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Courage isn’t having the strength to go on

It is going on when you don’t have the strength

1. The family of the sun makes up the ------
2. The planets includes-----,--------,-------,-------
3. The planets have ----------satellites
4. The interplanetary materials includes ----------, -----------, ---------, ------------and------
5. The solar system is the sun and ---------
6. The motion in the solar system are complex and complicated, it is not only that the
individual members resolve about the sun, they also --------while the satellite revolve
7. ---------brings to DSSS that make up the milky way
8. DSSS stand for--------
9. --------is a middle aged star which is about----------years old
10. The average distance of the sun from the earth is about--------
11. The sun is a ball of gas consisting of------and---------and about--------of weight
12. --------is the innermost of the sun where the energy from nuclear fusion is generated
13. The sun’s core has a temperature of about -------and density around---------
14. --------of the sun is where the energy is transported from the very hot interior to the colder
our layers by--------
15. Energy is the outer of the sun’s radius is transported by the bulk motions of gas in a process
called--------and this part of the sun just below the surface is called-----
16. At the core of the sun where energy is generated the temperature is about---------and the
density is about---------
17. Energy is transported outwardly from the sun by------
18. In convective zone heated gas rises while colder ones descend so that energy by this
process is transferred to the---------which is the ---------
19. The collision of two hydrogen nuclei, which fuses together, forms a heavier particles
20. The process of convecting hydrogen into helium is called---------this is called because-----
21. At the centre of the sun where the collision and fusion called------takes place, about ------
percent of solar energy is of 150million Kelvin
22. The surface temperature of the sun which is called ------and is about--------
23. The region of the sun immediately after the photosphere is called--------
24. Both chromospheres and corona can be seen during----------
25. The planets which form along with the solar system are about------year old
26. The early greek abservers discovered that there are stars that are fixed and some wandering
star-like bodies. These wondering star-like bodies are termed-----
27. The wandering star-like bodies that are visible to the unaided eyes known to ancient are
five namely-----,------,------,------and------
28. ------observed later that the planet including the earth resolves round the sun
29. The remaining planets discovered after the invention of telescope includes--------and------

30. The rotation of the planets are in the same sence------to-----except------and-------which has-
31. Retrograde rotation of venus and Uranus means----------
32. All the planet receptive axes of rotation are perpendicular to their orbital planes except-----
33. The planets of the solar systems falls into two clean groups, they are--------and-------
34. A planet whose orbit is closer to the sun than earth is -------and they include--------and------
35. The four innermost planets called-----are------,-------,------and-----
36. The five outermost planets are called-----and they are-----,-----,-----,------and------
37. The largest planets namely-----,------,------,and------are called-------
38. Modern astronomers recently in------redefined planets created the new subcategories-----of
which plato was thought to be the largest
39. The sun itself is not stationary , it is duty bound to carry it family with itself as it revolve
round centre of ------
40. We should known that the earth at which we live rotates at incredible speed of --------as it
orbit the sun
41. The sun and its planets 250million earth years called ------to orbit the milky way
42. The first theory of solar system is called-------
43. The second theory of solar system is called------
44. ------was the first to discover the theory of condensation of the origin of solar system
45. -------developed the specific model called-----
46. The essential feature of nebula are ------
47. Examples of nebula are ------and-------
48. the four innermost planets closer to the sun are referred to as-------
49. terrestrial planet are of the element such as------,-----and------
50. terrestrial planet includes------,------,-----and-------
51. ---------is the closest to the sun and one of the brightest objects in the sky
52. The mercury was known to ancients as--------
53. The early greek did not recognize mercury as the object hence they called it------
54. Mercury is not habitable. True or false?
55. The early greek think venus to be two object when it appears, sometimes as--------called----
and-----when its appears as “morning star”
56. -------first recognized both phosphorus and Hesperus as one and same planet
57. Because of the beauty of venus it is referred to as------and sometimes called------
58. The distance of venus form the sun is about------and it takes venus ------at an orbital speed
of 35km/s to revolve round the sound
59. -------is recognized to reddish in colour at night sky and was named------
60. Mars is at average distance of -------
61. Mars has two satellite called-------and------meaning------and-------

62. The rotation of the mars is very close to that of the earth which is------this implies that a
day on mars------
63. The thin atmosphere of mars consist of 95percent carbon dioxide, the surface temperature
is about 2225 kelvin which means-----
64. Three main features of the mars are-------,-------and------
65. -------is the only planet that contain life as we know it here
66. The record of earth birth date back to ------and was form from-------
67. -----put forward that the earth is flat in shape and central of the universe
68. The view that the earth is centre of the universe is called------
69. ------brough a Copernicus revolution of the -------view of the universe
70. -------made telescope discoveries supporting Copernican model
71. ------formulated law of gravity and used them to explain elliptical planetary orbit
72. ------proposed circular motion of the planet around the sun
73. The earth rotates on its axes------
74. The jovian planet differs fron the terrestrial ones on the basis of----
75. Apart from hydrogen and helium, other molecules of jovian planet are------,-----,-----and----
76. -------is the largest and the most massive object in the solar system apart from the sun
77. The upper atmosphere of Jupiter has alternate high dark region which is called------
78. -------revolves the planet and fall into three groups
79. The largest and brightest jupiter’s satellites are the ------namely----,------and-------
80. The largest satellite in the solar system is------while the most volcanically active body in
the solar system is--------
81. --------is the second largest planet in the solar system
82. Saturn revolves round the sun in-------
83. Saturn has -----as the largest satellite
84. -------can be seen with unaided eyes on a dark clear night
85. The main features of Uranus are ------,-------and------
86. Since the discovering of------ it has not revolved round the sun and was expected to
complete a revolution in 2011
87. The two satellites of naptune are-----and-------
88. ---------is neither terrestrial nor jovial planet
89. Plato was discovered in------by-----
90. Plato was a high ----orbit with average distances of 34.99AU from the sun
91. Plato has one satellite called------
92. The plato’s surface is covered with -------while charon has-----
93. Astronomers demoted plato in 2007 to --------
94. The interplanetary consist of ------,-----,------and-----
95. ------are solid debris mostly located between the orbits of mars and Jupiter considered as
star like object
96. Asteroids are commonly referred to as--------because---------

97. Asteroids collide with each other, other planet and satellites producing small pieces of rock
98. Asteroid with orbits crossing the earth are nearest approaching natural celestrial bodies
except the moon and meteorites and are grouped into three they are------,-------and-------
99. ------the stellar system consist mainly of ------,-------and-------
100. The careful study of the sky shows that the star fall into pattern, such pattern are

