Links to Other Web Pages

This Link Action

Position Filter Goes to the Position Filters page


3-12 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Other Web Pages With Links to This Page
Position Filter

List by Position

List by Employee

Employee Detail

Job Detail

Search Results

The Search Results page displays a list of all employees who match the search criteria
entered on the Employee Filter page. Each employee is listed by their Last Name, First
Name, and their Employee ID in Banner.

Select a Name to access and review an employee’s job and salary information on the
Employee Details page.

The Search Results page can be accessed only from the Employee Filters page.

HR Managers and Master Salary Planners are given access to only a
certain subset of positions through the Banner Security set up for each
individual user of Salary Planner. Consequently, each employee
designated as a HR Manager or a Master Salary Planner can only view
and access those employees that match the search criteria for those
positions that are included within the limits established by their Banner
Organization security. „

Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Select an employee to access the Employee Detail Page.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information

Name Displays the employee’s first name and last name.

ID Displays the employee’s Banner ID.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-13

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

Edit Scenario Goes to the Edit Scenario page


List by Employee

The List by Employee page displays the job and salary information of each employee for
all positions that met the filter criteria entered on the Position or Employee Filter page.

The information displayed on this page is restricted based on the user security as
established in Banner Human Resources.

It is important to note that this means that Salary Planner users may not see the salaries of
all jobs associated with a particular employee.

The List by Employee page allows Salary Planner users to:

• Apply mass changes in salary for all employees within each organization

Changes in salaries are limited to those jobs with salary level at Step 0
(zero). The Job Detail page has to be accessed to mass change salaries
at all other levels. „

• Enter salary changes to specific employees in one or more organizations.

To accommodate for either situation, information on this page is organized in the

following four tables:
• Mass Change Table
• List by Employee Table
• Organization Totals Table
• Filter Criteria Table

Salary changes are awarded in terms of percents or amounts for various reasons. Each
Reason is listed in the Mass Change Table. Reasons for awarding a salary change can be
included or excluded in the calculation of Organization Totals. The Reasons are defined in
the Job Change Reason Code Rule Form (PTRJCRE).

3-14 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Change Percents and Change Amounts set up to be included in the totals will be used to
calculate both, the Employee Change Percent and Change Amount and the Departmental
Change Percent and Change Amount.

For example, if the following percents are entered for each reason:

Reason Percent Amount Include in Change Totals

Merit Increase 3.0 Yes

Cost of Living 2.0 Yes

Other 1.0 No

Then the employee’s total departmental change percent is 5%, disregarding the 1%
associated with the Other reason. This value is displayed in the Change Percent field
of the List by Employee table on this page.

Changes to salary are applied to only those jobs that are updateable to
each Salary Planner user based on the user’s organization security and
the organization’s lock status. „

The Mass Change table is followed by an alphabetical listing of employees within each
organization. Here, changes can be entered in terms of percents or amounts for a specific
employee. However, the Change Percent and Change Amount fields will not be
enterable unless:
• No change reason amounts or percents were previously entered, or
• The only change reason previously entered is the default change reason (i.e., the
change reason with priority = 1 on PTRJCRE),
• The employee has just one job at Step = 0.

Access the Employee Detail page or the Job Detail page if a salary change is being
awarded for any other reason.

The changes entered in the List by Employee table are totaled in the following
Organization Totals table, which displays the totals at the organization level.

This is followed by a listing of the filter criteria that resulted in the selection and display of
data on this page.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-15

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Salary Planner Functions
Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Enter a Mass Change or modify an employee, then select Save. Rounding applies to both
Mass Change and individual employee changes.

Web Page Fields

The following fields are displayed on the List by Employee page.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information
Mass Change Table - Enter the following information.

Rounding Select a rounding method from the pull-down list to specify

if percentage increases and individual salary amounts are to
be rounded to the nearest dollar when mass applied.
Options include:
None (Default) No rounding method is employed.
1.00 Annual Salary is rounded to the nearest
dollar or unit percent.
10.00 Annual Salary is rounded to the nearest
multiple of 10.
100.00 Annual Salary is rounded to the nearest
multiple of 100.
At the time of data entry, individual employee salary
changes are also rounded using the rounding indicator.

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Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Hourly or Salary Indicate the type of jobs to which the change is to be mass
applied. Select any one of the following options from the
pull-down list:
Both (Default) The change in percent or amount will
be applied to the Annual Salary
regardless of how the job is classified.
Hourly The change in percent or amount will
be applied to hourly jobs only, to the
hourly rate.
Salary The change in percent or amount will
be applied to salaried jobs only, to
the Annual Salary.
Note: Mass changes can be applied for jobs only at Step 0
(zero). Otherwise the changes must be made on the Job
Detail page.

Reason Displays a list of reasons for which a change is being

The Job Change Reason Code Rule Form (PTRJCRE)
determines the list of reasons displayed on this page. Access
this rule form in Banner to update the sort order of the
displayed reason codes and also to indicate if this is to be
included in the Change Percent and Change Amount fields
on this page.

Each Reason is associated with the following three fields:

Percent Enter a change percent value for a reason which is to be

applied to the job categories selected in the Hourly or
Salary field.

Amount Enter a change amount value that is to be applied to the job

categories selected in the Hourly or Salary field. The
amount will be prorated based on the Proration indicator on
NTRINST. For example, FTE, Appointment Percent or

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Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Include in Change Totals This display field indicates whether the change in percents
and amounts specified for a job change reason will be
included in the Changed Percent and Change Amount
fields of the List by Employee table on this page.
Values are:
Set up the value of this field for each job change reason on
the Job Change Reason Code Rule Form (PTRJCRE).

List by Employee Table - This table displays an alphabetical list of all employees by
organization based on the filter criteria entered on the Position Filters page and on the user
The caption of each table displays the Organization code, the Organization name and its
current lock status. The Organization code and name are retrieved from the PTVORGN
form if Banner Finance is not installed, or from the FTMORGN form if Banner Finance is
installed. The lock status of the organization is determined from the Organization Lock
The List by Employee table is further sub-divided into:
• The Employee Totals Table
This table displays the Total FTE or Total Appointment Percent, and the Total Salary
from all non-terminated jobs across the enterprise for each employee. This table will not
be displayed unless the View Whole Employee Detail indicator on the Position Control
Installation Rules Form (NTRINST) is selected.
• The Department Totals Table
This table displays the total salary information derived for each employee for one or
more positions associated with the department

ID and Name Displays the Banner ID and name of each employee.

Select this link to access the Employee Details Information

Position, Suffix and Title Displays the Position, Suffix and Job title for each of an
employee’s jobs in the organization.
Select this link to access the Job Detail page of the selected

Employee Totals Table - This table is displayed only if the View Whole Employee Detail
check box is selected in the Position Control Installation Rules Form (NTRINST).

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Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

FTE/Appt% The display of this field name depends on the proration

method selected in the Prorate Flat Amount Based On
field in the Salary Planner Rules window of the Installation
Rules Form (NTRINST).
If the proration method is set to Appointment Percent or
None, the Appt% field is displayed.
If the proration method is set to FTE, the FTE field is
This field displays the employee’s Total FTE or Total
Appointment Percent considering all of his/her non-
terminated jobs across the enterprise, based on the Effective
Date that was used in the Salary Planner Extract Process

Salary Displays the employee’s Total Annual Salary considering all

of his/her non-terminated jobs across the enterprise, based
on the Effective Date that was used in the Salary Planner
Extract Process (NBPSPEX).

Department Totals Table - This table displays the department budget totals for one or
more positions associated with each employee as of the Job Effective Date used in the
Salary Planner Extract process (NBPSPEX).

Base FTE / Base Appt% This field displays the employee’s Total FTE or
Appointment Percent associated with the employee’s job in
the organization.
In other words, it represents the departmental FTE or
Appointment Percent for each employee in the extracted

Proposed FTE/Proposed Displays the new proposed value of the employee’s

Appt% Department FTE or Appointment percent.

Base Salary This field initially displays the employee’s annual salary at
the time of extract.
This field can be updated on the Job Detail page.

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Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Change Percent This field functions as a data entry field as well as a

calculated field.
A Change Percent can be directly entered for an employee if:
• No changes have been made to the employee previously,
• Previous changes effected only the default Job Change
Reason (whose priority =1 on PTRJCRE), and
• The employee has just 1 job, and
• The employee's job(s) are not on a Step > 0
After the Change Percent is entered the Change Amount will
be calculated.
Similarly, when a Change Amount is entered or calculated in
the following field, the system calculates the corresponding
Change Percent by default.
When this field is not enterable, the Total Change Percent is
calculated as the Total Change Amount divided by the Base

3-20 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

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Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Change Amount This field functions as a data entry field as well as a

calculated field.
A Change Amount can be directly entered for an employee
• No changes have been made to the employee previously,
• Previous changes effected only the default Job Change
Reason (whose priority =1 on PTRJCRE), and
• The employee has just 1 job, and
• The employee's job(s) are not on a Step > 0.
By default, the Change Percent is also calculated.
Note: Similarly, when a Change Percent is entered the
system calculates the corresponding Change Amount.

When this field is not enterable, the Total Change Amount is

calculated as either:

1. the sum of the Change Amounts marked as

Included in Totals, where the Step is > 0, the
difference between the Base and Proposed Table,
Grade and Step values,


2. for hourly jobs where the Base Hours per pay is

different than the proposed hours per pay, the
difference between the Base and Proposed Salaries.
Note: The Change Amount is always entered and displayed
as a change to salary even for hourly employees.

Proposed Salary Calculates and displays the new Proposed Salary for the
Note: This total is inclusive of all Change Percent and
Change Amount values, regardless of the Include in
Change Totals indicator.

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Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Extract Status Displays the status of each record with regard to the extract
as one of the following:
New A job is marked as New when it is added to
the Extract-Scenario after the Initial extract
(using the Add/Delete process mode of the
Extract (NBPSPEX)), and until a change is
made to the job.
Changed When either the Current Salary,
Appointment Percent or FTE differs from
the Base Salary, Appointment Percent or

Excluded From Totals / The field name depends on the type of user accessing this
Hide Web page and the scenario being viewed.
Master Salary Planners accessing the Initial scenario will see
the Hidden from Scenarios field whereas HR Managers
and Master Salary Planners will see the Excluded from
Totals field when accessing all other scenarios.
Jobs marked as Hidden from Scenarios will not appear in
any scenario except Initial. Jobs marked as Excluded from
Totals are excluded from all Organization Totals displayed in
the Salary Planner.

Total (Row) Displays the totals of each field listed under the Department
Totals table, for each organization listed on this Web page.
Select Save to view the totals on this page.
Totals for an organization are only displayed after the last
row (last employee) in the organization has been displayed.

Totals Table - This table summarizes the Department Totals of each organization listed on
this Web page, not including records that are marked as Excluded from Totals. Totals are
not displayed unless the last record in the organization has been displayed.

Organization Displays the organization code and name, as established on

the following forms:
FTMORGN If Banner Finance is installed.
PTVORGN If Banner Finance is not installed.

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Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Base FTE Displays the Total Base FTE calculated for each
organization listed on this page.
This field corresponds to the Total FTE field in the
Department Totals table for each organization listed on this

Proposed FTE Displays the new Total Proposed FTE resulting from
changes applied to salary records within each organization.
The Total Proposed FTE is calculated as the sum of all
Proposed FTE's for jobs listed in the organization, not
including jobs that are excluded from totals.

Base Salary Displays the Total Base Salary from all non-terminated jobs
in each organization. Calculated field.

Change Percent Displays the total percentage increase in salary resulting

from changes made to the salaries at the employee level.
It is the percentage of the ratio of the Total Increase Amount
to the Total Base Salary.
i.e., Total Increase Percent =
(Total Increase Amount / Total Base Salary)*100

Change Amount Displays the total increase in amounts, resulting from salary
changes made at the employee level. Calculated field.

Proposed Salary Displays the new Proposed Salary resulting from changes
made to salary records within each organization.
Note: This includes the salaries of all jobs in the organization
that were included in the extract.

Filter Criteria Table - The Filter Criteria table displays the filter criteria entered on the
Position Filters page or the Employee Filters page that resulted in the display of the above
data on this page. For detailed field descriptions refer to the “Position Filters” on page 3-8
or the “Employee Filter” on page 3-11.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-23

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Buttons/Icons on This Page
Button/Icon Action

Mass Apply Select this button to mass apply the changes specified in the
Mass Change table to job salaries across all organizations
displayed for the filter.

Previous N Select this button to view the previous ‘N’ records. This
button is displayed only if more than ‘N’ records met the
filter criteria for display.
Note: 'N' refers to the Number of Records Per Page
parameter selected on the Position Filter page.

Next N Select this button to view the next ‘N’ records. This button
is displayed only if more than ‘N’ records are available on
this page.
Note: 'N' refers to the Number of Records Per Page
parameter selected on the Position Filter page.

Save Select this button to save the changes entered on this page.

Reset Select this button to undo any changes entered on this page.

