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SmartOTDR GETTING STARTED MANUAL Sapa Dy merase nto Standards dati the stay orocedines ob observed both by users and by manufacturers when utlcing laser prodsats piuotne | 222" Salty aor rods - Pa lesion of roduc, equremonn ‘and user uidoines, Ref. standard | EN 60826-1, Edtion 12, 2001-08 FOAZICERSI040.10, Tao te mane ett precaton concerning ie pc oupie of ta remand follon the manufacturers natecione: ACLDC power supply safety tcp rt am ae ees cage tng sanege pane sr scaaa See, supply isnot use cores rnraneesiae using one ofthe Vai supple adaptors (our seine ‘2blona adapter may ot be avaiable) please rerio the ean Seay Before connecting ober ito lest module, teen the module buna end the ber umpor (Oras. pecn scope eh a P00) very contr uy Flow i simple "INSPECT BEFORE YOU CONNECT prose (© et orerte sring maw (6 cleans colon sub do py, J ane re-npoeto conti, Q.ceretty atan ne connector and test por proto rating both Typo eee eT hte hn oat ot apt. Mechanical eres "may pomereny damage fe coamic sone ole samara tn sec PEN ee ALEP 0m ine Home page, select the Microscope con @Asumbaty of est results is displayed. ‘ones: h- Core = Clady /C- Epoxy O-Fere OsHvTcopactive Seen © onvow © Sia Mini USB pert charge icicator Otome page @veLcomector Oonincicator @ cancel atch of unctons) @ USs ports 2) Fie mon @ direction & vaidton keys. OTOR port / continous ight setup men @resuts page source / pone meter Osirisiep suze @ OTOR We por nsordce to!) resting inscator @acoe input @ wir or Bustoon options 5" HyTCopactiva Sewen © Onio# © Siove Mini USB pert © charge indicator Otome page GvrLcomector © onincicator @ cancel (auton of unctions) @ USB ports (2) Fie mens @ Direction & vadaon keys gy OTOR port continous lt setup menu @ Resuts pane source power meter @siar'sion buzzer TOR tne port (in-service) © Teatng indicator Dacy0e input BF or Bustoth options PN Ce GEE Slaps acuton mprogress From the Results page, prose END. Hetil tne ond ott, teesuts race cisplays. 4 Te ete athe race muraces ants) Summary: display 2 summary of resus for ach ‘wavelengths ‘SmartLink (optional lon base map view © 200m and sit on aco ‘ons to madly some acquisition parameters and ‘oad smart Cont @ St!0 arf a cram ater opart ot ‘he resus End of ber 3.416 km @ Tope bemneen Tae of resus <> Fait Loator Link Loss: 1.18 08 View Qo" Mo Home poe, eee ExpenorOR EE) ©Contzure ine O08 paametoe © From tho Rosuts page, press Ea. Press QD to access, the con e i709 cf cotiguaten peng (@ S2i01 one paramets and press Save the curent configuration 00000 resus are csptayec roan aD» El nan oe a eon ‘display the fle Explorer’ ° O sercte nor atric ming = Se fears sone re |= — a = Pres |= L 7 , fee ae ee drecon, ne . | i = sp :ertcugges "yu rence ee ono Egerton Comer eng Eee mien Soret aim "ri Sano TOR bs St screams | | ee SAVING THE OTDRRESULTS ir the Resuts scien, press Fast Report key. Seed he Save Mode and ii nevessay, modify the Fbar/Gablo/ Link preter Fe Only save exe the OTOR acts) Fie + tt seve te OTDR vacls)&goerto at fe Filo spt sve he OTOR wou & generate ale Also he OTOR Wace & ponorte ap anda fe ‘Once saving is compete, the es) ire ds Played inthe Expire oo nthe cation koypad enter he flaname or in loans rose Auto Filonaming men Ke, 1 Peess to vaca Sl ee ae }on te Home poge select ate, > Pres Select once the desked network o "a ae oO connect tos selected, ve WIFL © in soup pace, pross wireless key and conigure he WiFl eornecton in Contiguration be sess 7 ‘sp, 8tUp page, the SSIC%paramete is automaticaly OPrcef comectie conoued S82 Cag tho ect (On the upper bre, the ean WI Thacvo” BS ims sve ZS @ wor. on WIFI wih he Ae Plato, configs he 902.1 parameters, a the proxy parameter necessary dere the P accross ofthe SmartOTOR tobe abe to emote screen on PC ort transfer les va WF ‘To get information on WIF use, refer to SmanOTOR Base Unit User Manual, a ee > yO Press Select once the costes netwek to ‘comect os selected, via NIE © in Setup pace, press Wireless Key and configure tho WIFI carnation in Configuration 29% a @ oH tro Home page, soloct ne hetoen oo an ane OF: coment caniowea sin. nsePpge ne i arane nt spe bge be en WE ct Tere Ov wrk on met win oo Tato congue the toast promt ond the Noto tho 1P adress ofthe SmarOTDR Wo be able to remato seroan en PC orto tansler fies via W/L ‘To get information on WIFI use, refer to SmartOTOR Base Unit User Manual you require technical assistance, call -844-G0-VIAV For the lest TAC information, go to itp: \avisoluttons.comeniservcos-and-cupporUsupporMoctnica-assistence, VEAVI ‘STOR Get Sanasaal-PNTSMAATAIQ RD -Nerorbor 2V15- Copy 620

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