1. Solar system
2. Mercury, venus, earth, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and nepturn
3. 44
4. Asteroids, coment, moons and meteorites and interplanetary medium of interplanetary
medium of gas and dust
5. Its family of planets with their satellites and large number of interplanetary material
revolving around the sun, all held to the orbit around the sun by gravitation
6. Rotate abot their axies while the satellite rotate around its axies
7. The sun
8. Disc shaped spiral system of star
9. 4.6 billon year old
10. 150millon kilimetre
11. Hydrogen and helium which is about 98percent of weight
12. The core
13. The sun has a temperature of about 16millon Kelvin, it has density around 160 times
the density of water
14. Radioactive zone by photons
15. Convection, the part below the sun is called convection
16. 150million Kelvin and density is 150/cm
17. Radiation
18. Phostosphere, which is the surface of the sun
19. Deuteron
20. Hydrogen burning, it is called because high temperature are needed for it to take place
21. Nuclear fusion, about 92percent of solar energy is generated
22. Effective temperature and about 58000kelvin
23. Corona
24. Total solar eclipse

25. 4.6 years old
26. Planets
27. Mercury, venus, mars, Jupiter, and Saturn
28. Copernicus
29. Uranus in 1781 and Neptune in 1846
30. West to east, except venus and Uranus which has retrograde rotation
31. Rotation from east to west
32. Uranus and Pluto
33. The asteroid belt clearly divides the planets into terrestrial (earth-like) and
jovian(Jupiter- like) planets and lies between mars and Jupiter
34. Inferior planets, they include mercury and venus
35. Inner planet, they includes mercury, venus, earth and mars
36. Outer planets, they include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
37. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are called jovian planets
38. 2006 dwarf planet
39. Galaxy the milky way galaxy
40. 1500km/s
41. A galactic year
42. Collision theory
43. Condensation theory
44. A german philosopher: Immanuel kant (1724-1804)
45. Pierre simon margins de-laplace (1749-1827)
46. The sun and planets forms rotating flattened cloud, the sun is formed at the central
while planet grow in the flattened disc
47. Hourglass and butterfly
48. Terrestrial planet
49. Iron, aluminum, oxygen and silicon
50. Mercury ,venus, earth and mars
51. Mercury
52. “Evening star” after sunset and “morning star”
53. Apollo
54. True
55. Evening star called” called phosphorus and Hesperus
56. Pythagora
57. Goddess of love and beauty” and sometimes called earth sister”
58. O.72 Au and it takes 22days
59. Good or war
60. 1.52Au
61. Deimos and phobos, meaning “terror or fear”

62. 24hrs 37minutes, lasts longer than earth
63. It is very or quite cool
64. Polar cap, mars has dust storm and mars has permanent dark feature
65. Earth
66. 4.6million years ago and was formed from inner solar nebula like all the terrestrial
67. A greek philosopher “Aristotle” (384222 BC)
68. Geocentric (earth centered)
69. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1573), heliocentric (sun centered)
70. Galilieo galilei (1564-1642)
71. Isaac newton (1673-1642)
72. Nicolause (1473-1543)
73. Once every day
74. Low bulk density, greater diameter, greater mass, and different chemical composition
75. Methane, hydrogen, ammonia and water
76. Jupiter
77. Zone and belt respectively
78. Sixteen satellites
79. Galileon satellites, namely leo, europa, Ganymede and callisto
80. Ganymede while the most volcanically active body in the solar system is lo of jupital
81. Saturn
82. 29.5 years
83. Titan
84. Uranus
85. It can be seen with unaided eyes on a dark clear night, it is a greenish world due to its
atmospheric methane, the mass is 14.5 times that of the earth
86. Neptune
87. Triton and Nereid
88. Pluto
89. 1930 by clyde Williams Tombaugh
90. Eccentric
91. Charon
92. Methane ice while charon has waters ice
93. Dwarf planet
94. Asteroids, comets, meteors, and meteorites
95. Asteroids
96. Minor planets because their surface are like those of planets
97. Meteors and dust found in our solar system
98. The atens, the appollos and the amors

99. Stars, interstellar medium of gas and dust
100. constellations




1. ---------is the study of organisms or living things (a)biology (b)natural science (c)biotechnology
(d)agricultural science biology
2. ---------includes all plants and animals and they are found in different natural surroundings (a)ecology
(b)an environment (c)living organisms (d)organisms
3. Organisms do not live in isolation in the environment but-------(a)alone (b)interact and exchange materials
between themselves and the environment (c)interact and exchange material among themselves only
(d)exchange material among themselves and between themselves only
4. The study of interaction and interrelationships that exist among organism and between them and the
environment is known as ----------(a)biotic (b)abiotic (c)ecology (d)habitat
5. The word ecology is derived from the greek word------(a)oiko (b)kilo (c)kolo (d)kio
6. Ecology means--------(a)home (b)environment (c)oiko (d)science of home
7. Ecology is defined as---------(a)it is determinant of the behavior, feeding habitats and breading habits of
organism (b)as scientific study of the interactions that determine the distribution and abundances of
organism (c)as a natural study of the interactions that determine the distribution and abundance of
organism (d)as artificial study of the interaction that determined the distribution and abundances of
8. ----------is a body, which is composed of one or more living cells and they are divided into two major
groups(a)livings things (b)virus (c)organism (d)ecology
9. Organisms are divided into two, they are----- (a)virus and bacterial (b)abiotic and biotic (c)living and non-
living (d)plants and animals
10.-------cell usually has a cellular cell wall and chloroplast, both of which are lacking or absent in animal
cells (a)plants cell (b)animal cell (c)micro-organisms (d)parasite organisms
11.Organisms that are composed of only one cell are called-----(a)virus (b)unicellular organisms
(c)unicellular and acellular organisms (d)multi-cellular organisms
12.Organisms made up of more than one cell are called-----(a)multicellular organisms (b)unicellular and
acellular organisms (c)unimulti-cellular organisms (d)unicellular and acellular organisms
13.The following are examples of unicellular organism except (a)amoeba (b)euglena (c)bacteria (d)viruses
(e)tape worm
14.Certain organisms of plant and animal origin cannot been seen without the aid of microscope and they are
called --------(a)uni-cellular organisms (b)multi-cellular organisms (c)micro-organism (d)ecological
15.The following are example of multicellular organisms except------(a)rate (b)fish (c)tapeworm (d)birds