Download Job Data Select this button to download only job data associated with
the budget scenario displayed on this page into a Comma
Separated Value (.csv) file on your desktop. The .csv file
can be viewed in MS Excel or MS Access.
For more details refer to the topic, “Data Download to a
.CSV Spreadsheet File” on page 3-98.

Download Job and Select this button to download job data and job labor
Distribution distribution data associated with the budget scenario
displayed on this page into a Comma Separated Value
(.csv) file on your desktop. The .csv file can be viewed in
MS Excel or MS Access.
For more details refer to the topic, “Data Download to a
.CSV Spreadsheet File” on page 3-98.

3-24 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Change Rules

An employee’s salary can be changed for a specific job in the List by Employee table, or
for all jobs held by the employee in the Mass Change table. In either case, the change is
entered in the Change Amount field or the Change Percent field.

The changed salaries are calculated via mass changes or individual changes as follows:

Mass Changes

Case 1: When the Hourly or Salary Indicator = Salary.

Mass Changes are applied to salaried jobs only, and are applied against the Annual Salary.

1. When a Change Amount is entered and mass applied, the amount is prorated by the
FTE or Appointment Percent, or not at all, based on the value of the Prorate Flat
Amount Based On indicator set up on NTRINST.

A job with zero (0) FTE or Appointment Percent will get a $0 increase.

2. When a Change Percent is mass applied, the percent is multiplied by the job's salary
regardless of the FTE or Appointment Percent.

Case 2: When the Hourly or Salary Indicator = Hourly

In this case, mass changes are applied to hourly jobs only, and are applied against the Rate.

1. When a Change Amount is entered and mass applied, the amount is prorated by FTE
or Appointment Percent, or not at all, based on the Prorate Flat Amount Based On
indicator defined on NTRINST.

A job with zero (0) FTE or Appointment Percent will get a $0 increase.

2. When a Change Percent is mass applied, the percent is multiplied by the Rate
regardless of the FTE.

Case 3: Hourly or Salary Indicator = Both

Mass changes are applied towards the Annual Salary for hourly as well as salaried jobs.

1. When a Change Amount is entered and mass applied, the amount will be prorated by
FTE or Appointment Percent, or not at all, based on the Prorate Flat Amount Based
On indicator on NTRINST. A job with zero (0) FTE or Appointment Percent will get
a $0 increase.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-25

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
For an hourly job the Proposed Annual Salary is calculated using the following

Hourly Change Amount = Prorated Amount/Factor/Hours per pay --> (A)

Using the above formula, (A),

New Proposed Annual Salary = Hourly Change Amount + Base Rate x Factor x
Hours per Pay

If a rounding factor other than None is selected, then the Proposed Hourly Rate is
recalculated as:

Proposed Hourly Rate = Proposed Annual Salary/Factor /Hrs per Pay

2. When a Change Percent is mass applied the Change Percent is multiplied by the job
salary, regardless of the FTE or Appointment Percent.

For an Hourly Job the calculations are:

Hourly Change Amount = Change% x Salary/Factor/Hrs per Pay -> (B)

Using the above formula, (B),

New Proposed Rate = Sum of Hourly Change Amounts + Base Rate---> (C)

Using (C),

New Proposed Salary. = New Proposed Rate x Factor x Hours per Pay

If rounding is selected, calculate the New Proposed Rate by rounding the salary then
divide by the Factor and the Hours per Pay.

Mass changes are applied to all jobs that meet the filter criteria, except
jobs where Step > 0 (zero). Some employees may appear to be non-
updateable because they have an hourly and a salaried job, or have
changes for more than one job change reason. However these
employees/jobs can be updated by the Mass Change process. „

Individual Changes

1. When a change amount is entered the full amount is prorated over all jobs (that meet
the filter criteria) as follows:

(Base Job FTE 1/Total Base FTE1 all jobs) x Flat Amount

3-26 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
For example, consider employee Jake LaMotta having 3 jobs with the following Base
Salaries and Base FTEs listed below:

Base FTE1 Base Salary

Job #1 0.50 30,000.00
Job # 2 0.25 30,000.00
Job # 3 0 5000.00

On entering a Change Amount of $1000.00 in the List by Employee table, the prorated
amount is calculated for each job as follows:

Prorated Amount
Job #1 (0.50/0.75) x 1000 = $666.67
Job # 2 (0.25/0.75) x 1000 = $333.33
Job # 3 0 = $0

2. When a Change Percent is entered the Base Annual Salary of each job is multiplied
by the percent, regardless of the FTE1.

In the above example, if a Change Percent of 3% is entered in the Mass Change table,
the increment to the Base Annual Salary of each job is calculated as follows:

Job #1 30,000 x .03 = $900

Job # 2 30,000 x .03 = $900
Job # 3 5000 x .03 = $150

1 The only way to change the Proposed Hourly Rate or Annual Salary is to
enter a Change Percent or Change Amount for a Change Reason.
On the Job Detail page all changes associated with a Job Change Reason are
applied to the Hourly Rate if the job is defined as Hourly, and to the Annual
Salary if the job is salaried

Rounding will be applied to the Annual Salary of each job, not the total for
all jobs. „

Individual changes are always applied to the Annual Salary, even for
hourly jobs. „

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-27

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

ID and Name Goes to the Employee Detail page


Position, Suffix and Title Goes to the Job Detail page (bwpksjob.P_ModifyJobDetl)

List by Position Goes to the List by Position page


Position Filter Goes to the Position Filter page


Employee Filter Goes to the Employee Filter page


Summary Totals Goes to the Summary Totals page


Edit Scenario Goes to the Edit Scenario page


Organizations with No Goes to the Organizations with No Data page

Employees (bwpkspos.P_DispOrgnsWoutData)

Organization Goes to the list of employees in the selected organization on

this page.

Jump to Bottom Goes to the bottom of this Web page.

Return to Top Goes to the top of this Web page.

Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Job Detail

Job Labor Distribution

List by Position

Position Detail

Position Distribution

Summary Totals

Default Regular Hours

3-28 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Other Web Pages With Links to This Page
Multiple Extract Position

Setup Requirements
Item Description

PTRJCRE Set up the Display /Priority on Web field for each job
change reason.
Set up the Include in Web Totals check box field for each
job change reason.

NTRINST In the Salary Planner Rules window:

• Select the View Whole Employee Detail indicator field
to be able to access the Employee Totals table on the List
by Employee page.
• In the Prorate Flat Amount Based On field, select a
method for prorating the salary increase amount. Options

Appointment percent (Default)

FTE and
The selected method will be displayed in the Employee
Totals table on the List by Employee page.

Employee Detail

The Employee Detail page is accessed by selecting an employee on the List by Employee
page or on the Employee Filter page. Based on the user’s Organization, Employee Class,
Employer, and Salary level security, and the setting of the View Whole Employee Detail
indicator on the Position Control Installation Rules Form (NTRINST) in Banner, this page
displays all jobs associated with a specific employee.

Salary Planner users can use this page to:

• Access and review all positions held by an employees in one or more organization,
• Mass update an employee’s salary for updateable positions listed by specifying a
change in percent or amount,
• Update the employee’s salary for a specific position.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-29

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
The information on this page is organized into four tables:
• Mass Change Table
• Extracted Jobs Table
• Other Jobs Table
• Extract Totals Table

Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Enter a Mass Change and select Mass Apply, or modify an individual job record. Select
Save before accessing another page.

Mass Change Table Example

If the following percents are entered for each reason in the Mass Change Table,

Reason Percent Amount Include in Change Totals

Merit Increase 3.0 Yes
Cost of Living 2.0 Yes
Other 1.0 No

The employee’s Total Change Percent for each job is 5% disregarding the 1%
associated with the Other reason, and the Total Change Amount will also reflect the
5% change.

Changes to salary are only applied to those jobs to which the user has
update access. „

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information

Mass Change Table - The Mass Change table lists all reasons for which a salary change
can be entered. Reasons for awarding a salary change are defined as included or excluded
in the calculation of job and organization change totals. This distinction is made on the Job
Change Reason Code Rule Form (PTRJCRE). See Example of Mass Change Table above.

3-30 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Rounding Select a rounding method from the pull-down list to specify

if mass and individual salary changes are to be rounded.
Options include:
None (Default) No rounding method is employed.
1.00 Annual salary is rounded to the nearest
dollar or unit percent.
10.00 Annual salary is rounded to the nearest
multiple of 10.
100.00 Annual salary is rounded to the nearest
multiple of 100.

Hourly or Salary Indicate the type of jobs and value to which the change is to
be mass applied. Select any one of the following options
from the pull-down list:
Both (Default) The change in percent or amount will be
mass applied to the Annual Salary
regardless of how the job is classified
(salary or hourly).
Hourly The change in percent or amount will be
mass applied to hourly jobs only, and will
be applied to the hourly rate.
Salary The change in percent or amount will be
mass applied to salaried jobs only and will
be applied to the Annual Salary.
Note: Mass changes are applied to jobs at Step 0 (zero)
only. Changes to jobs on a Step greater than 0 (zero) must
be made on the Job Detail page.

Reason Displays a list of reasons for which a change is being mass

The Job Change Reason Code Rule Form (PTRJCRE)
determines the list of reasons displayed on this page. Access
this rule form to update the sort order of the displayed reason
codes and also to indicate if this is to be included in the Total
Change Percent or Change Amount fields on the List by
Employee page.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-31

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Each reason is associated with the following three fields:

Percent Enter a percent value of change for a reason which is to be

applied to the job categories selected in the Hourly or
Salary field.
Percents associated with reasons not to be considered in the
calculation of the budget will not be included.
This field cannot be entered if the amount has been entered.

Amount Enter an amount for a reason that is to be applied to the job

categories selected in the Hourly or Salary field.
The amount entered will be prorated based on the set up of
the Prorate Flat Amount Based On indicator in the
Position Control Installation Rules Form (NTRINST) in
This field cannot be entered if a percent has been entered in
the previous field.

Include in This display field indicates whether the change in percent or

Change Totals amount specified for a job change reason will be included in
the Total Change Percent and the Total Change Amount
fields on the List by Employee page. Values are:
Set up the value of this field for each job change reason on
the Job Change Reason Code Rule Form (PTRJCRE).

Extracted Jobs Table - This table lists all of an employees jobs that were included in the
extract and the filter criteria to which the user has access. If the View Whole Employee
Detail indicator on NTRINST is checked, all of an employee's jobs, even those in
organizations to which the user does not have access, will be displayed.
Only positions in organizations to which the user has update access and which are unlocked
based on the user organization security can be updated.
Each position is listed with the following information:

Position, Suffix and Title Displays the Position number, its associated Suffix and the
Position Title.
This information is extracted from the corresponding fields
on the Employee Jobs Form (NBAJOBS).

3-32 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Organization Displays the organization code and description of the budget

organization associated with the relevant job(s).
This information is extracted from the Orgn field in the
Position Salary Budgets window of the Position Budget

The following two fields are displayed if the Prorate Flat Amount Based On indicator in
the Salary Planner Rules window of NTRINST is set to FTE.

Base FTE Displays the Base FTE value associated with the job at the
time of the extract.

Proposed FTE Displays the new, Proposed Job FTE value. This field can be
updated when Step = 0 (zero).

The following two fields are displayed if the Prorate Flat Amount Based On indicator in
the Salary Planner Rules window of NTRINST is set to Appointment Percent or None.

Base Appt% Displays the Base Appointment Percent associated with the
job at the time of the extract.

Proposed Appt% Displays the new, Proposed Appointment Percent associated

with the job. This field can be updated when the Step = 0

The following two fields are displayed if the employee has hourly jobs:

Base Rate Displays the hourly rate of the employee’s current salary.
This information is initially extracted from the Rate field in
the Job Detail window of NBAJOBS.

Proposed Rate Displays the proposed hourly rate for the relevant job.
Calculated field.

The following fields are displayed for all jobs:

Base Salary This information is initially extracted from the Annual

Salary field on the Job Detail window of NBAJOBS based
on the Job Effective Date used in the Extract process.
The Base Salary can be subsequently changed on the Job
Detail page. For more information see 3-42.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-33

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information
The display of the following four fields depend on the Priority established for the job
change reason codes on the Job Change Reason Code Rules Form (PTRJCRE) in Banner.
The field titles correspond to the description of job change reasons that have been assigned
for the top two priorities on PTRJCRE.

<Job Change Reason The field title displays the description of the Job Change
Description 1> Percent Reason code having the first priority in PTRJCRE (i.e.,
Priority = 1).
Enter the percentage value by which the salary is to be

<Job Change Reason The field title displays the description of the Job Change
Description 1> Amount Reason code having the first priority in PTRJCRE.
Enter an amount by which the salary is to be altered.

<Job Change Reason The field title displays the description of the Job Change
Description 2> Percent Reason code given the second priority in PTRJCRE, (i.e.,
Priority = 2).
Refer to the field, <Job Change Reason Description 1>
Percent for more details.

<Job Change Reason The field title displays the description of the Job Change
Description 2> Amount Reason code given the second priority in PTRJCRE.
Refer to the field, <Job Change Reason Description 1>
Amount for more details.

