Modus Vivendi Round II Topics, Format & Guidelines

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Topics for Round II

This house would provide legal immunity to

dictators and authoritarian leaders that step
down, regardless of their actions in office.

The house supports work from home as the new

efficient module during the present upheaval time
and the future scenario.

The house believes nuclear disarmament is

necessary in order to achieve world peace.

The global spread of cryptocurrency is

undermining the existing financial systems.

Profit prioritization over patient welfare is justified

in the case of pharmaceutical companies.

Co-curricular activities have a negative impact on

the academic performance of the students.
Format for Round II

4+1 minutes would be provided for preparation

after the toss.

For the 1st round, each speaker will get 3+1

minutes for their speech, where the proposition
goes first and then is followed by the opposition.

2nd round is a rebuttal round wherein only the

questioner should ask the questions to the
opposite speaker. The questioner is granted
unlimited questions maintaining the set time
frame with the limit to ask one question at a time.

After the last 1-minute warning, only the speaker

will be allowed to answer. The total round will
consist of 5+1 minutes for each, and no further
questions will be asked during the last minute.


Guidelines For Debate

The cameras and microphones should be kept on

continuously making sure that there are no

background disturbances.

If there is any connectivity issue everybody will wait

up to an extent of 2 minutes.

Provided facts must be accurate and can’t be

questioned by other participants.

There are two individuals, competing 1 vs 1.

Participants are needed to stick to the format and

time allotted. Participants are requested to use formal

and polite language while debating and the medium

of speech should be English.

Rules for the debate
The participants are requested not to indulge in cross-
conversation throughout the debate round.
No participant would be entertained if they interrupt the
speaker while speaking.
In the rebuttal round, the questioner must ask fair, clear
questions that have a direct bearing on the debate.
The questioner must confine himself to questioning and not
make statements or comments (personal opinions,
statements, accusations).
The questioner must ask only one question at a time.
The participants are requested not to reveal any kind of
personal information during the debate.
Points that are against anyone’s cultural and religious beliefs
are strictly prohibited.
The participants will be notified one minute before their time
limit via a text in the chat box.
If any rule is not followed each participant will be given 3
warnings by the moderator before being disqualified.
The participants need to behave with respect while
conversing with the moderators, their decisions over the
house would be final and binding. Any disrespectful
behavior could lead to immediate disqualification.
The judges’ decision will be final and binding.

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