16.Some organisms are large enough to be seen with the naked eyes and are referred to as-----(a)micro
organisms (b)unicellular and acellular (c)macro organisms (d)unicellular or acellular organisms
17.------is the surrounding of an organism (a)an environment (b)ecology (c)habitat (d)organisms and
18.Certain factors and phenomena outside the organism exist in the environment and influence the life of
organisms. These include-----------and--------(a)environmental factor and genetic factor (b)biotic or living
factors and abiotic or non living factor (c)ecological habitual factor (d)genetic and ecological factor
19.Example of abiotic factor factors includes the following except (a)temperature (b)moisture (c)light
(c)plants and animals
20.---------is exact or natural dwelling place of an organism (a)ecology (b)habitat (c)environments
21.The following are types of habitats except (a)aquatic habitat (b)terrestrial habitat (c)arboreal habitat
(d)abiotic factor
22.The following are types of aquatic habitat--------except (a)freshwater (b)ponds (c)puddles and flooded
(d)farm land
23.The following are example of terrestrial habitat-------except (a)bush (b)farmland (c)desert (d)grassland
24.The following are examples of arboreal habitats------except (a)tree trunks (b)treetop (c)farmland
25. A---------of organisms is made up of members, which are actually or potentially interbreed (a)family
(b)genus (c)order (d)species
26. A dog and a goat cannot naturally interbreed because ----------(a)they are not the same family (b)they are
not the same genus (c)they are not the same species (d)they are not the same kingdom
27.--------is made up of organisms of the same species found in any given locality at a particular time
(a)population (b)community (c)environment (d)habitat
28.--------is made up of different populations of living organisms that exist together in a habitat (a)population
(b)community (c)environment (d)habitat
29.---------is regarded as the biotic component of an ecosystem (a)population (b)community (c)environment
30.The living part of an ecosystem is known as-------(a)population (b)community (c)environment (d)habitat
(e)biotic component
31.The non living part of the ecosystem is known as------(a)population (b)community (c)environment
(d)habitat (e)abiotic component
32.---------includes the parts of atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere where life are found (a)biosphere
(b)ecosystem (c)community (d)environment
33.Environments can be divided into three broad categories namely------,------- and------except(a)land or
terrestrial environment (b)water or aquatic (c)air or atmospheric environment (d)human environment
34.Organisms with facilities to move on hard ground are called--------(a)ground dwellers (b)land dwellers
(c)hard dwellers (d)surface dwellers

35.The followings are examples of surface dwellers except-------(a)goats (b)man (c)dog (d)tapeworm
36.Organisms that dwell underground are called-----(a)arboreal (b)aquatic (c)surface dwellers (d)burrowers
37. Examples of burrowers are except------(a)rabbit (b)rat (c)cricket (d)man
38. Some organisms lives in trees above the ground and they are called------(a)arboreal (b)aquatic (c)surface
dwellers (d)burrowers
39. The following are example of arboreal animals except------(a)birds (b)monkey (c)chameleons (d)rat
40. -------is the process that allows organisms to adjust to change in their environment (a)adaptation
(b)colouration (c)structurization (d)behaviorisms
41. The three types of adaptation can be distinguished, namely--------,-------- and-------except (a)structural
adaptation (b)adaptive colouration (c)behavioural adaptation (d)behaviorisms adaptation
42. In------the organism uses any part of its body to adjust to it mode of life. (a)structural adaptation
(b)adaptive colouration (c)behavioural adaptation (d)behaviourism adaptation
43. --------can be in form of escape adaptation or defence adaptation (a)structural adaptation (b)adaptive
colouration (c)behavioural adaptable (d)camouflage
44. The adaptation can be by --------,--------- and------except (a)camouflage (b)individual response (c)group
45. ---------is an adaptation normally in form and colour, which helps an organism to blend with its
surroundings, thereby avoiding detection by predation (a)structural adaptation (b)adaptive colouration
(c)behavoural adaptation (d)camouflage
46. -------animals exhibits a camouflage (a)bird (b)monkeys (c)chameleon (d)rat
47. -------is the act of coping another organism, which has an unpleasant odour or taste or poisonous sting that
would put off predator (a)physical defences (b)mimicry (c)chemical defence (d)electrical defence
48. The act in which some plants and animals secrete poisonous chemicals that can stun, kill or cause pain to
the predator e.g wasps, spiders,scorpions etc is called --------(a)physical defence (b)mimicry (c)chemical
defence (d)electrical defence
49. For securing mates, many vertebrates exhibits -------(a)conspicuous appearance and courtship behaviors
that attract opposite sex (b)electrical defence (c)chemical defence (d)none of the above
50. Defence adaptation includes -------,--------- and ------except (a)physical defence (b)mimicry (c)chemical
defence (d)electrical defences
51. The adaptations of fishes include all except------(a)
52. Plants that lives in water are known as-------(a)halophytes (b)geophytes (c)hydrophytes (d)xerophytes
53. Water lily and water lettuce are examples of------halophytes (b)geophytes (c)hydrophytes (d)xerophytes
54. Plants that live in dry places like deserts are called------(a)halophyte (b)geophytes (c)hydrophytes
55. The following are adaptive structures of hydrophytes exept------(a)small root system (b)light bodies (c)air
storage tissues (d)deep root system
56. The adaptations of animals on land are--------, -----------and------except (a)possession of
scales/cuticles/shell covering the body to reduce evaporation (b)hair and sweat glands to regulate
temperature and water loss from the surface (c)an efficient kidney to reabsorb water from urine (d)light
skeleton with hollow bone for easy flight