Proposed Salary Calculates and displays the proposed change to the

employee’s Base Salary.
This total is inclusive of all changes specified in terms of
percents or amounts, regardless of their associated Include
in Change Totals indicator value specified in the Mass
Change table or in the Job Detail page. The proposed salary
includes all job change reasons and not just those displayed
on this page, i.e., first and second priority.

3-34 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Links This field lists all Web pages that are associated with the
employee’s positions. Select the appropriate link to access
the relevant Web page. These include:
Job Detail Goes to the Job Detail page
Distribution Goes to the Job Labor Distribution page
Comments Goes to the Comments page
Position Detail Goes to the Position Detail page
Note: These links are only available for jobs that were a part
of the filter criteria entered on the Position Filter page.
When this page is accessed from the Employee Filter
page links will be available for all jobs to which the user
has either update or query access.

Exclude from Totals Select this check box field to exclude salaries in the
calculation of the Organization Totals.

Total (row) Displays the totals for the corresponding components in this
table, considering only those positions for which the
Exclude from Totals field has not been selected. This row
computes and displays the:
• Total Base FTE
• Total Proposed FTE
• Total Base Rate
• Total Proposed Rate
• Total Base Salary
• Total Amounts and Total Percents of the job change
reasons with the top two priorities.
• Total Proposed Salary

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-35

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information
Other Jobs Table - The information displayed in the Other Jobs Table depends on the
View Whole Employee Detail indicator on NTRINST. If this indicator is selected, the
application disregards the user’s organization security set up and/or any filter criteria
previously specified, and displays all other positions associated with the employee in
addition to the positions accessible to the Salary Planner user by default. These include:
• All other positions of the employee which were not included in the Extract ID, including
positions in organizations to which the user does not have access and
• All other positions of the employee which were marked to be hidden from this budget
If the View Whole Employee Detail indicator is not selected on NTRINST, only jobs
accessible to the user that were not included in the Extract ID and jobs that are marked
Hidden in the Initial Scenario are displayed.
Information in the Other Jobs table is display-only.

Position - Suffix Displays the Position number, its associated suffix and a
description of the position.

Department Displays the Time Sheet Organization code and description

associated with the Job.

FTE Displays the FTE associated with the Job.

Appointment Percent Displays the appointment percent associated with the Job.

Hourly Rate Displays the hourly rate associated with the Job.

Annual Salary Displays the annual salary associated with the Job.

Extract Totals Table - The Extract Totals table displays the organization totals of the
following components, considering only the jobs displayed in the Extract Jobs table.
Note: This does not include the totals associated with positions marked as Excluded or
those marked as Hidden in the Initial Scenario.

Organization Displays the organization code and description associated

with the position(s).

The following fields are displayed if the Prorate Flat Amount Based On indicator in
NTRINST is set to FTE.

3-36 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

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Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Base FTE Displays the Total Base FTE associated with the jobs
included in the extract, assigned to the employee in the
Note: This total excludes jobs that are hidden and jobs that
have the Exclude from Totals field selected in the
Extracted Jobs table.

The Total Base FTE resulting from all extracted jobs

across all organizations is displayed in the last row.

Proposed FTE Displays the Total Proposed FTE associated with the jobs
included in the extract, assigned to the employee in the
Note: This total excludes jobs that are hidden and jobs that
have the Exclude from Totals field selected in the
Extracted Jobs table.

The Total Proposed FTE resulting from all extracted

jobs across all organizations is displayed in the last row.

Base Salary Displays the Total Base Salary for the employee for each
This total excludes all positions that have been hidden from
the extract and those that have the Exclude from Totals field
selected in the Extracted Jobs table.
The resulting Total Base Salary for the employee is
computed in the last row.

Change Percent Displays the percentage of change in the employee’s salary

for each organization.
The total percentage of change is calculated in the last row.
It is computed as follows:
Change Percent = Total Change Amount / Total Base Salary

Change Amount Displays the total amount by which the employee’s salary
has changed for each organization.
The Total Amount of Change for the employee is calculated
in the last row.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-37

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Proposed Salary Displays the employee’s Proposed Salary for each

The Total Proposed Salary for the employee is calculated in
the last row.

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Mass Apply Select this button to mass apply changes specified in the
Mass Change table to jobs displayed on this page to which
the user has update access.

Previous Select this button to access the previous employee detail


Next Select this button to access the next employee detail record.

Change Rules in the Employee Detail Page

An employee’s salary can be changed for a specific job in the Extracted Jobs table, or for
all user-accessible, updateable jobs held by the employee in the Mass Change table. In
either case, the change is entered in the Change Amount field or the Change Percent

The changed salaries are calculated for mass changes and individual changes as follows:

Mass Changes

1. When a Change Amount is entered, the full amount is prorated over all jobs to which
a Salary Planner user has update access based on the Prorate Flat Amount Based
On indicator in NTRINST, regardless of the initial filter criteria using the following

Change Amount = Base FTE x Flat Amount


Total Base FTE for all jobs to which the

Salary Planner user has update access

3-38 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
For example, consider the employee, Jake LaMotta, having 3 jobs with the following
Base Salaries and Base FTEs listed below:

Base FTE Base Salary

Job #1 0.50 30,000.00
Job # 2 0.25 30,000.00
Job # 3 0 5000.00

On entering a Change Amount of $1000.00 in the Mass Change table, the prorated
amount is calculated for each job as follows:

Prorated Amount
Job #1 (0.50/0.75) x 1000 = $666.67
Job # 2 (0.25/0.75) x 1000 = $333.33
Job # 3 0 = $0

2. When a Change Percent is entered, the Base Annual Salary of each job to which the
user has update access is multiplied by the Change Percent, regardless of the
Proration indicator on NTRINST.

In the above example, if a Change Percent of 3% is entered in the Mass Change table,
the increment to the Base Annual Salary of each job is calculated as follows:

Job #1 30,000 x .03 = $900.00

Job # 2 30,000 x .03 = $900.00
Job # 3 5000 x .03 = $150.00

The Prorate Flat Amount Changes indicator on NTRINST controls the
proration factor. When the indicator is set to FTE, amount changes are
prorated by the Base FTE. When the indicator is set to Appointment
Percent, amount changes are prorated by the Base Appointment
Percent. When the indicator is set to None, amount changes are not

Rounding applies to the Annual Salary of each job, not the total for all
jobs. „

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-39

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Individual Job Changes

The following rules apply for individual salary changes made on the Employee Detail

1. All amounts entered are added to the Base Salary.

2. All percents entered are multiplied by the Annual Salary.

3. There is no proration of individual change amounts or percents.

4. When a Change Amount is entered for an hourly job, the calculations are:

Hourly Change Amount = Amount / Factor / Hours per pay ------> (A)

Using formula (A),

New Proposed Salary = Hourly Change Amount + Base Rate x Factor x Hours
per Pay

If a rounding factor other than None is selected then the Proposed Hourly Rate is
recalculated as:

Proposed Hourly Rate = Proposed Annual Salary / Factor / Hours per Pay.

5. When a Change Percent is entered for an hourly job, the calculations are:

Hourly Change Amount = Change Percent x Salary / Factor / Hrs per Pay ->(B)

Using formula (B),

New Proposed Rate = Sum of Hourly Change Amounts + Base Rate -->(C)

Using formula (C),

New Proposed Annual = New Proposed Rate * Factor * Hours per Pay

If a rounding factor is selected, then the New Proposed Annual Salary is rounded and
then divided by the Factor and Hours per Pay to arrive at a new Hourly Rate.

3-40 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

List by Employee Goes to the List by Employee page


List by Position Goes to the List by Position page


Position Filter Goes to the Position Filter page


Employee Filter Goes to the Employee Filter page


Summary Totals Goes to the Summary Totals page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Job Detail

Job Labor Distribution

Default Regular Hours

Job Comments

Setup Requirements
Item Description

PTRJCRE Set up the Display /Priority on Web field for job change
reasons to identify the order in which the Reasons should be
listed in the Salary Planner.
Set up the Include in Web Totals check box field for job
change reasons as appropriate.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-41

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Setup Requirements
Item Description

NTRINST In the Salary Planner Rules window:

• Select the View Whole Employee Detail indicator to
allow users to view jobs outside their security in both the
Other Jobs table and the Extract Totals table on the
Employee Detail page.
• In the Prorate Flat Amount Based On field, select a
method for prorating the salary increase amount. Values

Appointment Percent (Default),

FTE and

The selected method will control what values are

displayed on the List by Employee and Employee Detail
page and how flat amount salary changes are applied to an
employee's salary.

Job Detail

The Job Detail page provides in-depth information regarding each job. This information is
presented for the Current model, Base model and the Proposed model of a set up.

The Current model displays the current Banner data, effective as of the Job Effective Date
used in the extract. The data in this column is dynamically updated as changes are made to
a job in Banner.

The Base model displays information extracted from Banner at the time of the initial
extract, but can be updated on this page.

The Proposed model displays the job detail information that will be uploaded to create
new job records at the end of the upload process.

Salary Planner users can access this page to directly update certain field values in the
Proposed model as well as the Base model of a set up with the exception of the Proposed
Salary and Proposed Rate fields.

The Job Detail page can be accessed by selecting the Position-Suffix link on the List by
Employee page, the Job Detail link on the Employee Details page, or from the Multiple
Extracts - Employee page.

3-42 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Enter a mass change value and select Mass Apply, or change individual job data and
select Save.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information
Employee Table - The following information is displayed.

Name and ID Displays the Employee’s name and ID.

Home Organization Displays the Organization code and description associated

with the Employee (from the Employee form (PEAEMPL)
in Banner).

Mass Change Table - The Mass Change Table lists all reason types for which a proposed
salary can be modified. Reasons for awarding a salary change are designated as either
Included or Excluded in the calculation of employee and organization change totals. This
distinction is made on the Job Change Reason Code Rule Form (PTRJCRE). When a job
is on a Step > 0 (zero) the Mass Change table will not be displayed. See example on page

Rounding Select a rounding method from the pull-down list to specify

the rounding method to be applied.
The rounding method will default to the method previously
selected in the List by Employee or the Employee Details
page. Otherwise, the options include:
None (Default) No rounding method is employed.
1.00 Annual Salary is rounded to the nearest
dollar or unit percent.
10.00 Annual Salary is rounded to the nearest
multiple of 10.
100.00 Annual Salary is rounded to the nearest
multiple of 100.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-43

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Reason Displays a list of reasons for which a change is being

The list of reasons displayed is controlled by the Job Change
Reason Code Rule Form (PTRJCRE). Access this rule form
in Banner to update the sort order of the displayed reason
codes and also to indicate if the values are to be included in
the Change Percent and Change Amount fields.

Each reason is associated with the following three fields:

Percent Enter a Change Percent to be applied to the job.

Amount Enter a Change Amount to be applied to the job.

If the job is hourly enter a change amount to be applied to the
Hourly Rate.
If the job is salaried enter an amount to be applied to the
Annual Salary.

Include in Change Totals This display field indicates whether the change in percent or
amount, associated with a job change reason will be included
in the Total Change Percent or the Total Change Amount
fields on the List by Employee page. Values are:
The value of this field is established on the Job Change
Reason Code Rule Form (PTRJCRE).

Job Detail Table - The following job detail information is displayed with each model
(Proposed, Base and Current) listed in a separate column.

3-44 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Model Displays the names of the three types of models (Base,

Current, and Proposed) for which job details are displayed.
The Proposed model displays the job detail information that
will be uploaded to create new Job records at the end of the
The Base model displays information extracted from Banner
at the time of the initial extract.
The Current model displays the current Banner data,
effective as of the Job Effective Date used in the extract and
is dynamically updated when a change is made to the job in

Effective Date Displays the date when the job came into effect for each
model of the set up.
The Proposed Effective Date is the Effective Date that will
be used to create the new job record during the upload. The
proposed date is established on the Salary Planner Extract
Rules Form (NTRSPEX) associated with the Employee
Class of the Position.
The Base Effective Date is the Effective Date of the job
record pulled during the Initial extract.
The Current Effective Date is the Effective Date associated
with the most current job record based on the Job Effective
Date used in the Extract process NTRSPEX.

Title Enter or update the proposed job title.

Job titles are display-only in the Base and Current models.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-45

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

HourlyRate Displays the hourly rate for each model. This field cannot be
The hourly rate is calculated based on whether a job is
classified as hourly or salary.
The Proposed Hourly Rate for hourly jobs is calculated as
the change amount associated with each job change reason,
including those that are excluded from Change Totals, plus
the Base Hourly Rate.
Note: The Proposed Hourly rate for hourly jobs with
Step > 0 (zero) is determined by the Salary Table values.

The Proposed Hourly Rate for salaried jobs is calculated by

dividing the Proposed Salary by the Hours per Pay and
The Base Hourly Rate is the hourly rate available in Banner
at the time of the extract. This field can be updated after
extract to reflect changes made since the extract. The Base
Hourly Rate will not be uploaded back to the job during the
upload process. Only the Proposed Hourly Rate will be
uploaded back into Banner.
The Current Hourly Rate displays the rate as of the Current
Effective Date.

Annual Salary Displays the annual salary for each model.

The Proposed Annual Salary is a calculated field. This field
cannot be updated.
Note: The Proposed Annual Salary for salaried jobs with
Step > 0 is calculated based on the Salary Table values.

The Base Annual Salary is the annual salary available in

Banner at the time of the extract. This field can be updated
in the Salary Planner after extract so that Change Percent and
Change Amount values will be associated with the correct
annual salary value. Changes to the Base Annual Salary will
not cause the Base Rate to be recalculated, but will cause the
Proposed Salary and Proposed Rate to be recalculated.
Note: Change Amount or Change Percent values will not be
uploaded into Banner.

The Current Annual Salary displays the Salary as of the date

displayed in the Current Effective Date field.

3-46 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Total Change Percent Displays the Total Change Percent in the Annual Salary
excluding Change Reasons that are marked as Not Included
in Change Totals. Calculated field.
This information is displayed only for the Proposed model.
It is calculated as the Total Change Amount divided by the
Base Salary.

Total Change Amount Displays the Total Change Amount in the Annual Salary
excluding Change Reasons that are marked as Not Included
in Change Totals. Calculated field.
This information is only displayed for the Proposed model.
This value is calculated as the sum of the annualized
amounts associated with each job change reason, not
including the Job Change Reasons for which the Included in
Change Totals field is not marked.

Appointment Percent Displays the appointment percent for each model.

Appointment percents can be modified for the Proposed and
Base models.
The calculations triggered by changes to this field depend on
the set up of the Calculate Job Data Based On indicator
field in the Installation Rules Form (NTRINST) in Banner,
and whether the job is hourly or salaried.
When the indicator is set to Appointment Percent and a
user makes a change to the Proposed Appointment Percent
field, the Default Hours, Hours per Day, and Hours per
Pay, are prorated for hourly jobs whereas the Hourly Rate
and the Annual Salary are adjusted for salaried jobs.
Note: The Change Amount and Change Percent fields are
automatically updated when the appointment percent is
updated for a salaried job. By default the system applies
the change to the job change reason with the highest
priority (Priority=1). If the job is hourly, only the Total
Change Amount and Total Change Percent are updated.

When the Calculate Job Data Based On indicator in

NTRINST is set to None or FTE, a change in the
appointment percent does not impact any of the fields for
either hourly jobs or salaried jobs.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-47

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information
The Proposed Appointment Percent initially displays the job
appointment percent of the Base model.
The Base Appointment Percent displays the appointment
percent associated with the job at the time of the extract.
Changes to the Base Appointment Percent do not cause any
The Current Appointment Percent displays the
corresponding value as of the date displayed in the Current
Effective Date field.

FTE Displays the Job FTE for each model of the set up.
The calculations triggered by this field depend on the set up
of the Calculate Job Data Based On indicator in the
Position Control Installation Rules Form (NTRINST) in
Banner, and whether the job is hourly or salaried.
When the indicator is set to FTE, updating the FTE results
in a corresponding proration of the Default Hours, Hours
per Pay, and Hours per Day for hourly jobs whereas the
Hourly Rate and Annual Salary are adjusted for salaried
Note: The Change Amount and Change Percent fields are
automatically updated when the FTE is updated in the
proposed model for a salaried job. By default the system
applies the change to the job change reason with the
highest priority (Priority = 1). If the job is hourly, only the
Total Change Amount and Total Change Percent fields
are updated.

When the Calculate Job Data Based On indicator in

NTRINST is set to None or Appointment Percent, a
change in the FTE does not impact any of the fields for either
hourly jobs or salaried jobs.
The Proposed FTE is initially identical to the Base FTE, and
can be updated.
The Base FTE initially displays the job FTE value at the time
of the extract. This value can be changed, but will not cause
the recalculation of any Base or Proposed values.
The Current FTE displays the corresponding value as of the
date displayed in the Current Effective Date field.

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Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Hours per Day Displays the hours per day for each model.
The Proposed Hours per Day is an enterable field, and is
initially populated with the corresponding Base value.
Changes to this value do not cause any recalculations.
The Base Hours per Day reflects the value at the time of the
extract. Changes to this value do not cause any
The Current Hours per Day displays the corresponding
value as of the date displayed in the Current Effective Date

Hours per Pay Displays the hours per pay for each model.
The Proposed Hours per Pay is initially populated with its
corresponding Base value. This field can be updated and will
result in a recalculation of the Annual Salary for hourly jobs
and Hourly Rate for salaried jobs.
The Base Hours per Pay reflects the value at the time of the
The Current Hours per Pay displays the corresponding value
as of the date displayed in the Current Effective Date field.

Salary Group Displays the salary group associated with the job.
The Proposed Salary Group displays the group specified in
the parameter of the Salary Planner Extract Process
The Base Salary Group displays the value at the time of the
The Current Salary Group displays the corresponding value
as of the date displayed in the Current Effective Date field.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-49

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Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Table Displays the salary table associated with the job for each set
up model.
The Proposed table is initially populated with the Base
value. This field can be updated. Updating this field causes
the Proposed Annual Salary and Rate to be recalculated if
the Step > 0 (zero).
The Base table refers to the salary table that was initially
The Current table displays the corresponding value as of the
date displayed in the Current Effective Date field.

Grade Displays the salary grade associated with the job for each set
up model.
The Proposed Grade initially corresponds to the Base value,
but can be updated for the Proposed model. Updating this
field impacts the Proposed Annual Salary and the Hourly
Rate for Step > 0 (zero).
The Base Grade refers to the salary grade that was initially
The Current Grade displays the corresponding value as of
the date displayed in the Current Effective Date field.

Step Displays the salary step associated with the job for each set
up model.
The Proposed Step initially corresponds to the base value,
but can be updated. Updating this field to a value greater
than zero (> 0) impacts the Annual Salary and the Hourly
Rate in the Proposed model.
The Base Step refers to the salary step that was initially
The Current Step displays the corresponding value as of the
date displayed in the Current Effective Date field.

Budget Factor This field displays the budget factor for the employee class
associated with the position, and defaults from the Salary
Planner Extract Rules Form (NTRSPEX). The value can be
updated and is used to calculate the Estimated Fiscal Year

3-50 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

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Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Estimated Fiscal Year Displays an estimate of the Fiscal Year Budget based on the
Budget Base and Proposed Annual Salary of a job and the Budget
Factor. It is calculated as:
[(Proposed Annual Salary x Factor)] + [(1 - Factor) x Base
This estimate can be manually updated, if required, but will
not cause the Factor to be recalculated.

Exclude from Totals / Hide The field name depends on the type of user accessing this
Web page and the scenario being accessed.
Master Salary Planners accessing the Initial scenario will see
the Hide From Scenarios field whereas HR Managers will
see this field as Exclude from Totals.
Master Salary Planners can select this check box to hide a
record from all scenarios. HR Managers can select this check
box to exclude a job from the calculation of the organization

Base Job Table - The Base Job table displays the current job information available in
Banner as of the Job Effective Date used in the extract. This information is dynamically
updated as changes are made to the job record in Banner.

Begin Date Displays the start date of the job in the Employee Jobs Form

End Date Displays the date on which the job was terminated in the
Employee Jobs Form (NBAJOBS).

Job Status Displays the current job status (Active, Leave with Pay, etc.)
as of the Job Effective Date used in the extract.

Salary Type Displays the salary type (Hourly or Salaried) corresponding

to the grade associated with the job. This information is
drawn from NTRSALA.

Rank Displays the current Faculty Rank as of the Job Effective

Date used in the extract.
Note: The Faculty Rank status must be approved in Banner.

Tenure Status Displays the tenure status as of the Job Effective Date used
in the extract.
Note: The Tenure Status must be approved in Banner.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-51

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

EPAF Transaction Displays the EPAF Transaction # for each job detail record.
This number is generated during the upload process.

Mass Change Table Example

If the following percents are entered for each reason,

Reason Percent Amount Include in Change Totals

Merit Increase 3.0 Yes
Cost of Living 2.0 Yes
Other 1.0 No

Then the job’s total change percent is 5%, disregarding the 1% associated with the ‘Other’
reason. This value is entered in the Total Change Percent field in the Job Detail table,
and will also be reflected in the Change Percent field on the List by Employee page.

Salary changes can only be made to those jobs to which the user has
update access based on their Organization security and the lock status of
the Organization. „

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Apply To enforce a change in the employee’s proposed salary for

the specific job. This button is located at the top of the page
as part of the Mass Change table.

Save To save the information in the Job Detail table.

Reset To revert to the information that was last saved or mass


Previous To access the previous job detail record

Next To access the next job detail record.

3-52 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Change Rules

The following table describes the impact of changes on the Proposed values changes are
made to a Job.

Change Made To... Job Type Outcome

Proposed Hours Per Pay Hourly Annual Salary = Rate x New Proposed Hrs
per Pay x Factor
No amount added to the Job Change
Reason code ranked 1.

Salaried Rate = Annual Salary / Factor / Hrs per Pay

No amount added to the Job Change
Reason code ranked 1.

Proposed Hourly Rate1 Hourly Change % x Base Rate or Change Amt +

Base Rate = New Proposed Rate x Hours
per Pay x Factor = Annual Salary +
rounding / Factor / Hours per Pay =
Proposed hourly Rate
If no rounding is used, then do not refigure
the proposed rate.

Salaried Not Applicable

Proposed Annual Salary1 Hourly Rate = (Annual Salary + rounding) / Factor

/ Hrs per Pay

Salaried Rate = (Annual Salary + rounding) / Factor

/ Hrs per Pay

Proposed Step Hourly Annual Salary = New Proposed Hourly

Rate from table x (FTE or Appt%2) x Hrs
per Pay x Factor
No amount is added to the Job Change
Reason code ranked 1.

Salaried Hourly Rate = New Proposed Salary x

(FTE or Appt%2) / Factor / Hrs per Pay
No amount is added to the Job Change
Reason code ranked 1.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-53

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Change Made To... Job Type Outcome

Proposed Appointment Hourly N = New Proposed Appointment Percent /

Percent (When the Old Proposed Appointment Percent
NTRINST indicator,
New Proposed Hours per Day = N x
Calculate Job
Proposed Hours per Day
Information Based on is
set to Appt%) New Proposed Hours per Pay = N x
Proposed Hours per Pay
New Proposed Default Hours = N x
Proposed Default Hours
New Proposed Annual Salary = Proposed
Hourly Rate x New Proposed Hours per
Pay x Factor
Estimated Fiscal Year Budget = New
Proposed Salary x Budget Factor
No amount is added to the Job Change
Reason code ranked 1.

Salaried N = New Proposed Appointment Percent/

Old Proposed Appointment Percent
New Proposed Annual Salary = N x
Proposed Annual Salary
Amount added to JCRE #1 = New
Proposed Annual Salary - Old Proposed
Annual Salary
New Proposed Rate = New Proposed
Annual Salary / Factor / Hours per Pay

Proposed FTE (When the Hourly N = New Proposed FTE / Old Proposed
NTRINST indicator, FTE
Calculate Job
New Proposed Hours per Day = N x Old
Information Based on is Proposed Hours per Day
set to FTE)
New Proposed Hours per Pay = N x
Proposed Hours per Pay
New Proposed Default Hours = N x
Proposed Default Hours
New Proposed Annual Salary = Proposed
Hourly Rate x New Proposed Hours per
Pay x Factor
Estimated Fiscal Year Budget = New
Proposed Salary x Budget Factor
No amount is added to the Job Change
Reason code ranked 1.

3-54 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Change Made To... Job Type Outcome

Salaried N = (New Proposed FTE - Old Proposed

FTE) / Old Proposed FTE
New Proposed Annual Salary = N x Old
Proposed Annual Salary + Base Salary
Amount added to JCRE #1 = New
Proposed Annual Salary - Old Proposed
Annual Salary
Estimated Fiscal Year Budget = New
Proposed Annual Salary / Factor / Hours
per Pay = New Proposed Rate(New
Proposed Salary x Budget Factor) + [Base
Salary x (100 - Budget Factor)]

Proposed Hours per Pay Hourly No changes

Salaried No changes

Base Annual Salary Hourly No recalculations are triggered as a result

of change.

Proposed No recalculations are triggered as a result

Step > 0 of change.

Salaried New Proposed Salary = New Base Salary

+ Change Reason Amounts + Rounding x
(Proposed FTE / Base FTE or Proposed
Appointment Percent/Base Appointment
New Proposed Rate = New Proposed
Salary / Factor / Hours per Pay
Change Reason Amount 1 / New
Proposed Salary = Change Reason
Percent 1, etc.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-55

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Change Made To... Job Type Outcome

Base Hourly Rate Hourly, New Proposed Annual Salary =

Step = 0 (New Base Rate + Change Reason
Amounts) x (Proposed FTE / Base FTE or
Proposed Appointment Percent/ Base
Appointment Percent)3 x Hours per Pay x
Factor + Rounding
New Proposed Rate = New Proposed
Annual Salary / Factor / Hours per Pay
If rounding is set to None, then do not
refigure the Proposed Rate.
Change Reason Amount 1 / New
Proposed Rate = Change Reason Percent
1, etc.

Proposed No recalculations are triggered as a result

Step > 0 of change.