57. The largest plant is known as------(a)Californian redwood tree (b)white tree (c)Californian blue tree
(d)Californian white tree
58. The largest plant has ------meter high and ------weight (a)90m high and weight up to 1million kg (b)900m
high and weights up to 1million kg (c)9000 and weight up to 1.5 million kg (d)9m high weight up to
10million kg
59. The largest animal alive is the-------(a)blue whale (b)white whale (c)red whale (d)green whale
60. The largest animal alive is --------metres long and weighs---------(a)300metres long and weighs up to
120,00kg (b)3.0 metres long and weighs up to 120,00kg (c)3000metre long and weighs up to 12000,00kg
(d)30 metre long and weighs up to 120,00kg
61. The two major division of organism that exist are----------and---------(a)plant and animal family (b)plant
kingdom and animal kingdom (c)plant division and animal division (d)plant and animal species
62. The characteristics of animal and plant form the basis for their (a)existences (b)behavior
(c)classification/grouping (d)naming
63. The two main group of animals are--------and-------(a)kingdom and division (b)genus and species
(c)vertebrate and invertebrate (d)kingdom and family
64. ----------animals have a skeleton inside them withdraws of supporting bone along the back (a)vertebrates
and invertebrates (b)genus and species (c)living things (d)vertebrate
65. The supporting bones along the back of vertebrate are known as------(a)backbone/spine vertebral column
(b)skeletal column (c)skeletons (d)ligament (e)tendon
66. Vertebrates can be grouped into the following except(a)fish (b)amphibian (c)reptiles (d)birds and
mammals (e)shark
67. Mammals have their body covered with------(a)hair/fure (b)skin (c)feather (d)scare
68. Fish have their body cover with--------(a)hair/fure (b)skin (c)feather (d)scare
69. Birds have their body cover with------(a)hair/fure (b)skin (c)feather (d)scare
70. Some vertebrate e.g birds and mammals maintain a constant body temperature irrespective of that of their
surroundings. These are referred to as--------(a)warm blooded animals (b)homoetemic (c)cooled blooded
71. Fish, amphibian and reptiles change their body temperature as that of their surrounding, they are referred
to as the-------(a)warm blooded animals (b)homoetemic (c)cooled blooded (d)kemotemic
72. ---------are animals without backbones (a)invertebrates (b)genus and species (c)living things (d)vertebrate
73. Invertebrates are grouped into the following except (a)protozoa (b)playhelminthes (c)echinodermata
(d)myriapoda (e)fish
74. Examples of arachinida are------and-------(a)spider and scorpion (b)spider and tapeworm (c)scorpion and
lizard (d)spider and fish
75. There are two main groups of plants, they are ----------and---------(a)kingdom and division (b)genus and
species (c)vertebrate and invertebrate (d)vascular and non vertebrate
76. ----------have tubes inside the plant (conducting tube)to carry water and food material (a)vascular plant
(b)erudite plants (c)non-vascular plants (d)xerophytes plants
77. ---------plants have conducting tissues or tubes (a)vascular plants (b)erudite plants (c)non-vascular plants
(d)xerophytes plants

78. The following are example of non-vascular plants except---------(a)algae (b)fungi (c)lichen (d)sunflower
79. The following are example of vascular plants except--------mosses and liverwort (b)fern corn-bearing
plants (c)flowering plants (d)sunflower
80. Flowering plants are also known as-------(a)gymnosperm (b)angiosperm (c)spermatophyte (d)hydrophytes
81. Cone-bearing plants are also known as------(a)gymnosperm (b)angiosperm (c)spermatophyte
82. ---------is the ultimate source of energy (a)sun (b)radiant (c)green plants (d)chlorophyll
83. Green plants are known as---------(a)autotraphs (b)chloroplast (c)chemotroph (d)sun
84. ----------are organisms that are able to use sunlight or chemical energy to manufacture their own food from
simple inorganic substances (a)autotraphs (b)chloroplast (c)chemotroph (d)sun
85. The green plants are the only organism that have the ability to trap -------from the sun because of the
presence of green pigments (a)radiant (b)chloroplast (c)conduction energy (d)revolving energy
86. Green pigment is also known as-------contained in chloroplast in the leaves of stems(a)chlorophyll
(b)chloroplast (c)conduction energy (d)resolving energy
87. The process through which plants use energy trapped from sun to manufacture their own
food(carbohydrate), using simple inorganic substances such as co2 and h20 is known as-------(a)ATP
(b)chemosynthesis (c)photosynthesis (d)chromoplast
88. The total amount of energy absorbed or fixed by green plants is known as------(a)gross primary production
(GPP) (b)net primary production (NPP) (c)gross domestic products (GDP) (d)adenosine
89. The part of gross primary production used for production used for the production of new plants tissue is
known as--------(a)gross primary production (GPP) (b)net primary production (NPP) (c)gross domestic
products (GDP) (d)adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
90. The rate of energy fixation is called-------(a)productivity (b)net primary production(NPP) (c)gross
domestic products(GDP) (d)adenosine triphosphate(ATP)
91. Productivity is determined by the following except-----(a)light (b)temperature (c)water (d)nutrients and
carbondioxide (e)oxygen
92. In an ecosystem, a step by step transfer of nutrient and energy develops along a feeding pathway is known
as-------(a)consumer level (b)trophic level (c)energy trophic level (d)heterotrophy level
93. The plant from the base of the transfer of food energy from one trophic level to another to another and so
are called-------(a)producer (b)consumers (c)energy trophic level (d)monotroph
94. There are series of organisms that feed directly or indirectly on the plants are they are called-------
(a)producer (b)consumers (c)energy trophic level (d)monotroph
95. The following are consumers except (a)herbivores (b)carnivore (c)omnivore (d)scavengers and parasites
(d)food chain
96. --------are organisms that depends on the plants as their main source of food and eat the plant materials
(e)food chains
97. A chain of food consumption develops/starts from the-------and end with the-------(a)herbivores and end
final level of carnivores (b)carnivore and ends with scavengers (c)scavengers and ends with consumers
(d)omnivore and ends with carnivore

98. Carnivores are flesh eaters and called ------(a)secondary consumers (b)primary consumers (c)tertiary
consumers (d)primary producers
99. There are different types of food or trophic relationships in nature, the most common are ------(a)food
chain and food webs (b)food primary and secondary producers (c)omnivore and scavenger (d)food chain
and parasite
100. The flow of energy from plants to animals can be as a--------(a)food chain (b)food web (c)food
trophic level (d)food transfer level

1. A
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. E
14. C
15. E
16. C
17. A
18. B
19. D
20. B
21. D
22. E
23. E
24. C
25. D
26. C
27. A
28. B
29. B
30. E

31. E
32. A
33. D
34. D
35. D
36. D
37. D
38. A
39. D
40. A
41. D
42. A
43. B
44. D
45. D
46. C
47. B
48. C
49. A
50. D
51. E
52. C
53. C
54. D
55. D
56. D
57. A
58. A
59. A
60. D
61. B
62. C
63. C
64. D
65. A
66. E
67. A
68. D
69. C

70. A
71. C
72. A
73. E
74. A
75. D
76. A
77. C
78. D
79. D
80. B
81. A
82. A
83. A
84. A
85. A
86. A
87. C
88. A
89. B
90. A
91. E
92. B
93. A
94. B
95. E
96. A
97. A
98. A
99. A
100. A