Salaried No recalculations are triggered as a result

of change.

Base Hours per Pay Hourly Not applicable

Salaried Not applicable

Base Step Hourly Not applicable

Salaried Not applicable

Base FTE Hourly No recalculations are triggered as a result

of change.

Salaried No recalculations are triggered as a result

of change.

Base Appt% Hourly No recalculations are triggered as a result

of change.

Salaried No recalculations are triggered as a result

of change.

3-56 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
When a job is defined as salaried (based on the Salary Table) only the
Annual Salary is uploaded to the EPAF from the Salary Planner. The EA
Mass Apply Process (NOPEAMA) will calculate the Assign Salary and
Hourly Rate.

When a job is defined as hourly, only the Hourly Rate is uploaded from
the Salary Planner. The Hourly Rate displayed in the Salary Planner for
salaried jobs and the Annual Salary displayed for hourly Jobs may be
different than what eventually gets created on the Employee Jobs Form

1 The only way to change the Proposed Hourly Rate or Annual Salary is to
enter a Change Percent or Change Amount for a Change Reason.
On the Job Detail page all changes associated with a Job Change Reason
are applied to the Hourly Rate if the job is defined as Hourly, and to the
Annual Salary if the job is salaried

2 The Step amount is multiplied by the Job's Proposed FTE when the
Calculate Job Information Based On indicator in NTRINST is set to
The amount is multiplied by the Appointment Percent when the indicator
is set to Appointment Percent. The amount is not multiplied by either
the FTE or the Appointment Percent when the indicator is set to None.

3 The formula uses either the FTE or Appointment Percent based on the
NTRINST Calculate Job Information Based On indicator.

Links to Other Web Pages

This Link Action

Distribution Goes to the Job Labor Distribution page


Default Hours Goes to the Default Hours page


Position Detail Goes to the Position Detail page


Comments Goes to the Job Comments page


List by Employee Goes to the List by Employee page


June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-57

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

List by Position Goes to the List by Position page


Position Filter Goes to the Position Filters page


Employee Filter Goes to the Employee Filter page


Summary Totals Goes to the Summary Totals page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Employee Detail

List by Employee

Job Labor Distribution

Default Hours

Job Comments

Setup Requirements
Item Description

NTRINST Set up the Calculate Job Data Based On indicator field in

the Installation Rules Form (NTRINST) in Banner. This is
used in calculating the appointment percent for each job.

3-58 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Job Labor Distribution

In Banner, a job is defined as a combination of a position and suffix which is associated

with an employee. Banner maintains separate labor distributions for positions and jobs.
Consequently, the labor distribution of a position may be different or identical as that of
the job. This Web page provides Master Salary Planners and HR Managers the option to
change job labor distribution data.

When Banner Finance is installed, labor distribution data is a set of the
following elements: Fund, Organization, Account, Program, Activity and
Location (FOAPAL).

When Banner Finance is not installed, Labor Distribution data is a string

of 60 characters. „

Salary Planner users can access this page to:

• View a Job’s Labor Distribution data,
• Add a new Job Labor Distribution record
• Change one or more components of the Job Labor Distribution, or
• Copy the Budget Distribution from the associated Position to the Job Labor
Distribution, or vice-versa.

To perform the above functions, this page displays the account distribution for the job, as
well as the position associated with the job.

Two sets of Job Labor Distribution data are displayed for each job, one for the Current
model, and one for the Proposed model.

The Current Job Labor Distribution reflects the data in NBAJOBS as of the Effective Date
used in the original extract. This information is display-only and is dynamically updated
as changes are made to the Job in Banner.

The Job Labor Distribution in the Proposed model is initially identical to that of the
current set up. However, Salary Planner users can update this set of information by
selecting the Percent field. Note that changes to the Job Labor Distribution in Banner after
the initial extract are not automatically reflected in the Proposed model. However, the
Proposed labor distribution is only uploaded back to Banner if changes are made to it.

Following the proposed Job Labor Distribution, the proposed Position Labor Distribution
corresponding to the Position associated with the job is displayed. This information serves
as a reference to copy labor distribution data from job to position, and vice-versa.

The Job Labor Distribution page can be accessed from the Employee Details page or the
Job Detail page.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-59

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Select the percent link to change the Proposed Job Labor Distribution. Select Add a new
record to add distribution records.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information
When Banner Finance is installed, the individual FOAPAL elements are identified for each
job and position on this page. For a detailed description of each FOAPAL component, refer
to the “Account Distribution” on page 3-82.
Salary Planners can select the Percent field to change the labor distribution for a job in the
Proposed model, or select the Add New Line link to add a new Account Distribution row
to the Proposed Job Labor Distribution.
The Total Percent of labor distribution in the Proposed model must equal 100. Labor
distributions with a percent equal to zero should be removed.

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Copy Position Distribution Copies the Account Distribution of the Position into the Job
to Job Labor Distribution.

Copy Job Distribution to Copies the Account Distribution of a job into the
Position corresponding elements of the Position Labor Distribution.

Links to Other Web Pages

This Link Action

Percent Goes to the Account Distribution page


Add a New Record Goes to the Account Distribution page


Employee Detail Goes to the Employee Details page


Job Detail Goes to the Job Detail page (bwpksjob.P_ModifyJobDetl)

3-60 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

List by Employee Goes to the List by Employee page


List by Position Goes to the List by Position page


Summary Totals Goes to the Summary Totals page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Job Detail

Employee Detail

List By Position

The List by Position page displays position information for each position included in the
selected organizations.

The information displayed on this page is based on the user’s security in the Salary
Planner, and the organizations selected in the filter criteria on the Position Filters page.

Due to the above dependencies, it is possible that Salary Planner users may not see all
positions in an organization by virtue of their security.

The List by Position page allows Salary Planner users to apply either
across-the-board changes in the budget of all positions in an organization, or apply
changes to specific positions.

To accommodate for mass changes as well as individual salary changes, information on

this page is organized in the following tables:
• Mass Change Table,
• List by Position Table,
• Summary Table, and
• Position Filter Criteria Table

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-61

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Budget changes can be specified in terms of percents or amounts in the Mass Change

Changes to budget are applied to only those positions selected by the
Position Filter criteria and the user’s security. „

The Mass Change Table is followed by the List by Position Table containing an
alphanumeric listing of positions within each organization. Here, individual Position
Budget changes can also be entered in terms of percents or amounts.

The Summary Table consolidates the information from the List by Position Table and
displays the relevant totals at the organization level.

The Filter Criteria Table displays the criteria selected on the Position Filters page that
resulted in the selection and display of data on this page.

Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Enter a mass change and select Mass Apply, or modify an individual position and select
Save. Rounding applies to Mass Changes and individual position changes.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information
Mass Change Table - Enter the amount or percent by which budgets are to be updated.
Select the Mass Apply button to apply the mass change.

Rounding Select a Rounding Method from the pull-down list to specify

if budget amounts are to be rounded when changes are mass
applied. Values include:
None (Default) No rounding method is employed.
1.00 Budget is rounded to the nearest dollar or
unit percent.
10.00 Budget is rounded to the nearest multiple of
100.00 Budget is rounded to the nearest multiple
of 100.
Note: The Rounding Method applies to both individual
position changes and mass changes.

3-62 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Percent Enter the percent value by which Position Budgets are to be


Amount Enter the amount by which Position Budgets are to be

changed. When an amount is entered and applied it will be
prorated based on the Base FTE, Appointment Percent, or
not at all, in accordance to the rules defined in the Prorate
Flat Amount field on the Position Control Installation Rules

List by Position Table - The List by Position Table displays the Organization code,
Organization name and the Lock Status of the organization, followed by a numeric/
alphabetical listing of all Positions included in that organization.

Position and Title Displays the Position code and Position Title. This field
provides a link to the Position Detail page.

The following fields are displayed when the Prorate Flat Amount Based On indicator
on NTRINST is set to None or FTE.

Base FTE Displays the Budgeted Position FTE. This value is taken at
the time of the extract. The Base FTE can be changed to a
current value on the Position Detail page.

Proposed FTE Initially displays the FTE at the time of the extract, but can
be changed.

The following two fields are displayed when the Prorate Flat Amount Based On
indicator on NTRINST is set to Appointment Percent.

Base Appt% Displays the Appointment Percent associated with the

position. This value is taken at the time of the extract. The
Base Appointment Percent can be changed to a current value
on the Position Detail page.

Proposed Appt% Displays the Proposed Appointment Percent. This value is

taken at the time of the extract, and can be changed.

Base Budget Displays the Position Budget originally extracted from


June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-63

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Change Percent This is a calculated field as well as a data-entry field.

This field always displays the Change Percent between the
Base and the Proposed Position Budgets. This field can be
updated to change the Proposed Position Budget.
The system calculates and displays the change amount in the
Change Amount field when a Change Percent is entered.

Change Amount This is both a calculated and data enterable field. This field
always displays the amount of change between the Base and
the Proposed Position Budgets. This field can be updated to
change the Proposed Position Budget.
The system calculates and displays the change percent in the
Change Percent field when a Change Amount is entered.

Proposed Budget This field is calculated by applying the change amount to the
base position budget.

Bargaining Unit Displays the bargaining unit associated with the position.
This information is drawn from the NBAPOSN form during
the extract process.

Estimated Fiscal Year This is the sum of the estimated fiscal year budget amounts
Budget for each job associated with the position.
This total does not include jobs whose Hide from Scenario
indicator has been marked, nor does it include jobs to which
Salary Planner users do not have the required security

Links Displays Web page links for each position. These include:
Distribution Goes to the Position Budget Distribution
Comments Goes to the Comments page. An asterisk (*)
on this link indicates that comments exist.
Employee Displays a list of the Position’s incumbents
on the List by Employee page.

3-64 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Extract Status Displays the status as New or Changed for a record in this
The New status is displayed when a new record is added to
an existing scenario as a result of rerunning the Salary
Planner Extract Process (NBPSPEX) in the Add/Delete
The Changed status is displayed if the current budget for the
position is different from the base budget, or the current FTE
differs from the Base FTE. Access the Position Detail page
to view the value for the Changed Status.

Hide/Exclude Totals The display of this field depends on the Salary Planner user
accessing this page, and the scenario being accessed.
Master Salary Planners accessing the Initial scenario will see
the Hide from Scenarios field whereas HR Managers will
see this field as Exclude from Totals.
Master Salary Planners can select this check box to hide a
position from all scenarios generated from the Initial
scenario. HR Managers can select this check box to exclude
a position from the calculation of the organization totals.
Changes to this field also affect all the associated jobs.

Summary Table - The Summary Totals are only displayed for organizations whose last
position is displayed on this page. Totals are for positions included in the filter criteria only
and exclude positions that are hidden or marked as excluded.

Organization Displays the organization code and organization name.

Base FTE Displays the sum of the Base FTE for all positions, except
those that are marked as excluded on this Web page.
Calculated field.

Proposed FTE Displays the sum of the New FTE for all positions except
those that are marked as excluded on this Web page.
Calculated field.

Base Budget Displays the total Base Budget for all positions in the
Organization excluding positions indicated by the Exclude
from Totals check box on this Web page. Calculated field.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-65

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Change Percent Displays the difference between the Base Position Budget
and the Proposed Position Budget as a percentage. Excludes
positions whose Exclude from Totals check box is marked.
Calculated field.

Change Amount Displays the difference between the Base Position Budget
and the Proposed Position Budget in terms of amounts.
Excludes positions whose Exclude from Totals check box
is marked. Calculated field.

Proposed Budget Displays the total Proposed Budget for all positions in the
Organization excluding positions indicated by the Exclude
from Totals check box on this Web page. Calculated field.

Position Filters Table - This table displays the filter criteria specified on the Position
Filters page. For a detailed description of the fields in this table, refer to the “Position
Filters” on page 3-8.

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Previous 25 Displays the previous 25 records of an organization in a

subsequent Web page, if applicable.

Next 25 Displays the next 25 records of an organization in a

subsequent Web page, if applicable.

Save Saves the changes made on this Web page.

Reset Resets unsaved changes made on this Web page.

Copy Estimated Budget to Updates the position budget to the estimated fiscal year
Budget budget and recalculates the Total Percent and Total Amount
Change for positions.

Download Position Data Downloads position budget data in the scenario, except
those that have been hidden in the Initial Scenario.
For more details, refer to the topic, “Data Download to a
.CSV Spreadsheet File” on page 3-98.

3-66 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Buttons/Icons on This Page
Button/Icon Action

Download Position and Downloads all position data in the scenario, except those that
Distribution have been hidden in the Initial scenario.
For more details refer to the topic, “Data Download to a
.CSV Spreadsheet File” on page 3-98.

Links to Other Web Pages

This Link Action

Organizations with no data Goes to the Organizations with No Data page


List by Employee Goes to the List by Employee page for the corresponding

Summary Totals Displays the Summary Totals page for the corresponding

Employee Filter Goes to the Employee Filter page


Position Filter Goes to the Position Filter page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

List by Employee

Employee Detail

Job Detail

Job Labor Distribution

Position Detail

Position Distribution

Position Comments

Summary Totals

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-67

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Position Detail

The Position Detail page displays detailed information for a specific position. This page
can be accessed by selecting the Position and Detail link from the List by Position page
or the Multiple Extracts Position page.