1. The tiny microscopically units which collectively carry out the process that make the organism a
living thing is----------(a)cell (b)tissues (c)organ (d)system
2. The generalization that all organisms are made up of cell products is termed--------(a)tissue theory
(b)organ theory (c)cell theory (d)system theory
3. Cell theory was first proposed by----------and---------(a)Robert hook and Theodore Schwann
(b)theodore Schwann and Mathew scledion (c)M.J schleiden and Theodore Schwann (d)brown and
robert hook
4. Cell theory was first proposed in --------(a)1939 (b)1839 (c)1836 (d)1829
5. -----------states that cells are of universal occurrence and are the basic structural units of an
organism-----(a)tissue theory (b)organ theory (c)cell theory (d)system theory
6. In the year--------cell division was explained for the first time (a)1936 (b)1839 (c)1836 (d)1829
7. The first person to note that the nucleus is a fundamental and constant component of cell was--------
(a)Robert hook (b)Theodore Schwann (c)M.J schleiden Schwann (d)brown
8. Protoplasm surrounding the nucleus is what is known as---------(a)cytoplasm (b)mitochondria
(c)nucleus (d)chloroplast
9. ---------is the outer lining of the cell and it separate the cell from its surrounding and allow materials
to enter and leave the cell(a)plasma membrane (b)nuclear membrane (c)cytoplasm (d)nuclear
10. ----------regulates the movement of materials into and out of the nucleus (a)plasma membrane
(b)nuclear membrane (c)cytoplasm (d)nuclear
11. --------contain chlorophyll which gives the plant a green colour (a)cytoplasm (b)nucleolus
(c)ribosome (d)chloroplast
12. ----------covers the area between the plasma membrane and nuclear membrane (a)cytoplasm
(b)nucleolus (c)ribosome (d)chloroplast
13. ---------plays a role in RNA synthesis(a)cytoplasm (b)nucleolus (c)ribosome (d)chloroplast
14. ----------is an important cellular organelle that process the cell’s genetic instruction to create
proteins(a)cytoplasm (b)nucleolus (c)bosyme (d)chloroplast (e)ribosome
15. ---------is often referred to as power plants of the cell (a)cytoplasm (b)nucleolus (c)ribosome
(d)chloroplast (d)mitochondria
16. --------plays a part in cell division (a)cytoplasm (b)nucleolus (c)centriole (d)chloroplast
17. ---------package molecules processed by the endoplasmic reticulum to be transported out of the cell
(a)cytoplasm (b)nucleolus (c)centrioles (d)chloroplasts (e)golgi bodies or golgi apparatus
18. ---------is the point of demarcation between one cell and another (a)cytoplasm (b)nucleolus
(b)ribosome (c)medulla lamella

19. ---------is the study of heredity or the study of heredity (a)hormone (b)biotechnology (c)genetic
20. ---------is a segment of DNA which contains the information the information needed to specify the
sequence of amino acids in a single polypeptide chain (a)hormone (b)biotechnology (c)genetics
21. The is found is found in large macromolecule, which is the -------(a)RNA (b)DNA (c)rDNA (d)DNr
22. DNA stands for ---------(a)doxyribonucleic acid (b)deoxyribonucleic acid (c)dexribonucleic acids
(d)decarbonic nucleic acid
23. --------are of the hereditary materials located in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells (a)hormone
(b)biotechnology (c)genetics (d)gene (e)chromosome
24. In man, the nucleus of every single non reproductive cells is identical and contains-------(a)23 (b)26
(c)46 (d)48
25. Inside the nucleus, the nucleus are arranged in----------pairs (a)23 (b)26 (c)46 (d)48
26. Mendel has always been interested in the problem of hereditary and this led him to carry out
breading experiment on pea plant in early--------(a)1960’s (b)1970’s (c)1990’s (d)1940’s
27. Mendel first law is also known as ---------(a)laws of segregation (b)independence assortment
(c)genetic laws (d)biological laws
28. The gene responsible for the contrasts for characters are called ------(a)homozygous (b)allele
(c)dominate gene (d)recessive gene
29. When an organism contain identical alleles like TT or tt, he or she is said to be------(a)homozygous
(b)allele (c)dominate gene (d)recessive
30. Mendel’s second law is also known as------(a)laws of segregation (b)independence assortment
(c)genetic laws (d)biological laws
31. The gene carries by the chromosomes in man includes those that determine the individual’s sex, for
which reason those chromosomes are referred to as-------(a)hormones (b)biotechnology (c)genetics
(d)gene (e)sex chromosome
32. In female, the two sex chromosomes are identical and are known as --------(a)X-chromosome
(b)hormone (c)sex chromosome (d)Y-chromosome
33. -----------determines the sex of the child (a)God (b)the man (c)the woman (d)the nature
34. In women, the presence of one X-chromosome rather than two results in--------(a)klinefetter’s
syndrome (b)turner syndrome (c)down syndrome (d)still berth
35. -----------represents a special case and it occurs when the gene which produce a certain phenotypic
trait is located on a sex chromosome (a)turner syndrome (b)down syndrome (c)still berth (d)sex
36. Example of sex linked are-------and---------(a)colour blindness and hemophilia (b)dwarfs and
hemophilia (c)night blindness and hemophilia (d)long sightedness and colour blindness
37. Among other sex-linked traits known in man are deficiency of enzyme-------(a)enzymes-6-
phosphate dehydro-genase (G6PD) (b)enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydro-genase (G6PD)
(c)enzyme glucose phosphates dehydro-genase (G6PD) (d)enzyme glucose-4-phoasphate dehydro-

38. ----------is the term used to describe the sum total of of the gene inherited from both parents
(a)phenotype (b)genotype (c)allele (d)chromosome
39. A character that produce it effect even though the opposite or contrasting character is present
(a)dormant character (b)recessives (c)sex chromosome (d)Y-chromosome
40. ---------is the character which does not produce its effect in the presence of dominant character
(a)dormant character (b)recessive character (c)sex chromosome (d)Y-chromosome
41. Application of genetics include------,------,---------and-------except (a)in medicine (b)genetics and
law (c)genetic counseling (d)agriculture (e)tourism
42. ---------is a procedure whereby cells from developing foetus can be isolated and studied in order to
determine the sex of the foetus from the sex chromatin of aminiotic cells (a)amino scent
(b)amnioscentis (c)amniocentesis (d)amniocentesis (e)aminicentisis
43. Affected foetus of down syndrome shown to have a chromosome count of-------(a)23 (b)26 (c)46
44. ---------is an ultrasound machine used to locate the placenta (a)fetoscopy (b)photosanud (c)telescope
45. The four blood groups in man are---------except (a)A (b)B (c)AB (d)O (e)ABA
46. Among the blood groups O is universal donor while--------is universal recipients (a)A (b)B (c)AB
47. The theory of evolution holds that all organisms undergoes-------as a response to changes in their
environment over time (a)mutation (b)division (c)nucleation (d)fusion
48. ----------is the energy release from food materials during cellular respiration, which occurs in
organelle (a)adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (b)deoxyribonucleic energy (c)photosynthesis
(d)chemical energy
49. The carrier of genetic information is known as-------(a)hormones (b)biotechnology (c)genetics
(d)gene (e)chromosomes
50. A person with genetype AB belongs to---------blood group (a)A (b)B (c)AB (d)O

1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. E
7. D
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. A

13. B
14. E
15. E
16. C
17. E
18. D
19. C
20. D
21. B
22. B
23. E
24. C
25. A
26. A
27. A
28. B
29. A
30. B
31. E
32. A
33. B
34. B
35. D
36. A
37. A
38. A
39. A
40. B
41. E
42. E
43. D
44. A
45. E
46. C
47. A
48. A
49. E
50. C

1. The science of atmosphere and its phenomena is --------(a)meteors (b)meteorology (c)climatology
2. ---------first used meterology when wrote a book meteorological (a)Aristotle (b)newton (c)charles
Darwin (d)faradays (e)none of the above
3. Depending on the temporal and spatial scope of interest, meteorology could be division into-------,--
-----except (a)microscale meteorology (b)mesocale (c)synoptic scales meteorology (d)aviation
4. Other classification of meteorology may be based on need or the broad effects studied in the area ,
they include -------,--------,---------and--------except (a)scale meteorology (b)boundary layer
meteorology (c)agrometeorology (d)aviation meteorology (e)mesocale meteorology
5. ---------deals with short lived atmospheric phenomena of not more than 1km with cannot be
represented on a weather map (a)microscale meteorology (b)mesocale meteorology (c)synoptic
scale meteorology (d)aviation meteorology
6. ---------deals with the effect of weather on air traffic: (a)flights or flight schedule (b)mesoscale
meteorology (c)synoptic scale meteorology (d)aviation meteorology
7. The study of process directly above the earth’s surface known as atmospheric boundary layer is-----
(a)boundary layer meteorology (b)mesocale meteorology (c)synoptic scale meteorology (d)aviation
8. -----------is concern with the weather system smaller than the synoptic scale system but larger than
micro-scale and it covers a horizontal scale covering a scale of 5km to several hundred kilometers,
on vertical scale it starts from the earth surface stretching to atmospheric boundary to lower section
of the atmosphere (a)microscale meteorology (b)mesocale meteorology (c)synoptic scale
meteorology (d)aviation meteorology
9. Very large scale oscillations in weather system with time frame ranging from months to years are
studied under --------(a)global scale meteorology (b)meteorology meteorology (c)synoptic scare
meteorology (d)aviation meteorology (e)aviation meteorology
10. The study of effect of weather and climate on crop yield, crop distribution, phenology of plants and
animal development, energy balance of ecosystem’s and water use is the concern of-------
(a)agrometeorology (b)climatologist (c)metreologist (d)environmentalist
11. ---------focuses on air and wave forecasts for ship at sea (a)agrometeorologist maritime meteorology
(b)hydrometeorologist (c)maritime meteorology (d)nuclear meteorology
12. ---------deals with the water or hydrologic cycle, water budget and precipitation statistics of storms
(a)agrometeorologist maritime meteorology (b)hydrometeorology (c)maritime meteorology
(d)nuclear meteorology
13. ---------try to find answers to questions like: how does the ecosystem affect weather and climate?
What are the affect of temperature drought: hailstone, wind etc. on crop and animal production
(a)agrometeorologist (b)hydrometeorology (c)maritime meteorology (d)nuclear meteorology
14. --------deals with distribution of radioactive aerosols and gases in the atmosphere
(a)agrometeorologist (b)hydrometeorology (c)maritime meteorology (d)nuclear meteorology

15. -------deals with the effect of elements on weather on military operation (a)callistic meteorology
(b)ballistc meteorology (c)weather forecasting (d)interpreting the data
16. ------deals with how the wind speed, wind direction ,air density or pressure affects the trajectory and
speed shells (a)callistic meteorology (b)ballistic meteorology (c)weather forecasting (d)interpreting
the data
17. Knowledge of atmospheric process is vital in-------(a)callistic meteorology (b)ballistic meteorology
(c)weather forecasting (d)interpreting the data
18. The following are methods of weather forecasting are except (a)persistent method (b)nowcastin
(c)analogue method (d)climatological forecast
19. -------is forecast based on the idea that feature of the climate (a)persistent method (b)nowcasting
(c)analogue method (d)climatological forecast
20. -------methods employs the idea that feature in a developing weather pattern mimics feature in a
previous weather patterns and it is based on pattern recognition in similarities between past and
present pattern (a)climatological forecast (b)analogue method (c)numerical weather predition
(NWP) (d)initialization (e)parameterization
21. -------------is the most modern and sophisticated of all the me method prediction and is the routine
prediction of the weather using mathematical models of the atmosphere and the ocean based on
current weather condition (a)climatological forecast (b)analogue method (c)numerical weather
prediction (NWP) (d)initialization (e)parameterization
22. The process of entering the observed data into the model in NWP is called-------(a)climatological
forecast (b)analogue method (c)numerical weather prediction (NWP) (d)initialization
23. ---------is a process of relating them to variable on the scales that represents cumulus cloud which
has a very small grid of less than one kilometers (a)analogue method (b)numerical weather
prediction (NWP) (c)initialization (d)parameterization
24. Numerical weather prediction has been applied in the following except (a)air quality modeling
(b)climate modeling (c)ocean surface modeling (d)tropical cyclone forecasting (e)parameterization
25. --------model simulated waves generation, wave movement, energy transfer between wave among
other phenomena of waves over the surface of ocean upper (a)climate modeling (b)ocean surface
modeling (c)tropical cyclone forecasting (d)wildfire modeling (e)ocean surface modeling
26. The problem of weather forecasting in Nigeria includes------,------,------,-------except (a)the
observational network in Nigeria are grossly inadequate(b)there is death(scarce) of information
from satellites (c)data dissemination instruments for collating the data from the approximate
relationship between wind and pressure distribution in the tropic as found in the extra tropical
region (e)problems of bad weather
27. The end users of weather forecasting are except-----(a)agriculture (b)marine (c)forestry (d)utility
company (e)medical doctor
28. The condition on the sun and in the solar wind, magnetosphere and thermosphere that can influence
performance and liability of space-borne and ground based technological system and can endanger