Salary Planner users cannot make changes on this page if:

• They have query-only access or
• The organization associated with the position is locked and the user does not have
access to the predecessor organization, or the predecessor is locked

Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Choose a Rounding value, enter a change amount and select Apply.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information

Changes Table - Specify the following information and select the Apply button to make
changes to the Proposed Position Budget.

Rounding Select a rounding method from the pull-down list to specify

if mass budget changes and individual position changes are
to be rounded when mass applied.
Options include:
None (Default) No rounding method is employed.
1.00 Position Budget is rounded to the nearest
dollar or unit percent.
10.00 Position Budget is rounded to the nearest
multiple of 10.
100.00 Position Budget is rounded to the nearest
multiple of 100.

Percent Enter the percent by which the Position Budget is to be

By default, the system calculates and displays the
corresponding amount in the next field when this field is

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Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Amount Enter the amount by which the Position Budget is to be

By default, the system calculates and displays the
corresponding percent value in the previous field.

Budget Information Table - This table displays the Position Budget information for each
model set up.

Model Displays the caption of each model. Models include:

Proposed, Base, and Current.
The Proposed model displays the Position information that
will be uploaded at the end of the Extract process,
The Base model displays information extracted from Banner
at the time of the initial extract.
The Current model displays the current Banner data for the
Fiscal Year, Budget ID, and Phase. The values in this column
are updated dynamically as changes are made in Banner.
Note: The absence of a Current Fiscal Year Budget for a
Position is an indicator that the position has been either
canceled or deleted.

Fiscal Year Budget Displays the fiscal year budget of the position for each
The Proposed Fiscal Year Budget of a position is a display-
only field. It is calculated as:
Base Budget + Change Amount
The Base Fiscal Year Budget initially displays the value at
the time of the extract, but this can be changed.
The Current Fiscal Year Budget displays the Position
Budget as it exists in Banner.

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Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

FTE Displays the FTE of the position in each model.

The Proposed FTE initially displays the Base FTE drawn
during the extract, and can be changed.
The Base FTE refers to the position FTE at the time of the
extract, and can be changed.
The Current FTE displays the FTE of the position as it exists
in Banner.

Appt% Displays the Appointment Percent of the position for each

The Proposed Appointment Percent is the same as the Base
value. This field can not be updated.
The Base Appointment Percent refers to the Appointment
Percent of the position at the time of the extract. This value
can be updated.
The Current Appointment Percent displays the Appointment
Percent of the position as it exists in Banner.

Total Salaries Displays the sum of the annual salaries of all jobs associated
with the specific position.
The Proposed Total Salaries is the sum of the proposed
annual salaries of all jobs associated with a position.
The Base Total Salaries is the sum of the base annual salaries
of all jobs associated with a position.
The Current Total Salaries is not displayed.

Estimated Fiscal Year Displays the total estimated fiscal year budget for all jobs
Budget associated with the Position only for the Proposed model.
See the Job Detail page for a further explanation of the
Estimated Fiscal Year Budget Calculation.

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Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Exclude from Totals/ The display of this field depends on the Salary Planner user
Hide from Scenarios accessing this page and the scenario being accessed.
Master Salary Planners accessing the Initial scenario will see
the Hide from Scenarios field whereas HR Managers will
see this field as Exclude from Totals.
Master Salary Planners can select this check box to hide a
position from all scenarios generated from the Initial
Scenario whereas HR Managers can select this check box to
exclude a position from the calculation of the organization
Changes to this field also update all the associated jobs.

Position Information Table - This table displays the organization associated with the
Position, the Position Type, the Start and End Dates of the Position, and the Current Status
of the position.

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Apply Select this button to apply the changes to the proposed

position budget initially entered in the Change table.

Save Select this button to save the entries on this page.

Upon saving, the process recalculates the Proposed Fiscal
Year Budget, the Total Change Percent, Total Change
Amount, Change Amount, and Change Percent if they exist.
The process also redistributes the Proposed Salary Amount
by Account Distribution percentage.

Reset Select this button to reset any unsaved changes.

Previous Select this button to access the previous position in the

numerical order.
Note: Save your changes before selecting this button.
Unsaved changes will be lost.

Next Select this button to access the next position in the numerical
Note: Save your changes before selecting this button.
Unsaved changes will be lost.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-71

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

Position Distribution Goes to the Position Distribution page


Position Budget Comments Goes to the Position Comments page


Employee Goes to the List by Employee page


List by Employee Goes to the List by Employee page


List by Position Goes to the List by Position page


Summary Totals Goes to the Summary Totals page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Job Detail

Employee Detail

List by Position

Position Distribution

Position Comments

Multiple Extract Position

Position Comments

Position Distribution

The Position Distribution page displays the Position Budget Distribution for a position.
This page can be accessed from the List by Position page, Position Detail page.

Salary Planner users can access this page to modify either the Position Budget or the
Position Budget Distribution.

3-72 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
This page displays the components of the Position Budget Distribution for the Current and
Proposed models. The Budget Distribution in the Current model is display-only whereas
that in the Proposed model can be updated.

Salary Planner users can:

• Modify an existing distribution record by selecting the Percent link or
• Add a new record to the distribution by selecting the Add a New Record link.

The Total percent of Position Budget Distribution records must always
equal 100. „

This page also displays the Job Labor Distribution associated with the position for one or
more employees. Salary Planner users can choose to copy the Position Labor Distribution
to the Job Labor Distribution for each job associated with the position, by selecting the
Copy Position Distribution to Jobs button.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-73

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Data is organized in the following tables:
• Current Position Budget Distribution Table
• Proposed Position Budget Distribution Table
• Proposed Job Distribution Table for each employee whose job is associated with
the position listed on this page.

Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Select the Percent link to change the proposed position budget distribution. Select Add a
New Record to add distribution records.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information
When Banner Finance is installed, labor distribution data is a set of the following elements:
Fund, Organization, Account, Program, Activity and Location (FOAPAL). For a detailed
field description of the components of labor distribution refer to the “Account
Distribution” on page 3-82.
When Banner Finance is not installed Labor Distribution data is a string of 60 characters.

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Copy Position Distribution Select this button to copy the Position Distribution to all jobs
to Jobs associated with the position.

3-74 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Buttons/Icons on This Page
Button/Icon Action

Update Budget Select this button to redistribute a Position Budget so that the
distribution is equal to 100%.
For example, consider a position budgeted for a total of
$50,000, split 50/50 across two FOAPALs. If the Amount in
the first FOAPAL set is changed to $30,000 on the Position
Distribution page the Percent is recalculated to 60% with the
Total Percent at 110% for the Position.
On navigating from the Account Distribution page to the
Position Distribution page a Warning Message displays that
the Total Percentage does not equal 100%.
Now select the Update Budget button for the position to
recalculate and correct the percentages to 55% and 45% and
update the Proposed Position Budget to $55,000.00.

Links to Other Web Pages

This Link Action

Percent Goes to the Account Distribution page


Add a New Record Goes to the Account Distribution page


Position Detail Goes to the Position Detail page


List by Employee Goes to the List by Employee page


List by Position Goes to the List by Position page


Summary Totals Goes to the Summary Totals page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

List by Position

Position Detail

Account Distribution

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-75

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Other Web Pages With Links to This Page
Multiple Extract Position

Summary Totals
The Summary Totals page displays the consolidated totals of each organization in
accordance with the organization hierarchy set up in Banner, the selection criteria
specified on the Position Filters page, and the user’s security (including Employee Class,
Employer, and Salary Level security).

The totals for a predecessor organization include the totals of each subordinate
organization when the Include Subordinate Organizations indicator is selected on the
Position Filter page. The totals of subordinate organizations can be accessed by selecting
the corresponding link of the predecessor organization on this Web page.

Therefore, based on the organization hierarchy set up and the selection criteria specified
on the Position Filters page, Salary Planner users can view roll-up totals for a predecessor
organization and then drill down to see the subordinate organization totals.

The organization totals are displayed in the Totals table. This is followed by the
Organizations with No Positions link and the Position Filters table, which displays the
criteria specified on the Position Filters page.

This Web page can be accessed by selecting the Summary Totals button in the:
• Position Filter page,
• List by Position page or
• List by Employee page

Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Select an Organization to display subordinate organizations.

3-76 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information
Totals Table - The following fields display the organization totals for positions in each
Note: The organization totals do not include positions and jobs that are marked as Exclude
from Totals, and amounts or percents associated with job change reasons whose
Include in Change Totals indicator is set to No on the Job Change Reason Code Rules

Organization Displays the ID and name of each organization.

This field will be a link if there are subordinate organizations
listed under the current organization.

Proposed Position FTE Displays the sum of the proposed position FTEs for all
positions, including those in subordinate organizations, if
available, but excluding positions whose Exclude from
Totals field was marked on the Position Details page or the
List by Position page.

Base Budget Displays the total base budget for all positions in the
organization, including the subordinate organizations, if any,
but excluding positions whose Exclude from Totals field
was marked on the Position Details page or the List by
Position page.

Total Change Percent Displays the Total Change Percent between the Base and the
Proposed Position Budget.

Total Change Amount Displays the Total Change amount between the Base and the
Proposed Position Budget.

Proposed Budget Displays a total of the Proposed Position Budgets for all
positions in each organization, except positions that are
marked excluded on the List by Position page.

The following fields display the organization totals for jobs in each organization.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-77

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Proposed Job FTE Displays the sum of the Proposed Job FTEs for all jobs in the
organization, including those in subordinate organizations, if
Note: This total excludes:
• Jobs which have the Exclude from Totals field marked on
the Job Detail page or the List by Employee page.
• Jobs for which Salary Planner users do not have the
required security to access the corresponding Employee
Class, Salary, or Employer Security.

Base Salary Displays the Total Base Salary by summing up the Base
Salaries of each position within the organization, including
subordinate organizations, if any.
Subordinate organizations will be included in the total only
if the Include Subordinate Organizations indicator field is
selected on the Position Filters page.
Note: This total does not include the Base Salaries
associated with jobs that have been marked as excluded
on the List by Employee page or the Employee Details

This total excludes jobs for which Salary Planner users do

not have the required security to access the corresponding
Employee Class, Salary, or Employer Security.

Total Change Percent Displays the total percentage change in the Proposed Salary
compared to the Base Salary, excluding jobs marked as
excluded and change reasons not marked as included.

Total Change Amount Displays the Total Change Amounts between the Base and
the Proposed Salary Budget.
This total is the sum of the total change amounts specified
for each job within each organization. The total change
amount for each job is calculated by summing the amounts
entered for each job change reason, excluding those reasons
whose Include in Change Totals indicator is not marked on

3-78 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Proposed Salary Displays the Proposed Salary total for the organization. This
total is calculated as the sum of the Proposed Salaries for
each position in the organization.
Subordinate organizations will be included in the total only
if the Include Subordinate Organizations indicator is
selected on the Position Filters page.
However, this total does not take into account the Proposed
Salaries of jobs that are marked excluded, or those for which
users do not have security to access based on the Employee
Class, Salary or Employer Security associated with the job.

Total (row) This row displays the grand total for each field listed above.

Position Filters Table - The Position Filters table displays the selection criteria specified
on the Position Filters page.

Links to Other Web Pages

This Link Action

Organization Displays any subordinate organizations corresponding to the

selected organization on this page.

Organizations with No Goes to the Organizations with No Data page

Positions (bwpkspos.P_DispOrgnsWoutData).

Back to Top Organization Moves one level up in the organization hierarchy.

Previous Organization Displays the previous organization accessed.

List by Position Goes to the List by Position page


List by Employee Goes to the List by Employee page


Position Filter Goes to the Position Filter page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

List by Employee

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-79

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Other Web Pages With Links to This Page
Employee Detail

Job Detail

Job Labor Distribution

List by Position

Position Detail

Position Distribution

Default Regular Hours

Salary Planner users can access this page to modify the default regular hours of any earn
code that is classified as a Regular Earn Type. Select the Default Hours button on the Job
Detail page to access this page.

This page displays default hours data for each field in the Proposed, Base, and Current

The Proposed model represents data that can be updated for future use.

The Base model represents data that was initially extracted from Banner.

The Current model displays the default hours as they exist in Banner as of the Effective
Date used in the extract.

Upon initial extract, data in the Base and Current models will be identical.

Salary Planner users can change the default hours in the Proposed model only.

The proposed default hours may be automatically updated for hourly jobs
when either the Proposed FTE or Proposed Appointment Percent is
changed depending on the Update Job Data Based On indicator on the
Position Control Installation Rules Form (NTRINST). „

Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Change the Proposed Default Hours and select Save.

3-80 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Model Displays the field information in the Base, Current and

Proposed models of the selected scenario.