human life or wealth, the prediction of sure event is --------(a)space weather (b)atmospheric(air)
temperature (c)humidity (d)atmospheric pressure (e)wind which includes wind speed and direction
29. The elements of weather includes all except------(a)space weather (b)atmospheric (air) temperature
(c)humidity (d)wind which includes wind space and direction
30. Instruments installed in an area called------are used to record some of the elements of weather
(a)visibility (b)cloud (c)precipitation(rain fall) (d)meteorological section
31. ------is defined as the height above means sea level of the on which the rain gauge stands or the
place where the outdoor observations are made in the absence of rain gauge (a)the attitude
(b)atmospheric (air) temperature (c)humidity (d)atmospheric pressure (e)wind which includes wind
speed and wind direction
32. The determination of altitudes may require the service of --------(a)meteorologist (b)geologist (c)a
survey (d)a climatologist (e)weather observer
33. Requirement at meteorologist stations includes------except (a)authority and observer (b)selecting
(c)instrumental equipment (d)temperature measurement (e)weather observer
34. The person assigned the actual duty of making and recording observation is-------(a)meteorologist
(b)geologist (c)a survey (d)a climatologist (d)observer
35. UNN meteorological station is meanly for--------(a)research and training students (b)agriculture
(c)marine (d)forestry (e)utility companies
36. Meteorological satellite network are used for---------,--------,--------,---------except (a)to observe
cloud during the day and night (b)radiation from the earth’s surface and atmosphere (c)for
monitoring the amount of snow cover (d)to access the condition of crops (e)for military defense
37. -------are polar satellites which provides information on wind, cloud cover and bas, temperature and
moisture profiles, lightening activity and rain fall amount (a)the national oceanic and atmospheric
administration (NOAA)satellite (b)geostationary satellites (GCOs) (c)HF radio transmitting system
(d)radio microwaves linked and leased lines
38. ---------can transmit information received from remote data collection platform on the surface to
entral receiving station earth’s geology, hydrology, oceansography and ecology (a)the national
oceanic and atmospheric administration (NOAA) satellite (b)geostationary satellite (GCOs) (c)HF
radio transmitting system (d)radio microwave linked and leased lines
39. Reading from the wet-bulb and dry bulb thermometers are taken and using special book called-----
(a)psychrometers (b)hygro metre tables (c)the wet bulb depression (d) none of the above
40. ---------are used to measure pressure (a)barometers (b)hygrometer (c)thermometer (d)pressure
41. --------is a special form of expression of movement of the aneroid barometer (a)barometers (b)a
barograph (c)station level pressure (d)an okta
42. Barometer measures the ambient atmospheric pressure called -----(a)barometer (a)A barograph
(c)station level pressure (d)an okta
43. Cloudiness is measured by -------(a)barometer (b)A barograph (c)station level pressure (d)an okta
44. -------is a unit of cloud amount measurement of the observer (a)barometer (b)A barograph (c)station
level pressure (d)an okta

45. The centre for basic space science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka operates -----(a)automatic stations
in some cities in Nigeria (b)research and training of students (c)Agriculture (d)marine (e)utility
46. The following are ways for caring for meteorological instrument and equipment except (a)corrosive
and clogging material should be used for cleaning (b)clean and/or carryout routine maintenance
(c)lubricants should be used (d)unserviceable instruments or part of it should be replace
immediately (e)equipment must be safely stored and spares must be readily available
47. In the study of meteorology, HRPT stands for---------(a)high resolution picture transmission (b)high
resolution picture trans (c)heat resolution picture transmission (d)high resolution puncture
48. In the study of meteorology, PDUS stands for -------(a)primary data user station (b)post data user
station (c)provider data user station (d)primary data used station
49. The following guidelines are required of a site for meteorological stations except (a)outdoor
instruments are usually installed on a piece of ground or area 20m by 20m at least 10m by 7m
(b)the ground should be covered with short grasses and surrounded by open fencing or palings to
exclude unauthorized person (c)a bare patch of ground about 2m by 2m is reserved within the site
for observations of the state of the ground and of soil temperature (d)the site should be well away
from tall buildings, walls or other obstruction (e)equipment must be safely stored and spares must
be readily available
50. Depending on the resources the UNN meteorological station can install some of the following
except (a)single side band (SSB) radio (b)facsimile receiver (c)facsimile transmitter (d)HF radio
receiving system (e)HF radio transmitting system (f)radio microwave links and leased lines

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. E
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. A
14. D
15. B

16. B
17. D
18. E
19. D
20. B
21. C
22. D
23. D
24. E
25. E
26. E
27. E
28. A
29. A
30. D
31. A
32. C
33. E
34. D
35. A
36. E
37. A
38. B
39. B
40. A
41. B
42. C
43. D
44. D
45. A
46. They are all correct
47. A
48. A
49. E
50. They are all correct

1. ------------is anything that has mass and occupies space
2. Matter exist in three states, they are-----------,----------and----------
3. One fundamental difference between the three states of matter is -----------
4. ----------states that matter is made up of minute particles that are continually moving and therefore
possess kenetic energy
5. In solid, particles are very -------together
6. In particles, force of attraction called -----hold the particle together
7. Solid cannot be compressed. True or false
8. K.E=1/2 MV2 where m=V= ---------
9. Why is it that when balloons are left in the sun during wedding the burst after sometime?
10. -------is the changing of solid to liquid
11. The temperature at which melting occurs is called------
12. --------lower the melting point of solids and may cause them to liquefy gradually instead of suddenly.
13. For example, if you add salt to ice block, it melts gradually to become a liquid, this is called-----
14. Certain substances change from solid to gas on heating without touching the liquid phase, this is
15. Evaporation occur at all temperature, true or false------
16. Increase in temperature increase the rate of evaporation, true or false
17. When evaporation occurs in an enclosed space, the vapour will collide with the walls of the
container thereby exerting pressure known as-------
18. ---------is when a liquid is heated the rate of evaporation is increased and the saturated vapour
pressure increase with increase in temperature
19. A temperature reached when the saturated vapour pressure equals the surrounding atmospheric
pressure and the liquid starts to boil is known as-----
20. -----------is a process whereby a vapour loses some of kinetic energy to a cooler body and change to
liquid state
21. ----------is the movement of solute particles through a medium from one region of higher
concentration to a region of lower concentration
22. ----------is a special case of diffusion which involves the movement of water molecules through a
semi-permeable membrane from a region of higher concentration (of water) to a region of lower
23. ---------is the tendency of liquids to rise in narrow capillary tubes
24. Write out the symbols of each of the following
Element symbols
a. Potassium
b. Hydrogen
c. Sodium
d. Oxygen
e. Tin

25. An atom is made up of fundamental particles namely---------,---------and---------
26. The protons and neutrons are found at the centre of the atom called---------
27. Electrons revolves around the nucleus along imaginary paths known as -------or-------
28. The proton has--------charge and the mass of--------
29. --------has charge but mass of 1
30. In----------,--------- used the quantum theory to explain that an atom consists of a positive
core called nucleus and electron
31. According to bohr, the electrons were restricted to certain energy levels which are
identified by means of-------
32. Principal quantum number (n) has positive integral values of 1,2,34,5--------which
corresponds to orbits or shells lettered------,------.--------
33. The maximum possible number of electrons in a shell is calculated using the formula------
34. --------is the number of on element of proton in one atom of that element, represented by----
35. --------is the existence of atoms of an element with the same atomic number but with
different mass number
36. -----------is the number of number of atoms that make up the molecule
37. ----------is a spontaneous emission of radiations by substance
38. Substances that emit light spontaneously are called------
39. In -------year------- and -------put forward the theory that atomic nucleus of radioactive
element was unstable
40. Radioactivity is due to disintegration or decay of unstable nucleus to release--------,---------

1. Matter
2. Solids, liquids and gases
3. Degree of movement of their paticals
4. Kinetic theory of matter
5. Closely packed
6. Cohesive force
7. True
8. M=mass, v=velocity
9. Because the gas particles in the balloon are heated up
10. Melting
11. Melting point
12. impurities
13. Freezing mixture
14. Sublimation
15. True
16. True

17. Vapour pressure
18. Boiling
19. Boiling point
20. Condensation
21. Diffusion
22. Osmosis
23. Capillarity
Potassium K
Hydrogen H
Sodium Na
Oxygen O
Tin Sn
25. Neutron, protons and electrons
26. Nucleus
27. Shells or orbits
28. Positive charge and mass 1
29. Neutron
30. In 1913, niels bohr
31. Quantum number, n
32. K,L,M,N,O etc
33. 2n2
34. Atomic number represented by Z
35. Isotopy
36. Atomicity
37. Radioactivity
38. Radioactive substance
39. In 1903, Rutherford and soddy
40. (α)alpha (β)beta (γ)gamma rays

1. ---------is define as the ability to do work
2. --------is the ultimate source of energy from the ecosystem and this energy reaches the earth in
form of-----
3. Every living organism represents--------
4. Energy can occur in different forms namely--------,-------,-------and-------
5. All form of energy falls into two broad categories namely-------and---------
6. ---------is the energy of motion sure as the energy generated
7. ---------is stored energy that has the capacity to do work later
8. The first law of thermodynamics is also called------
9. --------states that the total energy in a system decrease in evitably as conservations takes place and
heat dissipates
10. The amount of disorder in a system is known as------
11. Two life processes---------and---------transforms chemical energy stored in glucose molecule into
chemical energy stored in the high phosphate bond of ATP
12. ATP stands for-------
13. Energy requiring life activities includes-------,--------,-------,--------,--------,-------
14. -------is utilized by animals to accomplish mechanical works seen as in-------
15. The energy needed to accomplish muscle contraction is supplied by---------
16. The movement of ion or molecule against a concentration gradient is known as-------and examples
17. Organisms such as firefly and glow worm are able to give light as a result of chemical reactions
that go on in their body, the process is known as-------
18. Although the bioluminescent process has not been fully understood by biochemists, one sure thing
19. Majority of luminescent organisms are found in the ocean and they include-------,-----,-----,----,-----
20. ----------like mammals and birds depends and birds depends on internally generated heat to
maintain a fixed body despite environmental temperature fluctuation
21. --------that appears on our skin helps to thicken the layer for in our hairy ancestors thus, improving
it insulating qualities
22. --------is the building up of large complex molecule from simple ones, which is an anabolic process
23. Anabolic means-------
24. Sources of energy for life activities is either-------or-------
25. The sun emits solar energy in the form of-------and-------
26. Green plants and certain micro-organisms are capable of absorbing radiant energy from the sun
and converting part of it to potential energy stored in organic in organic molecules in the process
27. Not all the light energy that falls on plant are used for photosynthesis, true or false

28. Both------and---------are essential for the transfer of environmental energy to living things, but the
two process are--------- opposite
29. Complete 6C6H12O6 +6O2
30. The first reaction of photosynthesis is-------or---------and requires a lot of energy such reaction is
known as-----
31. Respiration is breaking up also called-------and releases free energy, and such process is known as-
32. --------is the sum total of chemical reactions going on in a living cell
33. Reactions that produce energy is called--------while those that requires energy are called--------
34. ---------reactions occurs when simple molecule/substance(reactant) are link together to form a more
complex compounds
35. A + B = AB in this reaction A and B are------- and AB is-------
36. Products of anabolic reactions in cell includes--------,-------,--------
37. ---------reaction occurs when a complex food compound or material is broken down to simple
38. Because a metabolism proceeds in a step-wise manner through many intermediates, the term------is
often used to denote---------
39. The intermediates of metabolism are referred to as--------
40. The immediate source of energy in a biological system is the compound of----------

1. Energy
2. Sun and reaches the ecosystem in form of short wave radiation
3. Biological system
4. Light, electrical, chemical, heat, nuclear, solar/radiant
5. Kinetic and potential
6. Kinetic such as energy generate by rushing water , a rolling rock or moving molecules etc
7. Potential energy
8. The law of conservation of energy
9. The second law of thermodynamics
10. Enthropy
11. Cellular and fermentation
12. Adenosine triphosphate
13. Movement, nervous activities, concentration, bioluminescence/chemical reactions,
maintenance of body temperature and growth
14. Energy as seen in running, swimming, flying, climbing etc
15. ATP

16. Active transport and example are transport of glucose from the cells lining the intestine of
rats, the active transportation of sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell
and the periodic fishing of amoeba’s contractile vacuole
17. Bioluminescence/chemical reaction
18. Energy in form of ATP is essential for the process to occur
19. Marine-bacteria, protozoa’s crustaceans, mullusks, echinoderm’s and fishes
20. Warm-blooded animals
21. The goose flesh
22. Growth
23. Energy consuming or requiring energy
24. Photosynthesis or oxidation of food material
25. Heat and light
26. Photosynthesis
27. True
28. Photosynthesis and respiration both are chemically opposite
29. 6C6H12O6 + 6O2 =6CO2 +6H2O (RESPIRATION)
30. The first reaction of photosynthesis is the building up or anabolic process and requires a lot
of energy, this process is known as endergonic (endothermic) reaction
31. Catabolism and the process is known as endergonic (exothermic) reaction
32. Metabolism
33. Catabolism reaction that produce energy and anabolism reaction reactions requires energy
34. Anabolic (building up or synthesis)
35. A and B are the reactants and AB is the product
36. Sugar (glucose), gkycogen, fatty acids, protein etc.
37. Catabolic (breaking down)
38. Intermediary metabolism which is often used to denote the chemical pathways of
39. Metabolite
40. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)





References (special thanks to:)

Ugwuja paul (B.ED)

Ndukwe Charles (B.SC)

Mr Smile (B.SC)



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