Effective Date Displays the effective date applicable for each model.
Base Effective Date Refers to the Effective
Date that falls closest to the
Job Effective Date used in
the extract.
Current Effective Date Refers to the Effective
Date of the current default
hours job record that falls
closest to the Job Effective
Date used in the extract.
Proposed Effective Date Corresponds to the
Effective Date entered in
the Salary Planner Extract
Rules Form (NTRSPEX)
for the employee class
associated with the

Default Regular Hours Displays the default hours in the Base, Current, and
Proposed models of the selected set up.
The Base default hours correspond to the hours initially
The Current default hours displays the current default hours
as of the Job Effective Date used in the extract.
Salary planner users can enter a new value to update the
default hours in the Proposed model of the set up.

Ended As Of Displays the End date for the default hours in the Base and
Current models of the set up.
Salary Planner users can enter an End Date in the Proposed
model. This field is required to terminate the default hours in

EPAF Trans # This field is populated with a Transaction # after default

hours are uploaded into Banner via the Salary Planner
Update Process (NBPSPUP).

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-81

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Buttons/Icons on This Page
Button/Icon Action

Save Saves the changes made to the default hours and reverts to
the Job Detail page.

Reset Undo any changes entered, but not yet saved on this page.

Links to Other Web Pages

This Link Action

List by Employee Goes to the List by Employee page


Employee Detail Goes to the Employee Detail page


Job Detail Goes to the Job Detail page (bwpksjob.P_ModifyJobDetl)

Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

The Default Regular Hours page can be accessed only from the Job Detail page.

Account Distribution

The Account Distribution page displays the COA, Index and the FOAPAL components
being proposed for a specific position when Banner Finance is installed. When Banner
Finance is not installed this page displays a 60- character Account Code field. Salary
planner users can use this page to change the account distribution for a position in the
Proposed Budget model.

The information initially displayed on this page depends on the row selected in the
Position Budget Distribution page. When selected from the distribution percent for a
specific Position Budget Distribution row this page displays the selected account
information. When selected from the Add New Row link the account distribution
information will be blank.

Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Add or change an Account Distribution component and select Save. You may choose an
Account Distribution component button to query values

3-82 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information
The following fields can be used as data-entry fields as well as query fields. To query and
populate a certain field, select the appropriate button.

Chart Enter the Chart of Accounts (COA) associated with a

To query on this field, select the Chart button.

Index Enter the Index associated with the position.

Alternatively, select the Index button to query on this field.

Fund Enter the Fund associated with the position.

Alternatively, select the Fund button to query on this field.

Organization Enter the Organization affiliated with the position.

Alternatively, select the Organization button to query and
populate this field.

Account Enter the Account associated with the position.

Alternatively, select the Account button to query and
populate this field.

Program Enter the Program code associated with the position, or

select the Program button to query and populate this field
with a value.

Activity Enter the Activity associated with the position, or select the
Activity button to query and populate this field.

Location Enter the Location code associated with the position, or

select the Location button to query and populate this field.

Project Enter the Project code associated with the position, or select
the Project button to query and populate this field.

Cost Enter the cost associated with the position, or select the Cost
button to query and populate this field.

Percent Enter the percent for calculating the amount budgeted for the
position or job.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-83

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Amount This field is display-only if the Account Distribution page

has been accessed from the Job Labor Distribution page. In
this case, the amount is calculated based on the proposed
annual salary using the percent value entered in the previous
Enter the amount if this page has been accessed from the
Position Budget Distribution page. In this case, this field is a
data-entry field. The amount is calculated based on the
proposed position budget using the percent value entered in
the previous field. If the amount is changed, the percent
value is also recalculated accordingly.

Encumbrance Override End (Optional) Enter an earlier override date instead of the
Date Budget Period End Date, Project End Date or Fund
Termination Date when calculating multiple year
encumbrance amounts.
Grant data is related to Fund codes used on the labor
distribution. If the same Fund is used for multiple labor
distribution records on the same Effective Date, and you try
to enter a different Encumbrance End Date for a different
FOAPAL within the same effective date for the same Fund,
the following error message will be displayed:
*ERROR* All Encumbrance Override End Dates must be
the same for Fund XXXX effective DD-MON-YYYY.
where, XXXX represents the Fund Code and
DD-MON-YYY represents the Effective Date for the invalid

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Default From Index Populates the FOAPAL elements with default values
associated with the Index.

Save Saves the changes entered on this page and returns the user
to the Position Budget Distribution page or the Job Labor
Distribution page.

Remove Clears all fields entries entered on this page.

3-84 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

Job Distribution Goes to the Job Labor Distribution page

Position Distribution Position Budget Distribution page

Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

The Account Distribution page can be accessed only from the Position Distribution page.

Job Comments

Enter or review job-related comments on the Job Comments page. This page can be
accessed by selecting the Comments link corresponding to a job on the Job Detail page or
the Employee Detail page.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information

Name and ID Displays the Name and ID of the employee

Position-Suffix and Title Displays the employee’s position and suffix code, and the
position title.

Last Updated By Displays the name of the last Salary Planner user updating
this position budget record and/or the comments associated
with the position.

Last Updated On Displays the current date if entering a new comment,

Displays the date on which the last Position Budget or
comment change was made, if reviewing existing

Comment Enter or review comments for a job.

Note: Salary Planner users with query-only access can only
review comments.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-85

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Buttons/Icons on This Page
Button/Icon Action

Save Saves any new or edited comment.

Reset Removes all unsaved changes.

Links to Other Web Pages

This Link Action

Employee Detail Goes to the Employee Detail page


Job Detail Goes to the Job Detail page (bwpksjob.P_ModifyJobDetl)

Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Employee Detail

Job Detail

Updates to Banner
Item Description
This page does not make any updates to Banner. Job comments will accompany any job
salary, default earning or labor distribution changes uploaded to Banner via EPAFs. Once
the EPAF is applied, comments can be viewed on the Job Changes Detail Display Form

Position Comments

Enter or review position-related comments on the Position Comments page. This Web
page can be accessed by selecting the Comments link on the List by Position page or the
Multiple Extract - Position page, or the Position Budget Comment link on the Position
Detail page.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information

Position and Title Displays the Position Number, and the Position Title.

3-86 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Last Updated By Displays the name of the Salary Planner user accessing this

Last Updated On Displays the current date if entering a new comment,

Displays the date on which the comment was entered if
reviewing existing comments.

Comment Enter or review comments for the relevant position.

Note: Salary Planner users with query-only access can only
review comments.

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Save Saves any new or edited comment and reverts to the Web
page that was last accessed before the Comments page.

Reset Removes all unsaved changes.

Links to Other Web Pages

This Link Action

List by Position Goes to the List by Position page


Position Detail Goes to the Position Detail page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

List by Position

Position Detail

Multiple Extract Position

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-87

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Updates to Banner
Item Description

This Web page does not make any updates to Banner. Position comments will accompany
any position budget or labor distribution changes uploaded to the Position Budget Form
(NBAPBUD) in Banner.

Organizations with No Data

The Organizations with No Data page displays a list of organizations that do not contain
any data for a specific combination of an Extract ID and Scenario. This page can be
accessed from the List by Employee page, List by Position page and the Summary Totals

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information

Organization Displays the organization code.

Description Displays the title corresponding to the organization code.

Links to Other Web Pages

This Link Action

Return to Previous Goes to page from where this page was accessed.

Organization Lock Selection

The Organization Lock Selection page allows Salary Planner users to check the lock status
of an organization within each Extract ID/Scenario combination or find organizations
having a particular lock status.

Access this page by selecting the Organization Lock menu option from the Salary Planner

When an organization is locked, users with update access to the organization are restricted
to query-only access unless the user also has update access to the predecessor
organization, and the predecessor is unlocked. When an organization is in an unlocked
status, it is open to update.

3-88 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Organization lock functionality depends on the type of access given to Salary Planner
users, namely:
• Query access
• Update access

Users with query access can only query the lock status of an organization.

Users with update access to a predecessor organization can change the lock status of the
successor organizations.

Predecessor organizations are defined in FTMORGN when Banner Finance is installed,

otherwise in PTVORGN when Banner Finance is not installed.

When an Initial Scenario is created using the Salary Planner Extract
Process (NBPSPEX), all organizations in the scenario have an unlocked
status. Similarly, when a new scenario is created from an Initial Scenario
using the Create Scenario page, all organizations within the new scenario
have an unlocked status.

Technical Note: An organization that does not have a Lock Record in the
Lock table inherits the Lock status of its predecessor organization. If its
predecessor does not exist, the organization inherits the status of the next
predecessor in the hierarchy; and so on until a record is found. If no
record is found the organization is considered unlocked. „

To check the lock status of an organization, select an Extract ID, Scenario combination,
and an organization. Select the Submit button to obtain a response for your query.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-89

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Select an Extract ID and Scenario. Select the Lock Status All to display Organizations
regardless of status or choose a status. Leave Organization blank to start with the highest
level Organization you have authority to change or designate a starting Organization.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information

Extract ID The status of an organization will be displayed with

relevance to an Extract ID, Scenario combination.
Select a description of an Extract ID from the pull-down list.

Scenario Select a description of a Scenario from the pull-down list.

Lock Status Select a lock status that is to be queried from the pull-down
list. Specify an option in this field to determine organizations
having a particular lock status. Options include:

Organization Enter an organization code or choose an organization by

selecting this button. All organization codes associated with
a COA will be displayed from the FTVORGN form if
Banner Finance is installed, or from the PTVORGN form if
Banner Finance is not installed.
Note: Leave this field blank to select the highest level
organization you have access to.

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Submit Goes to the Change Organization Lock page


3-90 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

Create Scenario Goes to the Create Scenario page


Copy Scenario Goes to the Copy Scenario page


Edit Scenario Goes to the Edit Scenario page


Query Multiple Extracts Goes to the Query Multiple Extracts page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Create Scenario

Edit Scenario

Copy Scenario

Change Organization Lock

Query Multiple Extracts

Change Organization Lock

The Change Organization Lock page allows users to change the current lock status of an
organization for a selected Extract ID, Scenario combination. Access this page by posting
a query and selecting the Submit button on the Organization Lock Selection page.

The Parameters Table displays the search criteria specified in the Organization Lock
Selection page. For detailed field descriptions please refer to the Web Page Fields section
of the “Organization Lock Selection” on page 3-88.

The Organization Lock Status Table displays a list of all organizations that match the
above criteria, whose lock status can be updated. See below for detailed field descriptions.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-91

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Mark the Change checkbox and select Update to change an Organization's Lock Status.
Select Review to see the subset of records marked for change. Select an Organization to
display the successor organizations.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information

Organization Lock Status Table - The following information is displayed for each
organization that meets the lock status search criteria displayed in the Parameters Table.

Organization Displays the organization code as a link for successor

organizations. Select the link to drill down the organization
The list displayed depends on the user’s organization
security set up.
The lock status of an organization can be viewed and
updated only if the user has update access to the predecessor

Title Displays a short description of the corresponding

organization code.

Lock Status Displays the lock status of each organization. An asterisk (*)
in this field indicates that a subordinate organization has a
different status.

Change Select this check box to change the lock status of the relevant

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Review Displays only the organizations whose lock status is marked

to be changed on this page.

Update Updates the Locked status of organizations selected and

reloads this page with the new status.

3-92 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

Choose Organization Lock Goes to the Organization Lock Selection page


Create Scenario Goes to the Create Scenario page


Copy Scenario Goes to the Copy Scenario page


Edit Scenario Goes to the Edit Scenario page


Query Multiple Extracts Goes to the Query Multiple Extracts page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

The Change Organization Lock page can be accessed only by choosing the Submit button
on the Organization Lock Selection page.

Query Multiple Extracts

The Query Multiple Extracts Web page allows Salary Planner users to select multiple
Budget Extract IDs for combined viewing.

This page can be accessed by selecting the Multiple Query Extract option in the Salary
Planner menu.

Extract ID/Scenario combinations and organizations listed in the following fields will be
based on the user’s Organization security.

After selecting the filter criteria, a user can select the appropriate button to view
information by Position, Employee, or Position and Salary Totals only.

Information Text

The information text provides instructions for using this Web page. You can customize the
text using WebTailor. The delivered text is:

Select one or more Extract ID, Scenario combinations and one or more Organizations.
Select desired button.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-93

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Page Fields
Item Description/Source Information

Extract - Scenario Displays all valid Budget Extract ID and Scenario

combinations (except the Initial Scenarios) in accordance
with the user’s Organization security profile.
Select multiple combinations by using the CTRL or the
SHFT key.

COA - Organization Displays a list of organizations associated with the Extract

IDs listed above and accessible to the user based on their
security profile.
Select multiple organizations by using the CTRL or the
SHFT key.

Include Subordinate Select this check box if subordinate organizations are to be

Organizations included in the criteria. When selected in conjunction with
the Multiple Extract Summary Totals button the totals for
a predecessor organization includes the amount associated
with all subordinate organizations.

Number of Records per Indicate the number of records that are to be displayed on
Page this page. Select a value from the pull-down list.

Buttons/Icons on This Page

Button/Icon Action

Multiple Extract Positions Goes to the Multiple Extract Positions page


Multiple Extract Employee Goes to the Multiple Extract Employee page


Multiple Extract Totals Goes to the Multiple Extract Totals page


Links to Other Web Pages

This Link Action

Create Scenario Goes to the Create Scenario page


3-94 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

Copy Scenario Goes to the Copy Scenario page


Edit Scenario Goes to the Edit Scenario page


Organization Lock Goes to the Organization Lock Selection page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Create Scenario

Edit Scenario

Copy Scenario

Organization Lock Selection

Change Organization Lock

Multiple Extract Employee

Multiple Extract Position

Multiple Extract Summary Total

Multiple Extracts - Employee

The Multiple Extracts - Employee page can be accessed from the Query Multiple Extracts
page or the Multiple Extract pages for Position or Summary Totals. Information is display-

Here, each organization is displayed as a separate table, within each

Extract ID/Scenario. Each Organization is then summarized in a Totals table including
amounts from each Extract ID selected.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information

Fields displayed on this page are similar to those displayed in the List by Employee page.
For a detailed description, refer to the “List by Employee” on page 3-14.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-95

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

Multiple Extract Positions Goes to the Multiple Extract Positions page


Multiple Extract Summary Goes to the Multiple Extract Totals page

Totals (bwpkpmex.P_DispMultipleSumTotals).

Query Multiple Extracts Goes to the Query Multiple Extracts page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Query Multiple Extracts

Multiple Extract Position

Multiple Extract Summary Total

Multiple Extracts - Position

The Multiple Extracts - Positions page can be accessed from the Query Multiple Extracts
page, or the Multiple Extract pages for Employee or Summary Totals. All information is

Here, each organization is displayed as a separate table, within each Extract ID/Scenario
combination. Each organization is then summarized in a Totals table including amounts
from each Extract ID selected.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information
Fields displayed on the Multiple Extracts - Positions page are similar to those displayed in
the List by Position page. For a detailed description, refer to the “List By Position
(bwpkspos.P_ListByPosition)” on page 1-71.

3-96 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

Multiple Extract Employee Goes to the Multiple Extract - Employee page


Multiple Extract Summary Goes to the Multiple Extract - Summary Totals page
Totals (bwpkpmex.P_DispMultipleSumTotals)

Query Multiple Extracts Goes to the Query Multiple Extracts page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Query Multiple Extracts

Multiple Extract Employee

Multiple Extract Summary


Multiple Extracts Summary Totals

The Multiple Extracts Summary Totals page can be accessed from the Query Multiple
Extracts page, or the Multiple Extract pages for Employee or Positions. All information is

Here, the summary totals for all positions and jobs in an organization are displayed for
each Extract ID - Scenario selected. In addition each predecessor organization is a link to
drill down to the subordinate organizations.

Web Page Fields

Item Description/Source Information
Fields displayed on this page are similar to those displayed on the Summary Totals page.
For detailed field descriptions, refer to the “Summary Totals
(bwpkstot.P_DispSumTotals)” on page 1-86.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-97

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Links to Other Web Pages
This Link Action

Multiple Extract Positions Goes to the Multiple Extract Positions page


Multiple Extract Employee Goes to the Multiple Extract Employee page


Query Multiple Extracts Goes to the Query Multiple Extracts page


Other Web Pages With Links to This Page

Query Multiple Extracts

Multiple Extract Employee

Multiple Extract Position

Data Download to a .CSV Spreadsheet File

You can download position, job, and the associated labor distribution data corresponding
to a budget scenario into a Comma Separated Value file (.csv) to edit and analyze it in
accordance to your reporting needs.

Position and distribution data can be downloaded by selecting the appropriate download
button in the List by Position page of the Salary Planner. Similarly, job and labor
distribution data can be downloaded from the List by Employee page.

The downloaded data includes the header data followed by the Extract ID - Scenario name
and the filter criteria, followed by the contents of the selected scenario.

To Download data into a spreadsheet:

1. Select the appropriate Download button in the List by Position page or the List by
Employee page of the Salary Planner.

3-98 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
2. When you select the Download button, a File Download popup window appears.

If the File Download popup window does not appear after selecting either
of the download buttons, the server side settings may need to be set in
order to establish the MIME type “csv” (comma separated value).

Please contact your Web Server System Administrator. „

3. Choose to either open the file from its current location or save the file to a disk.

Note that spreadsheets may treat any field with a leading zero as a number and drop
the leading zero. This could affect the display of several types of values, and may have
more significant impact if any Organization or FOAPAL codes begin with a leading

4. If you choose to save the file, provide the path and filename, to store the data on your
computer. The save option is particularly useful in controlling the importing of data to
Excel and maintaining the leading zero, if necessary.

For more details, refer to the following topic, Data With a Leading Zero.

Data With a Leading Zero

When data in one of the columns has a leading zero, save the file as a .txt file. Then, if
you use Microsoft Excel to open the file, the Text Import Wizard appears. Use the Text
Import Wizard, as follows:

1. Choose Delimited and then select the Next button

2. Select comma as the Delimiter for your data, set Text Qualifier to None, and then
select the Next button

3. Scroll down to the downloaded data.

4. Select the columns that have leading zeros and change the format from General to
Text. Other columns will be converted to numbers or text, depending on the column

5. Select Finish.

6. To save your file as a Microsoft Excel file, select Save As on the File menu, and
under File Type, select the Microsoft Excel Workbook.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-99

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Web Procedures
The following chart lists the new procedures that were added to Employee
Self-Service to create the Web pages of the Salary Planner module. The packages
containing these procedures are listed in the package.procedure format. This format
appears in the Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Page package.procedure
Create Scenario bwpksala.P_ChooseCreateScenario

Copy Scenario bwpksala.P_ChooseCopyScenario

Edit Scenario bwpksala.P_ChooseEditScenario

Position Filters bwpksala.P_DispPosnFilters

Employee Filter bwpksala.P_DispEmployeeFilter

Search Results bwpksala.P_DispSearchResults

List by Employee bwpksjob.P_ListByEmployee

Employee Detail bwpksjob.P_ModifyEmpDetl

Job Detail bwpksjob.P_ModifyJobDetl

Job Labor Distribution bwpksdst.P_JobLaborDist

List By Position bwpkspos.P_ListByPosition

Position Detail bwpkspos.P_ModifyPosnDetl

Position Distribution bwpksdst.P_PosnLaborDist

Summary Totals bwpkstot.P_DispSumTotals

Default Regular Hours bwpksjob.P_DispDefaultHrs

Account Distribution bwpksdst.P_DispAcctDist

Job Comments bwpksjob.P_DispJobComments

Position Comments bwpkspos.P_DispPosnComments

Organizations with No Data bwpkspos.P_DispOrgnsWoutData

Organization Lock bwpksorg.P_ChooseOrgnLock


3-100 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
Page package.procedure
Change Organization Lock bwpksorg.P_LockOrgn

Query Multiple Extracts bwpksmex.P_ViewExtracts

Multiple Extracts - bwpksmex.P_DispMultipleEmployees


Multiple Extracts - Position bwpksmex.P_DispMultiplePositions

Multiple Extracts Summary bwpkpmex.P_DispSumTotals


June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 3-101

Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
3-102 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008
Salary Planner Handbook
Salary Planner Functions
4 Technical Information

This chapter documents the database tables and the utility script used by the Salary
Planner. changes made to provide Banner support for the Salary Planner.

Salary Planner Tables

Salary Planner Extract Header Table (NBREHDR)

Database Column Null? Datatype












Extracted Job Labor Distribution Salary Planner Table (NBREJLD)

Database Column Null? Datatype





June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 4-1

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
Database Column Null? Datatype



















Extracted Job Detail Salary Planner Table (NBREJOB)

Database Column Null? Datatype






4-2 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
Database Column Null? Datatype



























June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 4-3

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
Database Column Null? Datatype
















Extracted Position Labor Distribution Salary Planner Table (NBREPLD)

Database Column Null? Datatype









4-4 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
Database Column Null? Datatype












Extracted Position Salary Planner Table (NBREPSA)

Database Column Null? Datatype













June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 4-5

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Technical Information
Database Column Null? Datatype











Extracted Job Default Hours Salary Planner Table (NBRERRN)

Database Column Null? Datatype














4-6 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
Database Column Null? Datatype





Salary Planner Organization Lock Table (NBRLOCK)

Database Column Null? Datatype







Salary Planner Salary Change Table (NBRSALC)

Database Column Null? Datatype










June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 4-7

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
Database Column Null? Datatype


Salary Planner Organization Lock Collector Table (NBRSPLC)

Database Column Null? Datatype













Salary Planner Extracted Employee Temporary Table (NBTEMPF)

Database Column Null? Datatype







4-8 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
Database Column Null? Datatype


Salary Planner Filter Parameter Table (NBTFPRM)

Database Column Null? Datatype








Salary Planner Upload Jobs Error Temporary Table (NBTJERR)

Database Column Null? Datatype











June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 4-9

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
Salary Planner Employee's Jobs Filter Temporary Table (NBTJOBF)

Database Column Null? Datatype












Salary Planner Organization Summary Filter Temporary Table (NBTORSF)

Database Column Null? Datatype







Salary Planner Upload Position Error Temporary Table (NBTPERR)

Database Column Null? Datatype




4-10 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
Database Column Null? Datatype




Salary Planner Position Filter Temporary Table (NBTPOSF)

Database Column Null? Datatype










Salary Planner Security Table (NSRSPSC)

Database Column Null? Datatype







June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 4-11

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
Salary Planner Extract Bargaining Unit Rule Table (NTRSPBU)

Database Column Null? Datatype





Salary Planner Extract Employee Class Rule Table (NTRSPEC)

Database Column Null? Datatype








Salary Planner Extract Rule Table (NTRSPEX)

Database Column Null? Datatype










4-12 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
Database Column Null? Datatype




Salary Planner Extract Budget Profile Rule Table (NTRSPPR)

Database Column Null? Datatype





Budget Profile Validation Table (NTVBPRO)

Database Column Null? Datatype





Related Banner Tables

Position Base Table (NBBPOSN)

Database Column Null? Datatype


June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 4-13

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
Position Control Installation Rule Table (NTRINST)

Database Column Null? Datatype









Job Change Reason Table (PTRJCRE)

Database Column Null? Datatype



User Code Rule Table (PTRUSER)

Database Column Null? Datatype


4-14 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
Utility Script
This script will not be run as a part of the upgrade. „


Run this script to create Approval Types and assign Approval categories. This script has
been developed specifically for use in the Salary Planner Upload process (NBPSPUP).

SunGard Higher Education delivers this utility script to generate seed
data in a given format. The order of the Approval Types in the Combined
Approval Category must remain unaltered. This script will not be run as a
part of the upgrade. „

Each name can be up to six characters long. These named categories and types will be
visible on the Electronic Approval Category Code Validation Form (NTVACAT) and
Electronic Approval Types Rules (NTRAPTY). The appropriate blocks and fields for each
Approval Type are also set up as a part of this script.

Upon successful completion of this script, the Salary Planner Upload Process (NBPSPUP)
can be used.

This script sets up three approval types for use in the creation of Job EPAFs, namely:
• Salary Information
• Default Hours
• Labor Distributions

Four approval categories are also created for Job EPAFs, namely:
• Salary Information
• Default Hours
• Labor Distributions
• Combined Job Information

Each approval category is associated with an Approval Type:

Approval Category Approval Type

Salary Salary
Default Hrs Default Hrs
Labor Dist Labor Dist
Combined Includes Salary, Default Hours and Labor Distribution

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 4-15

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
The Approval Types have been created in Banner along with the Approval Categories.
However, your institution may specify appropriate names as required when running the

Salary Planner Web Packages

The following new packages have been added as a result of this enhancement.


This package contains common functions and procedures used in the Salary Planner Web
pages, Salary Planner Extract process (NBPSPEX), and Salary Planner Upload process


This package has been created to support EPAF edits and provide logic for EPAF
transactions in the Salary Planner.


The NBTEPSA0.SQL package contains a new trigger, NT_NBREPSA_UPDATE_NBREPLD for the

Salary Planner Extracted Position Table (NBREPSA), to update its Labor Distribution in the
NBREPLD table when changes are made to the proposed Position Budgets.

Related Web Packages

The following packages have been modified in support of the Salary Planner application.


These security packages have been modified to add a new organization security check for
the Salary Planner.

4-16 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information

This security package has been modified to recognize the organization hierarchy in
PTVORGN when Banner Finance is not installed. New logic has been added that checks
for the preceding and succeeding organization codes, similar to the functionality found in


The p_build_ptot_select procedure has been modified to include the Budget Profile
code and description for the Spreadsheet Budgeting download.


This package has been modified to include two new procedures, p_include_all_ecls
and p_include_all_barg which populate all Employee Classes and Bargaining Units
defined on the PTRECLS and PTVBARG forms, into the NTRSPEX form.


This package has been modified to reduce the number of hits to the database by accessing
the PTRINST table once.


This package has been modified to add two new edits to validate the Extract ID and Salary
Group code parameters for the Salary Planner extract and upload processes, NBPSPEX
and NBPSPUP, respectively.

June 2008 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 4-17

Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information
4-18 Banner Employee Self-Service 8.0 June 2008
Salary Planner Handbook
Technical Information

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